Product Innovation Series is an in-depth interview series featuring product & innovation leaders from small startups all the way to Fortune 500 behemoths. Our guests share their battle-tested perspective on what prevents teams from shipping a great product.
The show is hosted by Aram Melkoumov, the CEO of Crowdlinker. -
Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.
Det her er podcasten, der gør dig klogere på alt fra projektledelse, bæredygtig forretningsudvikling, filosofi og ledelse til implementering, strategi og forandringsledelse - altsammen i et regenerativt lys.
Podcasten er produceret af konsulenthuset Promentum, der er førende inden for undervisning og rådgivning af ovenstående emner. -
Sari de la Motte is the host of "From Hostage to Hero" and has been dubbed the "Attorney Whisperer" because of her unique ability to help attorneys communicate their real selves. Join us weekly as Sari shares tips that will help you up your game at trial and connect with your jurors.
Et indblik i 2 brødres rejse for at tjene penge mens de sover. Vi følger op på ugens udbytter, de næste investeringer og tager et nyt emne op hver uge.Vi forsøger os med en masse forskellige investeringer i både ejendom, erhvervslån, privatlån, boligudlejning, ETF og kryptovaluta/Crypto Currency.
Live adventurously, be creative, make a living
Adventurers cross deserts and row oceans, appearing to live the dream. Yet they also must pay the bills and carve out time to get away. What is the life of a 'Working Adventurer' like?
Are you trying to make a career doing what you love, daring to go freelance in a creative industry, growing an audience or curious about an unconventional career? What is it like to build a life from living adventurously?
Whether you are adventurous, creative or just curious, Ask an Adventurer answers your questions from behind the scenes, rather than the usual questions adventurers hear: there are no kit lists, practical expedition planning advice or daring deeds in these episodes. -
Welcome to "The Millionaire's Lawyer" where you'll hear leading experts share advice on how to succeed in both your business and your personal life. If you want to learn lawyer proven strategies for taking your business to the next level, then this podcast is for you.
Your host, JP McAvoy, is a business lawyer, college professor, and best selling author who interviews the best and brightest in the world of business on a range of topics from business and legal to general life perspectives.
As a lawyer and the Managing Partner of Conduct Law, a law firm with clients throughout the US, Canada, and Asia, JP has been assisting clients start, grow and sell their businesses for millions of dollars for more than fifteen years…will yours be the next?
To hear more from "The Millionaire's Lawyer" listen and subscribe to the show and to access the wide variety of resources that we offer in addition to this podcast go to -
This podcast makes the case for wellbeing culture as a transformational powerhouse. It weaves together the significance of big picture themes with everyday relevance. Seemingly disparate perspectives become 20:20 vision.
A weekly inspiration on topical news, culture, money, health, society, technology, environment and geopolitics, through a wellbeing lens. Founder of Well Intelligence, Anni Hood explores a rich seam of discussion topics that will give you both clarity and pause. What matters to you, your work, home, business, family and our planet, you'll find it here.
For more information, contact us here -
The Energy Detox is a petroleum-based blend of leadership conversations guaranteed to boost your professional and personal output by flushing away the hidden—and often toxic—barriers to peak performance. Join us as Joe Sinnott—a chemical engineer, executive coach, and 15-year energy industry veteran—helps you tap into the same resources fueling today’s most successful and sustainable leaders.
Vi lever i en verden af organisationer. Igennem hele livet er vi omgivet af organisationer, som hjælper os, uddanner os, giver os arbejde, sælger os varer og lægger os i graven. Men hvad ved vi egentlig om organisationer sådan helt generelt? Hvad vil det fx sige, at organisationer har en særlig struktur eller en bestemt kultur? Hvordan ledes og motiveres medlemmerne af en organisation? Og hvilken påvirkning har det omkringlæggende samfund? Serien er en gennemgang af organisationsteoriens klassikere. Det vil sige, at vi starter med at gennemgå teorier, der er over 100 år gamle, og bevæger os derfra op gennem historien og slutter med mere nutidige diskussioner om kultur, læring, beslutning, entreprenørskab, magt og modstand i organisationer. Organisationers Verden er udviklet og produceret af forskere og en podcast vært tilknyttet Institut for Organisation – også kaldet IOA – på Copenhagen Business School.
Den Nysgerrige Håndværker søger at stille skarpt på de aktører, som er med til at forme den danske bygge- og håndværksbranche. Det er vigtigt, at vi som udførende er nysgerrige på den branche, vi er en del af. Hvis vi forstår branchen bedre som helhed, kan vi også blive bedre til at agere i den.
”Der er ingen, der bygger huse alene!”. -
Learning REWIRED introduces leaders to the people and insights that are shaping the future of learning in organizations. Every week we challenge established patterns of thinking, inviting the audience to reassess what, how and why they learn.
Learning REWIRED is proudly presented by Headspring, executive development specialists, as part of Headspring's commitment to fostering cultures of continuous learning.
To continue the conversation elsewhere, find us at
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Når du flytter hjemmefra har du formentlig styr på hvor du skal bo, hvornår du flytter, hvad du skal betale i husleje, og hvem der hjælper dig med at flytte. Men har du tænk over hvordan du tjekker din lejekontrakt, eller hvor mange forsikringer du skal have? Har du fået styr på hvordan du søger boligstøtte eller hvordan du undgår at føle dig ensom? Og ved du hvem der skal vide at du flytter og hvordan du billigst handler ind? Hør mere om alt dette og meget mere i Movingout´s podcasts, som indeholder alt det der er nemt, svært, nyt, velkendt, sjovt, nødvendigt og alt det derimellem - når det altså handler om at flytte hjemmefra. Og skulle du være en af de 20% unge der flytter hjem til mor og far igen, så nap bare en podcast mere, eller tjek vores hjemmeside Der er altid hjælp at hente
Hjernefablen er en fagbog om at skabe mere tid og ro i en travl hverdag. Det er en varm og ikke-dømmende beskrivelse af hvad der sker i vores hjerne, når vi presser den gennem længere tid. Målgruppen er kronisk travle ledere, men mange andre mennesker, der oplever pres, har også glæde af at læse bogen.