Saknas det avsnitt?
Preparation to the Lesson
Arvut on the Way to Lishma
Preparation to the Lesson
On the Verge of Lishma
Preparation to the Lesson
Rabash. Record 192. Foundations
For thousands of years, Kabbalists have been studying on a daily basis for their and humanity's spiritual progress. Continuing this tradition into today's globally connected world, the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute, studies daily from authentic Kabbalistic sources, with commentary by Dr. Michael Laitman. (Audio)
Saknas det avsnitt?
Preparation to the Lesson
Arvut on the Way to Lishma
Preparation to the Lesson
On the Verge of Lishma
Preparation to the Lesson
Rabash. Record 192. Foundations