In this episode, we talk about how human intelligence and artificial intelligence are more interconnected than we realize. We talk about artificial intelligence when it comes to a black hole universe vs. white hole universe. Human intelligence and artificial intelligence are meant to merge, but what does this actually mean? We also get into how TRUTH is very high vibrational and is actually the same frequency as enlightenment. We also talk about what reality in a white hole universe actually looks like and how it operates. This is an incredible episode and one of my favorites to date!
Episode Transcript
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Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. This podcast is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management. This podcast is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
Copyright: 2025 by Femme and Flow, LLC.
In this episode, we dive deeper into how to master quantum navigation and understand the mechanism behind our highest timelines, alignment, and synchronicities. We also get into retrocausality and tie it into why we should be aware of the stories we tell ourselves and others. Reality is much more fluid than many realize.
Episode Transcript
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Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. This podcast is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management. This podcast is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
Copyright: 2025 by Femme and Flow, LLC.
Saknas det avsnitt?
This episode comes right in time to take advantage of the potent energy of the 11/1 - 11/11 portal! Portals are a time of potent energy. In this episode we discuss more about how we can step into our power as energy alchemists and we go over a wonderful format you can follow when you meditate to truly use your energy and power for the LIGHT. We need to start meditating like it is our job!
We also talk a bit more about how it is silly that energy alchemy, meditation, and manifestation are demonized when it is simply how our reality works. Some have been brainwashed to view it as "bad" while the dark secretly use it to control society. LET'S TAKE OUR POWER BACK. This episode goes over how truly powerful we are. We also discuss what "downloads" are and talk about telepathy!
Episode Transcript
This episode was updated on 3/4/2025. There was an error where I mistakenly referenced "gamma" brainwaves instead of "theta" brainwaves.
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Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. This podcast is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management. This podcast is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
Copyright: 2024 by Femme and Flow, LLC.
In this episode, we discuss how to shift into an upward spiral! We go over things to keep in mind and I discuss the linked journal prompts. We want to break any loops, cycles, and downward spirals so we can go after self-improvement, growth, and raise our frequency.
Journal Prompts
Weekly and Monthly Check-In Prompts
Episode Transcript
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Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. This podcast is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management. This podcast is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
Copyright: 2025 by Femme and Flow, LLC.
In this episode, we dive deeper into the theme of the last episode which was "the duality trap of duality." We talk about Catch-22s and how to exploit paradoxes to win this inverted duality "game." We also talk about white hole games vs. black hole games and get into the nuance of that. Illusions and quantum physics concepts also come up and are important to this conversation.
Hawkins Map of Consciousness
Opening Prayer to Connect to Higher Guidance
Episode Transcript
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Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. This podcast is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management. This podcast is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
Copyright: 2025 by Femme and Flow, LLC.
In this episode, we discuss the concept that both light and dark are equally as important. Spoiler alert: On the big picture, I disagree with this idea. We talk about why I disagree and the nuance behind this popular concept. This is the duality trap of duality, and is extremely interesting.
Episode Transcript
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Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. This podcast is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management. This podcast is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
Copyright: 2025 by Femme and Flow, LLC.
In this episode, we discuss how important the chakra system is and why it is crucial to ground ourselves. This episode also ties back to the previous episodes, "Dark Global Elite Spiritual Traps," "Protecting Our Energy," "Prayer and Upper Chakra Activation," and "Guided Session to Cut off Energetic Ties and Cords." I recommend listening to this episode and then going back to the previous episodes I listed if they sound useful to you.
Episode Transcript
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Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. This podcast is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management. This podcast is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
Copyright: 2025 by Femme and Flow, LLC.
In this episode, we dive deeper into the topics about how the universe is a spiral of energy and upward spirals. We get into discussion about our own toroidal flow of energy, instant manifestation or reality creation, and how those are connected.
Episode Transcript
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Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. This podcast is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management. This podcast is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
Copyright: 2025 by Femme and Flow, LLC.
In this episode, we dive a little deeper on the topic of reality creation. We review the quantum physics of reality creation but then add more detail when it comes to morphogenic fields. This gets into conversation about "shorter" ways to create or manifest your reality. We also discuss quantum healing and the Akashic Records.
Episode Transcript
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Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. This podcast is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management. This podcast is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
Copyright: 2025 by Femme and Flow, LLC.
In this episode, we discuss inner vs. outer spiritual teachings. Inner teachings are the true, esoteric teachings of spirituality while the outer teachings are often literal interpretations religions grasp ahold of. Inner teachings have been held sacred throughout the ages, keepers waiting for the time consciousness rises to a level where society will accept this knowledge and the powers that be won't bury it. The time is now. We are in the Age of Enlightenment and the Age of Truth.
Episode Transcript
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Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. This podcast is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management. This podcast is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
Copyright: 2025 by Femme and Flow, LLC.
In this episode, we talk about how divine feminine energy absorbs while divine masculine energy transmutes. As humans, we need to have a balance of these two energies so we can properly absorb and transmute low frequency energies into high frequency energies. We also talk about how we help Mother Gaia this way and it connects to the macrocosm vs. microcosm relationship. We also discuss how bottled up emotions and past trauma gets stored in our bodies and causes pain and disease, and how to release this.
Episode Transcript
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Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. This podcast is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management. This podcast is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
Copyright: 2025 by Femme and Flow, LLC.
In this episode, we discuss how on a big picture level, source or God energy is divine feminine energy. Divine masculine energy splits from the divine feminine energy and this keeps going in a fractal pattern for infinity. This is very cool and pretty nuanced, but we chat about it in a way that is easy to conceptualize. This also means, the return of the divine feminine power is also the return to humanity fully resonating with God or source energy. This means the return of "heaven on Earth." We talk about this more in the episode!
Episode Transcript
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Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. This podcast is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management. This podcast is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
Copyright: 2025 by Femme and Flow, LLC.
In this episode, we discuss soul embodiment. We talk about what that means, why it is important, and how to do this. We also talk about what it means to be aligned to our higher self, different types of incarnations on Earth, and get into a lot of very interesting esoteric spiritual knowledge. This is a great episode and we touch on a lot of different, yet related, topics.
Episode Transcript
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Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. This podcast is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management. This podcast is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
Copyright: 2025 by Femme and Flow, LLC.
In this episode, we discuss the energy of big cities and how this ties to the collective mind. People living in big cities are more likely to be unknowingly tapped into the 4th dimensional "false matrix" programming. We get into how to combat this and how to live a life more aligned with higher dimensional energies. We also talk about the Vatican ritual that is happening on 12/24 and what we can do about it. We also discuss how some organized religions teach that meditation is bad, and why they push this lie. Of course, they do this to manipulate and control humanity. It is time everyone sees the truth. We are vibing in the Age of Enlightenment!
Episode Transcript
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Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. This podcast is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management. This podcast is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
Copyright: 2024 by Femme and Flow, LLC.
In this episode, we discuss what "satanism" really is. It is inverting all things that follow God's divine order, all things natural. Our current society is overrun with many, many inversions, and most people don't even realize this. It is time to wake up to the truth, so we can align with what is natural in order to anchor in higher dimensional energies and bring "heaven on earth."
Episode Transcript
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Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. This podcast is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management. This podcast is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
Copyright: 2024 by Femme and Flow, LLC.
In this episode we discuss how the energy that makes up the universe is a big spiral, or more specifically, is shaped like a torus and operates in a toroidal flow of energy. We also talk about how the 9 different dimensions we can access energetically all correspond to the Solfeggio frequencies and what this means. We also get into black holes vs. white holes, polarity shifts, and insanely interesting conversation around this. Below are the links I mention:
1-9 Dimensional Axis with New Info
Black Hole & White Hole Sketch
Episode Transcript
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Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. This podcast is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management. This podcast is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
Copyright: 2024 by Femme and Flow, LLC.
In this episode, we discuss the idea that a savior is coming back to save humanity. We commonly see this narrative, whether it is displayed in organized religion or other teachings and beliefs. Like everything, it is nuanced, so tune in to hear more about this.
Episode Transcript
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Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. This podcast is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management. This podcast is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
Copyright: 2024 by Femme and Flow, LLC.
In this episode, we discuss how we need to be very careful about the stories we tell ourselves and tell others. Are they stories of victimhood or of triumph? Whatever stories we tell ourselves, we perpetuate. We need to be very in tune with ourselves and our emotions so we can live our ideal lives and not unknowingly be causing our own suffering. We never should be a victim. We also need to be aware of the music we listen to and the emotions the music bring up.
Episode Transcript
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Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. This podcast is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management. This podcast is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
Copyright: 2024 by Femme and Flow, LLC.
In this episode, we discuss signs and synchronicities. We get into the differences and all the magic behind this topic!
Episode Transcript
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Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. This podcast is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management. This podcast is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
Copyright: 2024 by Femme and Flow, LLC.
This episode is perfect for people who just had a spiritual awakening or are new to this podcast! We discuss what is really going on here and the important energetics that create the basis for our reality.
Episode Transcript
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Disclaimer: We are not responsible for any losses, damages, or liabilities that may arise from the use of this podcast. This podcast is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The views expressed in this podcast may not be those of the host or the management. This podcast is for fun and entertainment purposes only.
Copyright: 2024 by Femme and Flow, LLC.
- Visa fler