Hear the unfiltered truth from the world's top scientific minds. Listeners of this podcast will hear health and wellness expert, Vivian Kulaga, PhD, ask the world's top scientists and experts to reveal the truth about curious and relevant topics such as how emotional abuse can cause brain damage, or how mind training can slow the process of ageing, over a casual cup of coffee.
Coffee with Scientists explores cutting edge research in human physiology, neuroscience, emotions and other health and wellness topics in a conversation you can understand. In each episode, your host, Vivian Kulaga, PhD, speaks to a new leading scientific expert about groundbreaking ideas and discoveries in their field over a casual cup of coffee. Coffee with Scientists brings listeners the unfiltered truth from the world's top scientific minds about interesting and relevant topics in health and wellness, helping you apply them to your own life and the world around you one cup of coffee at a time.