我哋覺得性除咗係好嚴肅的話題,也可以係一個好有趣的現象,值得我哋探討我地會揾一D有趣同得意的性趣聞同大家分享...希望一齊了解性更多,了解自己更多!#廣東話podcast#支持我們探討性文化:轉數快FPS FPS ID:9513011 , 收款人:「HONG KONG SEX CULTURE SOCIETY LIMITED」。完成後,請保留「成功過數頁面截 圖」,連同捐款者姓名、電郵、電話及地址,電郵[email protected]#其他捐款方法可Whatsapp(52001161) 查詢#或致電31651858--Hosting provided by SoundOn
The Family Team at Pump Court Chambers present this weekly podcast featuring discussion of a variety of topics from across the spectrum of family law, joined by regular expert guests.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Have you ever felt that life was just passing you by, spending day in and day out checking boxes but not truly happy? Tyler and Todd did too, until they sold everything to move into an RV in search of a simpler life. From interviews with inspiring guests who dared to take risks, to conversations on topics ranging from home renovations to the LGBTQ+ experience, this weekly podcast isn’t afraid to take a few tangents in search of life’s biggest questions…with more than a few laughs along the way.
Spill the tea HERE:
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Liebe – aber unkonventionell. Ein Podcast über das Leben in einer polyamoren Beziehung. Anfang 2020 haben Saskia und Lui Michalski sich mit ihrer unkonventionellen Liebe geoutet und entschlossen, das Thema „Liebe außerhalb der Norm“ zu enttabuisieren. Innerhalb der letzten Jahre haben sie xx-Millionen Aufrufe generiert, zu diversen Diskussionen in den Medien angeregt und sich eine Community aufgebaut, die mit ihnen das Ziel verfolgt, mehr Transparenz und Akzeptanz in der Gesellschaft zu schaffen. In diesem Podcast lernst du die beiden, sowie ihre Beziehung(en), hautnah kennen. Ehrlich und ungeschönt beleuchten die Michalskis ihr eigenes Leben, Themen, wie die Liebe, LGBTQAI+, ihren Blick auf die Gesellschaft, Social Media, das Influencerdasein und was Glück für sie bedeutet.
Ab sofort gibt es jeden Mittwoch wieder eine neue Folge von „Die Michalskis".
Hosts: Saskia Michalskis ( Lui Michalski (
„Die Michalskis” ist ein Podcast von Podimo. Wenn du den Podcast hören möchtest, findest du jede Woche Mittwoch eine neue Folge in der Podimo App. Du kannst diesen Podcast und viele ähnlich Inhalte 30 Tage lang kostenlos testen. Geh einfach auf
Du kannst das Probeabo jederzeit kündigen. Du wirst auf der Seite deine Bezahldaten hinterlegen müssen, um deine Anmeldung abzuschließen, aber keine Angst, wenn du innerhalb der 30 Tage kündigst, zahlst du natürlich keinen Cent.Nur wenn du nach deinem Probeabo bei Podimo bleiben willst, zahlst du im Monat 4,99 € und bekommst weiterhin Zugriff auf alle exklusiven Podcasts und Hörbücher der App. -
Marriage and Martinis is an attempt to present a real, authentic marriage at its core: the love, hate, teamwork, struggles, laughter, humiliation, and ever-changing dynamics that comprise spousal relationships. Join Danielle and Adam as they explore every hilarious, heartfelt, shocking, embarrassing, and completely inappropriate facet of marriage and parenting. It’s a bumpy ride, but it’s worth it.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
《好女人的情場攻略》是一個針對女性所打造的 Podcast 兩性熱門節目。由主持人路隊長領軍,帶領一群軍師提供多元而實用的戀愛知識,讓你在愛情的路上不再迷惘,成為更好的自己,遇見你的理想型。
【合作邀約】[email protected]
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Award-winning author, Dr. Robert E. Jackson, Jr., teaches Biblical principles on marriage, family, parenting, current events, evangelism, discipleship and health issues. Over 40 years as a medical doctor, 38 years of marriage, and parenting 9 children give Dr. Jackson a unique, relevant perspective on Christian life issues.
最無害且犀利的國民前女友❤️也是遙遠又親近、模糊但清晰、最熟悉的陌生人史上最堅硬濕潤的兩性18禁誠實節目!!週一:腥聞挖挖哇週三:撈裡嘮叨/打嘴砲(不定時更新)每週一、三臉紅心跳上線想討論話題請到FB搜尋🔍謎漾前女友搜尋🔍exbfgf2022請我吃雞排喝珍奶各種商業雜務的聯絡請寄信[email protected] provided by SoundOn
世界上曠男怨女那麼多,每個人都有不能說的秘密。在這裡,可以聽到各式各樣的秘密,讓你感同身受,在禁錮的日常中,找到出口。從童話故事中走出來的灰姑娘及貝兒,帶著小隨從雪寶,揭開童話的假面,告訴你童話裡都是騙人的,教你怎麼在現實的情海中悠遊。如果您覺得兩位公主對您起了療癒(慾?)的作用,希望我們一直存在陪伴的話,可以用行動支持一下,讓我們製作更優質的節目來回饋您喔!斗內請進→海外小仙貝斗內→如果您是用APPLE PODCAST或是MB3收聽,也請不要吝嗇給我們一個五星評分和留下評論~大心感謝唷!各大收聽平台:節目更新時間:每週二 上午7:00每週五 上午7:00歡迎準時收聽&訂閱&下載喔!Love u all~~~寫信給公主與小兵:[email protected]追蹤公主與小兵IG:跟隨公主與小兵FB:性愛誠引-105411795171137/--Hosting provided by SoundOn
在愛裡,找回勇敢的自己…… 紫嚴
作家 / 紫嚴
《勇敢層級》用你喜歡的方式,活出你自己 (2020最新著作)
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來信投稿 |
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一個生活學習嘅podcast。Flo嘉賓專訪 | Flo師奶吹暖水 | Flo自修室 | Flo問問Too醫師 | 每星期一上載。Lilian Leong, Carmen Suen, Jau Yau
Youtube, Instagram & Facebook: @flowomensclub Youtube Instagram Facebook website: Tags, #cantonesepodcast, #hongkongpodcast, #flowomensclub, #personalstories, #lilianleong, #carmensuen, #周游, #mean girl denny #podcasthk, #廣東話podcast, #播客, #香港播客, #廣東話播客, #生活學習, #人生分享, #人生轉折,#podcast,#香港applepodcasts #香港spotifypodcasts #廣東話applepodcasts #廣東話spotifypodcasts #personaljournal, #personalstories, #Flo師奶吹暖水, #Flo自修室, #Flo加個mean girl, #Flo問問Too醫師
Join Jimmy & Irene Rollins as they unlock the secrets to fighting well in your marriage, creating unity like never before! Experience their journey, where they overcame challenges and redefined love through powerful fights. Get ready for moments of laughter, tears, and life-changing lessons from the Rollins and a few special guest. Jimmy and Irene will show you how to turn fights into growth, connection, and lasting joy. Visit and be part of the movement redefining Marriages that are filled with Love, Laughter, and longevity one fight at a time.
Exploring the Heart of the Parables
Stories Jesus Told is a six week mini-series with teaching from author Daniel Fusco. Everyone loves a good story. Whether it’s a novel, film, or song, we are products of the narratives that have formed us—for good or bad. If you need fresh inspiration or are stuck living under the weight of a story you can’t shake off, consider this study of the parables of Jesus.
Through six sessions, you’ll hear directly from Jesus through the Word. His parables not only form (or reform) who we are, they reveal more about God than we ever thought possible. They provide the hope we’re looking for, speaking above all the other noise we may be experiencing.
Session topics:
1. Why Parables?
2. The Parable of the Soils
3. The Parables of Lost Things
4. The Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds
5. The Parable of the Prodigal Son
6. The Parable of the Talents
Daniel Fusco is an author, a church planter, and the lead pastor of Crossroads Community Church in Vancouver, Washington. His radio program, Jesus Is Real Radio, is broadcast across the country, and his TV show, Real with Daniel Fusco, airs across the globe. He also hosts the popular Crazy Happy with Daniel Fusco podcast. His numerous articles have appeared on CBN, PreachingToday, and in Relevant. Daniel and his wife, Lynn, have three children and reside in southwest Washington. -