A narcissist parent(s) do not care about their child or children. They WILL however, join ranks with a Narcissist sibling(s) in order to Triangulate the target...
Their own flesh, and blood.
Their goal?
To destroy, Annihilate and make sure they achieve their carefully planned attacks. To make sure that the family member targeted, ends up losing everything and EVERYONE.
They will reach out and contact anyone associated... connected friends, current or prior relationships, neighbors, coworkers, employers, law enforcement and anyone else connected to the target that they can find, by using the same narcissistic tactics.
Sit back, and observe very carefully!.
There is a repetitive pattern in all narcissists. They ALL eventually, get caught up in their own web of destructive games. Crazy lies.
When they do? They will further their ABUSE towards the family target.
#Narcissistic Personality Disorder
#Narcissistic Psychopath Behavior
Free Yourself...My Journey
Never be afraid to remove toxic, unhealthy people from your life.
They are suffering, and only want you to suffer with them.
Hatred... runs deeper, than one will ever know, or comprehend.
You will... with time, heal.
Photo of the summer cotton beenie hats, from prior podcast. I did purchase them from Amazon last year. I believe, they are still available to purchase👇
"Free Yourself."
Free Yourself...My Journey
Saknas det avsnitt?
This entire day, brought me back to what I endured in the past, over 13 years.
Pure hatred from the same.
I also end this evening, being proud of myself. How far, I have come. How much, I have evolved. Most importantly, my spiritual growth.
Life always goes on...
And so it does.
Free Yourself...My Journey
Continued next podcast*
Nothing worse, than people who believe their own lies.
I keep records, paper documents of EVERYTHING.
Especially when the courts, send me copies of those who quickly ask to have records destroyed... so the public doesn't have a chance to see the other side. I'm fortunate, a stand in judge, helped guide me to obtain transcripts of everything.
I went through literal, hell.
Why ask to have records destroyed? Because, you know what you did to me was not humane.
To destroy means to obliterate a court record or file in such a way as to make it permanently irretrievable.
Free Yourself...My Journey
Disconnect from anyone that bleeds hate for you.
Tell them to get a Band-Aid, so they can heal their hurt from within.
Yes, I got my addendum to my Will finally notarized and dropped off to my estate attorney. I even, made time to schedule the remaining nuclear tests. They were able to work me in for next week.
The high humidity and rain, made for no availability to keep moving driveway rock. That included the remaining outdoor painting.
There isn't too much left on what was, a very LONG list. If you do, even an hour a day. You will amaze yourself on what you can and will accomplish!.
Free Yourself...My Journey
I think...
You all get my point.
Free Yourself...My Journey
Facing... moving thousands of pounds of drainage rock, that should had NEVER happened. This was easily, Preventable.
Left side, for privacy reasons, is part of the nightmare (house).
AFTER/Not "before" as posted below.
What little dent, I made with moving all of the rock...
This should had been my top priority over the past week... not this mess of a house👇
It ALL... really makes absolutely zero sense.
Photo never seen before of house, right before bank sale. No mailbox, trust me... I would had remembered seeing this photo on prior occasions.👇
Free Yourself...My Journey
Rain all weekend meant not being able to finish up outdoor projects. At least 90% is complete. Hopefully drier weather is forecasting for the next few weeks.
It HAS NOT been easy, to say the least. This house has been a nightmare flip!!!.
Little Victories or BIG Victories...
I will take them both!
My dedication to growing the baby banana tree has been a success... with the little sprout taking off! I tried to cut, separate the new stalk, but was unsuccessful. Come fall... it will be time to figure out where to store the tree through the winter season.
I had several large banana trees in my younger days. They are not easy to maintain, but grow to be quite large and very beautiful!
Possible Harvest this year?.. Time will only tell, and so will Mother Nature.
Free Yourself...My Journey
I really needed the virtual walkthrough... it definitely helped to put things into far BETTER perspective.
The basement, deep foundation cracks/walls was 1 of a few deal-breakers for me.
I could not justify throwing away over $36,000 for a 1 year lease.
The new home search, with my pre-qual letter in hand, began this week.
I'm super excited to begin this journey!
Free Yourself...My Journey
This was from a few days ago.. located on the other platform.
Every medical condition, has signs... symptoms.
Sometimes, the best one can do?
Not take things personally.
Alzheimer's, Dementia
(Both require a medical diagnosis)
*Memory loss and confusion are the main symptoms* People may experience: Cognitive: mental decline, difficulty thinking and understanding, confusion in the evening hours, delusion, disorientation, forgetfulness, making things up, mental confusion, difficulty concentrating, inability to create new memories, inability to do simple math, or inability to recognize common things. Behavioral: aggression, agitation, difficulty with self care, irritability, meaningless repetition of own words, personality changes, lack of restraint, or wandering and getting lost. Mood: anger, apathy, general discontent, loneliness, or mood swings.👍🚩👍⚠️.
Free Yourself...My Journey
In the end...
She still LIVED through it ALL.
Special blessings to those that travel, helping to share ❤️'s passions... bringing peace, and comfort to one's soul.
Free Yourself...My Journey
Free Yourself...My Journey
The latest... last group of officially domesticated and SUPER SWEET fur kiddos❣️
How's the banana tree doing?
I anticipate a max of this season around 4ft-5ft tall!
What I couldn't believe... this new tiny sprout that appeared over the past weekend. I may have to separate and pot the new stalk🤔
Free Yourself...My Journey
"Elizabeth!!" Brice, not Chase. One could tell, I have always been good with remembering faces... HORRIBLE with remembering names!🤣
Nope... I still can't and haven't watched any further episodes of that show.
GREAT music on those HOT, humid, summer-blah-days👇
Early to bed yesterday with my snuggle bunny🐱
You can forget the shower!
I instead, ended up just falling 😴 asleep.
Free Yourself...My Journey
I no longer celebrate the holidays.
Not until, I am moved into my forever home. It will be soon.
Instead of celebrating Independence Day. I met with an amazing couple who have taken their passion of helping others... and turned it into an incredible mission!
A journey with an important message, takes them all across the great USA❤️🇺🇸.
"You Are Not Alone."
Free Yourself...My Journey
Am, I experiencing stretch marks from all the weight loss?
Actually, I am dealing with stretch marks and loose skin all over my body... except for my calves.
The small shaved ice stand... PLENTY of flavor variations!😋👇
(Wiffle ball NOT Waffle ball🤣)
Free Yourself...My Journey
Our decisions...
Can cause others...
Grave consequences.
Free Yourself...My Journey
Free Yourself...My Journey
I surely, wasn't prepared.
The new... norm.
Free Yourself...My Journey
Less than 2 pounds, till the red zone... so to speak.
I am at my all-time, lowest weight.
Desperate times, means trying anything. So far, nothing has worked. The weight, continues on the s-l-o-w decline.
Truly, an uncomfortable place to be in my journey.
Free Yourself...My Journey
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