* Reminder: The Survival Guide will be on hiatus until November!
* Coming at some point in the future, Josh is in an Actual Play!
* Deeper Secrets: Nethermancer Spells
* First Circle
* Detect Undead
* Preserve
* Putrefy
* Spirit Labor
* Undead Struggle
* Top choices and First Circle spells from earlier editions
* Second Circle
* Animate Skeleton
* Death Trance
* Netherlight
* Sculpt Darkness
* Translator Spirit
* Top choices and Second Circle spells from earlier editions
* Final discussion and commentary
Find and Follow:
Email: edsgpodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EDSGPodcast
Find and follow Josh: https://linktr.ee/LoreMerchant
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Official Earthdawn Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/officialearthdawn
FASA Games Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/uuVwS9u
Earthdawn West Marches: https://discord.gg/hhHDtXW
* Good news: Josh has been cast in a local show!
* Bad news: Survival Guide going on hiatus until November.
* Send us emails or suggestions for future topics!
* Journey to Lang
* Introductory adventure by Lou Prosperi
* First Earthdawn adventure
* Straightforward, no complex mystery or twists.
* Plot summary.
* Hired to travel to find what has befallen the village of Lang.
* T'skrang riverboat ride, first tests.
* Travel to village; clues and an encounter.
* At the village; encounter with cadaver men.
* Meeting the surviving villagers.
* Defeating the corrupted obsidimen.
* Introduces many key themes and concepts of Earthdawn.
* Early adventures as a template for typical stories in the game.
* Excellent for a first-time Earthdawn GM.
* Little room to wander off the map, great for new players.
* Difficulty of combat encounters.
* Possible hooks for follow-up adventures.
* Comparison to airboat scenes in Terror in the Skies.
* Final thoughts.
Find and Follow:
Email: edsgpodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EDSGPodcast
Find and follow Josh: https://linktr.ee/LoreMerchant
Get product information, developer blogs, and more at www.fasagames.com
FASA Games on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fasagamesinc
FASA Games Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/uuVwS9u
Earthdawn West Marches: https://discord.gg/hhHDtXW
Saknas det avsnitt?
* Deeper Secrets: Illusionist Spells!
* First Circle Spells
* Bellow of the Thundras
* Light Show
* Pauper's Purse
* Phantom Astral Spear
* Phantom Crow Tear
* Rope Guide
* Warning Signal
* Spell Discussion
* Second Circle Spells
* And Their Money
* Billowing Cloak
* Chicanery
* Impossible Knot
* Phantom Liquid Arrow
* Remove Shadow
* Tailor
* What happened to old spells?
* Analysis and Discussion
Find and Follow:
Email: edsgpodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EDSGPodcast
Find and follow Josh: https://linktr.ee/LoreMerchant
Get product information, developer blogs, and more at www.fasagames.com
FASA Games on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fasagamesinc
FASA Games Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/uuVwS9u
Earthdawn West Marches: https://discord.gg/hhHDtXW
* Diving into the mailbag!
* YouTube comments and restructuring of video releases.
* Official FASA Games podcast recording Thursdays in the Discord.
* Email from Walter: Caught up on the podcast! What now?
* Email from Anthony: Fatigue and sleeping in armor.
* Some design and playtest insights.
* Email from Patrick: Questions about Life Light spell.
* Found in Deeper Secrets, page 138.
* Probably not meant to move with the caster.
* Email from Jesse: Windlings in Blood Wood?
* Size and shape of riverboats?
* Size of the Floating City?
* Discussion of underlying game world math and maps.
* Blood Elves and the Outcast Path.
Find and Follow:
Email: edsgpodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EDSGPodcast
Find and follow Josh: https://linktr.ee/LoreMerchant
Get product information, developer blogs, and more at www.fasagames.com
FASA Games on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fasagamesinc
FASA Games Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/uuVwS9u
Earthdawn West Marches: https://discord.gg/hhHDtXW
* Earthdawn Adventure Shards: Kept in the Dark
* Dan has run this one, Josh hasn't.
* Expedition into the Servos.
* Written by Gary Bowerbank
* Coincidence of name "Akarem" from Mists of Betrayal
* NPC employers.
* Highlights the dangers of wilderness travel.
* Possible error with troajin in place of crojen.
* Broad event overview.
* Tonal shift in second half of adventure.
* Variety of encounters; mix of role-play and possible combat.
* If... then statements that steer the story.
* Theran hunting party.
* Ruined temple.
* Options for heading out of the jungle and consequences.
* Lots of things going on, several choices.
* Analysis and discussion.
* Solid adventure design; multiple paths.
* Good introductory/low Circle adventure.
Find and Follow:
Email: edsgpodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EDSGPodcast
Find and follow Josh: https://linktr.ee/LoreMerchant
Get product information, developer blogs, and more at www.fasagames.com
FASA Games on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fasagamesinc
FASA Games Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/uuVwS9u
Earthdawn West Marches: https://discord.gg/hhHDtXW
* Josh is back from GenCon!
* GenCon recap and review.
* New Earthdawn products!
* Other games played.
* Deeper Secrets: Shaman Spells
* Recapping Elementalist and Wizard spells from previous editions.
* First Circle Spells
* Alter Tracks
* Animal Friendship
* Recap of Pack and Spirit keywords
* Badger Mettle
* Cetacean Breathing
* Hungry Like the Wolf
* Pack Mule
* Woodland Helpers
* Thoughts and commentary.
* Second Circle Spells
* Bear's Sleep
* Bleeding Edge
* Hair Frenzy
* Invoke Turtle Snap
* Invoke Wolf Maim
* Porcupine Quills
* Tiger Roar
* Thoughts and commentary.
* This year's GenCon pregens.
Find and Follow:
Email: edsgpodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EDSGPodcast
Find and follow Josh: https://linktr.ee/LoreMerchant
Get product information, developer blogs, and more at www.fasagames.com
FASA Games on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fasagamesinc
FASA Games Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/uuVwS9u
Earthdawn West Marches: https://discord.gg/hhHDtXW
* Earthdawn Adventures: The Search for Wisdom
* aka "Runvir's Tomb"
* Question from the Discord about setting it in Parlainth.
* Good introductory adventure.
* Differences between original version and RedBrick update.
* Connection with Kratas and Garlthik One-Eye.
* Former Kingdom of Ustrect.
* Likely reasons for Third Edition rework.
* Plot overview: Getting the Job.
* Travel the Runvir's Tomb.
* Encounter with Crystal Raiders.
* Exploring the Tomb.
* Potential backstory issues.
* Josh talks about broader development concerns.
* Skarvik, The Horror that haunts the tomb.
* Magical treasures.
* The Oracle Fountain and potential campaign concerns.
Find and Follow:
Email: edsgpodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EDSGPodcast
Find and follow Josh: https://linktr.ee/LoreMerchant
Get product information, developer blogs, and more at www.fasagames.com
FASA Games on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fasagamesinc
FASA Games Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/uuVwS9u
Earthdawn West Marches: https://discord.gg/hhHDtXW
* Deeper Secrets: Elementalist Spells
* Spell comparison between fourth edition and earlier editions.
* Circle and Discipline shuffling.
* First Circle Spells
* Dry and Wet
* Ignite
* Repair
* Room Temperature
* Smoke Cloud
* Second Circle Spells
* Balloons of Mist
* Fire Whip
* Grounding
* Liquid Arrow
* Throne of Air
* Discussion and preferences.
* Carrying somebody else with Throne of Air?
* Wrap up.
Find and Follow:
Email: edsgpodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EDSGPodcast
Find and follow Josh: https://linktr.ee/LoreMerchant
Get product information, developer blogs, and more at www.fasagames.com
FASA Games on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fasagamesinc
FASA Games Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/uuVwS9u
Earthdawn West Marches: https://discord.gg/hhHDtXW
* Throal Adventures: The Way Out
* aka Westhrall's Passage
* Josh shares a memory from when he ran the adventure.
* By Sean Rhodes who also wrote Serpent River and the t'skrang chapter of the Denizens book.
* Map fragment uncovered of the river tunnels below the Kingdom.
* Straightforward exploration adventure.
* Raft travel and navigation, underground survival, long-term journey.
* "Milestones" along the journey, encounters, rhythm of travel.
* Journey is part of the experience and shouldn't be skipped.
* Arrival in the Great Dome and encountering the Pale Ones.
* Characters must deal with the local problem to complete their expedition.
* Mining camp with enslaved Pale Ones run by one of the exiled Throalic noble families.
* The opposition, dealing with the camp, and the consequences.
* High marks, feels like it has a lot going on despite the page count.
* Characters need to deal with the problem, no easy backup.
* Linear, but flexible when resolving the final obstacle.
* Some room to expand earlier stretch of the expedition.
* Final thoughts.
Find and Follow:
Email: edsgpodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EDSGPodcast
Find and follow Josh: https://linktr.ee/LoreMerchant
Get product information, developer blogs, and more at www.fasagames.com
FASA Games on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fasagamesinc
FASA Games Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/uuVwS9u
Earthdawn West Marches: https://discord.gg/hhHDtXW
* Deeper Secrets: First and Second Circle Wizard.
* Overview thoughts from Josh.
* Number of spells compared to earlier editions.
* What returning and new spells are there?
* What spells are still missing?
* First Circle Spells
* Perimeter Alarm
* Seal
* Travelog
* Triangulate
* Volume Control
* Wake Up Call
* Second Circle Spells
* Astral Flare
* Clean
* Entry Log
* Makeshift Weapon
* Search
* Sterilize
* Closing discussion
Find and Follow:
Email: edsgpodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EDSGPodcast
Find and follow Josh: https://linktr.ee/LoreMerchant
Get product information, developer blogs, and more at www.fasagames.com
FASA Games on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fasagamesinc
FASA Games Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/uuVwS9u
Earthdawn West Marches: https://discord.gg/hhHDtXW
* Throal Adventures: Deep Trouble.
* Also known as "Blackout" in the RedBrick rerelease.
* The only adventure in the collection with a Horror.
* Cloak-and-Dagger style introduction as a vetting process.
* No direct politics, but there are potential political consequences.
* Rival groups serving other parties that may work at cross-purposes.
* Earthquakes below the city of Hustane, two scouting parties have vanished.
* Rivals working to dig up dirt on Hustane's Baroness.
* Watched during prep, then venture into the tunnels below the city.
* Thoughts on updating the adventure to "present day".
* Underground environments, critters, and rival parties.
* The Horror: Emr'r'ko
* Biggest obstacle: The Horror's darkness power
* Despite political concerns, straightforward delve.
* Possible conclusions based on what happened with the other groups.
* The Horror's curse and possible sequels.
* Other possible tweaks for a completed Hustane to establish stakes.
* High marks for a short, direct adventure with potential consequences.
Find and Follow:
Email: edsgpodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EDSGPodcast
Find and follow Josh: https://linktr.ee/LoreMerchant
Get product information, developer blogs, and more at www.fasagames.com
FASA Games on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fasagamesinc
FASA Games Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/uuVwS9u
Earthdawn West Marches: https://discord.gg/hhHDtXW
* Mailbag!
* YouTube comment from Caroline Spector
* Question from Skreng: Population percentage of adepts?
* Blog post about adept populations: https://fasagames.com/earthdawn/adept-populations/
* Email from Saint Bless: Suggestions for future episodes.
* More about the war between the Serpent River t'skrang and Wyrm Wood?
* What is known about that war in the Shadowrun era?
* "Post-Hanto" drakes, The Vanishing Scholar and using thread items?
* Emails from Will: Tales from the table! Old adventures in ED4.
* Movement discrepancies when comparing first to fourth edition?
* Changes to Barsaive at War and the time jump to Empty Thrones?
* Short stories at the front of adventures?
* Possible explanation of Lake Ban having multiple outlets?
* Sidebar: The Marvel No-Prize
Find and Follow:
Email: edsgpodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EDSGPodcast
Find and follow Josh: https://linktr.ee/LoreMerchant
Get product information, developer blogs, and more at www.fasagames.com
FASA Games on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fasagamesinc
FASA Games Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/uuVwS9u
Earthdawn West Marches: https://discord.gg/hhHDtXW
* Shosara: The Free Companies
* An easy way to get characters involved with Shosara.
* Adepts and mercenaries hired by Shosara soon after the Separation.
* Developed into a more formal military structure.
* Headquarters is the Grand Arsenal at the southern end of Shosara's Harbor.
* Led by the Grand Captain, who has a seat on the Council of Princes.
* Leveraged their position or that seat to have a say in the nation's leadership.
* Most settlements have a militia rather than a formal fighting force.
* Free Companies serve as formal army and navy.
* Patrol trade routes and serve as city guard in Shosara.
* Large contingent of Weaponsmiths to supply their forces.
* Often dispatched to address mysteries and problems brought before the Council.
* May hire freelance adepts to investigate these when official forces are not available.
* Other freelance and mercenary work available through them.
* An organization Player Characters are likely to work with or for in Shosara.
* Current Grand Captain Damira Alessar
* Dwarf responsible for arrangements with the Trisrora ranelle.
* Concerned with national security and safety, not so much in elven politics.
* Not concerned with personal political power.
Find and Follow:
Email: edsgpodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EDSGPodcast
Find and follow Josh: https://linktr.ee/LoreMerchant
Get product information, developer blogs, and more at www.fasagames.com
FASA Games on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fasagamesinc
FASA Games Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/uuVwS9u
Earthdawn West Marches: https://discord.gg/hhHDtXW
* Grand Bazaar and Deeper Secrets both available in PDF!
* Kickstarter Backers have had their codes sent.
* Deeper Secrets is big! 624 pages including index.
* Throal Adventures: Purloined Provisions
* Also released as the Shard "Pale River" by RedBrick
* Designed for low Journeyman characters.
* Like Parlainth Adventures, a collection of shorter, more straightforward scenarios.
* Adventures all deal with traditional adventure/exploration.
* Little direct interaction with Throalic society or politics.
* Setup: Merchants in Grand Bazaar have been having their stalls looted.
* Characters are hired to keep an eye out.
* Encounter between pale ones and Throalic guards.
* Characters follow the thieves into the tunnels deep below the Kingdom.
* Learn the village is struggling because the river has dried up.
* Venture upstream to investigate and solve the problem.
* Combat encounters with stingers and shadowmants.
* Cave trolls have dammed the river with an elemental to farm True water.
* Likely combat with the trolls, and need to deal with the elemental.
* Possible complications and side goals.
* Fourth Circle updates and approaches.
Find and Follow:
Email: edsgpodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EDSGPodcast
Find and follow Josh: https://linktr.ee/LoreMerchant
Get product information, developer blogs, and more at www.fasagames.com
FASA Games on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fasagamesinc
FASA Games Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/uuVwS9u
Earthdawn West Marches: https://discord.gg/hhHDtXW
* The Western Kingdoms: The Founding Ranelles
* GenCon news! Earthdawn events.
* Learning to work with Josh's brain.
* Total eclipse discussion.
* Quick recap of the founding ranelles.
* Escalanas = Mystic, Fensalor = Physical, Trisrora = Social
* The Escalanas Ranelle
* Long dedication to research into the mystic arts.
* First matriarch and the founding of Sereatha.
* Distant relationship with the Escalanas ranelle in Blood Wood.
* Not thrilled with Blood Wood, but may support efforts to end the Ritual of Thorns.
* Post Scourge activity; expeditions and research into the Wastes.
* Fewest, but most loyal gerryth in the Western Kingdoms.
* Using the Escalanas ranelle in adventures and campaigns.
* Current matriarch.
* The Fensalor Ranelle
* Founding and background
* More self-interested and orthodox.
* Had the most gerryth survive.
* Not as concerned with consortis role.
* Current focus; rebuilding infrastructure of the Gwydenro.
* Making Sereatha new seat of Elvendom not top priority.
* Growing trade relationship with Thera.
* Using the Fensalor in adventures and campaigns.
* Current patriarch.
* The Trisrora Ranelle
* Founding and background.
* Similarities to Throal as a mercantile power.
* Current focus and cultural philosophy.
* Relationship with Iopos.
* Current matriarch.
* Using the Trisrora in adventures in the campaigns.
Find and Follow:
Email: edsgpodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EDSGPodcast
Find and follow Josh: https://linktr.ee/LoreMerchant
Get product information, developer blogs, and more at www.fasagames.com
FASA Games on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fasagamesinc
FASA Games Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/uuVwS9u
Earthdawn West Marches: https://discord.gg/hhHDtXW
* Earthdawn Adventures: Shattered Pattern
* Send us your questions if you have them!
* Stands alone, but does involve an item found in Infected.
* Pattern items as a maguffin or plot driver.
* PCs hired to solve the mystery of their employer's identity.
* Journeyman-tier adventure -- Recommended Circles Five to Seven.
* Technically non-linear, but presents most likely order of events.
* Features the Cult of the Great Hunter.
* Initial clues: amulet, coins, and map, employer's pattern.
* Mainly set in area along the Serpent River South Reach.
* Broad plot summary; travel and sites.
* Adventure background and primary antagonist, Tyrlaan.
* Location 1: Ruined Temple
* Location 2: Kaer Varenna
* Joran the Shadow Hunter
* Location 3: Tyrlaan's Lair
* Adventure climax and conclusion.
* Major rewards: A favor from Icewing, Blades of Cara Fahd.
* Solid adventure with strong Earthdawn flavor.
* Possible follow-up or sequel ideas.
* Fourth edition timeline and stat updates?
* Possible pitfalls and final thoughts.
Find and Follow:
Email: edsgpodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EDSGPodcast
Find and follow Josh: https://linktr.ee/LoreMerchant
Get product information, developer blogs, and more at www.fasagames.com
FASA Games on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fasagamesinc
FASA Games Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/uuVwS9u
Earthdawn West Marches: https://discord.gg/hhHDtXW
* The Western Kingdoms
* A little bit of background of the Elven Nations book.
* The placement of the Western Kingdoms and relation to Sereatha.
* Overview of the western kingdom's political structure.
* Individual domains each ruled by a ranelle, called a gerryth.
* Collectively called the Gwydenro, or "heartland".
* The founding ranelles of the western kingdoms.
* The legend of Sereatha's founding.
* Ancient past, relationship to Wyrm Wood.
* Tales developed to justify the way things are.
* How the tales lead to Shosara's heresy.
* Providing monarchs for the Rose Throne.
* Lots of BS called out in this episode!
* Josh's headcanon of elven high court politics.
* The Orichalcum Wars and the Scourge.
* Emergence after the Scourge and Sereatha's fate.
* Reactions to the Blood Wood and Shosaran reconciliation.
* The Roheline Wood and the Wastes.
* Present-day political situation in Sereatha.
* Sereatha's orthodoxy and the strength of cultural narrative.
* The three-sided political struggle over the fate of elvendom.
Find and Follow:
Email: edsgpodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EDSGPodcast
Find and follow Josh: https://linktr.ee/LoreMerchant
Get product information, developer blogs, and more at www.fasagames.com
FASA Games on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fasagamesinc
FASA Games Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/uuVwS9u
Earthdawn West Marches: https://discord.gg/hhHDtXW
* Mailbag episode!
* Lou provided some insight into other pieces written by Sam Witt
* Aleyn sent us a bunch of adventure journals!
* We talk about character journals back in the day.
* Email from Brendan: Penalties for sleeping in armor?
* Josh suggests: Reducing recovery tests by the Initiative Penalty.
* How long to put on armor? Related somehow to Physical Armor rating?
* Email from Kenneth: House rules for thread weaving/spell casting.
* Spell casting "cantrip" knacks and extra threads.
* Legend Point cost for spells and the thinking behind it.
* Email from Stefan: Enchanting Deep Dive.
* Player perspective vs GM perspective.
* Mechanics vs story.
Find and Follow:
Email: edsgpodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EDSGPodcast
Find and follow Josh: https://linktr.ee/LoreMerchant
Get product information, developer blogs, and more at www.fasagames.com
FASA Games on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fasagamesinc
FASA Games Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/uuVwS9u
Earthdawn West Marches: https://discord.gg/hhHDtXW
* Parlainth Adventures: Threads
* Return to form; facing a Horror threat.
* Higher challenge.
* Roots lie in Parlainth's history and is now threatening Haven.
* Does not require as much established NPC relationships as earlier adventures.
* Can benefit from some foreshadowing and build-up.
* Hired to investigate escalting violence in Haven.
* Fairly linear, can run into "mystery adventure" problems.
* Some guidance into how the adepts can notice weird magic.
* Not so much about the investigation, just following the thread to the cause.
* How these adventures sidestep the "investigation" phase.
* Some ideas for expanding the early stages.
* Excursion into the ruins.
* The Cult of Pain and what has gone before.
* The Abomination and its plans.
* "Kaer crawl" in the Western Catacombs.
* Analyzing the Horror's stat block.
* Linear and traditional, but not bad for it.
* Sidebar about mystery and investigation plots.
* Gumshoe, Brindlewood Bay, and Apocalypse Keys.
* Levels of success on Perception tests.
* Final thoughts.
Find and Follow:
Email: edsgpodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EDSGPodcast
Find and follow Josh: https://linktr.ee/LoreMerchant
Get product information, developer blogs, and more at www.fasagames.com
FASA Games on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fasagamesinc
FASA Games Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/uuVwS9u
Earthdawn West Marches: https://discord.gg/hhHDtXW
* Shosara: Navolok Ranelle
* Foil or rival to the Laryskova.
* Focused on helping adopt non-elven ideas.
* Not concerned with the opinion of the Elven Court.
* Internal dynamic of the "liberal" elven nation.
* Enough information to inform, not too much to overwhelm.
* More willing to share titles and promote non-elves.
* Remained behind after the Separation where the Laryskova left.
* Forging identity as Shosarans.
* Name is a human word; declaring independence from the Court.
* Did much to grow and establish the nation and its political structure.
* Cultural friction with the Laryskova due to differing objectives.
* Only a third of the ranelle are elves.
* Post-Scourge history and activities.
* "Radicals" from an elven perspective.
* Changes to the elven Wheel philosophy.
* Support of arts and culture.
* Grand Prince Zinoviy
* Takes some inspiration from Throal's Council Compact.
* Thinking of nominating a human as his successor.
* Final thoughts.
Find and Follow:
Email: edsgpodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EDSGPodcast
Find and follow Josh: https://linktr.ee/LoreMerchant
Get product information, developer blogs, and more at www.fasagames.com
FASA Games on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fasagamesinc
FASA Games Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/uuVwS9u
Earthdawn West Marches: https://discord.gg/hhHDtXW
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