Unlocking Alien Realities
Join host David Marshall for a captivating channeling session with Arron in this episode of the Conscious Creation Academy Podcast. Delve into the enigmatic topic of aliens and their deep connection to our consciousness. Download a copy of my book here The Dream we Call Earth
This exploration challenges traditional views by integrating insights from the Seth Material and the concept of multiple realities, suggesting that what we perceive as 'alien' may actually be various forms of consciousness interacting with our physical reality.
In this special channeling session, Arron helps us see beyond the conventional, revealing how aliens are not merely visitors from distant planets but manifestations of other dimensions and states of consciousness.
Discover a new perspective on existence where reality is not just what we see but a more complex interplay of consciousness across the universe.
Tune in to expand your understanding of the universe, consciousness, and the intricate fabric of reality. Are you ready to explore the limitless rooms of existence and redefine your perception of the 'alien'?
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Embark on a journey through "The Nature of Death," a podcast that delves deep into the essence of existence, challenging our perceptions of life's final frontier.
This episode intricately weaves the narratives of life, death, birth, and the boundless realms of consciousness, presenting a compelling discourse that transcends conventional understandings.
Hosted by David Marshall, accompanied by the enigmatic presence of Aaron, his spiritual and psychic guide, this conversation ventures beyond the physical, exploring the metaphysical layers of our reality. They unravel the profound mysteries surrounding our existence, offering listeners a new lens through which to view the cyclical nature of life and the ongoing evolution of the soul.
"Why We Die" invites you to reconsider the significance of our sensory experiences and to embrace a broader, more inclusive view of our place within the cosmos. This podcast is more than just a series of discussions; it's an invitation to a transformative exploration, aimed at those who seek to explore the depths of their being and the infinite possibilities that lie beyond the veil of the physical world.
In this podcast Arron tells us the nature of creativity, it's origins and why it begins outside of physical reality as a spiritual-energetic experience. Also why embracing this method of creativity will create more abundance and joy in your life. You can download more spiritual insights here with my book The Dream We Call Earth.
if you have any questions for me or Arron please email david@theconsciouscreationacademy.com
Do you have or are thinking of starting a business? Do you want to create a business in line with your values? In this podcast, I give you my experience of 27 years of working online for myself, as a marketing expert and the top pitfalls I see all the time.
For anyone in business, limiting beliefs about money, marketing and self-worth play a huge role in your success or failure.
Then of course there is 'save the world syndrome' that also gets in the way! I cover that too.
If you struggle with ideas and beliefs about money and business please visit:
SoultoSoulBusiness.Com for the self-aware business owner.
How to Manifest Monday Faster: Training for everyone who wants more money in their life.
Welcome to this podcast where I explain why Karma does not exist, how that redefines ideas about spiritual judgments, freedom of creativity, the nature of the soul and more.
I hope you enjoy it as I try to paint a picture of a new world where we can leave behind damaging and limited ideas based on new ideas that are emerging.
If you want more insights, please go to: https://theconsciouscreationacademy.com/ to download the book The Dream We Call Earth.
love David
In this podcast you will learn about my experience of Reiki, what I taught my 5000 students and why Reiki symbols should not be taught in modern Reiki.
You will learn:
Why they have no power Why they get in the way of self-awareness What the most appropriate symbol 'should be IF you need to use one?For more insights go to https://thedreamwecallearth.com/ to access my book and audios and visit the Conscious Creation Academy for more podcast lessons.
Listen here to more podcasts >>Listen Here
Identity is at the heart of the spiritual understanding and in this episode I explore the nature of my identity and take a live journey through my own version of myself out to Arron, whom I am a channel for and back into the physical reality.
I hope you enjoy the come along for the experience. Want to explore further download my book The Dream we Call Earth here -
This is an update to my use of dreams and journaling and meditation to manifest massive weight loss. In this episode, I will tell you about my mother's terrible behavior that caused me serious weight issues, caused me to be depressed many times and how a friend's death focused me into using my dreams to lose 75lbs so far, easily, effortlessly.
Special Podcast Offer: If you want to lose weight and keep it off, and to end your struggle with your weight please checkout The Dreaming Diet Program that I created based on my success. It's only $7 when you click the link HERE from the podcast.
I hope you too can finally end your struggle.
This podcast is about how I finally lost weight by using my dreams to bypass my conscious mind. You will learn about my mother's obsession, how it affected me and how I used my dream to resolve the issue. If you are struggling with weight and have tried everything like I had, please find more information on a process I created for others, called ' The Dreaming Diet'. Click HERE
I lost 75lbs by dreaming. Since I was 7 my mother hated my body and therefore I grew to hate it too She cut up photos of me, in front of me, and caused my such stress and hate around my body I cannot express it here. In this podcast I tell you the story of how I overcame this.
Welcome to Manifesting Tips. New Tips That Will Make Manifesting Easier and Faster.
Get 6 new and essential tips to manifesting faster and easier! From the power of relaxation to unlock magical creating and 5 more insights you will love.
Did you enjoy this podcast? We have a manifesting training on very special offer to support this podcast.
We have our popular course Manifesting Mastery at 90% for podcast listeners.
Interested in manifesting? Mastering your beliefs is THE key to mastering. We have a new course for just $4 for podcast listeners called Manifesting Mastery that has the insights and training you need. CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT -
Welcome to this healing journey with 30 minutes of relaxing and healing music to help with physical, emotional or mental pain.
Did you enjoy this podcast? We have a manifesting training on a very special offer to support this podcast.
We have our popular course Manifesting Mastery at 90% for podcast listeners.
Interested in manifesting? Mastering your beliefs is THE key to mastering. We have a new course for just $4 for podcast listeners called Manifesting Mastery that has the insights and training you need. CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT -
Welcome to this podcast where I take you through 3 areas that define what the spiritual search really is and also how to avoid the usual pitfalls that people fall into along the way.
If you are on the spiritual path this short podcast will ensure you stay on track.
Did you enjoy this podcast? We have a manifesting training on a very special offer.
We have our popular course Manifesting Mastery at 90% for podcast listeners.
Interested in manifesting? Mastering your beliefs is THE key to mastering. We have a new course for just $4 for podcast listeners called Manifesting Mastery that has the insights and training you need. CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT -
In this podcast I take you through:
Introduction to the Law of Attraction and why people often struggle with instant results The role of patience and trust in the manifestation process The importance of positive expectations and a strong belief system Practical tips for improving your mindset and attracting faster results Examples of my real-life success stories working in dreamsDid you enjoy this podcast? We have a manifesting training on very special offer to support this podcast.
We have our popular course Manifesting Mastery at 90% for podcast listeners.
Interested in manifesting? Mastering your beliefs is THE key to mastering. We have a new course for just $4 for podcast listeners called Manifesting Mastery that has the insights and training you need. CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT -
Physical reality is a hypnotic trance that is just one of the realities that you have access to. In this session you will learn how to access more insights by using your dreams and other states of consciousness.
Did you enjoy this podcast? We have a manifesting training on very special offer to support this podcast.
We have our popular course Manifesting Mastery at 90% for podcast listeners.
Interested in manifesting? Mastering your beliefs is THE key to mastering. We have a new course for just $4 for podcast listeners called Manifesting Mastery that has the insights and training you need. CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT -
In this podcast, I talk about a channeled session where Aaron encouraged me to do some writing and read it out. He has some great advice about the nature of identity. Very insightful as usual.
Did you enjoy this podcast? We have a manifesting training on very special offer to support this podcast.
We have our popular course Manifesting Mastery at 90% for podcast listeners.
Interested in manifesting? Mastering your beliefs is THE key to mastering. We have a new course for just $4 for podcast listeners called Manifesting Mastery that has the insights and training you need. CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUTBelow is the 'mantra' suggestion that Aaron made that you can use.
And so the invitation is to give yourself a name the identifies you as this.
"I am a multidimensional creature of too many forms, too many identities to have a simple name from one reality alone. I am a co-operation of consciousness. A collection of souls and identity and so I claim a name that symbolises my true self. "
This invocation should be used to invoke another name or identifier, for the nameless creature that you are but the name that you choose will be closer to the self that you are today, in each moment.
Sit quietly, repeat the invocation in some or similar way and allow the you of you, the nameless, timeless you to suggest a word, a sound that more effectively displays your nature.
In this essential conscious creation podcast you will get my step by step manifesting process and exactly what to do when you are waiting for the results. Failing in this 'gap' to do what I suggest cause everyone to fail at creating what they want. Enjoy.
Did you enjoy this podcast? We have a manifesting training on very special offer to support this podcast.
We have our popular course Manifesting Mastery at 90% for podcast listeners.
Interested in manifesting? Mastering your beliefs is THE key to mastering. We have a new course for just $4 for podcast listeners called Manifesting Mastery that has the insights and training you need. CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT -
Someone asked if Aaron could talk about making money. He gave 7 steps. Enjoy
Did you enjoy this podcast? We have a manifesting training on very special offer to support this podcast.
We have our popular course Manifesting Mastery at 90% for podcast listeners.
Interested in manifesting? Mastering your beliefs is THE key to mastering. We have a new course for just $4 for podcast listeners called Manifesting Mastery that has the insights and training you need. CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT -
In this episode, I asked Aaron what to do when feeling stuck in life or making a decision. He reminded me/us of three ideas that will help. I appreciate his help as ever.
Podcast Special Offer
Support our podcast and get some amazing training at 90% Off our new manifesting course. Link below.
Interested in manifesting? Mastering your beliefs is THE key to mastering. We have a new course for just $4 for podcast listeners called Manifesting Mastery that has the insights and training you need. CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT - Visa fler