
  • Some of the most famous clobber passages are found in Paul's letters. The passages have been used to demonise and push many LGBTQ+ people out of church and society. Yet are we reading these passages correctly or have we been lazy with our reading and interpretation?

    In this episode Alicia takes us through some fo these passages and the original language they were written in. We take a look at what Paul is actually talking about and the words he uses. Words that upon closer inspection, may not actually line up with how we have come to interpret and understand these clobber passages.

    The Kickstarter campaign for Alicia’s book The Bible and LGBTQ Adventists is live now. Please support this awesome project via the following link: http://kck.st/3zCOror

    You can connect with Dan and Jo through any of their social accounts below:

    Instagram: @enough.room

    Facebook: @Enoughroompodact

    Twitter: @EnoughRoomhere

    or via their website: enoughroom.captivate.fm

    or email: [email protected]

  • There are two passages in the Old Testament that people often point to as examples of the Bible calling out homosexuality as sin. The first being the story of Sodom and the second being a law in Leviticus chapter 18.

    But was Sodom really a city full of homosexuals? What is the law in Leviticus referring to?

    In this episode Dan and Jo as they continue their discussion with Pastor Alicia Johnston and delve into the story of Sodom, the law in Leviticus and a surprising connection to another very famous story in the Bible.

    Join them as they start in Leviticus and connect the dots from Leviticus, through to Sodom and all the way back to the days of Noah.

    The Kickstarter campaign for Alicia’s book The Bible and LGBTQ Adventists is live now. Please support this awesome project via the following link: http://kck.st/3zCOror

    You can connect with Dan and Jo through any of their social accounts below:

    Instagram: @enough.room

    Facebook: @Enoughroompodact

    Twitter: @EnoughRoomhere

    or via their website: enoughroom.captivate.fm

    or email: [email protected]

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  • The Bible is a collection of books written by different authors from different centuries, cultures and even languages. So how do we find the answers to the questions we seek around the Bible and LGBTQ+ affirming Theology.

    Whether you are a LGBTQ+ Christian, a concerned parent or a friend looking for answers, this is a question we all face when we approach the Bible.

    As special guest Pastor Alicia Johnston takes us further into the Bible and LGBTQ+ affirming theology, we reflect on the importance of context and understanding the Who, Why and When of scripture. When we take Bible verses out of context, we end up making the Bible say things it was never meant to.

    Alicia states that "Part of our calling as Adventist Christians is to seek out the truth that God has revealed in scripture. That’s our heritage. That’s our history. And that’s still our responsibility."

    Join Dan and Jo as they continue their conversation with Alicia and begin their journey into the some of the most challenging questions in the Bible.

    The Kickstarter campaign for Alicia’s book The Bible and LGBTQ Adventists is live now. Please support this awesome project via the following link: http://kck.st/3zCOror

    You can connect with Dan and Jo through any of their social accounts below:

    Instagram: @enough.room

    Facebook: @Enoughroompodact

    Twitter: @EnoughRoomhere

    or via their website: enoughroom.captivate.fm

    or email: [email protected]

  • Alicia's book, The Bible and LGBTQ Adventists makes a huge claim;

    "Full affirmation of same-sex marriage and transgender identity is the most biblical approach. It’s not biblical to oppose same-sex marriage or transgender identity. Though well-intentioned, the institutional church has gotten this question completely wrong."

    In this episode Dan and Jo directly address this claim. Together with Alicia, they explore the beginning of the bible and what it says about gender diversity and non heterosexual relationships. Join us as we explore the non-binary nature of creation.

    The Kickstarter campaign for Alicia’s book The Bible and LGBTQ Adventists is live now. Please support this awesome project via the following link: http://kck.st/3zCOror

    References below for the two Ellen White Quotes:

    E.G. White, Counsels to Writers and Editors, (Nashville, TN: Southern Publishing Assn., 1946) p. 38.E.G. White, The Signs of the Times April 25, 1906, paragraph 3.

    You can connect with Dan and Jo through any of their social accounts below:

    Instagram: @enough.room

    Facebook: @Enoughroompodact

    Twitter: @EnoughRoomhere

    or via their website: enoughroom.captivate.fm

    or email: [email protected]

  • If I were to ask you if you are created in the image of God, what would your answer be? The truth that we are created in the image of God is the most basic and fundamental truth about ourselves and our value.

    Join Jo and Dan as they continue their series with Alicia Johnston as we begin our journey into a beautiful theological conversation around being LGBTQ and Christian.

    Beginning with what it means to be created in the image of God, the next few episodes in this series will focus on some key biblical arguments and themes that often have been used to marginalise and demonise LGBTQ+ people in the church.

    There are beautiful gems to behold as we look back into the bible and learn more about God and us.

    The Kickstarter campaign for Alicia’s book The Bible and LGBTQ Adventists starts June 18.

    You can connect with Dan and Jo through any of their social accounts below:

    Instagram: @enough.room

    Facebook: @Enoughroompodact

    Twitter: @EnoughRoomhere

    or via their website: enoughroom.captivate.fm

    or email: [email protected]

  • Reflecting on the Pulse shooting hit hard and hit home for Alicia.

    Join Dan and Jo as they listen in on Alicia’s story of moving from the margins of the LGBTQ+ community to the margins of the Adventist community.

    Where do we draw the line between those communities, and why? How long will it take for the church to realise these two communities are far more intertwined than they think?

    What happens when we really start to look deeper into theology and explore why the church has left a community on the margins?

    You can connect with Dan and Jo through any of their social accounts below:

    Instagram: @enough.room

    Facebook: @Enoughroompodact

    Twitter: @EnoughRoomhere

    or via their website: enoughroom.captivate.fm

    or email: [email protected]

  • Alicia Johnston was a pastor in the Seventh-day Adventist church until the Pulse tragedy made her pause and reflect on how the Christian church was treating LGBTQI+ people. It also started her on a journey that would lead her to come out as both bi and LGBTQ affirming. 

    Join us as we kick off Pride Month reflecting on Alicias story, her calling to ministry and the beauty of an identity birthed in Jesus.

    She also has recently finished a book called The Bible and LGBTQ Adventists. According to SDAKinship, "Her hope is that this book can empower LGBTQ Adventists to accept themselves with full confidence, and provide their family and friends with a framework for acceptance within the theological language of the Adventist church."

    This is a book for every LGBTQ Adventist, their churches, families and friends.

    The Kick Starter campaign starts on June 18, 2021.

     Instagram: @enough.room

    Facebook: @Enoughroompodact

    Twitter: @EnoughRoomhere

    or via their website: enoughroom.captivate.fm

    or email: [email protected]

  • For a long time now conservative Christians have demonised and warned of the danger of the “gay lifestyle”. But what is this gay lifestyle that straight conservatives seem to know so much about? Does it even exist? And if there are issues with the lifestyle that some choose to lead, what pushed them into that lifestyle in the first place? Does the church have a role to play in all of this?

    Dan and Jo explore what this perceived gay lifestyle looks like before discussing how the church may actually influence people's lifestyle choices. Listen in on the conversation as they reflect on what the church community may have done to push people into a life they are so concerned with.

    You can connect with Dan and Jo through any of their social accounts below:

    Instagram: @enough.room

    Facebook: @Enoughroompodact

    Twitter: @EnoughRoomhere

    or via their website: enoughroom.captivate.fm

    or email: [email protected]

  • Stories can move people - move people to tears, bring them joy or remind them of another time. Story is such a powerful medium to share with people and one that seems to be a universal language.

    Dan and Jo discuss the importance of story in educating and bringing the divide that can be found in many churches.

    You can connect with Dan and Jo through any of their social accounts below:

    Instagram: @enough.room

    Facebook: @Enoughroompodact

    Twitter: @EnoughRoomhere

    or via their website: enoughroom.captivate.fm

    or email: [email protected]

  • What is it about pride that seems to get Christians worked up? Is pride such a bad thing? Is there a form of pride that is good, and healthy?

    Join Dan and Jo as they explore the idea of pride and what it means to them.

    You can connect with Dan and Jo through any of their social accounts below:

    Instagram: @enough.room

    Facebook: @Enoughroompodact

    Twitter: @EnoughRoomhere

    or via their website: enoughroom.captivate.fm

    or email: [email protected]

  • While Daniel and Jo have been quite public with their relationship, marriage and faith, this hasn't always been the case.

    Like most LGBTQI+ people, their journey to where they are today has been marked by an ongoing battle against shame. Not because they believe they are wrong to love someone of the same sex, but rather because this is the scar that they carry because of the experience of growing up gay in a straight world.

    Join Daniel and Jo as they reflect on their journey with shame and how even today they continue to battle to ensure that it does not win.

    You can connect with Dan and Jo through any of their social accounts below:

    Instagram: @enough.room

    Facebook: @Enoughroompodact

    Twitter: @EnoughRoomhere

    or via their website: enoughroom.captivate.fm

    or email: [email protected]

  • In their final episode with guest Andre Afamasaga, Daniel and Jo discuss the power that comes with being unashamedly authentic.

    Recorded in the latter part of 2020, Andre reflects on the first time he introduced himself as a gay christian Samoan man and the power that those words gave him.

    Being gay and christian has opened a whole new world however being a minority within a minority group has also come with its set of unique challenges. How does one own their truth in the spaces that they occupy?

    Andre, Dan and Jo also reflect on how visible the LGBTQI+ community has become and particularly in the Christian and Seventh Day Adventist communities. In the midst of these conservative spaces, LGBTQI+ christians are making inroads and are being visibly and authentically, Unashamed.

    The views expressed in this episode are those of the individuals and do not represent the views of their employers or associated parties.

    You can connect with Dan and Jo through any of their social accounts below:

    Instagram: @enough.room

    Facebook: @Enoughroompodact

    Twitter: @EnoughRoomhere

    or via their website: enoughroom.captivate.fm

    or email: [email protected]

  • In this episode we join Dan and Jo as they continue their conversation with Andre Afamasaga.

    There is something about Jesus that makes Him so attractive to people like Dan, Jo and Andre. There's something about the story of an outcast from Nazareth that speaks to their own stories and experiences as Gay Adventist Christians.

    Yet the Jesus we see in the bible is not always who is always portrayed by people who claim to be christians. Culture and politics have over time changed what it means to be a Jesus follower. From a God who includes the outcasts, He is now often portrayed as a God who is obsessed with what people wear or who they love for example.

    Join us as we peel back the veil of culture, time, and tradition to look boldly at the one who loved us first. Join us as we look at the Jesus that so many LGBTQI+ christians relate to and call their personal friend.

    This is my Jesus.

    The views expressed in this episode are those of the individuals and do not represent the views of their employers or associated parties.

    You can connect with Dan and Jo through any of their social accounts below:

    Instagram: @enough.room

    Facebook: @Enoughroompodact

    Twitter: @EnoughRoomhere

    or via their website: enoughroom.captivate.fm

    or email: [email protected]

  • Through years of wrestling with his sexuality , including about 15 years of conversion therapy, Andre comes to a realisation; The grace and acceptance of Jesus that he would share with others as a pastor, was available to him too.

    Join Dan and Jo as they continue the conversation with Andre and discover more about his journey to self acceptance as a gay christian islander.

    Dealing with the societal stigma of homosexuality is hard enough, however it becomes even more damaging and dangerous when it gets conflated with culture and religion.

    By being unashamedly visible, they hope that their stories inspires honest conversations in churches about the prejudiced and damaging beliefs that are often used against LGBTQ+ people who are seeking a safe space to practice their faith.

    Trigger warning: This episode discusses conversion therapy and related practices

    The views expressed in this episode are those of the individuals and do not represent the views of their employers or associated parties.

    You can connect with Dan and Jo through any of their social accounts below:

    Instagram: @enough.room

    Facebook: @Enoughroompodact

    Twitter: @EnoughRoomhere

    or via their website: enoughroom.captivate.fm

    or email: [email protected]

  • Join Dan and Jo as they introduce you to Andre - a former pastor who came out publicly via an article in the Sydney Morning Herald during the aftermath of the Israel Folau saga. The article went viral and went on to be shared and published internationally.

    As someone who was a minister for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Andre has had quite a journey with accepting his sexuality and what this has meant for his position as a pastor.

    Since transitioning from the pulpit to now working for the human rights commission, Andre has been a light and a respected voice for the LGBTQI+ community and we are so blessed to be able to share some of his story with you.

    The views expressed in this episode are those of the individuals and do not represent the views of their employers or associated parties.

    You can connect with Dan and Jo through any of their social accounts below:

    Instagram: @enough.room

    Facebook: @Enoughroompodact

    Twitter: @EnoughRoomhere

    or via their website: enoughroom.captivate.fm

    or email: [email protected]

  • The Seventh Day Adventist church is one step away from being the most progressive christian denomination. This is a bold statement considering the church currently does not officially ordain women in some parts of the world and still believes that homosexuality is a sin.

    In this episode Daniel and Jo react to a statement published by the South Pacific Division of Seventh Day Adventists regarding the recent Conversion Therapy Ban that was enacted in the state of Victoria, Australia.

    Is the Christian church changing and shifting to a more progressive perspective? Is the church moving to a more compassionate position on social justice matters? Or is the church no longer living up to its mission and thus we are seeing God using secular governments as His agents of change in order to protect the vulnerable?

    You can connect with Dan and Jo through any of their social accounts below:

    Instagram: @enough.room

    Facebook: @Enoughroompodact

    Twitter: @EnoughRoomhere

    or via their website: enoughroom.captivate.fm

    or email: [email protected]

  • As discussions continue amongst politicians, Jo and Dan share their thoughts on Victoria's proposed bill to ban conversion and suppression practices in the state.

    Many religious groups believe this bill will encroach on their freedom of religion and ability to practice their faith, and many are spreading this message on social media, but is that really the case? Is that really what the bill is about?

    Dan and Jo discuss the impact of conversion therapy and practices on the LGBTQiA+ community and whether or not the church should be concerned for its own perceived persecution, or if it should support this bill.

    You can connect with Dan and Jo through any of their social accounts below:

    Instagram: @enough.room

    Facebook: @Enoughroompodact

    Twitter: @EnoughRoomhere

    or via their website: enoughroom.captivate.fm

    or email: [email protected]

  • Dan and Jo are back with Season 3 of Enough Room!!

    In their first episode they recap some exciting developments in the first month of 2020 including a Drag Queen who came out very publicly as a Seventh Day Adventist Christian on RuPauls Drag Race Season 13.

    There is definitely a lot of work to be done in the Christian church when it comes to affirming LGBTQ+ christians. However there is still a question to be asked about how we have reached a point where a Drag Queen can be so open and bold about their Christian faith. Not only boldly claiming to be a christian but also identifying as a Seventh Day Adventist Christian at that.

    Has there been a shift in the church? How has this happened?

    Join Dan and Jo as they revisit the story of Jesus and the woman at the well. The beginning of what they believe is a long history of Jesus followers breaking down barriers and boldly proclaiming their relationship with the loving Christ.

    You can connect with Dan and Jo through any of their social accounts below:

    Instagram: @enough.room

    Facebook: @Enoughroompodact

    Twitter: @EnoughRoomhere

    or via their website: enoughroom.captivate.fm

    or email: [email protected]

  • Christmas is that time of the year when we often take time to take stock of the experiences of the year that's been. iIt is also a time when families are reunited and relationships are celebrated.

    In this episode, Dan and Jo review what this year has been like for Enough Room and the community it has built across the world.

    They also take the time to acknowledge that for many in the LGBTQI+ community, Christmas is also a reminder of the relationships that we have lost while at the same time an opportunity to celebrate the families we have since built.

    Join Dan and Jo on their final episode of 2020. You don't want to miss this..

    You can connect with Dan and Jo through any of their social accounts below:

    Instagram: @enough.room

    Facebook: @Enoughroompodact

    Twitter: @EnoughRoomhere

    or via their website: enoughroom.captivate.fm

    or email: [email protected]

  • In this episode, Dan and Jo discuss some of the experiences of the past year and how they have seen the love of the church grow cold.

    While it can be hurtful to be left out and ignored because of who you are, it can also teach you a lot about who your true friends are.

    Join Dan and Jo as they explore a new way of understanding Jesus words regarding the end times and how the church may have more to be concerned with than it thought.

    You can connect with Dan and Jo through any of their social accounts below:

    Instagram: @enough.room

    Facebook: @Enoughroompodact

    Twitter: @EnoughRoomhere

    or via their website: enoughroom.captivate.fm

    or email: [email protected]