A podcast to help you relax and sleep #whispers.✨ 700k streams ✨Ads may play ONLY at the beginning of each episode. Please be aware of volume changes!——— Support this podcast:
The Live FAB Life Podcast is a weekly show that examines healthy living by Human Design and makes Human Design relatable with practicable and actionable applications in health, work, and everyday life.
With 20+ years of working in the tech industry and eight years of health coaching, I’ve had first-hand experience with and been witness to the effects that stress, fatigue, and burnout have on our well-being.
Blending a bespoke mix of Human Design with Functional Nutrition has taught me how to optimize my health, find balance, and correctly use my energy, falling into an unapologetic life of freedom and empowerment.
Take a few minutes and practice self-care by tuning into this week’s episode with Naomi Nakamura, a Health By Human Design coach in the San Francisco Bay Area. -
The podcast that celebrates YOU unapologetically embracing your Awesome Life.
If you're tired of feeling stuck and ready for a change, this show is for you! We're honest and we're focused on helping every woman create a life they love. Your host, Lisa Grunden, is a sassy and dynamic woman who has been working with women business owners and career women to help them build maximum confidence and live their best lives. Get ready to have the life you've always wanted! -
Hello all and thank you for coming to this podcast. Here you will hear healing frequencies from crystal singing bowls, chimes, flutes and nature. Living on the coast of the Pacific Northwest I hope to bring a mix of relaxing beaches and other nature with simple chakra balancing tones.
Subliminal Researcher is not affiliated with any Inc. and we treat all audios the same. We evaluate and publish facts for the public to be aware of.
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Due to epidemics, such as Corona Virus Covid19 etc. , we release FREE sublimninals for the public to gain collective consciousness in changing the globe vibes to a more positive supportive environment.
We hope that you turn on these subliminals whether silent or not, 24 hours a day as much as needed. They are afforded on your mobile on the go anywhere. -
Soulful Valley is a show for Empaths, Intuitives, Alignment Seekers, Spiritual Entrepreneurs, and Heart Centred Business Owners, and anyone looking for natural and alternative ideas to support their Mental, Spiritual & Emotional Well-being. I will be co-creating with Expert Coaches and Authors bringing you content to help you on your own Personal & Spiritual Growth journey.
A podcast that gives us women a voice to reclaim our power and heal so we can be empowered goddesses . Hosted by me, Aditi, as I explore the rise of the Divine Feminine through topics around spiritual feminine energy, ancient eastern healing rituals to help women get in touch with their true selves. Hear from inspiring speakers who share how to unleash divine feminine with tips around self-growth, mindset, and shedding limiting beliefs. Follow me on Instagram @aditishakti as I share my divine feminine spiritual journey.
Herzlich Willkommen zu Soulpoint of view, dem Podcast für deine Seelenpotentialentfaltung in deinem Soulbusiness, für die Richtung deines Seelenweges. Sandra A. Müller ist Seelenpotentialcoach und Human Design-Mentorin und hilft Heiler*innen, Coaches, Trainer*innen und Menschen in medizinisch-heilenden und beratenden Berufen, die Verbindung mit ihrer Seele zu stärken und ihr wahres Potential zu entfalten, so wie es die Seele sich vorgenommen hat. Dieser Podcast hilft dir, deinen Seelenplan zu verstehen, wie er eigentlich gedacht ist, deine Seelenverbindung zu stärken und deine Seelenerfüllung zu finden - du bist eingeladen, aus Sicht deiner Seele auf dein Leben zu schauen, um dem Ruf deines Herzens klar zu folgen, dich in deinem Soulbusiness sicher und selbst-bewusst zu fühlen und den Menschen das zu geben, was sie berührt und weiterbringt und was DICH wirklich erfüllt. Du fühlst, wenn du verbunden bist, du weißt es einfach.
Sandra gibt ihre Erfahrungen aus 20 Jahren Beratung und Coaching und sieben Jahren Körper-, Seelen- und Energiearbeit im eigenen Soulbusiness weiter. Dich erwarten Impulse für die Verbindung mit deiner Seele, praktische Tools und Tipps für den Alltag in deinem Soulbusiness, Mindset-Changer und Transformation.
Verbinde dich mit deiner Seele, wechsle die Perspektive und erfülle dein Herz, denn darin ist deine Seele zu Hause.
Lehne dich zurück, hole dir deinen Kaffee oder Tee. Schön, dass du da bist. Los geht's.
Willst du ein kostenloses Vorgespräch für deine Fragen, damit du mich kennenlernen und entscheiden kannst, ob ich dich ein Stück deines Seelenweges begleiten darf in dein volles Potential und Soulbusiness? -
As an Integrative Health Practitioner I have come to realize that we simply haven't been taught how to optimize our health, and that the average person has habits that are negatively impacting their health, due to this lack of knowledge, through no fault of their own. Public health and our school system simply don't teach us enough about nutrition, sleep, stress, gut health or how interconnected our bodies are! Modern life has us more sleep deprived, stressed out and the sickest ever, and I believe it is time to bring this education to you, so that you CAN be empowered in your health and you can then make the right choices for you and your family. The choices you make today impact your future 1 year, 5 years, 10 years + from now. It is never too early to start looking after your health, as Health is your TRUE wealth....without it what do you have?
Chronic Stories is a podcast that aims to empower and inspire those living with chronic illness – directly or indirectly. Most episodes feature personal stories from individuals who have succeeded in managing their condition through alternative and holistic approaches to health. We also interview medical practitioners who take a non-traditional approach to healing. The goal of the podcast is to share knowledge and hope, and to show that healing is possible for everyone. Tune in to Chronic Stories to discover new ways to take control of your health and live your best life.