We come to the last of the seven mandates God gave to His people in Jeremiah
29: DO NOT BE DECEIVED. In what way was the first woman deceived? How do we
guard against deception? -
God’s vision is as big as the stars in the heavens, the dust of the earth, and the sand upon the seashore—all of them too impossible to count! And then we talk about changing the nation by prayer from the heart of your home.
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Can you imagine God using 19 different Hebrew words to describe how He wants us to multiply? It’s pretty amazing.
We talk about "the time of life." What is it? Then we begin our new study called IT WILL BLOW YOUR BRAINS AWAY. God's vision FAR EXCEEDS our puny mind and understanding.
Discover many stories in God's Word where God prophesied the name and birth of someone many years before their birth. God sees far ahead of us.
Theology is what God states in His Word about a certain subject. What does God have to say about conception. He is certainly not silent on this subject.
The last of the Food Twins today—food and leisure, food and a merry heart, food and prayer and praise, food and the presence of God, food and prophecy, food and protection, food and provision, food and motherhood, food and strength, food and teaching, and food and work! Wow. God associates all of these things with food. Check out what God has to say about them.
More food twins today. Check them out. It is amazing how much God speaks about food in His Word. You will be amazed.
Our food twins today are FOOD AND HEALING. Candace Dickenson from Johnson City joins me today to share her healing journey. Candace was an Above Rubies helper 19 years ago!
We are still talking about more ideas for Feasts and celebrations in your home.
Did you know that God loves feasts and celebrations? He mandates many feasts
for our blessing and enjoyment. How many parties and feasts do you have in
your home? Life should be filled with celebrations. -
God is the originator of food. He loves food. He wants us to enjoy it too. There are 25 different things in God’s Word that are associated with food. We begin to discover them in this podcast.
What you eat physically determines your physical health and what you eat spiritually determines your spiritual health. What does God’s word have to say about eating?
Happy Christmas and Happy Hannukah! Many mothers confess that motherhood is easier with a larger family than a smaller family. Is this true? Is it possible? Allison Hartman joins me today as we discuss this subject and the negative objections.
God promises that when we are planted, we will be fruitful, flourishing, healthy, fresh, and bringing glory to God, especially when we are planted by the waters. Is this possible? And what are the waters?
God wants us to dwell in our homes and to be planted in our homes. Are you a planted mother or a plucked up mother?
Without motherhood the story of the Bible could not be written. Without motherhood there could be no genealogies. Without motherhood the world would come to a halt. The theology of motherhood is necessary to the Bible.
Did you know there was such a thing as the Theology of Motherhood or to be more direct, Motherology? Join with me as I discuss the doctrine of motherhood.
Courtney Kelly joins me today. She and her husband were not communicating but God showed her what to do? What did He tell her? What’s the secret?
Allison Hartman is with me again today. We discuss what happens to your marriage when the children grow, and the older ones begin to leave the nest. Are you and your husband ready for this new season? Have you kept the love fires burning in your marriage or do they need to be rekindled?
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