Das unschlagbare Duo Samira und Dominik aus München arbeitet mit Leidenschaft und Herzblut daran, Menschen dabei zu unterstützen, ihr volles Potenzial zu entfalten und ein grandioses Leben zu führen.
Viel zu viele Menschen leben ein unglückliches und fremdbestimmtes Leben. Ihnen wurde beigebracht, dass es normal ist, wenn man unglücklich ist und man sich mit dem zufrieden geben soll, was man hat. Wenn du mehr wolltest, wurde dir gesagt, dass es sich nicht gehört. Anderen Menschen geht es nämlich viel schlechter als dir. Also hast du aufgehört zu träumen.
Ja, es gibt Menschen, denen es noch schlechter geht. Dennoch ist nichts Gutes daran, wenn du ein bescheidenes, unglückliches und unerfülltes Leben lebst. Du bist nicht auf diese wunderschöne Welt gekommen, um zu leiden, ständig einzustecken und nichts für dich zu verlangen. Du hast es auch nicht verdient, ein Leben lang Geld- und Beziehungsprobleme zu haben.
Mit uns an deiner Seite, wirst du wieder strahlen und spüren, wie sich leben anfühlt. Wir zeigen dir einen Weg, wie du trotz anspruchsvoller Umstände deine Hürden und Blockaden überwindest und dir das holst, was dir zusteht. Starte jetzt mit uns. -
Este podcast tem o objetivo de ajudar você, colega médico(a), a aprender como viver 100% do seu consultório particular, ganhando mais e trabalhando menos.
E assim exercer a medicina com excelência técnica e humana, ter um retorno financeiro justo e compatível com seus esforços, e ter mais qualidade de vida!
Siga a CVM nas redes sociais:
Bem-vindo ao movimento do resgate da boa medicina.
Bora pra cima!
Abraço fraterno,
Wilderi Sidney Guimarães -
NLP in Action is a 10 minute practical guide to NLP by Mike Sweet, The 10 Minute Coach. Each of the episodes is aimed to give you an insight into the world of NLP. Since the 1970's NLP has come a long way and is now adopted into the business and professional worlds as its ethos, techniques and processes have proven themselves over time. NLP is without doubt, an art-form. It's all about flexibility and finding new possibilities. I wonder what you'll discover?
- der Fitness und Ernährung Podcast präsentiert und produziert von Florian Bornschier. Interviews mit Experten aus der Fitness und Model Scene in und um Deutschland. Ernährung und Trainings Themen für deinen persönlichen Erfolg sowie nützliche Insider Tipps für dein eigenes Business egal ob Instagram Facebook Youtube oder Kontakteaufbau in der Offline Welt. FloBro zeigt dir wie man sich als Model oder als Athlet einen Namen aufbauen kann und sich in einer Nische positionieren kann! Florian liebt persönliches Wachstum, den Status Quo der Fitness und Model Scene zu hinterfragen und an die Grenzen zu gehen. Du hast nur das eine Leben und versuch immer das Maximum heraus zu holen: FloBro-Fitness Blog: ◦ Instagram: FloBro ◦ YouTube: FloBro ◦ Facebook: Florian Bornschier Fitness
Step into your Chair of Power, learn to manage your Mind & Emotions and live up to your deepest Dreams & Desires! Life is awesome & you are so worthy of every little bit of awesomeness...! Each week Conversations with Contemporary Conscious Women, Free self-coaching tools for Success & Wellbeing, Book reviews & recommendations and inspiring Success Stories of transformation.
Become world-class by learning from those who are world-class.
Ever wonder how a world-renowned artist stays humble? How elite athletes bounce back from defeat? How successful entrepreneurs build great teams? How to defeat that voice in your head telling you no?
The goal of the Daily Two Minutes of Greatness Podcast is to share daily micro interviews with people who are truly world-class at what they do. By sharing their secrets to greatness we can uncover the characteristics they have in common.
Whether they are business experts, world-class artists and musicians, elite athletes, influential public figures or anything in between – there is something we can learn from each to help drive ourselves to be world-class in our own right.
Be an exception. Become world-class. -
Inovar em saúde é preciso. Melhorar a experiência de quem trabalha com saúde e a experiência do paciente é fundamental. Apresentamos novas tecnologias e inovações que têm feito a diferença e estão transformando a saúde.
Informe-se e inspire-se neste podcast!
Mais em . -
Welcome to Five Good Questions. I’m your host, Jake Taylor.
Fact: the average American watches 5 hours of television per day. What would the world be like if we dedicated one of those hours to reading books instead?
I don’t know, but I’d like to find out.
So to inspire others to read more, I ask five good questions of interesting authors and share the results with you every Friday. Let’s see if together, we can’t rescue some of those lost hours. -
Anesthesia & Pain Management Success is a non-clinical exploration of the most interesting facets of pain management and anesthesiology, and includes career insights, unique stories, and groundbreaking endeavors. This interview-driven show brings expert perspectives from MD practitioners and administrators, consultants, financial planners, entrepreneurs and others in an entertaining format. Get savvy about your career opportunities, learn about some of the industry's movers-and-shakers, and hear the things that med school didn't teach you about how to have a successful career as an anesthesiologist or pain management physician.
Podcast baseado no livro Manhãs Poderosas de Neder Izaac aprofundando e discutindo como você pode cuidar do essencial e buscar ser melhor todas as manhãs. São 30 lições iniciais e depois conteúdos adicionais e contínuos para que você entender melhor o poder dos seus pensamentos e da sua mente. A manhã é o tempo mais nobre do dia para se conectar com o essencial, para equilibrar suas emoções, definir as metas do dia, ter muito mais foco e produtividade. Bônus: meditação guiada oficial do livro Manhãs Poderosas.
One On One Chiropractic Coaching is dedicated to a concierge custom coaching program for Chiropractors and their teams to build and brand the practices of their dreams. We utilize all inclusive "real time coaching" and mentoring programs with over 15 years of active experience and guaranteed results. We pride ourselves in being knowledgeable experts who truly care that you can trust.