In this episode I review the different types of sets for coyotes and go over some coyote trapping basics, mainly sets, dirthole, flat, and scent post. Hopefully providing good information for beginner and experienced trappers alike. I also touch on an update to think mink cull we talked about last episode in Denmark.
To get a Shortliner Trapping Bag, Fur Stocking, or beavertail wallet be sure to visit my shop https://www.coyotetrappingschool.com/shop/
Trapping season is here for some and coming quickly for others, be sure to get your supplies from Kaatz Bros Lures, www.kaatzbros.com and email me with questions or podcast ideas kris@coyotetrappingschool.com
In this episode I touch quickly on what could be a major impact on the fur market, related to COVID. Then I go through a general overview of coyote biology and behavior. As trappers, we should be experts on the game that we pursue, so I thought it might be helpful to review some data regarding coyotes, hopefully to improve our effectiveness as trappers. Coyotes are a pretty interesting critter anyway, especially looking at their expansion throughout North American, and possibly soon South America.
To get a Shortliner Trapping Bag, Fur Stocking, or beavertail wallet be sure to visit my shop https://www.coyotetrappingschool.com/shop/
Trapping season is here for some and coming quickly for others, be sure to get your supplies from Kaatz Bros Lures, www.kaatzbros.com and email me with questions or podcast ideas kris@coyotetrappingschool.com
Saknas det avsnitt?
In this episode I talk about eating furbearer meat. If you’re a trapper or hunter, odds are that you’ve at least considered eating various wild game. I think eating some of the meat we catch is a great opportunity to introduce others to wild game as well as give us some additional arguments to those who don’t approve of trapping. The fact is, when handled properly it is quality tablefare, and a great talking point!
To get your hands on a Shortliner Trapping Bag visit - https://www.coyotetrappingschool.com/product/shortliner-trapping-bag/
Trapping season is coming quickly, be sure to get your supplies from Kaatz Bros Lures, www.kaatzbros.com and email me with questions or podcast ideas kris@coyotetrappingschool.com
Trappers Academy - https://www.coyotetrappingschool.com/trappers-academy-now-open/
In this episode I answer some listener questions. I also talk a little about fur tanning (I just got my Texas furs back from the tannery!) and just some general trapper rambling. I hope you enjoy, I’ve got some interviews in the lineup that I’m pretty excited about so stay tuned and if your season has already come in, good luck!
To get your hands on a Shortliner Trapping Bag visit - https://www.coyotetrappingschool.com/product/shortliner-trapping-bag/
Trapping season is coming quickly, be sure to get your supplies from Kaatz Bros Lures, www.kaatzbros.com and email me with questions or podcast ideas kris@coyotetrappingschool.com
Trappers Academy - https://www.coyotetrappingschool.com/trappers-academy-now-open/
In this week’s episode I dig into some trapper survey data and find some historical data of trapper harvest from several different states, some dating back to the 1930s. It is very interesting data and highlights how important it is for trappers to accurately respond to those surveys. Our game agencies rely on us for good data, and if we don’t provide it to them then they don’t have good data to manage the resource with.
To get your hands on a Shortliner Trapping Bag visit - https://www.coyotetrappingschool.com/product/shortliner-trapping-bag/
Trapping season is coming quickly, be sure to get your supplies from Kaatz Bros Lures, www.kaatzbros.com and email me with questions or podcast ideas kris@coyotetrappingschool.com
Trappers Academy - https://www.coyotetrappingschool.com/trappers-academy-now-open/
Data Links discussed -
In this episode I have a deep discussion with Kyle Waltz of Conserv Wildlife Services. We talk in depth about Kyle’s business model and specifically the opportunity to partner with Conserv if you have or are wanting to start a wildlife control business. It is a very interesting conversation and certainly gives a wildlife control operator some things to think about. To learn more email Kyle at growth@conservmail.com or visit https://conservwildlifeservices.com/grow-with-us.
To get your hands on a Shortliner Trapping Bag visit - https://www.coyotetrappingschool.com/product/shortliner-trapping-bag/
Trapping season is coming quickly, be sure to get your supplies from Kaatz Bros Lures, www.kaatzbros.com and email me with questions or podcast ideas kris@coyotetrappingschool.com
Trappers Academy - https://www.coyotetrappingschool.com/trappers-academy-now-open/
In this episode I interview Ryan Carpenter, one of the R’s of R and R Trading Post. Ryan and his wife, Renee, have a fur sewing business in Pennsylvania. We talk about a wide range of topics including how Ryan got started trapping and how they got started in the fur sewing business. I love seeing our fur get used here locally instead of being shipped off and never getting to see the final product. To follow along with Ryan and Renee, or to order something you can visit their website - https://www.randrtradingpost.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/randrtradingpost/?hl=en
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/randrtradingpost/
To get your hands on a Shortliner Trapping Bag visit - https://www.coyotetrappingschool.com/product/shortliner-trapping-bag/
Trapping season is coming quickly, be sure to get your supplies from Kaatz Bros Lures, www.kaatzbros.com and email me with questions or podcast ideas kris@coyotetrappingschool.com
Trappers Academy - https://www.coyotetrappingschool.com/trappers-academy-now-open/
There are a lot more benefits to trapping than a fur check, which is a good thing in times like these when fur checks are slim to non existant! There are plenty of things that trapping teaches you, and the network and connections you make as a trapper can unlock opportunities that you may have never otherwise been able to take advantage of. As we approach trapping season, I hope there are plenty of us out there chasing fur, regardless of whether it has a high value or not. It's good for the trapper and good for the environment. That's a good combination in my book.
To get your hands on a Shortliner Trapping Bag visit - https://www.coyotetrappingschool.com/product/shortliner-trapping-bag/
Trapping season is coming quickly, be sure to get your supplies from Kaatz Bros Lures, www.kaatzbros.com and email me with questions or podcast ideas kris@coyotetrappingschool.com
This is an interview with Kyle Kaatz about gland removal. Depending on the species the value of glands can really add up and by adding an extra couple minutes we can increase the yield from the trapline. To see the latest prices Kaatz Bros is paying for glands visit https://www.kaatzbros.com/reports/glands-essence-castor-and-carcasses-wanted/
We also talk about a couple of their DVDs that show the specific glands and how to remove them, Glands a Trappers Commodity, and Skunks the Best Investment You’ll Ever Make.
Kaatz Bros also has a couple of DVDs on lure and bait making if you’re interested in saving glands for your own use, In the Lure Room, and Cracking the Code.
And be sure to get your other trapline needs from www.kaatzbros.com. And don’t forget to to let me know any questions or suggestions, kris@coyotetrappingschool.com.
In this episode I talk about one of the most important things in my life, my faith. I believe that we were put on this earth by our Heavenly Father, and that through His son, Jesus Christ, our sins have been forgiven and we can have a personal relationship with God. And one of the most important things in that relationship is spreading the Gospel and letting others know about the Good News of Jesus Christ. If you have any questions or thoughts I would love to discuss more! Please email me at kris@coyotetrappingschool.com.
And don’t forget to visit our sponsor, Kaatz Bros Lures, www.kaatzbros.com for all of your trapping supply needs, the season is coming quickly!
In this episode I share some of my findings and hopefully some helpful tips and tricks that I’ve picked up since I started doing leatherwork, particularly making beavertail items. I’ve had a good bit of success with the small effort I’ve put into it and have no doubt that it can be replicated. There are plenty of good resources on YouTube and other online locations. Here are a few I mentioned in the show:
Don Gonzales Saddlery - https://dgsaddlery.com/, YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXSfdiYw03MlhOakXt08O5Q
Stock and Barrel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwXTLPDOobr8M9CdzKZJB3A
Springfield Leather Company - https://www.springfieldleather.com/
Tandy Leather - https://tandyleather.com/
Weaver Leather Supply - https://weaverleathersupply.com/
Corter Leather - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoYR1doityX-Cac-3lP4MLA
Specialty Leather Productions - https://specialtyleather.com/
Trapping season is coming quickly, be sure to get your supplies from Kaatz Bros Lures, www.kaatzbros.com and email me with questions or podcast ideas kris@coyotetrappingschool.com
Today I interview Bobby Dale Boyles, a Kentucky trapper. We cover a wide range of topics, one of the most interesting may be his tanning process. After talking with him I may have to try tanning again. You’re sure to enjoy this episode, non stop trapping talk! You can follow him on Instagram @bobbydaleboyles
Trapping season is coming quickly, be sure to get your supplies from Kaatz Bros Lures, www.kaatzbros.com and email me with questions or podcast ideas kris@coyotetrappingschool.com
In this episode I talk with NY trapper Linda White, to get a different perspective on trapping. We talk about how Linda and her husband run their trapline and bait and lure business, Sawmill Creek Bait and Lures, https://www.sawmillcreekbaitandlures.com/, which also lead to Linda starting Trapping Girl Inc, https://www.trappinggirlinc.com/. We discuss some of the challenges women face on the line as well as how there may be more women trappers out there than us guys realize.
Trapping season is coming quickly, be sure to get your supplies from Kaatz Bros Lures, www.kaatzbros.com and email me with questions or podcast ideas kris@coyotetrappingschool.com
In this episode I interview South Carolina trapper Bill Smith. We talk about beach trapping, another example of how trapping is conservation, along with gator trapping, and crawfish trapping, just to name a few things. Bill is a down to earth guy and you will enjoy this interview. You can follow him on instagram @coastal_land_and_wildlife.
Trapping season is coming quickly, be sure to get your supplies from Kaatz Bros Lures, www.kaatzbros.com and email me with questions or podcast ideas kris@coyotetrappingschool.com
In this episode I talk about some of my gator hunting and trapping stories from years past. Man I wish I had a video camera along back then, that would have made some great videos, but the least I can do is share some of these stories and hope that you get as much enjoyment out of them as I do reliving them.
Trapping season is coming quickly, be sure to get your supplies from Kaatz Bros Lures, www.kaatzbros.com and email me with questions or podcast ideas kris@coyotetrappingschool.com
In this episode I talk about some of the trapping resources that are available, and beneficial, for beginner and seasoned trappers alike. In today’s age there is more access to information than ever, some good, some just so-so. Here are a few of the good resources out there!
As always, be sure to support our sponsors, Kaatz Bros Lures, www.kaatzbros.com and email me with questions or podcast ideas kris@coyotetrappingschool.com
In this episode I talk about my experience trapping invasive foxes on an Aleutian island in Alaska. It was quite the adventure and also quite the conservation success story. Since the 1940s there has been an initiative to remove the nonnative foxes from islands and restore them to seabird nesting grounds. Not just helping all seabirds populations but bringing the Aleutian cackling goose (a subspecies of the Canada goose) from the brink of extinction to a population of over 150,000! These are the stories that the public doesn’t hear when trapping bans are proposed - trapping is conservation!
Here is an article that I wrote about my experience:
This was the head biologist that coordinated our trapping efforts:
As always, be sure to support our sponsors, Kaatz Bros Lures, www.kaatzbros.com and email me with questions or podcast ideas kris@coyotetrappingschool.com
In this episode I talk with Frank Cisa, of Wildman Wildlife Removal & Exclusion, https://www.wildmantrapping.com/. We discuss a variety of items from tools to trapping tactics, and how Frank has grown his business. Frank is still a relatively new Wildlife Control Operator, but he is definitely doing something right as his business is growing and he is getting word of mouth referrals, which is a great thing!
As always, be sure to support our sponsors, Kaatz Bros Lures, www.kaatzbros.com and email me with questions or podcast ideas kris@coyotetrappingschool.com
In this episode I discuss some of the aspects of sales and selling in a wildlife control business. I explain how I’ve encountered and experienced that it is really more of a wildlife exclusion business, from a cash flow and efficiency standpoint. And several different approaches when selling to a customer. Ultimately it boils down to how well you sell yourself. The customer is buying you and how you present your proposal, if they “buy” that you know what you are talking about and can really fix their problem. As with most jobs, there is much more an aspect of managing relationships and people than trapping animals and doing what you want to do!
As always, be sure to support our sponsors, Kaatz Bros Lures, www.kaatzbros.com and email me with questions or podcast ideas kris@coyotetrappingschool.com
In this episode I discuss a few different options for generating leads or calls for your wildlife control business. One key in my opinion is that you must be online, so you need a website. Then it boils down to whether you want to buy leads or generate them organically. Both options work but organic leads take more time to grow. I think its a good idea to utilize both options, at least until your organic leads are generating enough business that you don’t need additional leads.
If you’re interested in writing some articles for me shoot me an email, likewise if you are interested in the fur trimmed leather bag let me know that as well!
As always, be sure to support our sponsors, Kaatz Bros Lures, www.kaatzbros.com and email me with questions or podcast ideas kris@coyotetrappingschool.com
- Visa fler