In this episode, your host, Anne Gordon shares insights and stories from her recent Dolphin Bliss in Bimini Retreat where she took a group of lovely people to swim for 5 days with the friendly dolphins of Bimini.
You will hear why Bimini is one of the Top 10 places in the world to swim with wild dolphins because of its shallow and crystal clear water and how easy it is to find the dolphins.
Anne shares channeled wisdom direct from the Atlantic Spotted dolphins about why and how much they love to swim and interact with people who come to see and swim with them. You will discover that when you swim with the dolphins you are helping them to fulfill their mission of infusing humans and spreading their frequencies of joy and love around the world.
She tells about how putting down your camera helps you to have magical, eye to eye, heart to heart and soul to soul connections and how her "broken" camera allowed her to have one of her top 3 dolphin encounters ever, when an elder Spotted dolphin invited her into an unforgettable spiral dolphin dance!
The dolphins also share how important it is to allow yourself to be seen. To be transparent to them, to your friends and family and most importantly to yourself. Anne talks about how you can open up to being truly seen by the dolphins, even if you never travel to swim with them, right in the comfort of your own home.
If you would like to join Anne to swim and connect with the dolphins , check it out here: Dolphin Bliss in Bimini Retreat.
Allyn Evans, MBA and Reiki Master Teacher, is one of 20 U.S. Residential and Virtual Trainers for the world's leading educational center for exploring expanded states of consciousness (Monroe Institute). She teaches OBE Spectrum and Monroe’s flagship course (Gateway). She also teaches Energy Medicine, Medical Intuition as well as Reiki and other energy modalities in Mississippi, nationally and abroad. Recent trainings have been held in Puerto Rico, Italy, England and the Bahamas.
Allyn teamed up with Brian Dailey, MD, to launch Energy Medicine Squared with the intent of teaching and sharing complementary and alternative options (CAM), particularly with individuals who are seeking to improve their lives or to enhance their ability to heal by using alternative options (to compliment conventional treatment). Allyn has worked with leaders in the CAM field such as Drs. Norman Shealy and Sergey Sorin.
Allyn now serves as the Chair of the Reiki Division of the National Certification Center of Energy Practitioners and serves as the first President of the Mississippi Reiki Association, which launched in January 2021.
She earned a BA in Psychology from the University of Mississippi and an MBA from Texas Tech University.
When Allyn is not teaching, she serves as a Reiki Master Practitioner and Teacher at the Soul Synergy Center. You can find her at the Soul Synergy Center on Wednesday.
Recently, her meditations have been published by Shealy Wellness (Dr. Norman Shealy) and the Monroe Institute. Allyn has been selected as one of the writers and voice talent for a new meditation app being released in June 2021.
She offers workshops and events at the Soul Synergy Center, which includes topics like: Reiki, Spoon Bending, Meditate Like the Masters and more.In this episode hear how Allyn first felt the call of the dolphins and how she has since manifested her first free trip to swim with wild dolphins and now gets paid to lead magical retreats for her participants to connect deeply and swim with dolphins.
Allyn shares some of her favorite stories of special moments with the dolphins and those of her participants as well.
To Contact Allyn—
email: allyn@energymedicinesquared.com
web: Energymedicinesquared.com/allyn
Facebook: Energy Medicine Squared
If you would like to attend Allyn's wild dolphin swim retreat or any of her other classes:
May 30-June 5 Wild Dolphin Swim Retreat- Living a Passionate Life
Out of Body Experience Spectrum
Energy Medicine Virtual Retreat
Gateway Voyage Virtual Retreat
Saknas det avsnitt?
In this episode you will discover why the Humpback whales sing, and no, it is not about attracting a mate. They share how they sing into the ley lines of the planet to keep them energized and flowing smoothly to keep the Earth healthy.
You will hear about what it is like to look into the eye of a whale and how it will change your life forever. The Humpbacks share how they breach and play on the surface to attract our attention and to move us into our hearts, and forget, even for just a moment our worries and fears.
They share about the importance of letting down the walls around your heart and to trust and listen to your heart, the compass of your soul, instead of listening to outside influences that do not know our true heart and life purpose.
Anne shares about her experiences from 14 years of spending 3 months of each year out on and in the water with the Humpback whales in the Pearl Islands of Panama and how the whales deeply touched her life as well as the lives of her clients.
You will hear how immersing yourself in the energy of the Humpback whales will gently release fears, blocks and limiting beliefs that no longer serve you.
To listen to a full 40 minute Humpback whale song recorded by Anne in Panama go to: Humpback Whale Song
To join Anne on one of her Whale and Dolphin Wisdom Retreats in Panama or Mo'orea, check out her full Retreat Schedule
In this episode, your host, Anne Gordon, shares about how she first connected with the Rough-toothed dolphins when there was a pod of them that sadly, stranded on a remote beach in Panama.
Anne was contacted by the government to assist them in identifying and helping the dolphins that stranded. She shares a powerful vision that came to her as she reached out to send healing energy to the dolphins in trouble as she was on her way to the remote location.
The Rough-toothed dolphins share why they represent connection and how they had never felt disconnected in their lives before the stranding, opposed to us humans who often feel disconnected.
The dolphins, who prefer to be known as the Starburst dolphins, share a beautiful way for us to share our energy with others to create a powerful, energetic connection with each other.
The dolphins showed Anne a beautiful mandala of energy lines of connection within their pod and she invited anyone who would like to draw or paint a Starburst dolphin mandala to send it to her at Anne@WhaleWisdomRetreats.com
This episode is all about Trust. Trust your connection with the dolphins and whales. Anne shares several messages from the dolphins and whales that explain how deeply they love, support and are a constant presence in your life, even if you have a hard time feeling them.
They explain that you are a member of a Cetacean Council that supports and guides you while you navigate the challenges in your human life. You have been a member of this council since time began!
The dolphins and whales are always here for you. They tell you that it is ok to ask for a sign from them to prove to you their presence, love and support. Never doubt their presence.
The dolphins and whales honor your free will and would never interfere in your life without your permission. If you want or need help, simply ask them to be there for you, and they will eagerly and excitedly jump in to guide you to success in whatever you are facing in life.
The dolphins love you, the whales love you and Anne loves you for who you are and your love for the dolphins and whales of the world.
Check out the schedule of Anne's 2021 and 2022 magical Whale and Dolphin Wisdom Retreats
Bobbie Merrill is a best-selling author; a prior contributor to an award-winning Relationship Column for the Honolulu Advertiser and a freelance Relationship columnist with her husband, Dr. Tom Merrill, for Cox News/NY Times. She is also a family therapist, parenting consultant, trauma specialist, and a professional speaker.
Bobbie was honored in Honolulu Magazine at the height of her career as one of Honolulu’s most successful women. Now a grandmother and a conscious female voice, Bobbie is passionate about inspiring all of us to become our best selves and a kinder, more just, and joyful humanity and world.
On her fiftieth birthday, Bobbie returned to her birthplace to swim with the Waianae spinners, making her among the first to swim with dolphins in the wild. She then went on to enjoy a decade-long journey of over two thousand hours of free swimming with dolphins and whales throughout the world.
In this episode, Bobbie shares how the dolphins called to her and gave her comfort during the end of a marriage and taught her many life lessons in her over 2,000 hours of swimming with the Hawaiian spinner dolphins near Oahu.
You will hear how the dolphins playfully showed her how to stay in her heart, despite irritating situations around her. They gave her downloads of wisdom that turned into a powerful book, Compelling Conversations with Dolphins and Whales in the Wild.
She also shares about the welcoming and gracious energy of a mother Humpback whale and her calf as well as a memorable and potentially life-threatening encounter with a male Humpback whale who taught her the power and danger of the mis-use of sound in the oceans.
If you like this episode, you will love reading her book. Get your copy of Compelling Conversations with Dolphins and Whales in the Wild on Amazon.
To learn more about Bobbie and contact her check out her website: MakingRelationshipsWork.com
False Killer whales are one of the largest members of the dolphin family and are known as the wolves of the sea because of their efficient and effective methods of hunting their prey.
The are also a shy species, in that they are not often seen by humans, although when they are observed, they are often quite curious and engaging, even sharing their food with swimmers!
False Killer Whales can be found in tropical, subtropical and even temperate waters, living in small family pods. They share with us their purpose of keeping the ocean's fish populations healthy and thriving by only taking the weakest individuals for their food.
They share with us the importance and how they can help us to connect with our true selves, our true power and get in touch with our true purpose. They teach us how when we are in perfect alignment and connection with our true selves how we reach a deep level of inner joy where outer acknowledgement is no longer necessary.
Join Anne on Facebook in her: Dolphin & Whale Wisdom Pod Facebook group.
In this episode, Anne shares a Group Dolphin Energy Healing session that she channeled live in late December 2017. The beauty of the wisdom and healing energy of the dolphins is that their wisdom, messages, insights and the healing power of their energy is completely timeless.
The messages that came through in 2017 are equally relevant today. As you listen, open yourself up to receive and set an intention that you will receive the powerful healing energy direct from the dolphins as you listen, and you will!
In this healing session, as in many of Anne's Dolphin Healing sessions, other beings came in to share and ehance the wisdom. In this session you will meet and hear the wisdom of a Golden Bear, the Sei Whales, a Walrus and a large, red Squid. All have important messages to share with you today.
This session was performed live, as it was broadcasted to a live audience over Zoom from Anne's apartment near Panama City, Panama. You may hear her neighbor's puppy contributing his voice to the session as well! :)
If you would like to have a private Dolphin Energy Healing session to address any issue you may be dealing with, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or just receive for your highest good, you can book your private session at DolphinHealing.net
Join Anne on Facebook: Dolphin & Whale Wisdom Pod Facebook group.
In this episode, your host, Anne Gordon shares the wisdom she has received direct from the Orca whales. Anne grew up on the shores of Puget Sound, aka, the Salish Sea, where the Southern resident J, K & L Orca pods frequent.
Anne shares her experiences of seeing the Orcas in person throughout her life as well as how they have come to her in her dreams and meditations. She felt that the presence of the Orcas has always been like the energy of a loving and protective older brother, where she always feels safe and loved when they are in her life.
She shares messages from Ruffles, the son of Granny from J pod as well as perspective shifting messages from the Transient/Biggs Orcas too. Orcas are the Apex predators, yet live in complete harmony with all life around them, keep the balance for the benefit of all species.
The Orcas teach the importance of being in balance and reconnecting with nature to embrace our natural place in the world as well as reconnect to the natural flow of abundance. Listen to hear the powerful wisdom direct from the Orcas themselves.
Join Anne on Facebook in her to see video of her new octopus friend: Dolphin & Whale Wisdom Pod Facebook group.
In this episode, your host, Anne Gordon shares the wisdom she has received direct from the Octopus about removing distractions and focusing on one task at a time to give that task full attention to make the result the best it possibly can be.
Octopus also gives us three words to pay attention to, patience, observation and adaptation. Octopus is patient, they wait, observing the world around them, waiting for the perfect opportunity to present itself, which may be a crab, snail or fish swimming nearby that they can then easily capture for their meal.
They tell us how we can learn how to apply patience and observation to explore opportunities that we could easily miss when we are rushing through the world being busy all the time.
They teach us to adapt, as they do to their surroundings. The octopus can change his color to adapt and blend in with or stand out from any environment they are in. We can't change our color, but we can adapt the way we think, talk and behave to get the most out of any situation we find ourselves in.
Anne also shares several encounters she has had with wild octopus throughout her life starting with meeting an octopus as a child at a local aquarium to her most recent encounter with a California two spot octopus living in a tide pool not far from her home in Southern California, who reached out and literally held hands with her for several minutes!
Join Anne in her Facebook group to see video of her new octopus friend: Dolphin and Whale Wisdom Pod
Photo credit for the octopus photo on the cover art: Rich German.
Linda started a deep journey with whale around 2011. From that time onwards she read many books about whales and took every opportunity she could to go on whale watches and retreats.
Attending the First Cetacean Summit organized by Anne Gordon was life changing. She was fascinated by the accounts of all the presenters and learned so much from them.
Shortly, thereafter she started to teach workshops on whales. People need to know who these incredible beings are. They are not "fish" as some people refer to them but highly sentient, evolved beings. It is her mission, through workshops and as a whale and dolphin energy healing practitioner to en-lighten people about these amazing beings.
Linda had been an energy healer for many years, first as an Authentic Reiki® Master/Teacher and then using a technique called Frequencies of Brilliance™. These energy healing modalities acted as stepping stones for her to become an energy channel.
Initially she was channeling the energy of the angels and then whales started to come through her. This awakened her interest in whales and dolphins and led her to read many books on them and connect with them on whale watching trips and retreats.
She received dolphin attunements from Linda Shay, who then directed her to attend the first Cetacean Summit being organized by Anne. Later she trained as a whale and dolphin energy healing practitioner.
In this episode Linda shares some of her magical encounters with Dolphins and Whales, both in the physical as well as spiritually. She channels for us some Light Language and two different frequencies direct from the whales!
Check out the picture the Dolphins painted for her of Joy Here.
Join Anne on Facebook in her Dolphin & Whale Wisdom Pod Facebook group.
Meet the Commerson's dolphins. Small dolphins that are found in two remote places in the world, off the coast of Patagonia in Argentina and around the coast of the tip of South America and also in the Kerguelen Islands in the Southern Indian ocean, 5,300 miles (8,500 km) away.
They are one of the smallest species of dolphins in the world, with a maximum length of 5 feet (1.5 m). What is most striking about these adorable little dolphins is their color. The core of their body is a bright white, but all their extremeties, tail, dorsal, pectoral fins and their face are a dark black.
In this episode, the Commerson's dolphins share their wisdom about embracing the dark and light found within each and every one of us. They work on an interdimensional level to easily travel among the dark energies where their white/light goes unnoticed to bring the light to the darkness to enlighten the energy of the world.
They share with us how to accept, embrace and even dance with the darkness that we all have within us. They teach that the key to harmony is to find the balance and not to resist the natural darkness of all things. They share that when we can find peace within ourselves it will radiate out to enlighten and spread peace around the world.
Join Anne on Facebook in her Dolphin & Whale Wisdom Pod Facebook group.
In this episode you will hear the dolphin's wisdom of how to dive deep within yourself, to give yourself permission to dive deep into your emotions when they come up as a powerful technique to release them in a gentle and beautiful way.
Your host, Anne Gordon, shares how she took the dolphin's advice to dive deep into her sadness as her 15 year marriage was ending and how after only 1 and a half days of release she found herself in a place of profound joy. A deep and lasting joy and the sadness was gone.
You will also hear the wisdom of the Sperm whales, who are the ultimate deep divers in the ocean. They often dive thousands of meters into the ocean to find their food, the giant squid. The Sperm whales share how it feels to them in the depths and why they love it.
They will take you on a journey of understanding as to why most people prefer to stay in the shallows and why Sperm whales are often feared...and it has nothing to do with them at all.
Enjoy your deep dive with the dolphins and whales in this episode.
If you would like support and guidance from Anne and the dolphins and whales to take your own deep dive in a Dolphin and Whale Energy Healing session check out her website: DolphinHealing.net
For over 20 years, Linda has been collaborating with the wise, vast, loving, pan-universal Dolphin Consciousness to help humans heal their hearts, transform their consciousness, and find their JOY!
After a life-changing encounter with a wild Hawaiian spinner dolphin in 1996, Linda was led on a profound 7-year inner journey of awakening and metamorphosis, guided and choreographed by the Dolphin Consciousness, that resulted in her embodying a new quality of consciousness on Earth – a blended human-dolphin consciousness.
As a result of that journey, Dolphin created a spiritual blueprint that allows others to receive this gift. Described as a new spiritual path for humanity, the Dolphin Attunement Journey delivers this metamorphosis of human consciousness. Upon receiving the 7th Dolphin Attunement, receivers pass through a gateway and emerge living embodiments of human-dolphin consciousness.
Linda has trained over 100 Certified Dolphin Energy Practitioners around the world. She offers personal Dolphin Energy Healing sessions as well as virtual and in-person retreats and classes.
Linda tells her remarkable story in her book, Dolphin Love … From Sea to Land. Linda also contributed the opening chapter to Amazon best-seller Dolphins and Whales Forever.
Linda is passionate about fostering and nurturing loving kindness and harmonious relationships among our human family – creating Unity-Community on Earth. Her personal purpose is to grow in Love and to do all she can to bring forth the New Earth with JOY. Linda’s favorite mantra is: Kindness Rocks!
Linda shares her journey to becoming one of the first Dolphin Ambassadors and Dolphin Energy Healers in the world. You will learn what the dolphins are here to do for humans on Earth and how you can open to connect deeply with the dolphins as well.Linda shares a beautiful Dolphin Energy Healing session for you in this episode to take you deep into connection with the dolphins and with yourself.
Learn more about Linda at www.dolphinity.com
Get Linda's free gift, her Spirit Dolphins - We're Here to Help! - a 35-page eBook
A Dolphin Dialogue is a laser-focused 15 minute Dolphin Energy Healing session channeled for our guest today, Lynn. Dolphin Energy Healing is a deeply respectful, highly advanced form of spiritual energy healing.
In today's Dolphin Dialogue you will hear how Lynn is struggling with having trouble eating and receiving nourishment. The Humpback whales come to support and send her their love. They share their wisdom about how important it is for Lynn to open up to receive the nourishment of food, so she can fulfill her life's mission to nourish the planet with love.
Note: the photo for this episode is when I took Lynn swimming with the Humpback whales in Mo'orea, French Polynesia.
Caution: It is best not to listen to this episode while driving as you may find you want to close your eyes to receive the energy easier. Obviously, it is not a good idea to drive with your eyes closed!
If you would like to receive the powerful energy of the dolphins for yourself in a private session with Anne and the Dolphins, you can book your session at...
If you would like to receive a free Dolphin Dialogue session to be shared in a future podcast episode send an email to Anne at Anne@WhaleWisdomRetreats.com with the subject line, "Dolphin Dialogue for podcast".
In this episode, Anne shares how Steve Irwin's death shook her to her core and how she was seeking to find meaning to this tragic loss to the world, when the Stingrays came to her and explained their purpose in life was to carry the fear for the world on their flat backs.
You will learn how the soul contract between the Stingrays and Steve Irwin played out to bring us all a powerful message of the impact our fears, emotions and thoughts have on the rest of the world.
Anne shares a fun story of how she mentored Terri Irwin to train her pet cougar responsibly before she ever went to Australia and met her famous husband, Steve. You will be inspired by how a chance encounter can have a profound impact on someone else's life and how it can literally change the world!
Do you want to receive the healing energy of the Dolphins in the next episode? You can receive a free Dolphin Dilaogue from Anne and the Dolphins by sending an email to Anne@WhaleWisdomRetreats.com with "Dolphin Healing on Podcast" in the subject line.
The Gray whales were known as "Devil fish" by the whalers as they were one of the only species of whale to fight back aggressively against the whalers. Now, they enjoy approaching boats to interact with people, even allowing and encouraging touching and even kissing them! This is the ultimate example of true forgiveness.
You will hear the Gray whale's perspective on why they approach the boats and how they are opening the hearts, minds and souls of every single person they encounter in the lagoons of Baja, California, Mexico. They are eager to immerse you in their powerful healing energies. Through their forgiveness of the human race for hunting them to the brink of extinction, they encourage you to forgive yourself as they have forgiven you.
Hear stories of magical encounters of mother Gray whales who trust Anne and her retreat participants enough to bring and share their newborn calves with them. The whales will touch your heart as you hear their powerful wisdom about how they are transforming the hearts of everyone who comes to visit them in the lagoons of Baja.
Join Anne on her next Gifts from the Gray Whales Retreat, March 10-16, 2021
Get your free Gray Whale Wisdom ebook to see pictures and more Gray Whale Wisdom.
A Dolphin Dialogue is a laser-focused 15 minute Dolphin Energy Healing session channeled for our guest today, Beth. Dolphin Energy Healing is a deeply respectful, highly advanced form of spiritual energy healing.
When Dolphin energy is being channeled you will hear short gaps of silence as your host, Anne Gordon, receives the images and messages from the dolphins for her client. As Anne perceives the messages, she will translate and describe them to Beth so she can hear the wisdom meant for her. Not only is Beth receiving the messages, but she is also receiving the energy from the dolphins, through Anne to her. As you listen, you too will be receiving the powerful energy from the dolphins as well.
Caution: It is best not to listen to this episode while driving as you may find you want to close your eyes to receive the energy easier. Obviously, it is not a good idea to drive with your eyes closed!
If you would like to receive the powerful energy of the dolphins for yourself in a private session with Anne and the Dolphins, you can book your session at...
If you would like to receive a free Dolphin Dialogue session to be shared in a future podcast episode send an email to Anne at Anne@WhaleWisdomRetreats.com with the subject line, "Dolphin Dialogue for podcast".
The Dolphins and the Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins share with you how they love and welcome people to spend time with them on boats or swimming in the ocean with them. The dolphins share how they love to bring you to a state of joy and childlike wonder and play when you see them on a boat.
Discover how you can help the dolphins fulfill their life purpose by swimming with them. When you do, the dolphins immerse you in their powerful healing energy, literally changing your DNA and raising your frequency that you carry with you and literally touch the lives of everyone you come into contact with after swimming with them, even just one time.
Swimming with dolphins will change your life forever. They will take you deeper into Joy, Love and Connection. They will welcome and accept you as one of them. One of the pod. They are waiting for you to swim and be with them in any way you can.
Join Anne and the Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins on the Conscious Living with the Dolphins Retreat on the Big Island of Hawaii, January 15-22, 2021.
Join Anne on Facebook in her Dolphin & Whale Wisdom Pod Facebook group.
You will hear from the dolphins and whales how to celebrate, honor and deepen your connection with the dolphins and whales. You feel the call of the dolphins and whales and they explain why you are drawn to them. It is your birthright, you are already connected to them in ways you never knew.
Connect with your own personal Dolphin Spirit Guide, everyone has one. Go to DolphinSpiritGuide.com to listen to a free guided meditation led by your host, Anne Gordon to meet your very own dolphin spirit guide.
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