
  • Episode 118 - Mike Martin - Project Mindfully Outdoors - Why Retreat is Not A Sign of Weakness

    With a deep passion for the outdoors and spirituality, Mike Martin helps others find inner peace through nature.

    As a certified meditation guide, wilderness first responder, and survival skills trainer, Mike has the expertise to lead transformative outdoor experiences. He shares his knowledge through his popular podcasts, Project Mindfully Outdoors, and The Wilderness Experince.

    Project Mindfully Outdoors is an uplifting podcast exploring the transformative power of wilderness meditation and its enrichment to daily life. Led by hiking meditation guide Mike Martin, each episode highlights a unique facet of developing mindfulness in nature's embrace. From quiet sits in forest clearings to mindful walks along the shore, or observing wildlife in city parks, Mike assists listeners in harnessing nature's healing energies to enhance mental clarity, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.





    music provided by Blue Dot Sessions

    Song: The Big Ten https://app.sessions.blue/browse/track/258270

  • Episode 117 - Tracy Poizner - How To Be An UnDeletable Dad, Resources For The Divorced Dad

    Tracy Poizner is a world leader at helping divorced dads master fatherhood and shape their legacy. She spins together the worlds of litigation coaching, strategic parenting and spiritual growth into a unique consultancy exclusively tailored to the needs of the divorced, separated or alienated father.

    Tracy combines 25 years of international accolades as a mind/body wellness expert with personal experience of a high-conflict stepfamily dynamic.

    Her uncanny ability to read beneath the surface allows her to perceive subtle distortions in your personal energy and her unconventional approach yields brilliant, rebellious solutions for the modern patriarch.




    music provided by Blue Dot Sessions

    Song: The Big Ten https://app.sessions.blue/browse/track/258270

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  • Episode 116 - Smart Strategies for Dads - Preparing Your Kids for Home Ownership Through Real Estate Investment

    As a dad, preparing for your kids' future through real estate and rental properties can be a powerful way to build generational wealth. Here's how you can approach this:Start Early

    Begin focusing on your children's financial health as soon as possible, ideally from birth. The power of compound growth means that even small investments made early can have a significant impact over time.Invest in Rental Properties

    Benefits for Your Kids' FuturePassive income generationPotential property value appreciationTeaching opportunities about real estate and finance
    StrategiesBuy properties in up-and-coming areas: Look for locations with growth potential.Consider multi-unit properties: These can provide higher returns and diversify risk.Involve your kids: As they grow, teach them about property management and investment.
    Helping Kids into Home OwnershipStart a Housing FundSet up a dedicated savings account or investment portfolio for each child's future home purchase.Consider using a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) which can later be partially used for housing.
    Teach Financial LiteracyInvolve kids in budgeting and saving discussions from an early age.Encourage them to save a portion of any money they receive or earn.
    Co-signing or GiftingWhen they're ready to buy, consider co-signing their mortgage or gifting a down payment.Be aware of tax implications and seek professional advice.
    Long-term Planning StrategiesSet Clear GoalsDetermine how much you want to contribute to each child's future home.Create a timeline for achieving these goals.
    Diversify InvestmentsWhile real estate is valuable, also consider other investment vehicles for balance.Explore stocks, bonds, and other assets to create a well-rounded portfolio for your kids' future.
    Regular Review and AdjustmentReassess your strategy annually to ensure you're on track.Adjust as needed based on market conditions and your family's changing needs.
    Teaching by Example

    As a dad, your financial habits will significantly influence your children. Demonstrate good financial management, discuss investment decisions, and involve them in age-appropriate financial planning activities.Remember, while preparing for your kids' financial future is crucial, it's equally important to balance this with enjoying the present and not sacrificing your own financial health. By taking a thoughtful, long-term approach to real estate and financial planning, you can set your children up for a stable and prosperous future.

    Welcome to the Cash Kid Podcast! I’m here to teach kids and adults the financial literacy skills they need to start saving money early. Join us as we interview experts and explore topics to take that piggy bank to a real bank and start investing today to watch your money grow. “Cash Kids” are kids who at a young age have an entrepreneurial mindset and good financial skills to use their passions, hobbies, and skills to earn money.

    Just remember, anyone can be a “Cash Kid,” you just have to learn how to become one. So let’s be the generation to grow the greatest wealth and be the most financially literate. From financial skills to getting your first job, to investing in the stock market, we’ll cover it here on the Cash Kid Podcast.


    Money and personal finance are one of the leading causes of stress among adults, but it doesn't have...

  • Episode 115 - Extending Grace, Treating Everyone Like a Learner on Life's Highway

    The Hidden Struggles: Treating Everyone Like a Student Driver

    Imagine you're driving down a busy street and you spot a car with "STUDENT DRIVER" plastered on its sides. What's your immediate reaction? Most of us instinctively become more patient, give the car more space, and perhaps even silently cheer on the novice behind the wheel. We understand that this person is learning, and we adjust our expectations and behavior accordingly.Now, what if we applied this same mindset to everyone we encounter in our daily lives?

    The Invisible "Student Driver" Sign

    The truth is, many people around us are navigating personal struggles and challenges that we know nothing about. These hidden battles could be anything from mental health issues, financial stress, relationship problems, or health concerns. Unlike the student driver's car, there's no visible sign alerting us to their situation.

    Creating Space for Silent StrugglesJust as we give student drivers extra room on the road, we can create space for those who might be silently hurting:Practice patience: When someone seems short-tempered or distracted, consider that they might be dealing with unseen difficulties.Offer kindness: A simple smile or a genuine "How are you?" can make a world of difference to someone who's struggling.Withhold judgment: Before jumping to conclusions about someone's behavior, remember that there might be more to their story than meets the eye.Listen actively: If someone opens up to you, give them your full attention without trying to fix their problems immediately.
    The Power of Grace

    Extending grace to others means showing kindness and understanding, even when it's not necessarily deserved. By treating everyone as if they're wearing an invisible "STUDENT DRIVER" sign, we create a more compassionate and supportive environment for all.Remember, just as a student driver eventually becomes a confident motorist, people facing challenges can overcome them with time, support, and understanding from those around them.

    Action Item Summary:

    Commit to treating everyone you encounter with the same patience and understanding you'd offer a student driver, recognizing that they may be silently navigating personal challenges.



    music provided by Blue Dot Sessions

    Song: The Big Ten https://app.sessions.blue/browse/track/258270

  • Episode 114 - Brian Heilig - The Awe-Inspiring Saga of His Son's Micro-Preemie Birth and the Goal Set

    Author Born From Son’s Traumatic Birth

    Brian Heilig and his wife Diana had to deliver their first baby at 26 weeks due to severe preeclampsia while living in Cancún, Mexico. Grayson was only 12” long and weighed 1.6 pounds. Little did Brian know this dramatic event would also birth a joy for writing.

    Book: Breathe, Eat, Poop & Grow: Our Micro-Preemie Journey

    In the pages of our book, every word bears the weight of a journey that transcends mere storytelling. It's a testament to resilience, love, and the indomitable human spirit. Through the tumultuous corridors of uncertainty, our narrative unveils the harrowing yet awe-inspiring saga of our son's micro-preemie birth in Mexico. Each page breathes with the raw emotions of fear, hope, and relentless determination as we navigated the labyrinth of medical challenges to safeguard his fragile life. It's a poignant chronicle of the sacrifices made, the tears shed, and the miracles witnessed in the pursuit of one tiny heartbeat. Within these chapters lie the echoes of countless sleepless nights, the whispered prayers, and the unwavering faith that carried us through the darkest hours. This book is not just a memoir; it's a lifeline of hope, a beacon of light for anyone facing their own trials. To those who dare to delve into its pages, may you find solace, inspiration, and a renewed belief in the power of love to conquer all odds.

    *Please Note: All net proceeds from the book sales are going toward putting incubators into Mexican hospitals, we will call them G-Units, after our beloved son, Grayson.





    music provided by Blue Dot Sessions

    Song: The Big Ten https://app.sessions.blue/browse/track/258270

  • Episode 113 - Brock Williams - Shake The Dust Off Your Soul, From depression, anxiety and OCD, leading you to greatness and rediscovery

    Brock Williams


    Brock has set out to helping men heal, even take his message overseas. Motivating men to seek treatment and make their mental health a priority.

    Whether it’s depression, anxiety, bipolar, OCD, or ADHD.

    Let’s heal together!?

    Men are often taught to suppress their emotions and not get help. But how can you heal if you don’t know how you feel?

    Learn how Brock is helping men heal and overcome obstacles with the release of his poetic memoir “Shake The Dust Off Your Soul”.

    A refreshing inspirational journey through the trials of life and mental health that leads to greatness, inner strength, and resilience.

    Book: Shake The Dust Off Your Soul

    Prepare yourself for a refreshing, inspiring, breath of fresh air, as this poetic memoir take’s you through the depths of life’s trials. From depression, anxiety and OCD, leading you to greatness and rediscovery. Journey out of the dark and into new beginnings.




    music provided by Blue Dot Sessions

    Song: The Big Ten https://app.sessions.blue/browse/track/258270

  • Episode 112 - Joel Bouchard - When A Dad and A Son Are Just Different People

    About Joel Bouchard

    I am a doctoral student in psychology, multi-instrumentalist record producer, author, painter, Army veteran, business leader, local government official, and fellow podcaster, who firmly believes that generalists have a place in society and can make contributions to human knowledge. While I may not be an expert in any one field, what I am is an expert learner who is well-versed in a wide array of areas. While I am philosophically minded and prefer big-picture conversations that knit together disparate concepts, I can speak to details on many topics, including music, education, psychology, the military, and much more.

    Joel Bouchard is a doctoral student in psychology, a multi-instrumentalist record producer, author, painter, Army veteran, business leader, local government official, and host of the philosophy podcast "From Nowhere to Nothing.




    music provided by Blue Dot Sessions

    Song: The Big Ten https://app.sessions.blue/browse/track/258270

  • E111 - Darren J Brookes - There Is Nobody Here For You, Perinatal depression and men

    Daniel is an author and he drops by to share about his book and about the topic of PeriNatal Depression that Dad's experience.

    Daniel's book: The 23 Rules of life…that most people don’t want to hear will challenge your thinking and beliefs. However, they will empower you to maximise your potential and relentlessly pursue your goals regardless of what is happening in the world around you.

    Daniel's site


    Although new fathers are at lower risk of depression than are new mothers,2 the prevalence of depression in new fathers is higher than that in the general population.3 Depression occurs in 10% of men from their partner's first trimester to one year postpartum; three to six months after birth is a particularly sensitive period of increased symptoms.2 Fathers who live with their children do not have a history of increased depressive symptoms prior to having a child but are at increased risk of depressive symptoms from birth through the first five years of life

    Perinatal depression in men, also known as paternal perinatal depression (PPND), is a significant mental health issue that affects approximately 9-10% of fathers during the period from their partner's pregnancy through the first year after childbirth. While less prevalent than maternal perinatal depression, PPND is more common in new fathers compared to the general male population.Key aspects of PPND include:Timing: PPND can occur anytime between the first trimester of pregnancy and one year postpartum, with the 3-6 month period after birth being particularly sensitive.Symptoms: Men may experience traditional depressive symptoms such as sadness, mood swings, and loss of interest in activities. However, they may also exhibit male-specific symptoms like irritability, anger, increased alcohol or drug use, and avoidant behaviors.Risk factors: These include a history of depression, stress related to parenting, role changes, financial concerns, and interparental conflict. Maternal depression is also moderately correlated with paternal depression.Impact: PPND can negatively affect parenting practices, child development (both internalizing and externalizing behaviors), and family dynamics.Screening: While not routinely screened, opportunities for identifying PPND exist during prenatal visits, postnatal check-ups, and infant clinical encounters. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) can be used, with a cutoff of 10 points for fathers.Treatment: Interventions may include pharmacotherapy (e.g., selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and psychotherapy (e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based therapies).Challenges: Men may be less likely to seek help due to stigma or traditional masculine norms. Additionally, conventional depression screening tools may underreport symptoms in men.

    Recognizing and addressing PPND is crucial not only for the well-being of fathers but also for their relationships with partners and children. There is a growing need for male-specific treatment strategies and increased awareness among healthcare providers to better support fathers during the perinatal period


  • Episode 110 - Mark Smith - Wrestling With Fatherhood, Lessons Learned From a Near Death Experience

    Mark joins us for an interview that almost did not happen, we almost lost Mark 4 days prior to recording - hear Mark recount a very real and raw account of a very near death experience and the lessons that he understood as a result.

    Mark overcame childhood illness to become pro athlete as a pro wrestler for Ted Turner’s WCW, for the NWA and AWA. After wrestling he went into ministry. He used his wrestling background to build an audience to help individuals find peace and purpose. Has worked with thousands of teens and families across America. Works with abused and abandoned children. He and his wife are therapeutic parents for troubled children. Mark is involved in film production and writing. He creates awareness of homeless kids and does Foster Care. Finally, Mark has also designed equipment for Special Forces and big supporter of the Armed Forces. 

    Mark's book: Wrestling with Demons: The battles of a NWA, AWA and CWF Star

    A professional wrestler projects his father's abuse into the ring. The racism of his upbringing and his pain is challenged by his new Christian faith. Can he overcome the pain of his past?




    music provided by Blue Dot Sessions

    Song: The Big Ten https://app.sessions.blue/browse/track/258270

  • Episode 109 - June is Men's Mental Health Month - Building Community and Connections, Seeking Support and Breaking the Stigma

    June is men's mental health month, and it's crucial to address the unique challenges dads face regarding mental health and finding support. Here are some key points:Building Community and Connections

    Dads often experience a "friendship deficiency" and lack meaningful connections outside their immediate family. This isolation can exacerbate mental health issues.Joining dad groups or finding a community of fathers can provide a supportive network, honest conversations, and a sense of shared experience. It helps dads realize they are not alone in their struggles.Maintaining friendships and making new connections is vital for dads' mental well-being. Prioritize spending time with other fathers in comfortable environments where open discussions can occur.

    Recognizing Mental Health Challenges

    Dads can experience various mental health issues, including postnatal depression (PND), anxiety, and stress. Around 10% of fathers experience PND in the first year after their child's birth.Mental health problems in dads are often overlooked or stigmatized, leading many to suffer in silence.It's essential to recognize and acknowledge mental health struggles, as they can significantly impact the entire family's well-being.

    Seeking Support and Breaking the Stigma

    Dads should not hesitate to seek professional help from a mental health provider if they are struggling with their mental health. Seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.Talking openly about mental health experiences and encouraging others to seek support can help reduce the stigma surrounding men's mental health issues.Prioritizing self-care, engaging in enjoyable activities, and maintaining a work-life balance can contribute to better mental well-being for dads.

    In summary, building a supportive community, recognizing mental health challenges, and seeking help when needed are crucial for dads' mental health. By addressing these issues, dads can break the stigma and create a more inclusive and supportive environment for themselves and their families







    music provided by Blue Dot Sessions

    Song: The Big Ten https://app.sessions.blue/browse/track/258270

  • Episode 108 - Lori Oaks - Fight Negative Self Talk - Everything is Figure-Out-Able

    From suicide to AMAZING.

    After contemplating suicide at just 17 years old, and battling with depression that most of the world had no idea about through the next 20 years of her life, Lori decided to make a change and figure out how all the good times came about in her life. She created a system that helps keep her in the positive and good feeling, and now she is teaching others how to do the same.

    Want help feeling better?

    Sometimes life feels really hard, but it doesn't have to.

    Feel Better... Imagine a program that can walk you through the steps that will help you feel better.

    Imagine a moment in your life where all of the focus is on you. It isn't on trying to make everyone else happy, just yourself.  

    The right tools...  Most programs try to tell you exactly what to do, and that may not be the tool that you personally need, and this is why most programs don't work for people long term.

    With this program you will figure out your specific tools, and how to use them in order to help you to feel better and master the mindset to be able to move forward in life.

    Get started... connect with me to get a FREE consultation where we will assess your situation, figure out the tools you need to process and move forward through the hard parts of life, and show you how the AMAZE Yourself System can help you...guaranteed!!! 




    music provided by Blue Dot Sessions

    Song: The Big Ten https://app.sessions.blue/browse/track/258270

  • Episode 107 - Joe Johnson - Dad Naps, Facing the I Am Not Enough Dad Moments


    Welcome to No Time Like Joe Time: Where TV get's deep for no reason. In this podcast Joe and a new guest each week looks at different clips of a show and talk about the life lessons they can get out of it. 

    Want to be apart of this journey? Email any show ideas you want us to cover OR if you want to be a guest- email [email protected].




    music provided by Blue Dot Sessions

    Song: The Big Ten https://app.sessions.blue/browse/track/258270

  • BONUS - Happy Father's Day 2024 - Words of Encouragement for Dads

    Dads, we often need to hear words of affirmation and appreciation to realize our worth and contribution as fathers. Here are some encouraging messages that can help dads feel valued and not alone or unappreciated on Father's Day:

    Words of Encouragement for Dads"You are an amazing father, and our family is so grateful for your love, guidance, and support.""Thank you for being a role model of strength, wisdom, and unwavering commitment to our family.""Your dedication to raising our children with kindness and patience is truly inspiring.""I admire the sacrifices you make every day to provide for our family and create a loving home.""Our children are blessed to have a father who leads by example, teaching them important values and life lessons.""You have such a positive influence on our kids, shaping them into the wonderful people they are becoming.""Your love and care for our family mean everything to us. We couldn't do it without you.""You are our rock, our strength, and our hero. We are so proud to call you our dad."

    The key is to express genuine gratitude, highlight his positive impact on the family, and remind him that his role as a father is invaluable and deeply appreciated. Such words of encouragement can help dads feel valued, supported, and motivated to continue being the best fathers they can be.

    Steal this list and share your thoughts with your Dad, Spouse or Partner

    Happy Father's Day from the Dad Space Community



    music provided by Blue Dot Sessions

    Song: The Big Ten https://app.sessions.blue/browse/track/258270

  • Episode 106 - Kenny Barnwell - Touring The World and Making it all Work on the Road - Parenting Via Facetime

    Parenting while travelling the world seems almost impossible, Kenny takes us behind the curtain - get a v.i.p. backstage pass to life on the road and being a Dad, here on Dad Space.

    In Kenny's words: I like to say that the event business rescued me because before I started my event production career at 18 years old in Atlanta, GA as a Stagehand. I was a high school drop out, homeless, and strung out on drugs. 

    Production work was medicinal for me in the early days.

    As a Stagehand, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do yet, so I worked my ass off in every area of production, from Audio, Lighting, to staging, and learned as much as I could.

    I then spent time bouncing around as a freelancer and stagehand doing gig after gig, honestly thinking my new career is turning into a J.O.B.

    Same stuff, different gig. I was working hard and doing the work I loved, but not in the capacity in which I wanted to. I wanted to go on tour, travel the world, and work directly WITH the tours, like the touring crew I've worked around while I've been a local crew hire.

    I felt like I had plenty of experience, just needed some direction, or know someone, or...? I just wasn't sure.

    One day I was working a gig as a Stagehand and a touring crew guy I was working with gave me a bit of coaching that changed everything for me.

    He gave me the bit of clarity I was looking for. That bit of advice and encouragement fueled a spark within me that set me on a path to finding my passion for Backline and Production Management.

    Since, I've built a 20+ year career working on tours in Backline, and as a Stage Manager, Production Manager, and Tour Manager on tour with artists such as Travis Tritt, Trace Adkins, Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, Bon Jovi, Chris Isaak, Amos Lee, Sara Barellies, Seal, Stray Kids, Korn, Jonas Brothers, and more.

    I'm the co-founder of a concert promotions company in Tampa, the author of two career development books, creator of two online career courses, and I'm a career/life coach.




    music provided by Blue Dot Sessions

    Song: The Big Ten https://app.sessions.blue/browse/track/258270

  • Episode 105 - Cory Yates - None of Us is Smarter Than All of Us - Addiction, Military Service and beyond

    What is a Unicorn Ranch?

    The Unicorn Ranch began when Cory was a Sergeant in the Army.  Soldiers would come up to him with excuses about how their kid was sick, their dog died, or their car would not start.  His reply would be, "I get it, you had to go walk your UNICORN."  The next time they came to me with another excuse he would tell them to bring me their UNICORN so he can put it on my ranch and take care of it for them. Therefore, let us take that UNICORN or excuse and provide a solution to pursue your obligations.

    When Cory got out of the Army, he knew that he was being called into ministry. Whenever he put a team together for local or global missions, he was still met with the same excuses. The most common one we hear is, "I'd love to go, but just don't have the funds."

    God has led Cory to start a bladesmithing ministry in order to provide funding for missions trips and projects, pay for kids and youth camps, as well as serve those we are called to both locally and globally. We believe that if someone is being called to do mission work, money should be the last thing that keeps them from ministering or serving.





    I use comedy to help people & organizations break the walls of convention.


    I followed the path that society laid out for me, lied to myself and convinced my heart that it was actually what I wanted. After 6 years of grad school, the suits, the interviews, the seriousness, the loans, I woke up in my first year of the dream job and I was UNHAPPY.

    I am a comedian, pharmacist, author, and speaker out to help create a more adaptable, empathetic, and humanizing healthcare experience.

    Rewind to 2013, two years into my pharmacy career and there I was, struggling to adapt to the unscripted world of pharmacy and healthcare. 

    On paper I had checked all of the boxes: perfect grades, residency, board certification. But then I realized something was missing - the ability to create meaningful connections in the moment with those I cared for, and the ability to adapt and remain flexible.

    2013 was the year I went to my first improv class and two simple words changed everything for me: "Yes, and."



    A Humorous Handbook for Newish Dads Who Don't Want to Suck

    There are no rules or explanations to this dad game, and yet it seems like society will literally collapse if you get this wrong.

    Of course, I’m the most amazing pharmacist comedian you’ve ever met, but I'm JUST LIKE YOU.

    Just a real dad trying to figure it all out.




    music provided by Blue Dot Sessions

    Song: The Big Ten https://app.sessions.blue/browse/track/258270

  • Episode 103 - Securing Your Family's Future, Good Debt vs Bad Debt

    Securing Your Family's Future: Good Debt vs Bad DebtAs fathers, our primary goal is to create a legacy of financial security and prosperity for our children. While the words "debt" and "borrowing" may carry a negative connotation, it's essential to understand that not all debt is created equal. By making informed decisions, we can leverage good debt to build generational wealth and provide a solid foundation for our families.

    Good Debt: A Pathway to Wealth CreationGood debt is an investment in your future and that of your children. It increases your net worth and generates value beyond your present income.

    Here are some examples of good debt:

    Homeownership: Taking out a mortgage to purchase a home is often considered good debt. Real estate has historically appreciated in value, and owning a home can provide a sense of stability and security for your family.Education: Borrowing student loans to finance higher education can be a wise investment. A quality education can open doors to better career opportunities and higher earning potential, ultimately benefiting your children's future.Business Ventures: Accessing lines of credit or small business loans to start or expand a profitable business can be a form of good debt. Successful entrepreneurial endeavors can create generational wealth and financial independence.

    Bad Debt: A Burden to AvoidBad debt, on the other hand, is often used to purchase goods or services that have no lasting value or potential for growth.

    Examples of bad debt include:

    Credit Card Debt: High-interest credit card debt can quickly spiral out of control, leading to a cycle of debt and financial strain.Payday Loans: These short-term loans often come with exorbitant interest rates and can trap borrowers in a cycle of debt.Luxury Purchases: Borrowing money to finance luxury items like fancy cars or extravagant vacations may provide temporary satisfaction but offers no long-term financial benefit.

    While we all enjoy the occasional indulgence, it's crucial to prioritize investments that will bolster your family's financial portfolio and secure your children's future.

    A Legacy of Financial WisdomGood debt, when used strategically, can be a powerful tool for building generational wealth.

    By making wise choices and prioritizing investments that appreciate in value or generate income, we can create a legacy of financial stability for our children.

    Remember, the decisions we make today will shape the future of our families for generations to come.



  • Episode 102 - An Epidemic of Loneliness for Men is Happening - The Friendship Recession

    According to the search results, male loneliness has become a significant public health issue in 2024. Studies show that a growing number of men are struggling with feelings of loneliness and isolation:

    Research indicates that 27% of men say they have at least six close friends, which is half the number compared to three decades ago. Alarmingly, 15% of men reported having no close friends at all, compared to 10% of women⁠The Surgeon General's report found that loneliness and social isolation are "associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular disease, dementia, stroke, depression, anxiety, and premature death" - with the risk being equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day⁠Reaching out to family members like parents or siblings to spend quality time together⁠Joining local clubs, sports teams, or hobby groups to meet new people and form connections⁠Being vulnerable and open with close friends, rather than just discussing surface-level topics⁠Seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor if feelings of loneliness become overwhelming⁠




    Checked out.



    What is happening with so many of our boys and men? Economists lament inexplicable drops in male labor force participation. Public health officials point to disproportionately male “deaths of despair” from suicide or overdose. Parents see their sons struggling and worry what it means for their future.

    In Of Boys and Men, Richard Reeves provides a groundbreaking diagnosis of the contemporary male malaise. Many of the rapid economic, social, and cultural changes over recent decades pose new challenges to boys and men—especially those at the bottom of the economic ladder. Black boys and men face the most acute challenges of all.

    Politicians on both left and right have failed to engage constructively with the problems of boys and men. Views on what it means to be a man in the twenty-first century have hardened along partisan lines. But as Reeves writes: “We can hold two thoughts in our head at once. We can be passionate about women’s rights and compassionate toward vulnerable boys and men.”

    Drawing on years of deep research as well as his personal experience as a father of three sons, Reeves offers a compelling diagnosis of the problems of boys and men—and a bold set of solutions.

    Men often have a harder time expressing their feelings and reaching out for help when dealing with loneliness. Many turn to online communities or public figures like podcasters to find a sense of connection⁠

    However, experts emphasize that face-to-face interactions and activities with other men are essential for building meaningful friendships

  • Episode 101 - Speech Pathologist - Michelle Mintz - Communicating Face to Face With Our Kids, Pacifiers and Parenting

    Everyone has a special gift. You may know what yours is or perhaps you have not yet discovered it. I am fortunate to know that my special gift is having the key that is needed to help children unlock the doors of communication. I have this wonderful ability to relate to children in such a way that they feel comfortable and have fun at the same time that they are blooming.

    For over 25 years, my passion has been connecting and communicating with parents, grandparents, nannies, siblings and their babies from birth through five years old. Guiding both the children and adults during my sessions provides me with great joy and pride. To be present for the beautiful moment when a mom hears her child speak a word they have never spoken before is an inspiring and exhilarating shared experience.

    Watching the looks of pure awe and joy from the families when they see their baby making those connections is what continues to drive my passion for helping other babies bloom.

    As babies bloom…families blossom.

    Through my years of experience, I have discovered that coaching those who spend the most time with a baby such as parents, grandparents, and nannies to integrate my proactive strategies into their natural daily activities is the most impactful way to help a baby bloom.





    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dad-space-podcast/message

  • Episode 100 - Hold the Door for Others, Our Journey Differs, Be Patient and Hold a Space for Others

    I was approached by someone and they said to me "The first time I met you I was afraid of you" What an interesting way to start a conversation.

    Why is it that we can treat others one way and our own family members differently.

    Dave shares his story and his journey on a path he never anticipated that he would have ever walked

    Celebrating 100 episodes of Dad Space

    Thanks for listening

