n this classic novella, the life of a drab office clerk named Golyadkin begins to be haunted by his "doppelgänger," a man identical to him possessing all the charm and charisma Golyadkin lacks. This double shows up over and over again, succeeding in the things Golyadkin has failed to do throughout his life. As this double infiltrates himself more and more into Golyadkin's life, the reader is left wondering who he is and what his purposes might be.
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¿Cómo suenan las historias bogotanas? Estos son algunos audios de los relatos que hacen parte de las diferentes ediciones de “Bogotá en 100 Palabras", un concurso de relatos breves, que invita a todos los habitantes de la ciudad a escribir sobre la vida en Bogotá. El concurso es organizado por la Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá, a través de la Secretaría de Cultura, Recreación y Deporte, el Instituto Distrital de las Artes – Idartes, la Secretaría de Educación del Distrito, la Cámara Colombiana del Libro y la Fundación Plagio de Chile.
This podcast is an exploration of the daunting College Theater (+ Musical Theater) Audition process led by an expert in the field, as well as an exploration of the paths to success from college to beyond. We talk with Colleges about their training programs and Artists about their unique careers fostered by their training. Join Charlie Murphy, actor & Director of Musical Theatre College Auditions (MTCA) as he chats with Broadway performers, college faculty members and industry pros about navigating the college audition process, earning a performing arts degree, and the role education plays in pursuing a career in the arts. Charlie will provide bonus tips and insights from 17+ years of expertise in this niche of the industry. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us at If you want to learn more about MTCA, you can check us out at
Part of the Broadway Podcast Network. -
Acompaña a Melissa en esta búsqueda de la felicidad en su hogar. Escucha como muchas personas han encontrado paz en sus casas, cómo han movido y acomodado todo a su alredor para estar bien con su entorno.
En este podcast te compartiremos los secretos que otros han descubierto para que seas feliz en tu sala. -
Llegaste el lugar donde aprenderás a tomar acción consciente al momento de danzar y hacer crecer y escalar tu equipo de artes escénicas. Disfruta de podcast breves con gran contenido, creado desde la necesidad de cada ministro con estrategias, herramientas y consejos sobre Danza, Liderazgo y el crecimiento en general del ministro.
TECHNO CLASSIC nasce da una idea di LUCA ANTOLINI e MARCO CORDI, dj’s storici della scena Techno , assieme a Killer voice.
TECHNO CLASSIC è un format che vuole ripercorrere la Techno del passato, presente e futuro.
TECHNO CLASSIC è nuovo format di party che vede come principali protagonisti LUCA ANTOLINI e MARCO CORDI, dj’s storici della scena Techno Italiana. I due noti Artisti si sono esibiti grazie alle loro produzioni discografiche praticamente in ogni parte del mondo. TECHNO CLASSIC è un format che vuole ripercorrere la Techno ed altri generi come la Progressive, Trance, Hard Trance, Hardstyle che si sono creati negli anni. Per vivere e rivivere una storia lunga 30 anni. In TECHNO CLASSIC anche il Vocalist Killer Voice ed altri Djs Guest / Vocalist / Animatrici / Performer. -