This episode we welcome back Sarah Rogers, Curo’s Customer Account Manager, to answer some of your questions on benefits and money matters.
We asked customers via email to send in their questions, for a chance to win £25 in Love2Shop vouchers. Congratulations to Flaciah who was picked at random to win. Thank you to everyone who sent us their questions and sorry if we didn’t get a chance to answer yours on the podcast.
Please remember, if you have any money worries, our Money Advice service is here to help, with everything from money management to accessing benefits. Contact us either by phone on 01225 366000, or by email: [email protected].uk. We really want to help.
If you have any ideas for topics you’d like us to cover in future episodes of the Cost of Living podcast, please email us at [email protected].uk
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
In our latest episode, Tania Reason, Benefits Advisor at Curo, talks about the benefits that customers may be missing out on.
It’s easy to get lost in the complex benefits maze, but the Money Advice service has the latest information on what support is available. Tania explains how she’s there to support customers every step of the way in their applications.
“If you’re entitled to benefits, why struggle when we can help you to apply?” she says.
Tania also dispels some popular myths about claiming benefits and reveals the most common benefits customers may be missing out on.
The threshold for applying for benefits is increasing this year so if you haven’t been eligible for certain benefits in the past, you may now qualify, she adds.
Our Cost of Living podcast offers advice to customers on everything from benefits to help finding work.
In each episode, Marianne Rawlins, Communications and Media Manager at Curo, talks to people who can help.
If you’ve got an idea for a topic we should cover in a future episode, please email [email protected].uk
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Saknas det avsnitt?
As the cost of living rises, more people are turning to illegal money lenders, even using them to cover the costs of everyday basics. In episode three of Curo’s Cost of Living podcast, Marianne Rawlins, Communications and Media Manager at Curo, talks to Catherine Wohler from Stop Loan Sharks, an organisation that investigates and prosecutes illegal money lenders and provides support for borrowers.
When we think of loan sharks, we often have an image in our head of a tough-looking man who’s intimidating and unfriendly, but that’s not always the case, explains Catherine.
She also describes the shocking case of a woman whose £100 debt to a loan shark turned into £43,000. Catherine tells how the woman’s housing officer put her in touch with Stop Loan Sharks, who stepped in to help.
If you’ve borrowed from a loan shark or are worried about someone else, Stop Loan Sharks is there for you. Call them 24/7 on 0300 555 2222 or start a Live Chat by clicking on the chat icon in the bottom right hand corner of their website: www.stoploansharks.co.uk This service is available 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.
Credit unions can be a useful source of credit for some people. To find your local credit union visit: https://www.findyourcreditunion.co.uk/
If you need help with money, Curo’s Money Advice service is here for you. It provides help for residents and offers advice about money management. Please don’t be afraid the get in touch if it's your first time. Our friendly and experienced team can help with managing debt and accessing the correct benefits. They have access to grants and funds that you may not know about. The average amount each customer saves through using the service is £4,446. For more see here. Call the Money Advice service on 01225 366000, or email: [email protected].uk. We really want to help.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Work Wise offers support for people to gain employability skills, build confidence and get placements to take the next step in their careers. It’s not only for Curo customers, Work Wise is available to all residents of our communities. Opportunities include apprenticeships and access to construction careers. One example is our Power Up programme, which is introducing people to new ‘green’ jobs, as well as roles in construction and trades, many of which aren’t manual roles and which may surprise you.
Contact the Work Wise team on [email protected].uk or call 01225 366000 to find out more.
If you’re having money worries, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Contact Curo’s Money Advice service on [email protected].uk or 01225 366000.
Presenter and producer: Marianne Rawlins
Assistant producer: Jess Graziano
Editor: Richard Burgess
With thanks to Somer Valley FM
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Curo is one of the largest housing associations in the south west of the UK. At Curo, we’re really concerned about the effects the rising cost of living is having on our customers. We want them to know that support is available and we’re here to help. That’s why we’ve created our new Cost of Living podcast. In each episode, Marianne Rawlins, Communications and Media Manager at Curo, talks to people who can help with everything from money advice to saving energy. In this episode we speak to Sarah Rogers, Customer Accounts Manager for Curo’s Money Advice Service, who tells us about how the service can support our customers.
Contact Curo’s Money Advice service:
Call: 01225 366000
Email [email protected].uk
Web: www.curo-group.co.uk/costofliving/
Useful contacts:
PayPlan: 0800 280 2816; www.payplan.com/
Refuge: 0808 200 0247; refuge.org.uk/
Presenter and producer: Marianne Rawlins
Assistant producer: Jess Graziano
Editor Richard Burgess
With thanks to Somer Valley FM.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.