Factory Settings is a podcast exploring politics, culture, relationships, mental health, addiction, and media, through the lens of how our built-in biases affect the way we consume information and form opinions.New episodes will launch bi-weekly. Episodes will remain open to the public for 2 weeks and then go behind the paywall. -
Danke, dass du hier bist bei „Alles ist Beziehung“.
Mit diesem Podcast möchte ich dir gerne Einblick in wichtige Beziehungsthemen geben, die ich als Coach und in meinem persönlichen Leben sammeln konnte.
Du kannst dich auf Coaching-Tipps, Interviews mit spannenden Menschen, persönliche Geschichten und gute Unterhaltung, einstellen.
Wenn du frustriert bist von immer wieder scheiternden Beziehungen oder sogar toxischen Beziehungen, dich fragst, ob es an dir oder den anderen liegt, oder spürst, dass du selbst mit deinen Beziehungsthemen nicht weiterkommst - dann bist du hier genau richtig.
Da ich glaube, dass die meisten Probleme auf Bindungsthemen zurückzuführen sind, ist mir dieser Podcast ein besonderes Anliegen. Würden wir uns und wo wir herkommen, besser verstehen, würden viele Konflikte, privat und gesellschaftlich oder global betrachtet, wahrscheinlich gar nicht erst entstehen. Daher ist es mir so wichtig, einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung des Miteinanders zu leisten und in Sachen Beziehung aufzuklären. Ich hoffe, dich bringt mein Podcast weiter und wünsche dir nun viel Spaß beim Zuhören. -
Feeling burnt out? It’s time to slow down. In a fast-paced world, Lithuania invites you to stop for a moment and give yourself a break. That’s why we’ve launched THE MINDFUL WAY TO TRAVEL IN LITHUANIA – the first-ever guided sessions on travelling a country mindfully. Take your time. Enjoy Lithuania’s nature, culture, people, food and leisure activities at a mindful pace. The project is funded by 2014-2022 Operational Programme for the European Union Funds Investments in Lithuania.
In 2006 Richard Hammond broke his brain. The high-speed jet-powered car he was piloting crashed at 319mph… and the thing that stopped the car from rolling? That was his head. Richard’s been on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth ever since, and now, he’s on a mission to demystify and destigmatise conversations around masculinity, mental health, and the issues that affect us all, in a bid to discover who we are now. Joined by his co-pilot and grown-up daughter Izzy, they’ll dive into the worlds of mid-life crisis’, what makes a modern man, how to raise daughters, and even question what it means to be a little shorter than average... Join Richard and Izzy as they try to figure out Who We Are Now.
For advertising opportunities on this podcast email: [email protected] -
Разговоры с психологом обо всем на свете: поиск призвания, страх успеха, эйджизм, доказательная психотерапия, скандальные отношения с бывшими, откровения проктолога и сырки Б. Ю. Александров.
По вопросам рекламы: [email protected] или в тг @din_dinarin
Для записи на консультации:
Тг-канал "Ноет ковчег":
Тг-канал о жизни подкаста:
Фикус в запрещенных сетях:
Are you busy, setting goals to achieve your dream life? Yet, incorporate pretty things into your busy life such as self care routines, home decor & style? Your host, Jadyn Hailey shares the perfect mix of feminine style, while dialing in to become the best version of YOU. Whether you love positive mindset motivation, mornings routines, wellness favorites, shabby chic style or feminine farmhouse inspo… Busy, Yet Pretty is your safe space. Tune in every Monday with an almond milk matcha latte!
Jadyn's Social Media platforms:
- Instagram:
- Tiktok:
- Youtube:
Business Inquiries: [email protected] -
This Podcast offers you a wide range of meditation music for practicing yoga nidra of sleep and relaxation techniques against anxiety and depression to go to bed in peace with yourself and wake up with relaxing and calm mind for the new day to come. The purpose of these Podcast is to help in healing and re-balancing the mind, body and spirit, by helping people experience moments of peace, clarity and relaxation.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Psichologinės žinios, emocinis raštingumas žmonėms reikalingas kiekviename žingsnyje.
Kaip bendrauti? Visų pirma - su savimi, su artimaisiais, kolegomis ir nepažįstamaisiais? Kokias klaidas čia darome, kodėl nesusikalbame? Kaip sau pagelbėti ir išmokti reguliuoti emocijas, užklupus nerimui ar stresui? Kodėl mūsų visuomenėje tiek daug į kitus ar į save pačius nukreiptos agresijos? Kodėl svarbu pažinti save ir ką daryti, jei atradimai nedžiugina? Viso to mūsų mokykloje ar universitete niekas nemoko. Psichologinis raštingumas paliekamas savieigai. Todėl apie viską būtina kalbėti, ir to niekada nebus per daug.
Laidoje „Čia ir dabar“ – pokalbiai su psichologijos profesionalais apie tai, kaip gyventi prasmingiau, neatidedant gyvenimo rytdienai ar neužstrigus praeities prisiminimuose, bet čia ir dabar – kaip psichologijai skirta radijo laida ir pavadinta. -
My name is Ronan and I’ve got something to tell you.
You’re not going to like it. But I’m going to tell you anyway. And it’s this.
Contrary to what you may have been taught, money, success and fame don’t make you happy, won’t make you healthy and can’t give you peace inside.
Trust me after years of chasing all 3 and multiple 7 figure exits, I learned that the hard way.
And that’s why I started the Ronan Levy Podcast. To help people like you and me start to rewrite the rules of happiness, redefine success and rediscover what’s meaningful. -
The world is in such a crazy place and even though people our age love to socialize – they just cannot hang. That’s why I made this podcast – to make listeners feel like they are hanging with their closest friends and learning about new and different perspectives. Isolation can bring loneliness and I want to create a community that can’t hang, together. And this is not to be mistaken that my guests “can’t hang” – they totally can.
Welcome to ”The Sonya Morton Firth Show,” where thought leaders question the status quo in health, wealth, and mindset. Our engaging interviews offer practical tools, empowering you to take meaningful steps toward a future full of opportunities.
With a unique blend of inspiration and actionable insights, our podcast stands out as a genuine guide for those looking to master their health, wealth, and mindset unrestricted by conventional boundaries.
Join us on this journey as we challenge norms and make the extraordinary achievable. -
Join Shohreh Davoodi, a self-trust coach for queer folks, for a podcast that celebrates what’s possible when you commit to being brave. Conjuring Up Courage navigates the complexities of power, privilege, and personal growth to explore how to build a more fulfilling life and create a better world for everyone. Through educational solo episodes and vibrant interviews with diverse guests from the LGBTQIA+ community and other marginalized groups, Shohreh engages in conversations about identity, sexual orientation and gender, self-doubt and shame, boundaries, vulnerability, resilience, self-care and community care, social justice, and more. This podcast invites you to stop living according to "shoulds" and step into your motherf*cking magic instead. New episodes are released every other Tuesday.
This is your shot of motivation to energize your LIFE! As a mindset and habits coach, Julie Voris is helping you crank up your ambition to level-up your goals, your dreams and the vision for your LIFE! We’re talking habits + action, with a little bit of truth love, and leaning into the hard work it takes to create your life on purpose with purpose. We're connecting with those who want to dream big dreams and live big lives. It’s time to crank up your ambition, energize your life through high impact habits, and create some magic. Let's get started.
Ordinary Girl - hosted by Courtney Raine & Kaley Shannon - is a weekly lifestyle podcast dedicated to delivering joy, relatability, & belly-laughs to young people everywhere. Every Friday, Courtney & Kaley share the jaw-dropping insanity they’re experiencing in LA as if you’re chattin' with them on a Covid-Safe beach watchin' a Malibu sunset (don't forget your iced-grande-cinnamon-dolce-Starbs). The honest & entertaining storytelling will leave you either in suspense or feeling completely understood (& hopefully a little less nuts).