Update on the very important lawsuit against major airline by airline captain who's rights were violated along with many piolots and passengers during covid.
Melatonin Expert, retired Airforce Col, Counter-Bioweapons researcher, Dr. Richard Neel joins us again to eplain the false claims recently published by the main stream media about Melatonin. Dr. Richard L. Neel, MD, MPH is from Lake Jackson, Texas and is a fifth generationTexan. He currently lives in Bulverde, Texas with his wife, Marisa. Dr. Neel received hisMedical Degree from the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. Hehas a Masters Degree in Public Health (MPH) from Harvard University and took coursesin occupational and environmental law at MIT. He completed his residency in AerospaceMedicine at Brooks Air Force Base and a fellowship in Occupational Medicine atWilford Hall Medical Center in San Antonio. Dr. Neel is Board Certified in AerospaceMedicine and served over twenty years as a Chief Flight Surgeon in the US Air Forcebefore retiring at the rank of Colonel. During his Air Force career, he was stationed inEurope for over eight years. In addition to his flight surgeon duties, he served as theChief of Executive Medicine for Europe, Africa, the Middle East and the former EasternBloc countries. In this capacity, he served as the personal physician for many USAmbassadors, Flag Officers and Senior State Department personnel. He led emergencymedical response teams for the NASA space shuttle emergency landing sites in Spain,Morocco and The Gambia. Dr Neel deployed numerous times in his career for combatoperations throughout the Middle East and in Bosnia. His service included time as asquadron commander, expeditionary clinic commander and air transportable hospitalcommander. He completed flight training at Randolph Air Force Base and has over athousand hours of flight time in fighters, tankers, transports and helicopters includingmore than 25 combat missions. He completed the long course in aircraft mishapinvestigations at USC and served as the medical board member for six full Air Forceaircraft mishap investigation boards, as well as numerous interim boards. He discoveredtwo separate design flaws in the F-16 and one in the F-4 that resulted in engineeringredesigns of the jets and exonerated at least nine pilots whose mishaps had been blamedon pilot error by previous boards. He also discovered human factor issues that led to achange in air operations for Desert Storm and to write ups in several safety magazines.While stationed in England, he flew in the helicopter rescue of 32 people who werestranded on a sinking tanker 300 miles off the northern coast of Ireland. The 12 hourmission was the longest recorded air-sea rescue in history at that time and included airrefueling five times in a North Atlantic hurricane. His final assignment in the Air Forcewas as Chief of Medical Force Protection for Headquarters Air Force Security Forces.Part of this job entailed researching countermeasures for chemical, biological andradiological weapons while serving on a global anti-terrorism team. On September 11,2001, he led an Air Force emergency medical response team at the Pentagon. In his post-Air Force career, Dr. Neel has worked in San Antonio and the surrounding areas as aspecialist in hyperbaric medicine and wound care, and as Area Medical Director for anational company of occupational and urgent care clinics. He is currently co-owner andCEO of Alsatian Care Enterprises where he continues his practice of emergency, urgent
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DR. MOORE accomodated his patients at his vaccine clinic with informed consent and is being prosocuted for it.
Rancher family Leavitt Ranch go all natural: wild grazing in the mountains of Utah, no vaccines, no MRNA and use the Temple Granden method honoring the land their family and their livestock. Support the small farmers of America.
Open DIscussion around Christianity and whats going on in the world today, prayer and a little bit of scripture before Easter, Luke 19.
Church member shares her truth, experience and awakening.
Crash, Justice and Frank discussing Mark 14 and bridging the division.
Dr. Mark Sircus discussed the power of oxygenators on healing the body.
Reignite Your Faith, Your Love for Humanity and Your love for the Lord! He is... the lover of your soul!
Lets Learn together as Frank Romanek Jr. Joins us for weekly talks about the topics surrounding Christianity. Some easy some not so easy but we will have fun! Join in on the live chat!!
https://www.youtube.com/c/FrankRomanekJr www.frjr.org
Bishop Mark Grenon and his 3 sons of Genisis Church have been forcably taken for teaching others how to heal with Chlorine Dixoide.
Erika explains what she saw in the hospital as she worked, how she advocated for patients, how her lively hood was taken away and how she is fighting back.
Followup with Capt Cross about his fight back with the AIrline industry. What every Pilot should know.
Update on the fight to maintain aviation safety, integrity, and airworthiness.
Dr Vollmer has amazing one of a kind poducts, if you choose to look around at www.Yumnaturals.store she shared a discount code for our audience: CJhealth
We are excited to host this broadcast! Join us for live discussion and Q&A with Dr. Amandha Vollmer author of Healing with DMSO. Opportunity to ask Questions via chat during the broadcast. https://whatreallymakesyouill.com/ Amandha Dawn Vollmer Professional Holistic Practitioner Biography Amandha Dawn Vollmer (ADV) holds a degree of Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto and a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Biotechnology from the University of Lethbridge. She is a professional Eclectic Holistic Health Practitioner, helping people to prevent disease and heal naturally for over 15 years. She owns and operates YumNaturals Emporium (yumnaturals.store), in Ontario (Canada) where she designs and produces handcrafted, all-natural body care remedies, since 2012. She is also a blogger, vlogger and the mother of a young and creative daughter. She shares her precious holistic health knowledge and the wisdom of Mother Nature in articles and countless videos on her blog called Yummy.Doctor. Amandha is also the published author of Healing with DMSO, a science-backed guide that will help readers understand how DMSO works, why it works, and the many ways we can harness its power to heal aches, pains, and other ailments, all in an easy-to-read and friendly way. She is passionate about health and truth and is not afraid to voice her opinion, candidly using humour to deliver the message. During these challenging times, she has been recognized as one of the brave souls to tell the truth about what’s really going on in the world, encouraging and empowering people to be their own master. Amandha’s websites http://yumnaturals.store/ http://yummy.doctor/ http://healingwithdmso.com/ https://www.patreon.com/yumnaturals Public Contact email [email protected] Social Media Instagram: @amandhav and @yumnaturals Facebook: Amanda Vollmer Facebook page: @yumnaturals
Unmasking the truth you are not being told about the regulations pilots are held to for thier careers. Pilot briefing on FAR's and the COVID guidance via the federal three letter agences and what they mean in conjunction for you as a pilot.
Taking back the Peoples House, our court systems. Join us with James The Patriot and well known expert Aphonse Faggiolo to discuss little known public information about how our court systems really work, how most people have no knowledge of it and how this will benefit you.
Special guest Alena Erikson will be joining James to share the process of the lawsuit they started by serving affidavits to the tyrants leading Utah and where they are in the process.
Join us live to fill out your affidavits step by step during an online workshop with James The Patriot Www.affidavits101.com to download affidavits
Join us for step 5, Filing a Federal Claim
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