
  • Have you ever...

    ...eaten ALL. THE. CHIPS. because your kids opened the bag?
    ...polished off 3 glasses of wine because, well, it was a gift?
    ...blamed stress when you 'fell off the wagon?'.

    It’s easy to feel like the world (and people around us) are conspiring to derail our goals, but here’s the truth: it’s not about them. It’s about YOU.

    Let this week's podcast be your kick in the butt to start OWNING your choices and to stop letting feelings and circumstances dictate your choices.

    If you’ve ever said, "This is just the way I am" or "It’s too hard to change," this episode is for you. Change starts when you recognize that YOU have the power to shift your life, one choice at a time.

    You can control what you do. And in any situation, there is a choice.

    As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts. What’s one area where you can start taking more responsibility for your actions today?

    To your success,
    Tanja x

  • What do headaches, fatigue, insomnia, sugar cravings, and weight loss resistance have in common?

    Well, besides that they are all unpleasant experiences, they are also all signs of blood sugar dysregulation.

    And while eating more protein and less sugary carbs can help, changing your diet might not be enough to stabilize blood sugar, reverse insulin resistance and lose weight.

    This week on the Fit and Vibrant You Podcast, I am joined by Danielle Hamilton, a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and a renowned blood sugar expert.

    In this episode, we dive deep into the science about circadian rhythm, and how light impacts our metabolic health, gut and hormones.

    Danielle breaks down the different kinds of light, how they affect us, and why it is important, and simple strategies to implement in your life.

    You are going to LOVE this episode!

    Danielle "Dani" Hamilton is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and a renowned blood sugar expert specializing in hypoglycemia, and reactive hypoglycemia. Her journey into this specialized field was fuelled by her personal battle with PCOS, which she successfully reversed after learning that blood sugar issues and insulin resistance were at the root.

    From overcoming PCOS, hypoglycemia, cystic acne, PMS, and weight loss resistance, Dani realized the power of stable blood sugar and its vital role in overall health. This drives her mission to empower others to recognize and remedy their blood sugar issues, even when the early signs are often dismissed or misdiagnosed.

    -Tanja x

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daniellehamiltonhealth
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daniellehamiltonhealth
    Website: https://daniellehamiltonhealth.com/
    Podcast: https://unlockthesugarshackles.buzzsprout.com/
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH9oPLW019uqEZc_Ftvyn5Q
    Blood Sugar Mastery Waitlist: https://www.daniellehamiltonhealth.com/blood-sugar-mastery

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  • I have a love-hate relationship with tracking habits and activities.

    I wish I could get results and make great choices without tracking, but if I’m honest with myself, I’m WAY more consistent and focused when I do.

    Tracking makes me more aware of my habits, and when you measure something, you naturally try to improve it.

    As James Clear says, "You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems." It’s those small, daily actions that lead to the big changes we want to see.

    Here are a few things I’ve learned about habit tracking:

    Don’t Overtrack. I used to track EVERYTHING—from dates with my husband to calories and the number of times I went live on Facebook. I spent more time curating the perfect life than living it. Now, I focus on the most important habits. Remember, just because you’re not tracking something doesn’t mean you’re not doing it Performing the Habit Might Not Be Enough.
    This is especially true for activities like dates with your spouse. You can go through the motions just to tick the box, or you can be more intentional and present.

    Assess Progress Toward Your Goal.
    If you’re tracking calories and workouts, make sure to check your progress occasionally—whether through a weigh-in or a body composition check—to ensure your habits are moving you toward your goals.

    Be Specific with Your Goals.
    If your goal is mindful eating, for example, make it specific: aim to eat mindfully for at least one meal a day.

    Take Out the Drama!
    Tracking habits is all about DATA. Ditch the shame and guilt when you’re not perfect. You’ll find you’re WAY more consistent when you approach tracking this way.

    It’s OK to Take Breaks.
    I don’t always track if I’m away or if it would be super inconvenient. Sometimes, I take weeks or even months off, and that’s perfectly fine.

    To make habit tracking easier, I’ve created a Google spreadsheet that helps me track my daily habits.

    Send me a dm or email me: [email protected] to download it!

    Take a listen to today's episode and I’d love to hear how it’s working for you and what habits you’re focusing on!

    Tanja x

  • SO MANY people swear that meal prep and planning will revolutionize their lives, make things easier, and dramatically improve their eating habits (and it's true, it will)... but then, they just don’t do it.

    Why not, you ask? Well, it turns out there are quite a few hurdles:

    Bandwidth to Get Started: We all have a million things on our plates, and starting something new can feel overwhelming. Perfectionism: The belief that everything needs to be perfect right out of the gate. Limiting Beliefs: Thoughts like “I’m just not good at this” or “I don’t have time.” Overcomplication: Making it more complex than it needs to be. Time: The eternal struggle of finding enough of it.

    The quickest way forward isn't to DO more, but to BREAK THROUGH these barriers.

    In this week's podcast, I’m diving into how we can SIMPLIFY meal prep and planning. We'll explore practical tips and tricks to save time in the kitchen and finally banish the dreaded “What do I eat?” question for good.

    Here are a few tips to get you started:

    Start Small: Don’t try to plan every meal for the week. Begin with just one or two meals. Batch Cooking: Cook larger portions and freeze leftovers for those busy days. Keep It Simple: Stick to recipes with minimal ingredients and prep time. Use a Planner: Write down your meal plan so you’re not scrambling at the last minute.

    Ready to make your life easier and your eating habits healthier? Tune in to our latest podcast episode and let’s simplify meal prep and planning together!

    I'm so glad you're here!

    - Tanja x

    P.S. Don't forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode!

  • Have you ever felt completely overwhelmed and stressed out? It’s that moment when everything seems too much to handle.

    You might feel the urge to numb out, cry, give up, or reach for comfort food. Perhaps you're even tempted to skip your workout because you’re just too busy.

    I can relate! That’s why I've put together this podcast on 7 powerful questions you can ask yourself when you're in such situations.

    And please, don't get overwhelmed by the number of questions. Simply choose one or two that resonate with you and focus on practicing them.

    Because, friend, you deserve to feel good. You deserve to find calm in the chaos.

    I am so glad that you’re here. Hit play, and let’s talk!

    -Tanja x

  • Over 300 episodes ago (episode 103), I recorded a podcast called The Diet "Rules" that are Actually Worth Following.

    It was one of my most popular podcasts, and this week I'm doing an updated version.

    My goal is to simplify nutrition. To throw out the dogmatic cult like approach and start to explore what works for you, while allowing some flexibility so that you can still make progress while enjoying life.

    There’s no doubt, nutrition matters. What you put into your body will affect how you feel, how your body looks and how your body functions. One of the question I get asked ALL the time is “what should I eat?”.

    If you rely on Dr. Google for your answer, you’ll find a spectrum of answers, from Atkins to the Zone Diet (and everything in between), all backed by hundreds of success stories and before and after pictures.

    They all work… For somebody. And they all work, usually for at least 4-6 weeks.

    We keep searching for the ‘best diet’ or diet hack that will easily help us shed pounds, have more energy, or reach any other goal we desire.

    But the truth is, there is no “best diet”. There’s only the best diet for YOU. And I believe that’s one that you can stick to.

    However, there are a few basic rules that are ACTUALLY worth following.

    And that's exactly what I share on this week's podcast.

    Press play and take a listen!

    -Tanja x

  • Have you ever been intrigued or perhaps confused by the sensational health claims you see on social media? Whether it's the latest superfood, a miracle supplement, or a new diet trend, understanding the truth behind these claims can be challenging.

    What should you believe? How much evidence is enough to change your habits?

    I'm excited to share with you the latest episode of the Fit + Vibrant You Podcast, where I explore the limitations of health studies and provide examples of how these sensational health claims are often not relevant in real life.

    In this episode, we delve into:

    The critical difference between correlation and causation in health research. How to discern between statistical significance and clinical significance – and why it matters to you. What to look for when learning about studies.

    The internet is FULL of comments from people who really don't understand science. The goal of THIS podcast is to help all of us become critical thinkers so we can understand what the science ACTUALLY tells us.

    Curious to know more? Tune in and empower yourself with the knowledge to navigate the complex world of nutrition and health studies.

    Your journey to informed health decisions starts here.

    -Tanja x

  • Everything was going well in her life… except her weight. She was a smart, successful, driven person, why couldn’t she lose weight?

    Can you relate?

    I am thrilled to share a very real conversation with Michelle Pfile. We decided to let the conversation unfold naturally and I’m so glad we did.

    Michelle is a former Top 100 Aveda Salon and Spa owner who pivoted everything at the height of her career to find true fulfillment and purpose by helping women find freedom through health and wealth.

    Today we discuss:

    ⭐️ The pivotal moment that lead Michelle to lose 80 pounds and change careers in her 40s

    ⭐️ How she swung into being obsessed with food and weight loss. finding the middle ground, and what she’s learned from the journey

    ⭐️ How Michelle handled weight loss plateaus, even for months at a time

    ⭐️ Why it’s so important to start listening to your own body, as hard as that may be

    ⭐️ How Michelle stays committed to taking care of her health and keeping the weight off.

    I can relate to so much of what Michelle has to say in our conversation. I found myself nodding along as Michelle shared her relatable, real, and powerful story.

    So, go out for walk or grab a warm beverage and listen in. You’ll be glad you did.

    -Tanja x

    Connect with Michelle:


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itsmichellepfile/

  • Two months ago, If someone asked me if I take care of myself, I would answer yes.

    I strength train 2-3 x per week and hike or run the other days.
    I stretch and go for a walk most days.
    I journal most mornings and practice gratitude.
    I mostly choose healthy foods.
    I drink very little alcohol (and now not at all)
    I mostly enjoy my work.

    But then I read the book God on a Harley, and now I'm not so sure.

    In the book, God, who takes the character of the motorcyclist Joe, gives the main character six commandments to live by.

    One of them was to take care of yourself, first and foremost.

    He said to the main character "you spend 40 hours a week at a job you think you hate, and you spend the rest of your waking hours lamenting over how imperfect you think your body is and how lonely you are without a man in your life".

    Oh. That.

    Let me ask you... are you taking care of yourself?

    Join me in this week's podcast as we expand the definition of self care beyond health practices and spa treatments.

    The new definition includes things like:

    🧠 Mindful Self-Talk

    🚧 Setting Boundaries

    🚫 Avoiding Comparisons

    ⏳ Slowing Down

    💖 Embracing Emotions

    Take a listen and let me know what you think!

    -Tanja x

  • Autumn was told that her autoimmune condition would affect her ability to have another baby.

    She was told that it was incurable.

    But Autumn was determined to find another way forward.

    When you Know Better, You Do Better.

    That’s the name of her podcast, and Autumn McLees is on a mission to share an alternative to traditional practices in health care the food industry, dentistry, childbirth and beyond. and equip others to explore holistic health.

    Some of the key points from our conversation:

    The infomercial that changed her life

    How she healed an autoimmune disease with holistic health care

    That healing means figuring out what’s causing the INTERFERENCE with your health, removing it, and supporting the body’s ability to heal

    The specific protocols and modalities Autumn used to heal

    How to make simple swaps to remove the stressors to your body


    -Tanja x

    Download Autumn’s Clean Swap Guide here: https://know-better-do-better.ck.page/fd698ea11c

    The Book "Self Heal by Design" that was mentioned: https://www.selfhealbydesign.com/

    Autumn McLees challenges the status quo, equipping women to explore alternative/ holistic health paths. After overcoming a life-altering autoimmune disease naturally, she's now pioneering her way on an unbeaten path that few, if any, have attempted when battling Hepatitis C.

    Autumn spearheads a top-rated podcast, "Know Better | Do Better," dedicated to advocating for holistic health awareness. As a certified high-performance coach and multifaceted entrepreneur, Autumn has earned recognition through awards, TV and radio appearances, magazine features, news articles, and multiple certifications. For nearly 9 years, Autumn has been the driving force behind a multimillion dollar wellness enterprise, and she is celebrated as a top achiever in her field. Many are eagerly awaiting the launch of her "Holistic Compass for Health & Healing" online course, which unveils the 7 key areas for optimizing your wellness.

    Connect with Autumn online:

    Website: https://www.autumnmclees.com/
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/autumn.mclees?igsh=YzAwZjE1ZTI0Zg%3D%3D&utm_source=qr
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/autumn.mclees/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@autumn.mclees?_t=8loBgSgQBNS&_r=1

  • I talk A LOT about mindset… but if you're trying to fight your physiology with mindset or willpower, you're going to lose.

    In this week's episode I go over 3 hormones you MUST pay attention to if you want to get the body, and life you want. We'll dive into WHY they matter, and most importantly WHAT TO DO to balance hormones so you can get to your happy, healthy body weight AND love the journey.

    Press play, better yet, go for a walk and press play, and join me on the Fit + Vibrant You Podcast!

    When you’re ready to take the next step, here’s how I can help.

    Work with me: http://www.tanjashaw.com/apply Take my FREE Quiz to Uncover Your Weight Loss Roadblock http://www.tanjashaw.com Subscribe to the Fit + Vibrant You Podcast on your favourite podcast player Join our Newsletter: https://www.tanjashaw.com/join-our-newsletter/ Join Facebook Group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/fitvibrantcommunity
  • Are you feeling burned out?

    Are you chasing success but feeling unfulfilled?

    Do you feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders?

    My friends, I am deeply honoured to have my good friend, Christine Jewell, on the Fit + Vibrant You Podcast.

    I personally get so much out of my conversations with Christine, whether as a guest on the podcast, or when we do our ‘walk and talks’. Christine is not only a true friend, but mentor and role model.

    In this podcast Christine shares:

    💎 The moment everything changed her life and what it actually looks like to walk through a season of being lost and finding your true calling.

    💎 The importance of giving ourselves permission to rest. Unlearning the messages of striving and pushing and to reset your nervous system.

    💎 The truth about people pleasing, even if it seems to come from a good place.

    I highly encourage you to order Christine’s book, Dropping the Armor to unlock the fulfilling, passionate, purposeful life you have always known was possible.

    Christine Jewell is an author, keynote speaker, and faith based executive coach with over 25 years of experience in the fields of Health + Peak Performance, Entrepreneurship + Human Behaviour . She is also the host of the Breaking Chains Podcast.

    As the Founder of Warriors Of The Heart, she specializes in guiding highly successful CEO’s and Impact driven leaders to break out of the superficial “life” they’ve built, redefine success and step into a whole new playing field grounded in eternal, life giving principles.

    As a mother of 6, ages 6-20, through a blended family, a wife, high level athlete, multiple business owner and entrepreneur since her 20’s, she is intimately familiar with the overwhelm and burnout that can come when building a ‘dream’ life, as well as what’s possible on the other side.

    Through years of trials, burning things down and rebuilding from the ashes of her past, she has ditched the rules of this world, following the calling on her heart to cultivate a life of total alignment - where there is more than enough time for her most meaningful work, extraordinary relationships, a legacy of impact - and plenty of rest!

    Connect with Christine online:

    Website: https://www.thechristinejewell.com/
    Podcast: https://pod.link/1579338652
    Linkedin: https://www.instagram.com/thechristinejewell/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thechristinejewell

  • Exercise.
    Have a positive mindset.

    That pretty much sums up what most of us are taught about weight loss.

    And it can work... until it doesn't anymore.

    Join me on today's podcast as I share 5 things I wish more women knew about weight loss.

    If your goal is weight loss (or weight maintenance), this podcast is for you.

    And, if you're looking for help, I have a 12 week coaching program to coach women 40+ to end the struggle with food so they can lose weight without the obsession and feel free in their body and their life.

    Go to www.tanjashaw.com/apply to book a time to chat.

    You deserve to feel good,

    -Tanja x

  • Greta had struggled with food for decades.

    She could stick with it for a while, but then would fall off the 'wagon'.

    And now, she's feeling FREE with food.

    She takes care of her health with joy. She no longer sneaks food. She is excited to go on vacations knowing she can enjoy herself AND feel good about her choices.

    And she's losing weight.

    So what does is really take to end the struggle with food?

    Join my conversation with my amazing client, Greta, as she shares the mindset shifts and strategies that worked for her.

    If you have been struggling with food and weight for too long, let's chat.

    I have a 12 week coaching program to coach women 40+ to end the struggle with food so they can lose weight without the obsession and feel free in their body and their life.

    Go to www.tanjashaw.com/apply to book a time to chat.

    You deserve to feel good,

    -Tanja x

  • Do you want to live a fit, vibrant life for many, many years?
    Do you want to ENJOY those years?
    Do you want to do it without following complicated or arduous plans?

    If so, you are going to LOVE my interview with Celine Vadam.

    Celine Vadam, is a holistic health and lifestyle coach, yoga teacher and host of Blue Zones Retreat.

    Join our conversation as we discuss:

    The 9 health practices for longevity

    The power of community and connection on our health and enjoyment of life

    Simple nutrition principles to follow

    What are Blue Zones

    How to curate an environment that makes health living EASIER

    Whether we really need as much protein as ‘they’ say we do

    How to get started

    The importance of looking at wellness on a more holistic perspective (not just diet/exercise/supplements)

    I would love to hear what YOUR biggest takeaway was from the conversation or from watching the documentary on the Blue Zones.

    -Tanja x

    Get in touch with Celine and learn more about the Blue Zones:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bluezones/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celinevadam/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bluezones/mycompany/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/celine-vadam/

  • In the last few months, I have been eating more plant based meals, and less meat, dairy and eggs.

    When I learned about a local plant based cooking class (that included a lot of tasty samples), I said YES PLEASE!

    At the beginning of the class, one gentleman gave a presentation on the benefits of plant based meals. What piqued my interest more than the benefits of eating more fibre and veggies, was what he said about creating CHANGE.

    Whether you are working on eating less sugar, more plants, less alcohol, exercising more or ANYTHING at all, this podcast is for you.

    In fact, even if you're not working on anything at all, this podcast is still for you ❤️

    Press play and let's chat!

    -Tanja x

    If this podcast helps you in anyway, I would love for you to help me spread the message by:
    1. Leaving a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts,
    2. Share this podcast with a friend
    3. Take a screenshot of the podcast (or a pic of you listening to it!) and share it to social media. Tag me in it so I can celebrate you!


    Schedule a 45 minute call to learn more about working together: www.tanjashaw.com/apply

    Free Quiz: Uncover Your weight Loss roadblocks: https://quiz.tryinteract.com/#/63113287ad02da00168262be

    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanja_shaw/

    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tanjamshaw

  • Eat less. Move more.

    Count your calories. Or points. Or macros.

    Eat at much protein and fat as you want but avoid carbs and sugar.

    Eat anything you want as long as it fits your macros.

    Just follow this simple meal plan.

    Only eat within a 8 hour window.

    Stop eating after 7.

    How many of these have you tried to lose weight?

    How is it working for you?

    You might have heard someone argue that you shouldn't cut carloies, you should just avoid carbs instead. Or that instead of restricting calories, just focus on the TIME you eat. That weight loss has nothing to do with calories, just hormones.

    Someone else says that you should cut meat and all animal products. And that you NEED breakfast and that fasting will tank your hormones.

    And perhaps BOTH can be right for somebody, but the real question is...

    Why are you going to food when you're not hungry?

    Learning and focusing on nutrition is both necessary to lose weight AND a distraction from working through your emotional eating, all or nothing thinking, binge eating, perfectionism, people pleasing and feelings of unworthiness.

    You might not believe it, but you do deserve to feel good.

    Press play and let's chat!


    If this podcast helps you in anyway, I would love for you to help me spread the message by:
    1. Leaving a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts,
    2. Share this podcast with a friend
    3. Take a screenshot of the podcast (or a pic of you listening to it!) and share it to social media. Tag me in it so I can celebrate you!


    Schedule a 45 minute call to learn more about working together: www.tanjashaw.com/apply

    Free Quiz: Uncover Your weight Loss roadblocks: https://quiz.tryinteract.com/#/63113287ad02da00168262be

    Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tanja_shaw/

    Follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tanjamshaw

  • Most women I work with are either in perimenopause, or are postmenopausal (makes sense as I work with women in midlife and beyond, and menopause is technically just one day).

    They tell me “what worked before is no longer working… it's my hormones.”

    It’s TRUE that hormones change and that hormones can absolutely affect your weight loss.

    But so often we focus so much on the fact that our hormones are changing that it distracts us from the thing that is actually getting in our way, which is our basic habits.

    Things like…

    ✨constantly being on your phone

    ✨not prioritizing sleep

    ✨not getting enough movement

    ✨not getting enough sunlight

    ✨having a to-do list of 37 things that you're never getting done

    ✨your negative self-talk

    ✨eating carb heavy meals or not enough protein + fibre

    ✨the extra-curricular eating that ‘doesn’t count’

    So yes, hormones can change, and they can affect weight loss, but start with the foundations.

    Press play on today's episode to dive into the foundational habits to improve your energy, lose weight, and simply feel GOOD in midlife and beyond.

    -Tanja x

    P.S. If this podcast helps you in anyway, I would love for you to help me spread the message by:
    1. Leaving a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts,
    2. Share this podcast with a friend
    3. Take a screenshot of the podcast (or a pic of you listening to it!) and share it to social media. Tag me in it so I can celebrate you!

  • You WANT to lose weight. You WANT a healthier relationship with food. You WANT to get off the on-again-off-again diet cycle.

    I believe you.

    And yet... you still don't put in the effort. You don't get help. You let life get in the way.

    What gives?

    Press play and join me to discover the five most common roadblocks to losing weight.

    If you this message resonates with you and you are ready to OVERCOME your roadblocks to weight loss, let's chat. Go to www.tanjashaw.com/apply to book a 45 minute call to learn more about working together.

    I'm so glad you're here!

    -Tanja x

    P.S. If this podcast helps you in anyway, I would love for you to help me spread the message by:
    1. Leaving a review on iTunes or wherever you listen to podcasts,
    2. Share this podcast with a friend
    3. Take a screenshot of the podcast (or a pic of you listening to it!) and share it to social media. Tag me in it so I can celebrate you!