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Parents, are you struggling to communicate effectively with your child? Is lowering your toddler’s anxiety proving to be difficult? Are transitions taking over your household? When it comes to raising kids, these developmental milestones can be difficult to journey through alone. This is where the transformative power of music comes in! Join your host Angie Kopshy, music therapy expert, to discover how music therapy can break barriers, spark connections, and change lives. Join us every Monday on Cue The Magic: Sing a New Song Podcast to dive into music therapy techniques with expert music therapists worldwide for motivation and focus, emotional regulation, social connection, cognitive stimulation, and physical rehab. Tune in and cue the magic! Perfect for: Parents, healthcare professionals, educators, and music lovers.
For more information on The Global Music Therapy Project, the 501(c)(3) nonprofit, please go to our website at: www.globalmusictherapyproject.com
For more information about The Global Music Therapy Project, please visit:
WebsiteInstagramYouTubeSpotifyFor more information on our host, Angie Kopshy, please follow her here:
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