Honza Pobořil (SirFogg.com), Lukáš Beňo (Novartis) a Kryštof Bernat (Drupal ᐬrts) si povídají o svých zkušenostech z veřejných zakázek a co se při tom naučili o lidech a podnikání s Drupalem.
Povídali jsme si o tématech z DrupalCon Europe - probrali jsme přednášky, které nás zaujaly a jaké jsou různé druhy Drupal akcí obecně.
Honza Pobořil, Miro Michalicka a Honza Polzer
00:01:22 Co je Drupalcon, porovnání s online a offline, různé typy Drupal akcí a kdo je organizuje
00:22:14 Driesnote: Jak se Drupal za 20 let vyvíjel a proč přežil do teď
00:34:06 Gitlab deep dive for Drupal developers
00:37:21 Monitoring Kubernetes Drupal Clusters using Distributed Tracing
00:41:19 Add end to end tests to your Drupal site in one hour with CypressIO
00:45:27 Welcome to the party with the Serverless One Stop Shop
00:46:18 Drupal loves NoSQL databases or how to serve 1 million entities out of a Drupal website
00:48:53 Solr versus Elasticsearch, can we settle down please?
00:51:42 Taking an Axe to your Pa11y, or how to test how accessible your site is
00:55:04 Designing for chaos: The design process behind Olivero
01:01:26 Taking Maximum Advantage of Drupal Core's Composer Template
01:03:27 Write better CSS by stopping writing any more CSS! How and why to use utility-first CSS on large-scale Drupal websites with Tailwind CSS
01:06:37 Open personalization with Apache Unomi in the GDPR era
01:08:31 Marketing automation and Drupal - tracking without the evil
01:13:49 Autosave and Concurrent editing (conflict resolution) in Drupal 8/9
01:19:29 Enterprise grade editorial experience with Drupal
01:21:43 Decoupled Drupal
01:22:09 Drupal and Gatsby, static without limits. Compiling more than 100,000 pages in less than what it takes to make a coffee
01:30:53 Decoupled translations with Drupal
01:35:35 Decoupled Menu Initiative
01:41:25 Závěr
Zpětnou vazbu posílejte na honza@poboril.cz nebo na Drupal.cz Slack.
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