On the Part 2 of our interview with Tullian Tchividjian and his wife, Stacie: What are the boundaries pastors and churches can set for themselves to avoid adultery? What do pastors and people in ministry do with secret sin? What's your view on church discipline? What would you tell your young self just starting in ministry?This episode is dedicated to Billy Graham. RIP.Thank you to our sponsor, Marriage Supply. www.marriagesupply.comEmail us at hello@freesexpod.com
On this episode, we speak with Tullian Tchividjian and his new wife, Stacie. In 2015, after news of infidelity hit the media, Tullian went dark on the internet. In this interview, we discuss: what happened during that "forced sabbatical", walking through his own form of deconstruction, going through an identity crisis, what he realized about friends and love, and the grace he experienced from his wife, kids and a couple close friends. Once a celebrity pastor, he now considers himself an "outcast empathizing with outcasts". Make sure to tune in next week for Part 2.Find him at www.tullian.netWrite Candice and Katie at hello@freesexpod.com or visit the website www.freesexpod.com
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Katie sits down with Dr. Tina Schermer Sellers to discuss sexual abuse. How does one process, heal and prepare for sex and intimacy with sexual abuse as apart of their story. Also, what's up with fetishes? Is it weird? Does it stem from sexual abuse? Links: www.nwioi.com / www.thankgodforsex.org / www.freesexpod.com
This new series is Candice finding you the best products out there for your vagina. She finds out who's behind the product, why it was made, how it was made, and why it's worthy of being in your sex toolkit or nightstand (or in this case, on top of your night stand). Amy Buckalter is the founder and CEO of Pulse. Pulse will change your bedroom experience by modernizing the way you use lube and other personal care products. No more sticky and greasy bottles. No more cold and alarming lube temps. No more lubes that burn or mess up your pH balance. Treat yo self, friends! Listen for your 20% off promo code. Thank you, Pulse! www.lovemypulse.com
On this episode, Dr. Charlie Glickman goes into detail about why anal and prostate play can be pleasurable, why enjoying anal play doesn't make a man gay, the medical risks involved with anal sex, and tips and tricks to make it more enjoyable. Products mentioned include: Liberator, FC2 (the female condom), www.bvibe.com and Aneros.Find out more about Charlie at www.charlieglickman.com. Find your sex toys at www.marriagesupply.com. Send in your questions to hello@freesexpod.com
On this episode, Candice and Katie speak with Ashlie Crew Campitella, a Dr of Physical Therapy and Board Certified Women's Specialist, bring us to date with vaginal pain during sex, also known as vaginismus. What is vaginismus? What causes it? What can a woman and her partner do in the moment if vaginal pain starts? Is there anything we can do to minimize vaginismus?Resources: American Physical Therapy Association www.apta.orgFind out more about the girls at www.freesexpod.com
On this episode, Candice and Katie get all the BDSM questions answered by Kaitlin, a Christian girl who is in the BDSM culture and finds it helpful. Topics include: What actually is BDSM? How does one fall into BDSM? Where should someone start if they are interested? Why is aftercare so important and what does it entail? Plus, additional rapid fire questions, because those are the best!Send in your questions to hello@freesexpod.com and make sure to get all your sex toy needs from our porn free sex shop www.marriagesupply.com
In this part 2 of our Manual Stimulation from the How To series, we are discussing how to manually stimulate a man. We go into basics, but also touch on edging and parts of the penis you don't want to miss, as well as what to do with the scrotum. Write us at hello@freesexpod.comGet your lubes and toys at our porn free sex shop www.marriagesupply.com
On this episode of the How To series, Candice and Katie chat about manual stimulation for the woman. This is a step by step guide and progression for how use your hands to bring her pleasure, and how girls can help guide her husband. Check out www.marriagesupply.com for your bedroom needs. Our porn free sex shop.For more information about the girls, you can find them at www.freesexpod.com
On this episode, Candice and Katie talk about orgasms, in particular - the female orgasm. If you've never orgasmed before or have a hard time reaching climax, this episode is for you. We cover what actually happens during an orgasm and if/why orgasms are important for a female. We give tips on how to get your mind to a place of relaxation and discovered on air how much of the inability to orgasm is a mental block that we must release. Get all your tips and tricks here to get yourself and your women to a place of pleasure.You can find toys mentioned in this episode at www.marriagesupply.comFind out more about the girls at www.freesexpod.com
We're back with a new "How To" series! Join us as we launch into the best tips and tricks to reaching orgasms, oral sex, vaginismus, anal, manual stimulation, sex toys and more. Sponsor: www.revelfurniture.comCheck out these modern pieces of furniture that will look normal to friends and family, but will knock your socks off when you're ready to have fun. Make sure to listen for your promo code.www.freesexpod.comwww.marriagesupply.com
Our husbands, Daddy Magic (Katie's man) & Mr. Big (Candice's boo) joined us for this long Q&A episode to wrap up this season. Topics include: my husband isn't good at oral sex, I'm a single male in ministry and I'm having sex, resentment to fiancé because of crossing lines, and some quick rapid fire questions.Thanks for a great series! Hope you enjoyed and you can get more episodes during the summer by becoming a Patron. www.patreon.com/freesexpod
We talked to our pastor friend, Nick Bogardus, who has counseled many engaged and married couples. We chat about the current issue millennials are having in their relationships. He shared with us the most common issues he's seen in relationships, and the common denominator that successful marriages have. He shares his own story of dating his wife and the fall out of not telling her the truth of past relationships. Also, why repenting for everything may not be the thing you need. You can find him at www.crossofchristoc.com.Set up a simple and modern website in minutes with www.withjoy.com/freesexpod. From weddings, to birthday parties, to brunch - Joy allows you to customize a website and app for free to invite your guests to your small or large event. P.S. - It's FREE.Write us at hello@freesexpod.com. And visit our safe website for your bedroom needs www.marriagesupply.com.www.freesexpod.com
On this episode, we talk to Jen, who has been married for 24 years. She answers our questions honestly and shares about; not wanting to be married, the loneliness she experienced in their first half of their marriage, the time she felt like cheating on him, and the moment when she felt like he finally knew all of her.Other topics on this episodes include: vulnerability (and the danger of it), help for women who's husbands look at porn, and sexual abuse.Thank you to our sponsor, Joy, that make gorgeous websites for weddings and events. Make your free website and app at www.withjoy.com/freesexpodEmail us at hello@freesexpod.com and visit our safe sex shop www.marriagesupply.com
On this episode, we have Mike McHargue on from Ask Science Mike (www.AskScienceMike.org) and The Liturgist (www.theliturgists.com) to discuss the scientific benefits of waiting to have sex, why women in complimentarian churches find the men attractive, the reasoning behind why humans and people in the church are judgmental, and the one scientific thing you can do to improve your marriage.Find Mike's book at www.findinggodinthewaves.comSponsor: www.withjoy.com/freesexpodOur website: www.freesexpod.comOur safe sex shop: www.marriagesupply.comEmail us at hello@freesexpod.com
Thanks to our sponsor, Joy, you can build your wedding website and app in minutes. Elegant, modern, easy, and even order matching invitations! www.withjoy.com/freesexpodOn this episodes, we chat with Sandy about her abstinence. She grew up in the church and her parents were a huge part in instilling this value of "saving yourself", but shares with us that it's less about her faith and more about her environment. Listen in as we discuss the pros and cons of waiting till your marriage. Guests include Bryan Sands www.everyonelovessex.org and Science Mike www.asksciencemike.com.Check out the sweet sale on our porn free sex shop www.marriagesupply.com/saleAnd send in your questions and comments to hello@freesexpod.com
Connect with your wedding guests in a simple and beautiful way. Sign up at www.withjoy.com/freesexpod for a classy website and app. Certified Sex therapist, Dr. Tina Schermer Sellers (www.tinaschermersellers.com) joins us to chat about what the purity movement has done to our culture, the shame that she's seen, and how to heal and combat the shame. Thank God For Sex www.thankgodforsex.org Northwest Institute of Intimacy www.nwioi.comThe Multi-Orgasmic Couple http://amzn.to/2peSOUYSex, God and the Conservative Church: Erasing Shame from Sexual Intimacy http://amzn.to/2opELg7Check out our porn free, safe, sex shop www.marriagesupply.com. There are extra episodes for our Patrons if you sign up at www.patreon.com/freesexpod.www.freesexpod.com
This series is supported by Joy, where you set up a free wedding website and app in just a few minutes. Use this tool to share your information beautifully with your guests and family. www.withjoy.com/freesexpodOn this episodes, we hear a story about divorce and what drove our friend to separate. She speaks about her emotional affair, the intimacy and communication issue and a fetish. Also, Tina Schermer Sellers, a marriage and sex therapist, joins us to discuss divorce and the church. You can find her on www.tinaschermersellers.com and the Northwest Institute of Intimacy on www.nwioi.com.Join our Free Sex Community on www.Patreon.com/freesexpod for extra episodes and more. Check out www.marriagesupply.com for a porn free experience and stock up on bedroom necessities!
This episode is supported by Joy. Grab your free website and app for your wedding day to make it simple and bring your guests together. www.withjoy.com/freesexpodOn this episode of Free Sex Podcast, we tell Mary's story about pregnancy out of wedlock while her dad was an elder at their church. Joining us for a guest appearance is Science Mike from www.asksciencemike.com. We also have a Q&A regarding modesty. Become a patron of Free Sex! www.patreon.com/freesexpod Check out our porn free sex shop! www.marriagesupply.com
This coming series is all about marriages. We take a look at other peoples' stories and quickly learn that these christian marriages all look different. Reach us at hello@freesexpod.com. Looking forward to being back!Find our porn free sex shop at www.marriagesupply.com
- Visa fler