¡Bienvenidos a MiSion Podcast!
En esta plataforma compartiremos todos nuestros devocionales.
MiSion es un Centro de Entrenamiento Ministerial donde hombres y mujeres son preparados para manifestar el Reino de Dios en la tierra.
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Luis Román es un teólogo católico, felizmente casado y padre de 3 varones y 2 niñas. Es el anfitrión de los Programas Conoce Ama Y Vive Tu Fe y Perspectiva Católica con Luis Roman. Tiene una Maestría en Teología de la Universidad Franciscana de Steubenville. y también posee dos Maestrías en Administración y Gerencia Estratégica. Por más de 17 años ha trabajado con diversas empresas.
Pertenece a la Orden de los Caballeros de Colon (Knights of Colombus)Su Programa Conoce Ama Y Vive Tu Fe es seguido por casi 500,000 mil personas todas las semanas.
Puedes contactar a Luis Roman por email: [email protected]
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Facebook: @conoceamayvivetufeTwitter: @ConoceF3Instagram:conoceamayvivetufe -
Tune in to the St. Josemaria Institute Podcast to fuel your prayer and conversation with God.
On our weekly podcast we share meditations given by priests who, in the spirit of St. Josemaria Escriva, offer points for reflection to guide you in your personal prayer and help you grow closer to God.The meditations are typically under 30 minutes so that you can take advantage of them during your time of prayer, commute, walk, lunch, or any time you want to listen to something good.
The St. Josemaria Institute was established in 2006 in the United States to promote the life and teachings of St. Josemaria, priest and founder of Opus Dei, through prayer, devotions, digital and social media, and special programs and initiatives. -
The examen is an ancient prayer practice that enables you to find God in your daily life. Our podcast is based on a technique that St. Ignatius Loyola outlined in the "Spiritual Exercises," his classic manual for prayer. Each week Fr. Martin will provide you with a new reflection and guide you through the examen prayer.
Renovando Tu Mente es un ministerio de alcance en español de Ligonier Ministries, una organización internacional de enseñanza y discipulado cristiano fundada en 1971 por el Dr. R.C. Sproul. Dios usa Su Palabra para cambiar vidas. En Romanos 12:2, Pablo dice a los cristianos, «transformaos por medio de la renovación de vuestra mente». Nuestro objetivo es presentar fielmente la verdad de las Escrituras, ayudando a las personas a saber lo que creen, por qué lo creen, cómo vivirlo, y cómo compartirlo.
Bienvenidos a Vida Nueva Podcast, somos una iglesia con sede en Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Islas Canarias, España, que buscamos expandir la palabra de Dios por todos los medios de comunicación posibles. Aquí, igual que nuestros otros canales iremos subiendo versiones en audio de mensajes en vivo, estudios bíblicos y más. Esperamos que les sean de bendición.
Philokalia Ministries is the fruit of 30 years spent at the feet of the Fathers of the Church. Led by Father David Abernethy, Philokalia (Philo: Love of the Kalia: Beautiful) Ministries exists to re-form hearts and minds according to the mold of the Desert Fathers through the ascetic life, the example of the early Saints, the way of stillness, prayer, and purity of heart, the practice of the Jesus Prayer, and spiritual reading. Those who are involved in Philokalia Ministries - the podcasts, videos, social media posts, spiritual direction and online groups - are exposed to writings that make up the ancient, shared spiritual heritage of East and West: The Ladder of Divine Ascent, Saint Augustine, the Philokalia, the Conferences of Saint John Cassian, the Ascetical Homilies of Saint Isaac the Syrian, and the Evergetinos. In addition to these, more recent authors and writings, which draw deeply from the well of the desert, are read and discussed: Lorenzo Scupoli, Saint Theophan the Recluse, anonymous writings from Mount Athos, the Cloud of Unknowing, Saint John of the Cross, Thomas a Kempis, and many more.
Philokalia Ministries is offered to all, free of charge. However, there are real and immediate needs associated with it. You can support Philokalia Ministries with one-time, or recurring monthly donations, which are most appreciated. Your support truly makes this ministry possible. May Almighty God, who created you and fashioned you in His own Divine Image, restore you through His grace and make of you a true icon of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. -
Join Fr. Innocent, Fr. Angelus, Fr. Pierre Toussaint, and Fr. Mark-Mary, priests of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, each week to discuss authentic faith in today's world as they share stories and wisdom from years of prayer, community life, and work with the poor.
It all comes back to this: finding deep friendship with Jesus. Seeing him work in our lives everyday. Through topics as varied as mental health, the confessional, and NYC neighbors, the Poco A Poco Podcast is here to accompany all pilgrims as they walk step by step, little by little, poco a poco on their pilgrimage to the Father's house.
The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal are a Catholic religious order founded in the South Bronx, NY. Learn more or subscribe to their updates at -
You are a Virgo, born between August 24 and September 23. Join me for just a couple of minutes every single day of the year to hear about the movement and relative positions of the planets and stars, and how it may impact your life, relationships, career, and more. This daily horoscope show is dedicated to providing insightful astrology readings tailored specifically for Virgo.
Every episode delves into the intricate details of your Virgo horoscope, offering guidance and predictions based on the latest astrology insights. Whether you're curious about how the stars influence your love life, career choices, or personal growth, this podcast is your go-to source for daily astrology updates.
As an Virgo, you thrive on knowledge and innovation, and this horoscope podcast is designed to keep you informed and inspired. By focusing on the unique traits and tendencies of Virgo, each episode provides you with personalized astrology readings that resonate with your life and aspirations.
Listen now to your Virgo horoscope and discover how astrology can help you navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. This podcast offers a blend of traditional astrology wisdom and modern interpretations, ensuring that you receive the most relevant and accurate horoscope readings.
Stay connected with the cosmos and let your Virgo horoscope guide you towards a brighter future. With daily astrology updates, you'll be well-equipped to make informed decisions and embrace the journey ahead. Your future will thank you.