
  • Bree Greenberg experiences the web of interconnections highlighted by synchronicities! She is very familiar with ontological shock--when your world crumbles in front and around you, nothing you knew exists anymore (except maybe your daughter). She took years to find and stabilize her sense of self, her energy signature so she can now vibrate harmonically with others. She has become more honest, more vulnerable, less demanding, more truthfully herself. And she continues to evolve. And helps others find their true selves, to become in touch with their true Eros--the creativity that comes from creative love. Bree Greenberg, LMFT has a passion for creating individual, organizational and global creative liberatory change. She is the founder of the former Vermont Center for Integrative Therapy which opened in 2010 and was one of the first mental health centers to combine ancient systems of healing interwoven with current cutting edge systems of care. She is known for her dynamic speaking presence and her ability to weave disparate elements into new forms that change view, conversation, and care.

    Bree is an adjunct faculty member of Dartmouth Medical, and has spoken extensively at institutions, hospitals, conferences and universities on topics in integrative medicine, eating disorders and addictions. She has trained and supervised over 150 practitioners from disciplines ranging from internal medicine to yoga therapy. www.breegreenberg.com ig @breegreenberg0Facebook: Bree Greenberg; Love of Nothing X @breehgreenbergYouTube: Bree GreenbergFilm: "All of Me Kingdom" - County Productions Bernard D. Beitman, MD has broken out of the restrictive bounds of conservative academic research to produce a blueprint for the practically-oriented new discipline of Coincidence Studies. He has served as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology and then as chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has reached more than one million people through his Psychology Today blog, radio show, website, and two coincidence books, Connecting with Coincidence and Meaningful Coincidences. Yale and Stanford educated, He is the founder and president of The Coincidence Project.https://www.innertraditions.com/books/meaningful-coincidences to purchase Dr. Beitman's new book "Meaningful Coincidences". Visit https://www.coincider.com/ to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research.

  • You have magnetic field around you, pulsing, affecting others. Margaret Moga measures them. Orgasm is an activation of all your chakras. Your energy field resonates with some and not with other. Most of us are unfortunately shielded by buildings and walls from the healing energy of the ocean, the forest, the river that helps us reach our energy signature, the biofield activation that is closest to us.

    Your house, your car, you furniture, your land, your clothes, your dogs and cats, pickup your energy fields. Telepathy may involve the perturbation of the other person energy field. Thought is made of energy and information. What you think has an effect on other people. Peg invites you to explore this expanding field of the personal, group and earth energy-information--the psychosphere. Margaret Moga is a neuroanatomist, medical educator, and subtle energy researcher, with 40 peer-reviewed papers examining the neural pathways of the central autonomic nervous system, magnetic field changes during energy healing, exceptional experiences of healers and scientific basis of the chakras. Her current research interests are developing scientific measures of energy healing and exceptional human experiences. As a complement to her research, she completed training as a practitioner in Healing Touch, an energy-based biofield therapy, and was recently President of the nonprofit organization, Society for Scientific Exploration. https://www.naturalhealingwaves.com Bernard D. Beitman, MD has broken out of the restrictive bounds of conservative academic research to produce a blueprint for the practically-oriented new discipline of Coincidence Studies. He has served as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology and then as chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has reached more than one million people through his Psychology Today blog, radio show, website, and two coincidence books, Connecting with Coincidence and Meaningful Coincidences. Yale and Stanford educated, He is the founder and president of The Coincidence Project.https://www.innertraditions.com/books/meaningful-coincidences to purchase Dr. Beitman's new book "Meaningful Coincidences". Visit https://www.coincider.com/ to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research.#coincidence #serendipity #synchronicity #podcast #energy #interview #metacognition #biofield

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  • Does meaning exist independently? Psychoanalyst Gibbs Williams believes that synchronicity powers us to delve more deeply into our own unconscious to uncover their psychological meaning. The fruits of synchronicity exploration are immensely increased by reviewing your diaries over time to clarify your natural drive for personal evolution. You will see patterns on which to build your future directions. Gibbs Williams Ph.D.is a licensed psychoanalyst practicing in New York City for over fifty years. He majored in philosophy at Columbia University. He has been investigating the perplexities of synchronicities for the last fifty years resulting in an original non- Jungian, non-mystical/magical theory of the nature and uses of synchronicities. He has many diverse interests including speculative philosophy, depth psychology, the esoteric occult, spirituality, and scientific method aiming at rationally explaining the mysteries and challenges presented by the data associated with meaningful coincidences (synchronicities).

  • What do you do when your son and you are facing death and your father just died? Psychologist Jennifer Guttman bought a one way ticket to Europe, cleared her mind is distractions like self-criticism and the need to please others. She found herself learning that we should strive for satisfaction rather than happiness. Learn about her journey to life of increasing optimism!Dr. Jennifer Guttman has a doctorate in clinical psychology. She launched a motivational brand called Sustainable Life Satisfaction®. She produced a YouTube series, course and workbook based on this method. This year Beyond Happiness, The 6 Secrets of Life Satisfaction was published by Post Hill Press.Dr. Guttman is a regular contributor to Psychology Today. She has written for national news outlets such as The Washington Post and Newsweek, has been a guest on several network television programs including ABC News and has been featured on dozens of podcasts.Dr. Guttman has an active and robust Cognitive Behavioral practice.Guttmanpsychology.com https://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Happiness-Secrets-Lifetime-Satisfaction/dp/B0C7J9CXPW/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2S3P7GBXEWGUE&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.c0haEvKgCMKZju0h0ieOm9w-3T3hkm4J4UmnH8lauYvg2Uz02O5XP-sfDIyLUANIC3MRCFJ5lB0GaHBgeeRTvQ.Yb0zLopwGYc85K1JMUD4wEpsaLawcicF79bi3B5PjcM&dib_tag=se&keywords=beyond+happiness+jennifer+guttman&qid=1710422587&sprefix=Beyohnd+happiness+jen%2Caps%2C75&sr=8-Bernard D. Beitman, MD has broken out of the restrictive bounds of conservative academic research to produce a blueprint for the practically-oriented new discipline of Coincidence Studies. He has served as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology and then as chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has reached more than one million people through his Psychology Today blog, radio show, website, and two coincidence books, Connecting with Coincidence and Meaningful Coincidences. Yale and Stanford educated, He is the founder and president of The Coincidence Project.https://www.innertraditions.com/books/meaningful-coincidences to purchase Dr. Beitman's new book "Meaningful Coincidences". Visit https://www.coincider.com/ to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research.#coincidence #serendipity #synchronicity

  • Do you hear voices? You are most likely not psychotic. You are potentially tuned into higher consciousness. The magnificent Maureen St. Germain helps people discern by asking the voice "Are you from Source". A cosmic rule requires the voice to answer truthfully. Your Higher Self may be trying to communicate with you. Develop a dialogue. Maybe new personalities behind the voices will emerge!

    Maureen J. St. Germain has over 25 years of experience in the area of mystical and sacred traditions. Known as the Practical Mystic, Maureen is a prolific teacher and facilitator of spiritual knowledge for contemporary life, having taught in 24 countries, including at Kripalu and Omega Institute. Her books have been translated into 12 languages, and she has appeared on national TV and hundreds of radio shows.

    Founder of St. Germain Mystery School and the Akashic Records Guides, Inc., she also runs a sought-after annual program, The Ascension Institute. As an internationally acclaimed Ascension teacher and Akashic Records Guide, Maureen has been granted access to a dimension that has been closed to most of humanity for eons. As a direct channel from Source, she is continuously researching, developing, and introducing new methods that will help you connect with your own wisdom channel and inspire your spiritual awakening. Maureen has personal connections with the Angels, Ascended Masters, Hathors, Divine Feminine, and the Dragons.

    Maureen is the author of 6 books and the composer and voice of dozens of guided meditations, as well as the steward of AroMandalas-Orion Series Blends, a line of healing essential oil blends channeled by Mary Magdalene. She is the proud mother of four sons.Bernard D. Beitman, MD has broken out of the restrictive bounds of conservative academic research to produce a blueprint for the practically-oriented new discipline of Coincidence Studies. He has served as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology and then as chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has reached more than one million people through his Psychology Today blog, radio show, website, and two coincidence books, Connecting with Coincidence and Meaningful Coincidences. Yale and Stanford educated, He is the founder and president of The Coincidence Project.https://www.innertraditions.com/books/meaningful-coincidences. to purchase Dr. Beitman's new book "Meaningful Coincidences". Visit https://www.coincider.com/ to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research.#coincidence #serendipity #synchronicity

  • Synchronicities can be manufactured for political gains. For example, in the 1930s politicians wanted popular support to lower taxes on imported wool. Their PR firm created three events, one on the West Coast, one in the Midwest and one on the East Coast to drive support for lower taxes. This serial synchronicity emotionally charged many American to support reduced tariffs on imported wool. What are the chances that randomly, within the same decade, John Kennedy. Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King would each be assassinated? What was behind this serial coincidence? On the other hand, are some of your coincidences being created for your benefit by some unknown intelligence?A teacher by nature and a contrarian by design, Michelle has a keen ability to simplify the complex and make seminal older works accessible to the modern mind in a fresh and easy rendering. She has previously authored two works: Fast Track Your Recovery from a Total Knee Replacement: How to Eliminate Pain and Pain Medicine the Quickest Way Possible and Color and Laugh Your Way to Knee Replacement Recovery. While the writing of One Idea to Rule Them All by a physical therapist may seem like a metaphysical oddity or quirk of the universe, it is simply the product of an active mind in the quest for truth.www.SmartSheepe.com https://www.amazon.com/One-Idea-Rule-Them-All/dp/B0BNQMH9J8/ #coincidence #serendipity #synchronicity

  • From the depths of the Mediterranean Sea comes philosopher Alessandra Melas with an exuberant riff on the fundamental elements of coincidences. What is real? How does your mind operate on the two independent event lines intersecting? What emotions are evoked in you? How is the coincidence relevant to you? What meanings do you extract? Join us in this delightful interchange!Alessandra Melas collaborates with the University of Sassari (Italy), where she defended her Ph.D. dissertation concerning causal realism in Quantum Mechanics. Her research mostly focuses on the History and Metaphysics of Science, with particular interest in causation and chance. She is currently working on metaphysics of coincidences (see What Are Coincidences? A Philosophical Guide Between Science and Common Sense with P. Salis, 2023). She is a student in Psychology and a teacher at the High School level of History and Philosophy. She works on didactic methodologies, along with scientific dissemination (see Scienza in Piazza 2019: Le Cause delle Cose, 2020). https://uniss.academia.edu/AlessandraMelas https://vernonpress.com/book/1848 Bernard D. Beitman, MD has broken out of the restrictive bounds of conservative academic research to produce a blueprint for the practically-oriented new discipline of Coincidence Studies. He has served as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology and then as chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has reached more than one million people through his Psychology Today blog, radio show, website, and two coincidence books, Connecting with Coincidence and Meaningful Coincidences. Yale and Stanford educated, He is the founder and president of The Coincidence Project.https://www.innertraditions.com/books/meaningful-coincidences to purchase Dr. Beitman's new book "Meaningful Coincidences". Visit https://www.coincider.com/ to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research.#coincidence #serendipity #synchronicity

  • Rheumatologist Nisha Manek knows that humans are multi-dimensional beings who are seen by modern medicine as only physical entities. Intention can play a huge role in healing because intention can alter physical spaces including the spaces in your own body. In her book Science and Spirit she eloquently bridges the mystical with physics and brings medicine closer to utilizing consciousness to help us heal. Nisha Manek is an internationally recognized leader in Integrative Medicine. Nisha turned her scientific expertise to the singular question: the nature of consciousness. Her bestseller Bridging Science and Spirit: The Genius of William A. Tiller's Physics and the Promise of Information Medicine proves that human intention and consciousness can change our world. She is committed to advancing medical knowledge and holistic approaches to health.Nisha is a fellow of the American College of Physicians and the Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom.Website: https://nishamanekmd.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/nisha-manek-3942b529/Bernard D. Beitman, MD has broken out of the restrictive bounds of conservative academic research to produce a blueprint for the practically-oriented new discipline of Coincidence Studies. He has served as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology and then as chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has reached more than one million people through his Psychology Today blog, radio show, website, and two coincidence books, Connecting with Coincidence and Meaningful Coincidences. Yale and Stanford educated, He is the founder and president of The Coincidence Project.https://www.innertraditions.com/books/meaningful-coincidences to purchase Dr. Beitman's new book "Meaningful Coincidences". Visit https://www.coincider.com/ to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research.

    #coincidence #serendipity #synchronicity

  • What are the meanings in synchronicities? How can you increase them? Superb synchronicity researcher Pninit Russo-Netzer shines her brilliant light on these shadows. She confirms for you that synchronicity increases your well-being, that your religious beliefs help you to explain meaningful coincidences. She encourages you to become a Meaning Detective. Do you want to expand your experiences of these messages from your surroundings? Listen to Pninit!Dr. Pninit Russo-Netzer, Ph.d., is a senior lecturer and researcher, the head of the Education Department and the head of the Resilience and Optimal Development Lab at Achva Academic College. She is also the head of the 'Compass' Institute for the Study and Application of Meaning in life, and the founder and head of the Academic Training Program for Logotherapy (meaning-oriented psychotherapy) at Tel-Aviv University. She has published academic articles and chapters and is the co-author and co-editor of books on the topics of meaning in life, positive psychology, existential psychology, positive change and growth. Dr. Russo-Netzer serves as academic advisor and consultant to both academic and non-academic institutions worldwide, including the World Trade Center (WTCHR). She is the recipient of the International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA) Spirituality and Meaning Researcher Award. Website: https://www.pninitrn.com/en https://www.amazon.com/Clinical-Perspectives-Meaning-Existential-Psychotherapy/dp/3319413953https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4939-0308-5https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-07842-2#tochttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Pninit-Russo-Netzerhttps://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/why_you_should_prioritize_meaning_in_your_everyday_lifehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u77Ona9bTZo Bernard D. Beitman, MD has broken out of the restrictive bounds of conservative academic research to produce a blueprint for the practically-oriented new discipline of Coincidence Studies. He has served as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology and then as chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has reached more than one million people through his Psychology Today blog, radio show, website, and two coincidence books, Connecting with Coincidence and Meaningful Coincidences. Yale and Stanford educated, He is the founder and president of The Coincidence Project.https://www.innertraditions.com/books/meaningful-coincidences to purchase Dr. Beitman's new book "Meaningful Coincidences". Visit https://www.coincider.com/ to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research.

    #coincidence #serendipity #synchronicity

  • Mariam J. Saleh accidentally stumbled into the Psychosphere,, that wide consciousness that connects and nurtures us. As a once overworked lawyer she recognizes the mental matrix in which society embeds us. She is a fully developing psychic who communicates with the deceased, makes probability estimates of the future, and can read energy signatures. She will inspire you to develop these capacities yourself. Mariam’s current legal research and advocacy work is centered on the intersection of Spiritual Emergency, ethics, and law. She currently serves as General Counsel for Emergence Benefactors, a nonprofit organization developed to primarily support the researchers of the Emergent Phenomenology Research Consortium. She is also the founder of Sound in Color, a media company designed for storytelling about both difficult and beautiful experiences along the contemplative path. Email: vasundharahealing@gmail.com Book a session: soulobjective.co Bernard D. Beitman, MD has broken out of the restrictive bounds of conservative academic research to produce a blueprint for the practically-oriented new discipline of Coincidence Studies. He has served as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology and then as chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has reached more than one million people through his Psychology Today blog, radio show, website, and two coincidence books, Connecting with Coincidence and Meaningful Coincidences. Yale and Stanford educated, He is the founder and president of The Coincidence Project.https://www.innertraditions.com/books/meaningful-coincidences to purchase Dr. Beitman's new book "Meaningful Coincidences". Visit https://www.coincider.com/ to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research.#coincidence #serendipity #synchronicity

  • Physician Sharon Martin is bringing shamanic healing into western medicine. In addition to standard medical approaches, she advises you to connect with the Universal Field, find energy beings compatible with your own energy including ascended masters, power animals, nature, and especially trees and to activate the already existing normality template in the cells of your own body. Western physicians instill fear in patients out of a desire not to look stupid and their worry about malpractice lawsuits. Overcome your fear, imagine your ideal outcome and let spirit handle the details. Dr. Sharon Martin is a physician and shamanic, energy healer. She quickly learned that mainstream medicine was insufficient for eliciting deep, lasting health. Sharon now bridges the mystical with the scientific, and shamanism, energy medicine, and consciousness. Sharon teaches how to live a life in balance in mind, body, and spirit. She now incorporates a new, broadened perspective into her medical practice, and into teaching others how to participate in their own healing. www.drsharonmartin.comwww.youtube.com/@dr.sharonmartin-maximummed573https://www.innertraditions.com/books/maximize-your-healing-powerBernard D. Beitman, MD has broken out of the restrictive bounds of conservative academic research to produce a blueprint for the practically-oriented new discipline of Coincidence Studies. He has served as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology and then as chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has reached more than one million people through his Psychology Today blog, radio show, website, and two coincidence books, Connecting with Coincidence and Meaningful Coincidences. Yale and Stanford educated, He is the founder and president of The Coincidence Project.https://www.innertraditions.com/books/meaningful-coincidences to purchase Dr. Beitman's new book "Meaningful Coincidences". Visit https://www.coincider.com/ to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research.

    #coincidence #serendipity #synchronicity

  • Are you ready to venture into the present through the future? Perhaps synchronicities are created by our obscured future roles and goals through retrocausation. Your future, the one toward which you are being drawn, may be reaching fingerlings to your present. In Nexus, Jeff Dunne's novel of clashing and cooperating opposites, the Champions of two worlds are unknowingly drawn to their future until the climactic ending. Dr. Jeffrey Dunne is President of ICRL, an organization established to continue the research of the effects of consciousness on physical systems begun at Princeton University from 1979-2007. Beyond exploring the nature of consciousness and several decades of research at the Johns Hopkins University in fields ranging from acoustics to data science and AI, Jeff is also an award-winning playwright and author. Through his novel, Nexus, he weaves the concept of syntropy with the implications of the nature of consciousness to address the challenges humanity is facing, highlighting a path to navigate towards a healthier, sustainable futurehttp://www.bearcreations.org/nexus/https://podcasts.apple.com/in/podcast/episode-78-the-deep-dive-into-consciousness-with-jeff-dunne/id1603070148?i=1000640338027https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojNrxh4tlVIBernard D. Beitman, MD has broken out of the restrictive bounds of conservative academic research to produce a blueprint for the practically-oriented new discipline of Coincidence Studies. He has served as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology and then as chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has reached more than one million people through his Psychology Today blog, radio show, website, and two coincidence books, Connecting with Coincidence and Meaningful Coincidences. Yale and Stanford educated, He is the founder and president of The Coincidence Project.https://www.innertraditions.com/books/meaningful-coincidences to purchase Dr. Beitman's new book "Meaningful Coincidences". Visit https://www.coincider.com/ to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research

    #coincidence #serendipity #synchronicity

  • Join Aeon Karris, master mystic, as she begins her Synchronicity World Tour! She teaches the Synchronicity Method, a form of meditation that helps people live in their energy frequency, their energy signature. Her book, Synchronicity--Unlock Your Divine Destiny describes the Method, presents an amazingly complex story involving Mr. Fox and opens you up to increasing your frequency. To see her book, the synchronicity method and the stops on her tour, please go to https://thesynchronicitybook.com/ Aeon Karris is a leading transformational facilitator, a leadership consultant, and a master mystic. She’s the Founding Director of Know the Self, a Mystery School for Modern Day Living, and the founder of the Leadership² Project. For nearly 30 years she’s been a visionary of evolutionary consciousness, seeding new business initiatives and eco-communities to protect our future. Her extensive client list includes leading corporations, economists, elite businessmen, royals, and spiritual leaders in India, Japan, and the USA. She’s the author of Synchronicity, Unlock Your Divine Destiny, a contributing author to Second Chances, From Surviving to Thriving, and serves on the board of The Coincidence Project. Bernard D. Beitman, MD has broken out of the restrictive bounds of conservative academic research to produce a blueprint for the practically-oriented new discipline of Coincidence Studies. He has served as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology and then as chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has reached more than one million people through his Psychology Today blog, radio show, website, and two coincidence books, Connecting with Coincidence and Meaningful Coincidences. Yale and Stanford educated, He is the founder and president of The Coincidence Project.https://www.innertraditions.com/books/meaningful-coincidences to purchase Dr. Beitman's new book "Meaningful Coincidences". Visit https://www.coincider.com/ to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research#coincidence #serendipity #synchronicity

  • Marjorie Woollacott's meditation teacher asks, "Are you getting married?" A man walks into her life, and she knows he is the one. Another teacher touches her forehead and awakens the love in her heart. A clinically dead person can know what is going on and report it upon reviving. How? We answer this question by suggesting that you are energy, potentially vibrating at different frequency states. Consciousness joyfully opens you to synchronicity as you stop telling yourself stories about yourself. Marjorie Woollacott, Ph.D., is a member of the Institute of Neuroscience, at the University of Oregon. She is President of the Academy for the Advancement of Post-Materialist Sciences, on the Science Committee of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), and Research Director for the International Association of Near-Death Studies. Woollacott has received over 7.2 million dollars in research funding for her research in rehabilitation medicine, meditation, spiritual awakening, and end-of-life experiences, has published over 200 scientific articles and written nine books, including Infinite Awareness (receiving 8 book awards) and Spiritual Awakenings: Scientists and Academics Describe Their Experiences. https://marjoriewoollacott.comBernard D. Beitman, MD has broken out of the restrictive bounds of conservative academic research to produce a blueprint for the practically-oriented new discipline of Coincidence Studies. He has served as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology and then as chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has reached more than one million people through his Psychology Today blog, radio show, website, and two coincidence books, Connecting with Coincidence and Meaningful Coincidences. Yale and Stanford educated, He is the founder and president of The Coincidence Project.https://www.innertraditions.com/books/meaningful-coincidences to purchase Dr. Beitman's new book "Meaningful Coincidences". Visit https://www.coincider.com/ to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research

    #coincidence #serendipity #synchronicity

  • Bathe in the forest energy to rejuvenate, to become meditation in motion, to communicate, to interact with the forest mind, They are trying to communicate with you, trying to help humanity by modeling cooperative, respectful interaction to help our species and their species survive. Judith Polich is a retired lawyer, an environmentalist, a wetlands advocate, and an advisor to New Mexico State Parks on climate change resilience and mitigation. She holds a Master of Science degree in environmental studies and environmental education from the University of Wisconsin. The author of a climate change column for the Albuquerque Journal entitled "Cutting Your Carbon Footprint" and the book, Return of the Children of Light, she lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico. www.cuttingyourcarbonfootprint.com https://www.innertraditions.com/books/why-can-t-we-be-more-like-trees https://a.co/d/cxooTls https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/why-cant-we-be-more-like-trees-judith-bluestone-polich/1142949200 https://www.innertraditions.com/books/why-can-t-we-be-more-like-trees https://a.co/d/cxooTls https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/why-cant-we-be-more-like-trees-judith-bluestone-polich/1142949200Bernard D. Beitman, MD has broken out of the restrictive bounds of conservative academic research to produce a blueprint for the practically-oriented new discipline of Coincidence Studies. He has served as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology and then as chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has reached more than one million people through his Psychology Today blog, radio show, website, and two coincidence books, Connecting with Coincidence and Meaningful Coincidences. Yale and Stanford educated, He is the founder and president of The Coincidence Project.

    #coincidence #serendipity #synchronicity

  • Hey, come meet a world-class storyteller--Robert Moss! Humorous, educational deeply invested in recognizing the synchronicities all around us every day. Look and tell! Practice telling your coincidence stories so that your audience want to hear more. Robert Moss is a beacon of storytelling light that can shine on you to accelerate your listeners' enchantment with your coincidence experiences. To register for the Coincidence Café to tell your stories: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpcuqtpzgpGtVC3wPGbWi_v_bxk786mUId#/registrationRobert Moss has been a dream traveler since doctors pronounced him clinically dead when he was three years old. From his experiences in many worlds, he created Active Dreaming, his original synthesis of dreamwork and shamanism. He leads popular workshops all over the world, including a three-year training for teachers of Active Dreaming and online courses for the Shift Network. A former lecturer in ancient history at the Australian National University, he is a New York Times bestselling novelist, poet, journalist, and independent scholar. His many books include Conscious Dreaming, The Secret History of Dreaming, Dreaming the Soul Back Home, The Boy Who Died and Came Back, Sidewalk Oracles: Playing with Signs, Symbols and Synchronicity in Everyday Life, and Growing Big Dreams. His website is https://www.mossdreams.comBernard D. Beitman, MD has broken out of the restrictive bounds of conservative academic research to produce a blueprint for the practically-oriented new discipline of Coincidence Studies. He has served as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology and then as chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has reached more than one million people through his Psychology Today blog, radio show, website, and two coincidence books, Connecting with Coincidence and Meaningful Coincidences. Yale and Stanford educated, He is the founder and president of The Coincidence Project.#coincidence #serendipity #synchronicity

  • Meaningful coincidences—synchronicity and serendipity—are primarily psychological phenomena. Without you noticing them, they do not exist. What psychological processes are involved with noticing the similarities between a psychological event and an external event and then wondering about their potential meaning? Three of the primary variables include self-observation, pattern recognition, and personality traits.To register for the Coincidence Cafe to tell your stories:https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpcuqtpzgpGtVC3wPGbWi_v_bxk786mUId#/registrationBernard D. Beitman, MD has broken out of the restrictive bounds of conservative academic research to produce a blueprint for the practically-oriented new discipline of Coincidence Studies. He has served as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology and then as chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has reached more than one million people through his Psychology Today blog, radio show, website, and two coincidence books, Connecting with Coincidence and Meaningful Coincidences. Yale and Stanford educated, He is the founder and president of The Coincidence Project.

    #coincidence #serendipity #synchronicity

  • Anthropologist Julie Mariel wanted evidence to support the reality of alien mummies miraculously preserved. Following her inner GPS, she selected a Peruvian hostel where the host introduced her to the French version of Indiana Jones. The mummies were stored in his house! He also was seeking information about the Bosnian pyramids which Julie knew very well. Together they show how, once again, what you are seeking is also seeking you. Julie Mariel holds a master's degree in Social Anthropology from the University of Aarhus, Denmark. She has been trained as a hypnotherapist, regression therapist, and as a shaman of the new era. She works as a therapist and teacher with hypnosis, healing, and clairvoyance, doing so both physically and online. She also functions as a travel guide leading groups on spiritual journeys mainly to the Bosnian Pyramids, but has recently been hosting trips to Montsegur in Southern France and to Peru as well. She lives and works in Djursland, Denmark at a glamping retreat center called the Nature Hotel (“Naturhotellet”).www.juliemariel.dk Master Thesis on Ayahuasca: https://www.academia.edu/26196870/The_Reality_of_Illusion_and_the_Illusion_of_Reality_-_An_Anthropological_Study_of_Entheogenic_Ceremonies_in_a_Dutch_Spiritual_GroupYouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@juliemarieldk#coincidence #serendipity #synchronicity

  • Pierre lets us know that personal transformation requires pain, trauma, and grief leading to the recognition of love. What is love? Tenderness, gentleness, and compassion pervading our very being and other beings. He is learning to suspend judgement and somehow has found in his heart the ability to call Putin his brother. He believes that the confusion and pain of our current reality is required for the transformation of humanity. He knows that female leadership is necessary. To register for the Coincidence Cafe to tell your stories: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpcuqtpzgpGtVC3wPGbWi_v_bxk786mUId#/registrationPierre Pradervand studied at the universities of Geneva, Bern and at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor before receiving a Doctorate in sociology from La Sorbonne University in Paris. A true world citizen, Pierre has labored most of his life for social justice, living, working, studying in or visiting 40 countries on every continent. From his Geneva home Pierre is now active as a writer and life coach, helping people to live simpler, yet richer, lives with tools that empower them to strengthen their internal anchors and advance on their spiritual path. He is the author of 23 books. https://pierrepradervand.com/about/ https://gentleartofblessing.org/ Our host Dr. Bernard Beitman is the first psychiatrist since Carl Jung to attempt to systematize the study of coincidences. He is the Founding Director of The Coincidence Project. His book, and his Psychology Today blog, are both titled Connecting with Coincidence. He has developed the first valid and reliable scale to measure coincidence sensitivity and has written and edited coincidence articles for Psychiatric Annals. He is a visiting professor at the University of Virginia and former chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He attended Yale Medical School and completed a psychiatric residency at Stanford. Dr. Beitman has received two national awards for his psychotherapy training program and is internationally known for his research into the relationship between chest pain and panic disorder.https://www.innertraditions.com/books/meaningful-coincidences to purchase Dr. Beitman's new book "Meaningful Coincidences". Visit https://www.coincider.com/ to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research

    #coincidence #serendipity #synchronicity