We will be joined by James Bullion, Interim Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care at CQC, who will be talking about his views on the new inspection regime and answering YOUR questions!Youtube Link: Question Time with CQC Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care -James Bullion - YouTube
Twitter: @DrCNeedham
Catherine Needham is Professor of Public Policy and Public Management. She is part based at the Health Services Management Centre, developing research around social care and policy innovation. She is also part-based in the University’s Public Services Academy, researching new approaches to public service workforce development.
Catherine’s areas of special interest include:
Personalisation and coproduction within public services Social care reform Workforce change in public services Interpretive approaches to public policy -
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Twitter : @JohnBrouder
Snow White Peaks Report: https://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/edc7-0514.pdf
Book Recommendations:
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn- https://www.waterstones.com/book/one-day-in-the-life-of-ivan-denisovich/alexander-solzhenitsyn/ralph-parker/9780141184746
Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge https://www.waterstones.com/book/why-im-no-longer-talking-to-white-people-about-race/reni-eddo-lodge/9781408870587
Follow us: Website: https://www.coproducecare.com Twitter: @CoProCare Facebook: CoProduceCare Instagram: CoProCare Podcast: https://anchor.fm/coproducecare E: Hi@coproducecare.com Edited by Kerisha Stephenson
This CoPro Chat we are joined by Dan Lyus, Deputy CEO of South West Academic Health Science Network!
Connect with Dan: Twitter: @DanLyus @SW_AHSN AHSN : https://www.ahsnnetwork.com
Follow us: Website: https://www.coproducecare.com Twitter: @CoProCare Facebook: CoProduceCare Instagram: CoProCare Podcast: https://anchor.fm/coproducecare E: Hi@coproducecare.com
Edited by Kerisha Stephenson
Guru of co-design and co-production in Adult Social Care. Cat Duncan-Rees has been working for years consulting with and advising many different organisation on the ways of efficient coproduction. Listen now for quick and free tips on what it looks like.
Connect and Ask Cat questions via: Twitter @CatDRees
Follow Us: Website: https://www.coproducecare.com Twitter: @CoProCare Facebook: CoProduceCare Instagram: CoProCare Podcast: https://anchor.fm/coproducecare E: Hi@coproducecare.com -
Tune in to watch CEO at Agincare, Raina Summerson, answer the questions of the public and gift us with knowledge on how to become a leading independent provider of domiciliary, live-in and residential care.
Connect via: Twitter : @AginCare / Web: https://www.agincare.com
Follow us: Website: https://www.coproducecare.com / Twitter: @CoProCare / Facebook: CoProduceCare / Instagram: CoProCare / Podcast: https://anchor.fm/coproducecare / E: Hi@coproducecare.com -
Sophie Coulthard joins us to share some of her best tips for going above and beyond as a Leader within Social Care.
Buy The Book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1093921420/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_z5NXEbF899QAQ
Connect and Get Informed via: Twitter: @sophcoulthard / @judgementindex / @FidlLeaf
Visit The Sites: judgementindex.co.uk / fidlleaf.com
Check Out Sophie's very own Podcast- The Road to Outstanding https://theroadtooutstanding.podbean.com
Sophie's Blog: https://judgementindex.co.uk/care-leaders-handbook-blog/
Follow Us: Website: https://www.coproducecare.com Twitter: @CoProCare Facebook: CoProduceCare Instagram: CoProCare Podcast: https://anchor.fm/coproducecare E: Hi@coproducecare.com
Follow David via Twitter with @breaking_ts
Follow Us: Website: https://www.coproducecare.com Twitter: @CoProCare Facebook: CoProduceCare Instagram: CoProCare Podcast: https://anchor.fm/coproducecare E: Hi@coproducecare.com
Edited by Kerisha Stephenson
This CoPro Chat we are joined by the well-rounded mind of Roy Lilley, health policy analyst, writer, broadcaster and commentator on the NHS and social issues. He was also the vice-chairman of West Surrey and North East Hampshire Health Authority and founder of The Academy of Fabulous NHS Stuff, a social movement for sharing Health & Social Care Ideas, services and solutions that work. He's done it all, and he's not afraid to tell all. Watch to hear his answers to your questions on the NHS and Social Care.
Connect with Roy: Twitter: @RoyLilley @FabNHSStuff
FabNHSStuff: https://fabnhsstuff.net
Follow us: Website: https://www.coproducecare.com Twitter: @CoProCare Facebook: CoProduceCare Instagram: CoProCare Podcast: https://anchor.fm/coproducecare E: Hi@coproducecare.com
Edited by Kerisha Stephenson
Latest chat with solicitors Heledd Wyn and Cecily Donoghue from Gregg Latchams UK. Watch them talk about employment Law, Elderly Care, inheritance and Sleep-in Pay rates.
Watch the Full video here: https://youtu.be/kjeKJJWsIp0
Twitter: @Heledd_Wyn / @CecilyFDonoghue / @GreggLatchams
www.gregglatchams.com https://www.gregglatchams.com/our-people/profile/heledd-wyn/ https://www.gregglatchams.com/our-people/profile/cecily-donoghue/
Follow Us: Website: https://www.coproducecare.com Twitter: @CoProCare Facebook: CoProduceCare Instagram: CoProCare Podcast: https://anchor.fm/coproducecare E: Hi@coproducecare.com
Edited by Kerisha Stephenson
Belinda Schwehr is a trainer, advocate, solicitor AND solicitor advocate and lecturer. We are delighted to interview her on her work as CEO of advice centre CASCAIDr ... this one is a MUST listen (recorded before COVID-19)
(Recorded before Covid19-19). Listen to Jess Morley talk about data, AI and health care. Although she no longer works for the NHSX her insights are enlightening - remember to comment, share and follow us! https://www.nhsx.nhs.uk
Follow Jess on twitter @jessRmorley @EBMDataLab @NHSX
Follow us:
Website: https://www.coproducecare.com
Twitter: @CoProCare
Facebook: CoProduceCare
Instagram: CoProCare
Podcast: https://anchor.fm/coproducecare
E: Hi@coproducecare.com
Edited by Kerisha Stephenson -
Listen to us chat equality, human rights and social change with independent consultant Neil Crowther - consultant and member of Social Care Future Blog https://socialcarefuture.blog If you like what you heard and are interested in hearing more about Neil or our other CoProduce Chats then Follow us.
Follow Neil: Twitter: @neilmcrowther makingrightsmakesense.wordpress.com http://www.neilcrowtherconsulting.com
Follow Us: Website: coproducecare.com Twitter: @CoProCare Facebook: CoProduceCare Instagram: CoProCare Email: Hi@coproducecare.com
Support the Mental Health movement? Listen now to our CoPro Chat with Andy Bell, Deputy Chief Executive of the Centre For Mental Health.
Learn more about Andy & the Centre for Mental Health via:
centreformentalhealth.org.uk - Check out the Centre's campaigns on Twitter:
@MH_Challenge -
Jeremy Hughes, chief executive of the Alzheimer's Society, joins us before he steps down from his position to talk about the Alzheimer's Society initiatives and more! Lets rally together and demolish the stigma around Alzheimers.
UK Dementia Research Institute: https://ukdri.ac.uk/
Follow Us:
Website: coproducecare.com Twitter: @CoProCare Facebook: CoProduceCare Instagram: CoProCare Email: Hi@coproducecare.com
An incredible, heartfelt and insightful account of a dad’s struggle to see better conditions for his daughter who has autism and was placed in mental health institutions. Follow Bethany’s dad on Twitter @JeremyH09406697
Follow us: Website: https://www.coproducecare.com Twitter: @CoProCare Facebook: CoProduceCare Instagram: CoProCare Podcast: https://anchor.fm/coproducecare E: Hi@coproducecare.com
Edited by Kerisha Stephenson
Here we have a discussion with person centred care consultant and wellbeing teams champion Helen Sanderson. In this podcast we discuss: http://helensandersonassociates.co.uk Her Ted talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/helen_sanderson_self_managed_teams_an_insider_s_story/up-next TLAP: https://www.thinklocalactpersonal.org.uk and much more
Our interview with Professor Martin Green, CEO of Care England, reveals some important insights and truths about social care http://www.careengland.org.uk/ @ProfMartinGreen @CareEngland https://digital.nhs.uk/services/nhsmail https://www.communitycare.co.uk/2019/04/26/dols-replacement-bill-approved-parliament-liberty-protection-safeguards-due-come-force-2020/
Follow us:
Website: https://www.coproducecare.com
Twitter: @CoProCare
Facebook: CoProduceCare
Instagram: CoProCare
Email: Hi@coproducecare.com -
Find out more about Tina via:
Twitter: @TinaColdham | @NIHRinvolvement
We are joined by Julie Lusk and Angela Farrow to chat about Social Care from a manager's perspective. Julie supports a smaller group of clients to Angela's 130 as a Registered Manager for Home Instead (https://www.homeinstead.co.uk/market-harborough-corby-rutland) in Leicestershire, a domiciliary care provider.
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