Todayy I give a brief summary of my honeymoon. Then I jump right on in to remind everyone that you are not the only one who doesn't have it all figured out. You are more normal than you think... in a positive way lol. I then answer a listener submission about the top 3 tips to help with relationship anxiety and OCD.
Call 909-817-1742 to leave a “Dear Abbey” voicemail or leave a text with a question or asking for advice!! Love you guys!!
Call 909-817-1742 to leave a “Dear Abbey” voicemail or leave a text with a question or asking for advice!! Love you guys!!
IM BACK!!!! I missed my podcast! Todayyy we talked about my wedding and some of the smaller details I loved and what we decided to do! I also talk about some of the ways OCD tried to show it's ugly head while getting ready for the wedding. One of the main ways was through a black and white mindset when it came to sex. I open up about that a bit and also some other random themes.
I also talk about my main wedding tip which is to remember why you are planning the event in the first place and that helps me not feel overwhelmed with no purpose hahaha We end the episode with answering a few quick questions!!
Wedding Cake by @servinsweetsbakery
Saknas det avsnitt?
This episode is a recording of my LIVE podcast that went up instead of a normal Thursday pre-recorded episode! I recap parts of my wedding and will finish the rest this next episode! Enjoy!!
Call 909-817-1742 to leave a “Dear Abbey” voicemail or leave a text with a question or asking for advice!! Love you guys!!
Call 909-817-1742 to leave a “Dear Abbey” voicemail or leave a text with a question or asking for advice!! Love you guys!!
Trigger warning: Topics of self harm 00:22:00 - 00:29:00
Todayyy we talk about my recent bachelorette weekend trip, my recent thoughts on holding myself accountable when I stop therapy, and all about taking up space after you have lived with shame for a long time!
We also talk about a recent dear abbey submission and topics of self harm.
If you or someone you know is struggling, please seek help from a trained professional. You’re not alone. See resources below and in the description.
U.S. Resources:
-988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline - Call or Text 988 for 24/7 support. 988lifeline.org
-National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) - Call 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) or text “NAMI”
to 741741 for help. NAMI.org
International Resources:
-Find a Helpline - A global directory of mental health hotlines. findahelpline.com
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Todayyy we talk about false memory OCD and how that can build up resentment, anger, and distrust. How to flip the mental script when you only focus on the bad or wrong things people do. We can sometimes miss the sweetness of being an imperfect human!! We also have a dear abbey listener question about dealing with OCD and difficult people.
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Todayyy we talk about cute things humans do, some weird (non-OCD) fears, and then for the "meat" of today's episode we talk about getting married after a divorce and all the feelings that go into it. I share my experience of jealousy, relationship anxiety, trust issues, and just some of the work it took to become more "securely" attached. AND THAT IT IS ALL WORTH IT.
We also answer a listener submission about being left out by friends...
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Todayyy we talk about my recent OCD theme switch and the obsessions with movies/music/TV AND all about how frustrating it can feel when OCD changes up on you. We also talk about why validation is so important for yourself and relationships and what that even means (according to me - a NON PROFESSIONAL). We then have a Dear Abbey listener submission about religious OCD and things to help with it!
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Todayyy I talk about my recent trip to visit my family and my new years resolutions which are 1. trying to stop always looking to blame and 2. coming back to just being myself!! being yourself is your superpower!! I also answer a listener submission asking how to be more comfortable with yourself after dealing with mental illness for so long!
Call 909-817-1742 to leave a “Dear Abbey” voicemail or leave a text with a question or asking for advice!! Love you guys!!
Todayyy we talk about my Christmas surprise, my REAL engagement ring!! I explain recent feelings of overwhelm and how to set boundaries with people that are not mutually respectful, as well as the difficulty of dealing with people who disrespect things you hold close to your heart.
I also dive into how I use my want to understand or intellectualize emotions to bypass actually feeling them and taking action to protect my heart from people who will hurt it. We then listen to a success story from a recent Dear Abbey submission!!
Call 909-817-1742 to leave a “Dear Abbey” voicemail or leave a text with a question or asking for advice!! Love you guys!!
Todayyy we talk about some wedding updates and my past week in Vegas, etc
I also talk about why we as humans tend to judge others and why we need to point that finger right back to ourselves. I list some reasons for this and talk about some possible things to help that I have done. We also answer a Dear Abbey question about when someone flirts with your boyfriend right in front of you....
Todayyy we talk about some of my recent life updates and some dubs and L's such as facing some hard exposures and starting to fall in love with cooking.
I dive in to the idea of letting yourself feel happy before your life is perfect or before you have everything "figured out". I speak on why life is more simple than we make it sometimes and we are allowed and capable to be present and change our perspective on life and on life's mistakes.
Call 909-817-1742 to leave a “Dear Abbey” voicemail or leave a text with a question or asking for advice!! Love you guys!!
Todayyy we talk about my favorite affordable gift ideas and some fun DIY gifts! I share some of my favorite influencers, brands, and accounts!!
I also speak about the most recent trip to Colorado with my Fiancés family and how my ex "in laws" made it hard for me to open up again.
Call 909-817-1742 to leave a “Dear Abbey” voicemail or leave a text with a question or asking for advice!! Love you guys!
Todayyy we celebrate 100 episodes of Dear Abbey!! I am so grateful for our little community and I talk about the evolution of this podcast! I talk about my favorite episodes and read some reviews and comments that mean a lot to me! THANKS AGAIN FOR EVERYTHING, LOVE YOU GUYS!
Call 909-817-1742 to leave a “Dear Abbey” voicemail or leave a text with a question or asking for advice!! Love you guys!
Todayyy we talk about when starting something new or starting over gets frustrating. When we feel our efforts are amounting to nothing it can get discouraging :( but believe in good things to come!!
We also talk briefly about when you put people in a box and how that is doing an injustice to others and yourself.
We answer a listener question about how to deal with a Compulsive liar!!!
Call 909-817-1742 to leave a “Dear Abbey” voicemail or leave a text with a question or asking for advice!! Love you guys!
Todayyy is a short one due to being sick and almost no energy (or sanity). I talk about my engagement shoot and some other life updates!
We talk about when you wish you were the person you used to be or when you want to go back in time.
We answer a listener question about getting over a boy after a recent breakup!
Call 909-817-1742 to leave a “Dear Abbey” voicemail or leave a text with a question or asking for advice!! Love you guys!
Todayyy we talk about how OCD can latch to ANYTHING including politics. During an election period my OCD spikes so I speak on this weird obession and some other random obessions I have had that aren't too sticky but do pop up from time to time.
I also speak on my recent breakthrough with my body image. I have not experienced the devastation of an eating disorder or body dysmorphia, so I do not speak on this, but I do speak on ways I have flipped my perspective on common body image insecurities.
We answer a listener question around navigating your career choice when you are interested in everything loll
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Todayyy we talk about when you have a lot of shame and guilt that stops you from acknowledging the positive traits you have. OCD especially can make you think you are just that, ONLY YOUR OCD and only scared etc., when you have so many positive traits!!!
We also talk about my recent week with snorkeling, murder mysteries, and dubs and L’s.
We answer a dear abbey question about questioning why you are the way that you are!
Call 909-817-1742 to leave a “Dear Abbey” voicemail or leave a text with a question or asking for advice!! Love you guys!
Todayyy we talk about how to push through when you are feeling apathetic towards a better tomorrow and towards life in general.
We talk about how devastating and sneaky OCD can be when it changes themes without you realizing it was OCD.
We alsoo answer a listeners question about getting past the "small talk" phase of a friendship.
Call 909-817-1742 to leave a “Dear Abbey” voicemail or leave a text with a question or asking for advice!!
Love you guys!
Todayyy I was feeling very freshly emo because I had an emotional rollercoaster of a day. I speak through these feelings in the moment and I speak on the feeling of loneliness when you grew up chronically misunderstood. There is a very sad pain that comes from being misunderstood and told "you shouldn't feel that way". I talk about being sensitive and why we build up this guard when we grew up with a mental illness!
Call 909-817-1742 to leave a “Dear Abbey” voicemail or leave a text with a question or asking for advice!!
Love you guys!
Todayyy we talk about how I found my wedding dress!!! I also speak about when you are struggling to feel safe in your own head and when you refuse to be alone in fear of facing those thoughts/feelings. I also speak on panic attacks and riding the sensation wave.
We answer a dear abbey question about reflecting and moving on after a break up!
Call 909-817-1742 to leave a “Dear Abbey” voicemail or leave a text with a question or asking for advice!!
Love you guys!
- Visa fler