


    Join us as we discuss the importance of communication with the self and others. How deep we’re willing to go with others is first determined by how deep we’re willing to go with ourselves. We arrive to our ultimate truth through radical self honesty and a willingness to communicate.

    Relationships are mirrors, reflecting back to ourselves sometimes aspects we haven’t been fully aware or honest with ourselves about. They offer us the opportunity to honestly communicate with ourselves and reflect back to others our findings. Honest communication requires effort which fosters trust, compassion and growth. 

    When cultivating a new relationship, with intentionality and intuition as our guide, we are able to build a solid foundation. We are the conscious creators of our life!

    Tune in to hear these teachings practiced through storytelling of Diandra’s dating life. 


    Journal Prompts:

    What are you valuing within your relationships?

    What does my self talk sound like?

    Does my self talk align with how I speak to others?

    What are my relationships reflecting back to me about myself?



    I am the conscious creator of my life. 

    The foundation of my relationships are built intentionally. 

    I am willing to explore the depths of my actions and choices. 

    My relationships reflect my values. 

    As you tune in, you will tap into our shared frequency through the activations spoken in our words. This is an invitation to reawaken.

    If this episode resonates with you & you feel called, please rate, review and share our podcast with members of the community so the word can be spread! 


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    Greenfield Water Solutions - bring life back into your water, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    LillsBasement - crafted creations with intentions, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Baja Gold Salt Co - World's healthiest, most mineral rich salt, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Oko Living - 100% Natural, Toxin Free, Organic Cotton Yoga Mats

    Life Changing Energy - sound healing instruments, 7% off code: FLOWSPACE

    The Original Himalayan Crystal Salt - get 82 minerals using their stones for Sole

    Support Flow Space:

    We’re grateful for the energy exchange, blessings 🌹


    13 142 PACE YOURSELF

    Join us as we discuss living at a pace that allows for things to come up organically and allows for time of honest self reflection.

    Diandra shares lessons learned through dating. She learns the importance of aspiring to live at a pace that’s long lasting and healthy for her emotional and physical wellbeing. 

    As uncertainty arises, through life experiences, it is the willingness to do the inner work that welcomes in clarity. How we choose to cope in moments of uncertainty varies. It is important for us all to curate a toolbox we can resort to in moments of need  - listen in for some of ours. 

    Life will humble you and show you yourself. Are you attaching to concepts instead of feeling what’s true for you in the moment or do you allow yourself the pace and space to discover what’s real? The opportunity to course correct is always available, should we choose it, especially when practicing/integrating something new. 

    In this episode we also speak on the nervous system, communication, spiraling, releasing control, the responsibility with engaging with others, intentionality as a focus, new relationships, and more. 

    Tune in to discover how to stop looping people into your internal process and prevent premature, impulsive decision making. You got this!

    Journal prompts:

    Am I centered and clear within before I make decisions?

    Do I feel peaceful in the pace I choose to live life? 

    Where in my life am I impulsive? 

    How do I communicate with myself, is there room for me to be more honest?


    In moments of self reflection I welcome self honesty. 

    I am intentional with my choices and actions. 

    I am mindful of the impact of my choices and actions on others. 

    When I receive clarity within, I take initiative in course-correcting my behavior. 

    As you tune in, you will tap into our shared frequency through the activations spoken in our words. This is an invitation to reawaken.

    If this episode resonates with you & you feel called, please rate, review and share our podcast with members of the community so the word can be spread! 


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    Greenfield Water Solutions - bring life back into your water, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    LillsBasement - crafted creations with intentions, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Baja Gold Salt Co - World's healthiest, most mineral rich salt, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Oko Living - 100% Natural, Toxin Free, Organic Cotton Yoga Mats

    Life Changing Energy - sound...

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    Have you identified your core values? 

    Join us as we define and discuss core values. When our core values lead us it can help us prevent moments where we allow the emotions to take flight and lose sight of what’s most important to us. It’s through the practice of intentional living we commit to shedding away false realities, release attachments to identities and welcome in the unknown in efforts to live in truth. 

    Because of our attachments to old perspectives we can resist change. With our core values defined we use them as a compass when making choices as we consciously craft the world we choose to live in. When our thoughts, words and actions align, we attract our highest dreams into our reality and live in our greatest alignment. 

    Tune in for the perspective that shifts you into the evolution you’ve been waiting for!

    Jeff’s Relationship Pillars:




    Journal Prompts:

    How far are you willing to go to justify the internal chaos?

    Is your justification more valuable than your core value in the moment?

    What are your relationship pillars?


    I release the outdated known reality for the infinite possibilities of the unknown. 

    My core values are my guide. 

    I strive to align my thoughts, words and actions. 

    As you tune in, you will tap into our shared frequency through the activations spoken in our words. This is an invitation to reawaken.

    If this episode resonates with you & you feel called, please rate, review and share our podcast with members of the community so the word can be spread! 


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    Greenfield Water Solutions - bring life back into your water, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    LillsBasement - crafted creations with intentions, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Baja Gold Salt Co - World's healthiest, most mineral rich salt, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Oko Living - 100% Natural, Toxin Free, Organic Cotton Yoga Mats

    Life Changing Energy - sound healing instruments, 7% off code: FLOWSPACE

    The Original Himalayan Crystal Salt - get 82 minerals using their stones for Sole

    Support Flow Space:

    We’re grateful for the energy exchange, blessings 🌹


    13 140 ACTION = CHANGE

    Join us as we discuss how our internal world and internal dialogue helps crafts and shape our external reality.

    Diandra shares how she allowed past experiences, beliefs, programming and shadows to impact her present moment and bring someone along for the ride.

    By recognizing the feelings of being ungrounded and acting unlike our “normal” selves, we are able to journey back home to the frequency of love and truth. What really brings forward change is when we bring action and choose to be different.

    Why don’t we take responsibility for our lives more often? We are more than capable of bringing forward the reality we desire, as long as we’re willing to go within and see what’s preventing us from doing so from the start.

    What do you consciously choose to create in your reality?


    I will face myself, my beliefs, & my stories in honesty

    I am dedicated to evolving myself in truth for the greatest good

    I am intentionally creating my reality

    I am focused on what I focus on

    I am responsible for my thoughts, emotions and actions

    Journal prompts:

    How honest am I being with myself and with others?

    What story are my thoughts feeding?

    Am I choosing peace or chaos?

    Do I need to take a step back to see the full picture?

    What details am I choosing to ignore?

    As you tune in, you will tap into our shared frequency through the activations spoken in our words. This is an invitation to reawaken.

    If this episode resonates with you & you feel called, please rate, review and share our podcast with members of the community so the word can be spread! 


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    Greenfield Water Solutions - bring life back into your water, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    LillsBasement - crafted creations with intentions, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Baja Gold Salt Co - World's healthiest, most mineral rich salt, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Oko Living - 100% Natural, Toxin Free, Organic Cotton Yoga Mats

    Life Changing Energy - sound healing instruments, 7% off code: FLOWSPACE

    The Original Himalayan Crystal Salt - get 82 minerals using their stones for Sole

    Support Flow Space:

    We’re grateful for the energy exchange, blessings 🌹



    Join us as we discuss the responsibility of self within our relationship dynamics with others. Our triggers can bring us peace, if we choose to recognize the cycles within us, speak up and let our boundaries be known. We highlight the importance of not looping others into our internal mental process, and instead practice communicating from truth when we’re ready. We share the importance of not diminishing our self love for the love of others. We emphasize deciphering the difference between connecting to the warrior spirit within to stand for truth and love vs feeding the ego mind’s perspective and agenda. 

    Tune in to each moment to feel what’s being asked of you. Each moment is new, welcome it.  

    Journal Prompts:

    What is the external world mirroring back to me?

    Am I self inducing chaos into my reality with my thoughts?

    What cycle is present currently in my reality?

    What energy do I bring to my relationships?


    I am responsible for my thoughts, emotions and energy. 

    I trust others to take responsibility over themselves as I take responsibility for myself. 

    I am through each situation with clarity and inner stillness. 

    My triggers bring me peace. 

    As you tune in, you will tap into our shared frequency through the activations spoken in our words. This is an invitation to reawaken.

    If this episode resonates with you & you feel called, please rate, review and share our podcast with members of the community so the word can be spread! 


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    Greenfield Water Solutions - bring life back into your water, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    LillsBasement - crafted creations with intentions, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Baja Gold Salt Co - World's healthiest, most mineral rich salt, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Oko Living - 100% Natural, Toxin Free, Organic Cotton Yoga Mats

    Life Changing Energy - sound healing instruments, 7% off code: FLOWSPACE

    The Original Himalayan Crystal Salt - get 82 minerals using their stones for Sole

    Support Flow Space:

    We’re grateful for the energy exchange, blessings 🌹

    Support Flow Space with a Love donation



    13 138 Presence Invites Bliss

    Join us as we discuss the ability to know your baseline through having self awareness. What even is a baseline? ~ tune in to discover. We share how we can control our reality by actively choosing which narrative we want to give life to within the mind. We highlight the importance of not letting fear and doubt penetrate our energetic field. We also ask the question: how do we remain present while wanting to be proactive in solving problems of the future? In asking this question we invite the power of trust & faith forward. Peace is the foundation from where we do our most meaningful and productive work. 

    It’s a good time all the time if you let it be. 

    Journal Prompts:

    How do you know when things are no longer relevant?

    What’s occupying your mind?

    Are you connected to the present moment?

    In the different daily activities/tasks you need to do, how can you incorporate peace in your activities to live at a pace that’s sustainable?


    I am not going to stress the future in the present. 

    I live with trust and faith in each and every moment. 

    I choose how I perceive the present moment. 

    I welcome the path of infinite possibilities. 

    As you tune in, you will tap into our shared frequency through the activations spoken in our words. This is an invitation to reawaken.

    If this episode resonates with you & you feel called, please rate, review and share our podcast with members of the community so the word can be spread! 


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    Greenfield Water Solutions - bring life back into your water, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    LillsBasement - crafted creations with intentions, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Baja Gold Salt Co - World's healthiest, most mineral rich salt, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Oko Living - 100% Natural, Toxin Free, Organic Cotton Yoga Mats

    Life Changing Energy - sound healing instruments, 7% off code: FLOWSPACE

    The Original Himalayan Crystal Salt - get 82 minerals using their stones for Sole

    Support Flow Space:

    We’re grateful for the energy exchange, blessings 🌹

    Support Flow Space with a Love donation

    👓 "Midnight Lovers"l by Kicktracks


    13 137 The Divine Way

    Curious on how we can start recognizing the stories and all the things we want to outgrow? Tune in. 

    Join us as we discuss being the conscious co-creator of your individual journey. We define what it means and looks like to live in truth. It is with faith, trust and surrender we release control to welcome in the infinite magic the present moment has to offer. We live in a multiverse with infinite timelines available, as we release resistance we allow the mysterious, magical presence of the great divine to flow through us more easily.  

    We remember, there’s no space for control in truth. 

    With God everything, without God nothing. 

    Journal Prompts:

    Am I willing to accept the truth without controlling the narrative? 

    Do I question my beliefs?


    I am willing to accept the truth without controlling the narrative. 

    I am open to experience new possibilities that I’ve never encountered, experienced or thought about. 

    I am honest with myself. 

    I’m welcoming in the Divine guidance into my life.  

    As you tune in, you will tap into our shared frequency through the activations spoken in our words. This is an invitation to reawaken.

    If this episode resonates with you & you feel called, please rate, review and share our podcast with members of the community so the word can be spread! 


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    Greenfield Water Solutions - bring life back into your water, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    LillsBasement - crafted creations with intentions, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Baja Gold Salt Co - World's healthiest, most mineral rich salt, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Oko Living - 100% Natural, Toxin Free, Organic Cotton Yoga Mats

    Life Changing Energy - sound healing instruments, 7% off code: FLOWSPACE

    The Original Himalayan Crystal Salt - get 82 minerals using their stones for Sole

    Support Flow Space:

    We’re grateful for the energy exchange, blessings 🌹

    Support Flow Space with a Love donation

    👓 "Midnight Lovers"l by Kicktracks


    13 136 Confusion is a Choice

    In this episode you will see live time processing of how engaging in distractions lead to confusion. Through inner self exploration, we discover the temptations and patterns that can lead toward misalignment in our life. Being present moment to moment is the medicine always available to us as our guide. 

    Journal prompts:

    How much are you willing to give to receive what you truly want?

    What temptations are dictating your actions?

    Am I grounded in my reality?

    What are my current life experiences showing me about myself?


    I welcome self exploration as a guide to my truth. 

    I am present and self aware of the energy I choose to engage in.  

    As you tune in, you will tap into our shared frequency through the activations spoken in our words. This is an invitation to reawaken.

    If this episode resonates with you & you feel called, please rate, review and share our podcast with members of the community so the word can be spread! 


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    Greenfield Water Solutions - bring life back into your water, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    LillsBasement - crafted creations with intentions, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Baja Gold Salt Co - World's healthiest, most mineral rich salt, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Oko Living - 100% Natural, Toxin Free, Organic Cotton Yoga Mats

    Life Changing Energy - sound healing instruments, 7% off code: FLOWSPACE

    The Original Himalayan Crystal Salt - get 82 minerals using their stones for Sole

    Support Flow Space:

    We’re grateful for the energy exchange, blessings 🌹

    Support Flow Space with a Love donation

    👓 "Midnight Lovers"l by Kicktracks


    👓 All music by Kicktracks is here -


    [FREE] Vlog Music Cafe Type Hip - Hop Instrumental Chill Lo - Fi Beat No Copyright & Royalty Free

    Copyright 2024 FLOW SPACE


    13 135 Wholeness or Fragmentation?

    As you tune in, you will tap into our shared frequency through the activations spoken in our words. This is an invitation to reawaken.

    If this episode resonates with you & you feel called, please rate, review and share our podcast with members of the community so the word can be spread! 


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    Greenfield Water Solutions - bring life back into your water, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    LillsBasement - crafted creations with intentions, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Baja Gold Salt Co - World's healthiest, most mineral rich salt, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Oko Living - 100% Natural, Toxin Free, Organic Cotton Yoga Mats

    Life Changing Energy - sound healing instruments, 7% off code: FLOWSPACE

    The Original Himalayan Crystal Salt - get 82 minerals using their stones for Sole

    Support Flow Space:

    We’re grateful for the energy exchange, blessings 🌹

    Support Flow Space with a Love donation

    👓 "Midnight Lovers"l by Kicktracks


    👓 All music by Kicktracks is here -


    [FREE] Vlog Music Cafe Type Hip - Hop Instrumental Chill Lo - Fi Beat No Copyright & Royalty Free

    Copyright 2024 FLOW SPACE



    Tune in for words of wisdom, and encouragement on taking the steps necessary to do the inner work!

    Join us as we unveil the only way to save others is by first saving ourselves. We share the importance of belief in self and how being true to ourselves is the greatest support we can provide. We discuss ‘how can one live the life one aspires to live while engaging in energy that is the complete opposite of the life one wants to live?’ We emphasize looking within with self honesty, courage and a regulated nervous system as key components of intentional living. We can choose to see the beauty and art of our life when releasing comfortability to embrace change, or be daunted by it - the choice is ours. 

    Journal prompts:

    Am I engaging in energy that is true to the life I aspire to live?

    What reality am I manifesting through my thoughts, actions and behavior?

    What kind of world do I want to be actively creating and participating in?

    What are the comforts I resort to when I’m experiencing discomfort rooted in?

    Does my current lifestyle match the life I want to be living?


    I am my own savior. 

    I am willing to look within myself with honesty. 

    I consciously engage and craft the kind of world I want to be living in.

    My soul knows there is more to life than what I am currently experiencing. 

    I am willing to commit to the necessary action steps needed to create the change I desire. 

    I have the power to choose what I feel next. 

    As you tune in, you will tap into our shared frequency through the activations spoken in our words. This is an invitation to reawaken.

    If this episode resonates with you & you feel called, please rate, review and share our podcast with members of the community so the word can be spread! 


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    Greenfield Water Solutions - bring life back into your water, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    LillsBasement - crafted creations with intentions, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Baja Gold Salt Co - World's healthiest, most mineral rich salt, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Oko Living - 100% Natural, Toxin Free, Organic Cotton Yoga Mats

    Life Changing Energy - sound healing instruments, 7% off code: FLOWSPACE

    The Original Himalayan Crystal Salt - get 82 minerals using their stones for Sole



    12 133 Excuses Are Lies

    Join us as we discuss how we can begin to recognize excuses as a form of lying to ourselves, in order to break free from their illusions. We highlight how we can wield our circumstances in our favor by shifting our perspective. We share accessible practical tools to help us leave behind escapism tendencies, delusions and more in order to welcome in the perspective of the silver lining every moment has to offer. Getting to the root causes of our self destructive behaviors and patterns will liberate us and welcome in more bliss and ease into our lives. It is possible. Listen to this episode to help shift the narrative of the little voice in your head that says you can’t have it all, you can!!!

    Journal Prompts:

    What can I do to help myself in this circumstance?

    Where can I find the magic in this moment even if I’m perceiving it to be a challenging moment?

    Where are the excuses living within?


    It’s my responsibility to live as well as I want to.

    I am open to receiving the magic that is present.

    As you tune in, you will tap into our shared frequency through the activations spoken in our words. This is an invitation to reawaken.

    If this episode resonates with you & you feel called, please rate, review and share our podcast with members of the community so the word can be spread! 


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    Greenfield Water Solutions - bring life back into your water, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    LillsBasement - crafted creations with intentions, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Baja Gold Salt Co - World's healthiest, most mineral rich salt, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Oko Living - 100% Natural, Toxin Free, Organic Cotton Yoga Mats

    Life Changing Energy - sound healing instruments, 7% off code: FLOWSPACE

    The Original Himalayan Crystal Salt - get 82 minerals using their stones for Sole

    Support Flow Space:

    We’re grateful for the energy exchange, blessings 🌹

    Support Flow Space with a Love donation

    👓 "Midnight Lovers"l by Kicktracks


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    12 132 Just Do It

    Are you looking for a sign? You want to change but don’t know how, this episode is for you.

    Join us as we discuss the significance action steps play in shifting perspectives, on a challenging experience in order to raise your vibration. Through a desire to grow and lighten a situation one must be willing to release victim mentality and surrender to the wisdom of the given situation. May we always remember everything is happening FOR us not to us. We can only seek so much guidance outside of us before we return back to ourselves and realize we are our own saviors. Welcome the miracles available in every moment! 

    Journal prompts:

    What action can you take to uplift your current circumstances?

    Are you actively actioning on your inner guidance or are you overlooking it?

    What excuse am I using to justify my current circumstance based on old experiences, stories and/or beliefs?

    What reality am I choosing?


    I surrender resistance and welcome the miracles of the moment. 

    I am my own savior. 

    My vibration matches my reality.  

    I release outdated narratives and stories and welcome in truth. 

    As you tune in, you will tap into our shared frequency through the activations spoken in our words. This is an invitation to reawaken.

    If this episode resonates with you & you feel called, please rate, review and share our podcast with members of the community so the word can be spread! 


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    Greenfield Water Solutions - bring life back into your water, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    LillsBasement - crafted creations with intentions, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Baja Gold Salt Co - World's healthiest, most mineral rich salt, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Oko Living - 100% Natural, Toxin Free, Organic Cotton Yoga Mats

    Life Changing Energy - sound healing instruments, 7% off code: FLOWSPACE

    The Original Himalayan Crystal Salt - get 82 minerals using their stones for Sole

    Support Flow Space:

    We’re grateful for the energy exchange, blessings 🌹

    Support Flow Space with a Love donation

    👓 "Midnight Lovers"l by Kicktracks


    12 131 Our Truth About Comfort

    Join us as we dive into the concept of comfort. We redefine boundaries and the role they play in releasing limitations, control and triggers. We highlight how gratitude and being in the current present moment helps us recognize the achievements and actualization of our goals. In comfort we can remain stagnant in repeating patterns, feel where we are in life is “good enough” or choose to surrender comfort for the outlook of life as an adventure. 

    Is there room for comfort when pursuing a life of growth? Tune in!

    Journal Prompts:

    Where am I choosing comfort over growth?

    Am I comfortable growing?

    What goals have I accomplished?

    How can I release repeating cycles and surrender to the present moment?  


    I choose to view life as an adventure. 

    My satisfaction lives in the present moment. 

    I release repeating cycles and welcome in flow. 

    As you tune in, you will tap into our shared frequency through the activations spoken in our words. This is an invitation to reawaken.

    If this episode resonates with you & you feel called, please rate, review and share our podcast with members of the community so the word can be spread! 


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    Greenfield Water Solutions - bring life back into your water, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    LillsBasement - crafted creations with intentions, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Baja Gold Salt Co - World's healthiest, most mineral rich salt, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Oko Living - 100% Natural, Toxin Free, Organic Cotton Yoga Mats

    Life Changing Energy - sound healing instruments, 7% off code: FLOWSPACE

    The Original Himalayan Crystal Salt - get 82 minerals using their stones for Sole

    Support Flow Space:

    We’re grateful for the energy exchange, blessings 🌹

    Support Flow Space with a Love donation

    👓 "Midnight Lovers"l by Kicktracks


    👓 All music by Kicktracks is here -


    12 130 The Path to ONENESS

    Join us as we discuss what it truly means when two families merge as one. We share how the concept of me vs. you is rooted in separation and how having a sense of belonging with others first begins within. In order to welcome in unity with all we must be self-aware, reflect within and be mindful of our thoughts and actions - are they rooted in programming and learned behaviors or are they supportive of Oneness? 

    In support of New Earth and the path of love, when two people make a conscious choice to marry they extend their energy and hearts to both sides of the family and welcome them as their own family. 

    Instead of “your family” “my family” we welcome both sides as “our family”. Our words are spells, what reality are you crafting and manifesting?

    Journal prompts:

    What limiting beliefs do I have that keep me in the energy of separation?

    Where in my life do I hold judgements, and how can I welcome in curiosity and love?

    How am I currently connecting to Oneness?


    I belong anywhere I am. 

    I am intentional with my thoughts and actions. 

    We are One. 

    As you tune in, you will tap into our shared frequency through the activations spoken in our words. This is an invitation to reawaken.

    If this episode resonates with you & you feel called, please rate, review and share our podcast with members of the community so the word can be spread! 


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    Greenfield Water Solutions - bring life back into your water, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    LillsBasement - crafted creations with intentions, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Baja Gold Salt Co - World's healthiest, most mineral rich salt, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Oko Living - 100% Natural, Toxin Free, Organic Cotton Yoga Mats

    Life Changing Energy - sound healing instruments, 7% off code: FLOWSPACE

    The Original Himalayan Crystal Salt - get 82 minerals using their stones for Sole

    Support Flow Space:

    We’re grateful for the energy exchange, blessings 🌹

    Support Flow Space with a Love donation

    👓 "Midnight Lovers"l by Kicktracks


    12 129 The Infinite Moment of Now

    Join us as we discuss how having goals while flowing in the present moment is available to us all. As we set our intentions for our day and our lives we welcome the inner guidance and nudges to outline the way forward moment by moment. We highlight the importance of the inner work to release the constructs of society, attachments and expectations in support of living in flow. 

    As we flow through life we remember to use goals as markers of success and personal growth for the benefit of inspiration and gratitude!


    Journal Prompts:

    Are my current goals prohibiting me from being in flow?

    Am I in full trust and flow with life?

    Based on my inner work, what does my daily practice look like?

    How am I actively engaging with the Universe?


    I welcome the inner work needed to live in flow. 

    My goals flow with me. 

    Gratitude grounds me into the present moment. 

    As you tune in, you will tap into our shared frequency through the activations spoken in our words. This is an invitation to reawaken.

    If this episode resonates with you & you feel called, please rate, review and share our podcast with members of the community so the word can be spread! 


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    Greenfield Water Solutions - bring life back into your water, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    LillsBasement - crafted creations with intentions, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Baja Gold Salt Co - World's healthiest, most mineral rich salt, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Oko Living - 100% Natural, Toxin Free, Organic Cotton Yoga Mats

    Life Changing Energy - sound healing instruments, 7% off code: FLOWSPACE

    The Original Himalayan Crystal Salt - get 82 minerals using their stones for Sole

    Support Flow Space:

    We’re grateful for the energy exchange, blessings 🌹

    Support Flow Space with a Love donation

    👓 "Midnight Lovers"l by Kicktracks


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    12 128 The Balance of the Heart & Mind

    Join us as we discuss flow and presence living in the heart space, and awareness living in the mind space. To fully embody life as a heart centered person we strive to develop our self love and self trust so that we can outpour from an over pouring, abundant cup of love. Living heart centered can help us hold the vision and remembrance of Oneness. The heart and mind serve us greatly during this human experience if we allow them to be the tools we were so divinely given. May balance and harmony be restored between the two.

    Tune in to receive insightful, practical wisdom on what it truly means to live a heart centered way of life and be a person of love.

    Journal prompts:

    How can I lean more into my heart?

    When do I step too much into my mind?

    Am I able to feel my way through situations or do I need to logically think my way through them?

    Do I trust myself?


    I trust the divine flow of my life.

    My heart is my compass.

    I have all the tools and resources I need to thrive in every moment.

    I am divinely guided.

    My equilibrium lives in the balance of my heart and mind.

    My awareness of self is ever expanding as I flow.

    As you tune in, you will tap into our shared frequency through the activations spoken in our words. This is an invitation to reawaken.

    If this episode resonates with you & you feel called, please rate, review and share our podcast with members of the community so the word can be spread! 


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    Greenfield Water Solutions - bring life back into your water, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    LillsBasement - crafted creations with intentions, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Baja Gold Salt Co - World's healthiest, most mineral rich salt, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Oko Living - 100% Natural, Toxin Free, Organic Cotton Yoga Mats

    Life Changing Energy - sound healing instruments, 7% off code: FLOWSPACE

    The Original Himalayan Crystal Salt - get 82 minerals using their stones for Sole

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    👓 "Midnight Lovers"l by...


    12 127 Lean into the Heart to lean into the Oneness

    Join us as we discuss the last 48 hours of Diandra’s resistance to growth. Diandra realizes the blind spots within through the reflection of an outer experience. Through the practice of humility, curiosity and patience, Diandra returns to the path of the heart and is reminded to lean into the heart to lean into the oneness! We share the role self exploration plays in bringing about balance into our life. Tune in to hear the funny story of how we can return to the heart after being delusional living out societal programming fueled by the comforts of the ego. 

    May we remember we are always a work in progress and return to the knowing we are one. 

    Journal prompts:

    Am I choosing the comfort of my ego or the path of love and growth?

    Am I flowing?

    How can I recognize the programming playing out that’s impacting my reality?

    What illusions are present within me?  

    How can I get more real with myself?

    Am I able to differentiate my programmings from my truth?

    Am I willing to see myself beyond the illusions?


    My triggers invite me to return to my heart. 

    I welcome the reflections and mirrors as guides to my blind spots. 

    I release the resistance and surrender to flow.  

    I lean into my heart to lean into the Oneness. 

    As you tune in, you will tap into our shared frequency through the activations spoken in our words. This is an invitation to reawaken.

    If this episode resonates with you & you feel called, please rate, review and share our podcast with members of the community so the word can be spread! 


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    Greenfield Water Solutions - bring life back into your water, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    LillsBasement - crafted creations with intentions, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Baja Gold Salt Co - World's healthiest, most mineral rich salt, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Oko Living - 100% Natural, Toxin Free, Organic Cotton Yoga Mats

    Life Changing Energy - sound healing instruments, 7% off code: FLOWSPACE

    The Original Himalayan Crystal Salt - get 82 minerals using their stones for Sole

    Support Flow Space:

    We’re grateful for the energy exchange, blessings 🌹


    12 126 The Ever Evolving Truth

    Join us as we discuss how important it is to develop and connect to our foundation when it is rooted in truth. As long as we can hear our inner guidance and follow the nudges we receive we will gracefully journey through life. There’s a lot of temptations, distractions and falsehoods that can cloud our reality and judgment that we must be aware of. All because things are normal doesn’t make them natural and we must attune back to our natural way of being. Our truth can constantly evolve and that’s the beauty of flow. 

    Journal prompts:

    How am I being influenced by those around me?

    What habits have I developed to cope with my reality? 

    Am I present with my life or am I actively escaping reality? 


    I am rooted in my truth.

    My foundation is strong and I am confident.  

    I welcome my ever evolving truth.

    I follow the nudges of my inner guidance. 

    As you tune in, you will tap into our shared frequency through the activations spoken in our words. This is an invitation to reawaken.

    If this episode resonates with you & you feel called, please rate, review and share our podcast with members of the community so the word can be spread! 


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    Greenfield Water Solutions - bring life back into your water, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    LillsBasement - crafted creations with intentions, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Baja Gold Salt Co - World's healthiest, most mineral rich salt, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Oko Living - 100% Natural, Toxin Free, Organic Cotton Yoga Mats

    Life Changing Energy - sound healing instruments, 7% off code: FLOWSPACE

    The Original Himalayan Crystal Salt - get 82 minerals using their stones for Sole

    Support Flow Space:

    We’re grateful for the energy exchange, blessings 🌹

    Support Flow Space with a Love donation

    👓 "Midnight Lovers"l by Kicktracks


    👓 All music by Kicktracks is here -


    12 125 The GREAT AWAKENING pt.2 with Champ Parinya

    Join us as we welcome back Champ Parinya, the creator of The Great Awakening Map, for another conscious conversation. Champ shares what it means to anchor in the optimal timeline reality for earth by tipping the scale towards the light. He shares practical ways on how-to train and transform our mind, so we can use this skill in everyday life to reach enlightenment and benefit all.

    It is important to remember, despite the distractions and confusion we face, we must trust the process when unpredictability arises on one’s conscious journey, and keep going. As a divine reflection, Champ shows us by staying true and clear in our vessel the universe then rewards us by encountering the perfect opportunities and people to further the mission even more. All the merit you’ve put in the past will ripen into reward and it’ll all make sense when you look back. We also touch on Earth School, Oneness, relativity, lucid dreaming, enlightenment masters, nondual purity and more!

    Whether you’re just beginning or have been consciously walking the path for some time now, we invite you to continue raising your consciousness using the Great Awakening Map and past it along, as it’s a timeless resource!

    Journal prompts:

    How can I welcome more beauty into my reality?

    Where can I lean into more trust in my path?

    How conscious am I?

    Am I living a meditative way of life?

    What does enlightenment feel and look like for me?


    I welcome my soul’s path.

    I see life through the lenses of beauty and purpose.

    I am in full trust of the process.

    5D Awakening

    Champ Parinya is a hyperdimensional artist and yogi currently living in meditation retreat in Thailand. He is the creator of the Great Awakening Map and teaches Ascension Knowledge and Dzogchen meditation on Instagram. Find his accounts at @5D_Awakening_Consciousness and @DzogchenYogi. Download and explore his awakening map at Awakening5D.co

    @5dawakeningconsciousness on Instagram

    5D's Website

    As you tune in, you will tap into our shared frequency through the activations spoken in our words. This is an invitation to reawaken.

    If this episode resonates with you & you feel called, please rate, review and share our podcast with members of the community so the word can be spread! 


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    Greenfield Water Solutions - bring life back into your water, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    LillsBasement - crafted creations with intentions, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Baja Gold Salt Co - World's healthiest, most mineral rich salt, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE


    12 124 Truth Initiates Confidence

    Join us as we discuss the empowering results of honoring the truth within, through daily choices. Diandra shares an example relating to her work environment, and how its dynamic welcomes the practice of remaining centered. Amidst a busy world, anchoring in a slow life where we focus on our inner work instead of our outer work, we reimagine and shift our reality, to align with our greatest calling one moment at a time. Diandra’s story highlights this, as it serves as a reflection of the power of following the nudges to step out of the comfort zone, in order to receive the gifts of the unknown. It is with faith and trust we connect to our inner confidence and choose to disengage from the distractions such as fast food, Netflix, jobs as our identity and more. Tune in to remember the adventure of a lifetime that is our human existence!

    Journal prompts:

    What conscious choices am I making in support of shifting my reality for my greatest benefit?

    Do I follow the inner nudges of my internal compass?

    How can I grow my self awareness?

    Am I focused on distractions or my soul’s calling?

    Am I centered?


    I am committed to releasing the distractions in my life.

    My inner work is my priority.

    I welcome the infinite possibilities of the unknown.

    I am connected to my center.

    As you tune in, you will tap into our shared frequency through the activations spoken in our words. This is an invitation to reawaken.

    If this episode resonates with you & you feel called, please rate, review and share our podcast with members of the community so the word can be spread! 


    FLOW SPACE website

    Flow Space Instagram

    Flow Space Youtube Channel to watch our episodes

    Flow Space Contact

    Subscribe to our Email List


    Greenfield Water Solutions - bring life back into your water, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    LillsBasement - crafted creations with intentions, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Baja Gold Salt Co - World's healthiest, most mineral rich salt, 10% off code: FLOWSPACE

    Oko Living - 100% Natural, Toxin Free, Organic Cotton Yoga Mats

    Life Changing Energy - sound healing instruments, 7% off code: FLOWSPACE

    The Original Himalayan Crystal Salt - get 82 minerals using their stones for Sole

    Support Flow Space:

    We’re grateful for the energy exchange, blessings 🌹