
    --> DianeKazer.com/MOLDREMEDY
    USE CODE SSTRUTH10 for 10% OFF

    --> DianeKazer.com/VIP

    Welcome to Warrior Wednesday, where I host our CHI Podcast at 10am PT / 1pm ET with my sacred partner in love and practice, Dr Jack Kunkel.

    I’ve been looking forward to this for MONTHS.

    We have a super wise guest today, Dr Donald Dennis who is THE mold guy that you need to know. With 50,000+ operations under his belt and 30+ years of experience, he’s got ALL the details on the deadly and dis-ease effects of mold, how to treat them, where they are hiding in your home, office, car and how they make their way into your body.

    I know you’ve heard of black mold before, but did you know there are over 100K strains of mold!?

    AND, you’re breathing them in all day every day!

    Did you know?

    This prevalent and often overlooked danger needs to be brought to the surface, and that’s exactly what we’re doing here at CHI Holistic Healthy Ministry.

    We’re bringing all the downright dirty, dangerous and toxic truths to the surface for all to see.

    Why? Because knowledge is power. And in this case, your newfound power just may save your life.

    The MOLD Epidemic and why it’s a Major Root Cause Health issue for us ALL
    Western Medicine FAILS - Why your Doctor will FAIL every time at Detecting & Treating it Properly
    Where is it Coming from? Food, Air, Walls, where?
    Is Mold YOUR Root Cause (learn the symptoms, how it feels and what to look for in your surroundings)
    The Mold Dr Diane was living in, at her previous residence, that nearly killed her (and the Landlord’s Gaslighting response that is all too common)
    Testing for Mold in the Home & Body (many Solutions, few Accurate labs)
    We’ve got mold in our Home…NOW WHAT?
    Solutions to DeMold your Home Environment
    Working with a Health Trained Mold Remediator
    Solutions to DeMold your Body
    Our ACTUAL patient results where they were COMPLETELY unaware that mold was their #1 underlying issue (despite years of doctors, solutions, detoxes, medications and thousands of dollars spent NOT knowing or treating this root cause)
    Mold Prevention & How to Avoid the Nightmare of Black Mold (and it’s coinfection colleagues)

    Want to join in on the Afterparty SOLUTIONS segment of our weekly Podcasts?

    Join our VIP Mastermind Ministry HERE to:

    Talk to our Expert, and ask Dr Dennis anything about your own personal mold issues as well as what to do about it, solutions, symptoms, anything!
    Get VIP only discounts on supplements, DIY courses and more (this ALONE pays for your VIP membership itself)
    Gain exclusive access to Solutions - Holistic, Natural and Effective remedies for ENT congestion, frequent illness, painful symptoms, fatigue and more!
    💥 We’ll show you how to irrigate your nasal passages and also explain why it’s an important (and often missing) part of any mold treatment protocol
    💥 How and why mold inhalation affects the pituitary gland and creates the chronic fatigue you’re experiencing.

    Here for you, warriors!

  • DianeKazer.com/VIP

    I’m back from a whirlwind trip to the West Coast and WOW do I have some updates that you’re going to want to hear (and see!) all about.

    And, since today is Warrior Wednesday, there’s no better day to share these huge insights with YOU, my warrior crew. Since ya’ll are my Freedom Family and I know you learn a lot from the lessons I learn in my own life and with patients, family, friends, pets…this trip was full of all sorts of them I plan to REALLY unleash to warn, help and guide!

    Join me live tomorrow for our CHI Podcast at 10am PT / 1pm ET and learn ALL the details on the transformational events and moments I experienced this past week.

    I’m talking:

    SURGERY: Going under the knife…again…Really?
    MENOPAUSE AT AGE 45? - are BioIdentical Hormones really the only answer? Some big warnings for you guys on ‘Regenerative Spas’ opening up across the country….
    2024 UPDATE: Dr Diane’s advanced AND foundational personal protocol for cleansing, killing parasites, boosting immunity and beauty building naturally AND regeneratively
    REDEFINING DEATH: The significance of my grandmothers dying & Healing Ancestral Trauma
    BANK WARNINGS & where to consider investing / protecting your wealth
    THE POWER OF HO'OPONOPONO & the Freedom in Forgiveness (how I rekindled a damaged friendship that broke down during Covid…I know this will help a LOT of you)
    LIVING IN HARMONY WITH PARASITES?: The Moon cycle and why the lunar and solar eclipses are so powerful for parasite cleansing + how to do it right!

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  • DianeKazer.com/RIMAN


    In this episode of Warrior Wednesday, I’m hosting our CHI Podcast with my special guest, Dr Stephanie Rimka to go straight into the natural beauty solution you’ve been waiting for. The ONE that provides me the greatest amount of HOPE that we can age gracefully without sacrificing the natural beauty God built unique to each of us. The ONE that has shown me in a very short time that we CAN tighten, blend, smooth and soothe our complexion without the deadly use of Injectables, Botox and other procedures. This year, when Beauty Counter closed their doors, many of us were saddened. And since I’ve been searching for a replacement non toxic alternative that not only matched their products, but rivaled it. Exceeded it. This line is so revolutionary it’s not only the highest rated on EWG for Non-Toxic and Clean… But it’s the only one of it’s kind that does what it does straight from the depth of the Earth Volcano minerals that penetrate the deepest layers of your skin to nourish them within And it’s not just for women It’s for men too with all the toxins they expose themselves to with shaving, facial hair taming and more! WE COVER Exactly what makes this sacred skin care line both natural and unique to you EWG and why you must be using this as your go-to resource to vet ALL ingredients, we’ve got to keep those toxic ingredients off our skin! How these ingredients from Mother Earth work with you naturally to gracefully amplify and enhance your own natural, goddess (or god!) beauty

  • JOIN OUR VIP TRIBE with me and Dr Jack Kunkel for 90 minutes each week!





    Welcome to Warrior Wednesday and we invite you to join us live today for our CHI Podcast where Dr Jack Kunkel and I host this power-packed episode at 10am PT / 1pm ET.

    And today, we’re going multi-layered…not that you expect anything different from me! And this time we’re going deep into the layers of CONNECTION.

    In a world where connection is everything -literally we need CONNECTION to survive and ultimately thrive - we must get to the bottom of just how disconnected you truly are.

    You see, all symptoms of disconnection show up in the ultimate trinity - PHYSICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL and SPIRITUAL. If you’re disconnected anywhere, it has a domino effect in each area of your life.

    So today, we’re unraveling the layers of CONNECTION and HOW we may become DISCONNECTED through:

    Beauty Toxins & Injectables
    Medications, Implants and other Big P-HARMA (Dis)Solutions (Learn the most common 5 that the majority of Americans are using regularly)

    All of these things are a total DISABILITY and DEACTIVATION of your own body’s defenses. Does this at all resemble what’s happening with our military?

    Life Experiences
    And my favorite foundational topic: The 10 Prison Bars of Programming (until you innerstand THIS, it will be nearly impossible to resolve the Root Causes of your Ailments)

    Life Experiences
    And my favorite foundational topic: The 10 Prison Bars of Programming (until you innerstand THIS, it will be nearly impossible to resolve the Root Causes of your Ailments)

    So join us as we peel back the layers of this very large onion.

    Tune in today, share this episode and get ready for information to learn how EVERYTHING in our society has, and is, intended to disconnect us from our physical health, our relationships, our abundance and our connection to God.

    And once we SHOW you how, why and where you’re disconnected, get ready to receive the SOLUTIONS in our VIP Tribe call directly following our podcast at 10:30am PT / 1:30pm ET.

    Not a member of our VIP Tribe yet? Then what are you waiting for? Join us here and mark your calendars for our weekly VIP Tribe call, aka the REMEDY hour for your Physical, Psychological and Spiritual Health.

    -->How Parasites and ALL toxins Disconnect Us Physically, Psychologically and Spiritually
    --> Exactly how parasites directly target and attack our connective tissue…and since our entire body is comprised of connective tissue, how any disconnection can quickly take its toll on you
    -->The Domino Effect of Disconnection and Exactly How It Unravels
    -->Directly following our live podcast, we hop into our VIP Tribe call to deep dive on HOW to address these disconnections through simple and approachable remedies.
    -->We’ll show you Our #1 protocols to rebuild and reconnect ALL of your parts physically, emotionally and spiritually
    -->The spiritual and psychological practices we have found to nicely dovetail with physical reconnection - and how you must embody the ultimate trio of connection - MIND, BODY & SOUL to experience truth health and wellness
    -->Join our VIP Tribe Today for $1! DianeKazer.com/VIP

    Drop your questions and comments for us in the chat as we're live!

  • Join Our VIP Tribe
    --> DianeKazer.com/VIP

    Become a Patient
    --> DianeKazer.com/CALL

    It’s Warrior Wednesday! And that means today’s the day where Dr Jack Kunkel and I host our CHI Podcast at 10am PT / 1pm ET.

    Did you catch our show with Dr Ana Mihalcea two weeks ago? If not, make sure you check it out here because today we’re sharing our exclusive follow up and opinions on all the groundbreaking research that Dr Ana shared with us. We simply did not have enough time to cover the information that Dr, and other warriors in our community, are finding.

    And there’s a reason for that…BIG PHARMA, BIG TECH and the MAINSTREAM MEDICAL CABAL are desperately trying to hide what we are unveiling.

    But they cannot hide their lies, manipulation and crimes against humanity any longer.

    So, we’re bringing it ALL out into the open to be seen.

    Tune in today, share this episode and get ready for information to learn how EVERYTHING has been inverted to create trickery and deceit about what’s in the vaxx, our food, water, medical procedures, chemtrails and more..

    Don’t hide your head in the sand my warrior.

    Open your eyes and ears and get ready to receive the information that just may save your life.

    Because once you learn the truth, you simply can’t go back.

    And…get ready to receive the SOLUTIONS that me and my team are offering you to combat and arm yourself against these nefarious forces.

    -->Dr Jack and Dr Diane’s key takeaways from our podcast with Dr Ana and her protocols
    -->The BIGGEST controversies in the holistic health world
    -->INVERSIONS are everywhere! Up is Down, Left is Right and Good is Evil in the Holistic Health World
    -->WAIT - Nicotine is good for us?
    -->Our favorite Vitamin C Protocol
    -->The simplest way to get started on your journey today is to address these toxins once and for all. Join our VIP Tribe Today for $1! DianeKazer.com/VIP

    I love to hear from you! Drop your questions and comments in the chat during our live and we'll address them directly!

  • Join Our VIP Tribe
    --> DianeKazer.com/VIP

    Become a New Patient
    --> DianeKazer.com/CALL

    Learn more about Nimbus and Varshana
    --> QMergingTribe.com
    Use Code DRDIANEKAZER for 10% OFF

    Join me and Dr Jack Kunkel for our Warrior Wednesday CHI Podcast as we welcome sacred couple and our dear friends, Nimbus and Varshana, for a couples’ coaching topic that some still say is simply too TABOO to be talked about openly.

    Well there’s nothing that’s too taboo here my tantric tribe! You know I don’t shy away from topics so get ready to learn all about the dynamic catalyst which is rapidly empowering men and women to be their greatest self - through their calling to embody a great lover and their most authentic being.

    This podcast is for those who want to radically shift their life, how they perceive, receive and give love and why sacred sex is the key to increasing the evolutionary level of our planet.

    My dear friends, Nimbus and Varshana’s body of work is based on their own direct experience, their one-on-one couples’ retreats and their beingness as sacred counterparts.

    Join me as me, and Dr Jack Kunkel, my very own sacred partner, welcome this dynamic couple to introduce you into the world which will radically transform you, and your partnerships forever.

    Thanks for joining us on this wild ride of taboo exploration that you won’t find anywhere else!

    Divine Union and how we’re changing the world
    What is Sacred Sexuality and how does it differ from what Society has taught us?
    What sets Nimbus and Varshana apart from other Tantric teachers?
    What’s Polarity Balance and Polarity Reversal in both men and women?
    How to achieve and perfect the ancient practice of Activated Semen Retention for Men
    What is a SuperNova Orgasm for Women?
    The Supreme Formula?
    "A Choice that Changes the World"
    Why you need to Join our VIP Tribe Today for $1! DianeKazer.com/VIP to learn even more of the juicy details

    --> DianeKazer.com/VIP

    --> DianeKazer.com/FREEDETOX

    --> DianeKazer.com/CALL

    --> DianeKazer.com/BINDERS

    --> https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/

    Going Under the Microscope with Dark Field Microscopy to Uncover What’s In The Jab is ALSO in our Water, Air & Food Supply!

    Join me today for our Warrior Wednesday CHI Podcast at 10am PT / 1pm ET with my partner in love, life and healing, Dr Jack Kunkel…PLUS our very special guest Dr Ana Mihalcea.

    Prepare to be amazed as we go ‘under the microscope’ with Dr Ana and learn all about her scientific, extremely detailed and groundbreaking findings using Dark Field Microscopy. Dr Ana is sharing her message about what’s really in the jabs, your Lucifier load, and the best protocols to follow to remove these destructive and deadly toxins from your body. We’re talking Monkey Pox 😱, Zeolite (Is it Good or Bad??), NanoBots, how to Detox from Transhumanism and so much more.

    This is one lab test result that you’re going to want to share out widely with your friends and family.

    Monkey Pox Insanity!
    Zeolite Wars
    Dr Ana’s tested protocols, the benefits of Methylene Blue and exactly how to dose
    The top DO & DO NOT take supplements and nutrients
    Can we ever clear this nefarious technology found in the jabs and all injectables?
    How do we protect ourselves from the Transhumanistic Toxins raining all over our plantlife, our animals and us!
    What’s your Lucifer load?
    Get ready! Dr Jack Kunkle has joined our VIP Group! If you’re not a VIP member yet…what’s stopping you? Join us today for $1 Only! DianeKazer.com/VIP

    --> DianeKazer.com/VIP

    --> DianeKazer.com/FREEDETOX

    --> DianeKazer.com/CELLCORE

    --> DianeKazer.com/CALL

    --> DianeKazer.com/BINDERS

    A Brand New Era Is Here for CHI Holistic
    Health Ministry!

    In today’s Cleanse Heal Ignite episode with Dr Diane Kazer and Dr Jack Kunkel for Warrior Wednesday Dr Jack and I share how we met and how we're UpLeveling CHI Holistic Health Ministry for our community and beyond...


    -->How Dr Jack and I met…Jack and Diane…it's not just a song
    -->Diets Gone Wrong & The TOP 5 Healing Opportunities!
    1. Not eating enough REAL food (especially protein) is a no-no! Detox takes energy and fasting while detoxing will likely make you come to a crashing halt. +Macro Balance is key
    2. You’re eating too late!
    3. And you’re eating too often
    4. Eating out…I know I know, it’s fun but it’s a disaster for your health..seed oils are running rampant!
    5. Consuming too many grains (Mold the main Mito Zapper)

    -->Top 5 Root Cause Reasons You’re Sick (aka Blockers) We See That Lab Tests Don’t Reveal And Your Doctor Isn’t Looking For
    -->Over The Counters (Imodium AD) and what we find on urine tests
    -->Patient Success Stories
    -->Glyphosate Dangers, Gut Lining and Gluten Testing
    -->Did you know your liver isn’t fully formed until you’re 18?
    -->Triclosan (Hand Santizer maxxers!) is a gender bender and huge toxin that most of the population is exposed to on the daily

    ->And if all of the above wasn’t enough to get you thinking and feeling like something just isn’t right with your health…we’ve got a simple way for you to get started on your journey to address the root cause. Join our VIP Tribe Today for $1! DianeKazer.com/VIP

    I love to hear from you! Drop your comments and questions in the live chat and I will address them during the show.

    --> DianeKazer.com/IMMUNKEKIT

    --> DianeKazer.com/VIP

    --> DianeKazer.com/FREEDETOX

    --> DianeKazer.com/CALL


    The Top 10 Symptoms that you Have Fallen Prey to Mainstream Medical Cabal Myths…or More Accurately…LIES

    In today’s Cleanse Heal Ignite episode with Dr Diane Kazer for Warrior Wednesday as I’m calling out the real epidemic of our health crisis….

    White Coat Syndrome and the Mainstream Medical Scam

    Let’s call a SPADE a SPADE…

    I’m covering the BIGGEST LIES that you’ve been programmed to believe by the Mainstream Medical Cabal.

    These lies have led us to believe that your genetics are an incurable dis-ease or death sentence, doctors in white coats have all the answers (surely you cannot listen to your own inner wisdom) and injecting yourself with a vaxx is the virus cure!

    I’m laying it all out on the line and telling it like it is!

    WE COVER (seriously you’re going to have to read this in jest…)

    -->Bottled water or RO filter water is just fine, so go ahead and drink that on the daily
    -->Mammograms, Pap Smears and Prostate scans detect cancer and so that’s the optimal way to avoid it…simply have a yearly, radiation-laden scan!
    -->I poop everyday so I’m not constipated right?
    -->Cancer is the issue, not my toxic, tyrannical terrain, trapped emotions or lack of purpose comprising my Body, Mind & Soul
    -->I’m sweating while I work out, so that’s enough..I’m officially detoxed.
    -->Viruses are making you sick…so you must be hand sanitizer maxxing!
    -->Taking a daily multivitamin is all your need to keep the doctor away
    -->Parasites only exist in Mexico, India and other faraway lands.
    -->Blood tests are the gold standard of scans and the doc says mine are ‘in range’ so I’m healthy
    -->Keep eating the Standard American diet, because no worries you can just take meds to regulate high blood pressure and cholesterol
    -->Weight loss is just caloric math and exercise deficit
    -->And if all of the above wasn’t enough to get you thinking and feeling like something just isn’t right with your health…we’ve got a simple way for you to get started on your journey to address the root cause. Join our VIP Tribe Today for $1! DianeKazer.com/VIP

    I love to hear from you! Drop your comments and questions in the live chat and I will address them during the show.

    --> DianeKazer.com/VIP

    --> DianeKazer.com/CALL

    --> DianeKazer.com/IMMUNEKIT
    --> USE WARRIOR10 for 10% OFF

    Warrior Wednesday CHI Podcast at 10am PT / 1pm ET today for an information-packed episode with my very special guest, Dr Jack Kunkel to cover these BIG questions:

    Are Spike Proteins Real? And If So, How Do I Protect Myself?
    What’s REALLY Making You Sick?
    How Do I Arm My Immune System For Optimal Protection?

    Here at CHI Holistic Health Ministry, we’re getting to the root of the questions above and offering you SOLUTIONS to create a strong immune system. Just as healthy roots are imperative to a beautiful, vibrant, blooming tree, I want to see you blossom into the true, natural, and vibrantly healthy beauty that God intended.

    --> Why you need to know what Pleomorphism is…it’s more than just a complex word that’s actually affecting us on the daily.
    --> Good Bacteria Vs Bad Bacteria and how this changes within your body
    --> Are Viruses Real? And What is Their Purpose?
    --> Can Exercise Be Bad For You?
    --> How EMF Fields Make You Sick
    --> Arming Your Immune System for Optimal Immune Function
    --> Why You Have to Be Properly Testing For Mold, Gluten, Bacteria, Parasites and Other Toxins
    --> Are you Radioactive?
    --> Optogenetics and How It Can Control and Monitor You
    --> You Aren’t Pre-Menopausal…Your Hormones Are Off Balance
    --> Do you have enough healthy flora to sustain a thriving immune system?
    --> Get ready! Dr Jack Kunkle is joining our VIP Group again! If you’re not a VIP member yet…what’s stopping you? Join us today for $1 Only Thru July! Prices Go Up August 1st! DianeKazer.com/VIP

    I love to hear from you! Drop your comments and questions in the chat!

    --> DianeKazer.com/VIP

    --> DianeKazer.com/CALL


    --> DianeKazer.com/IMMUNEKIT
    --> USE WARRIOR10 for 10% OFF

    Warrior Wednesday CHI Podcast at 10am PT / 1pm ET today for an information-packed episode with my very special guest, Dr Jack Kunkel, to discuss the health buzz word of the day…SPIKE PROTEINS.

    These so-called Spike Proteins, are they Fact or Fiction?

    And if they are fiction, what’s really swimming around in the bloodstream of the jabbed?

    Well the jury’s still out on this one…but don’t fret my warriors as Dr Jack and I are on the case!

    We’re getting to the bottom of the state of our health in this crazy post-SCAMDEMIC world and just how you can improve your overall wellness.

    But first you’ve got to get on board with us and the ABCs…


    -->The Lifestyle Hacks that Dr Jack and I LOVE
    -->What’s your mitochondrial score? Why is it so vital?And how do you increase it?
    -->Are you taking Spike Protein supplements? If so, are they truly arming your immune system?
    -->The TRUE cause behind auto-immune deficiency, brain fog, weight gain, broken brain and more
    -->Are you still watching the TELL-LIE-VISION? If so, are you programmed by the top 10 prison bars programming your mind and your soul?
    --> Why you must become your own best fact checker and stop looking at outside sources
    -->How to Cleanse, Heal and Ignite your life in your daily practices
    -->Why must you be properly pooping every day and what does that look like?
    -->The TRIFECTA solution you need for Drainage, Immune and Cardio Support
    -->Get ready! Dr Jack Kunkle is joining our VIP Group again! Are you a VIP Tribe member? If so, you’ll have access to ask him all your questions! And if you’re not a VIP member yet…what’s stopping you? Join us today for just $1 DianeKazer.com/VIP

    I love to hear from you! Drop your comments and questions in the live chat and I will address them during the show.

    --> DianeKazer.com/VIP

    --> DianeKazer.com/FREEDETOX

    --> DianeKazer.com/CALL


    Dr Di, I’ve gone to the chiropractor and the physical therapist and I get massages every month…isn’t that enough?

    Well yes I do love ALL of those modalities but this is this one therapy that has gotten me out of a physical pickle more than a few times. Yep, that’s what professional soccer, riding horses and roaming the world will do!

    You’re going to want to run, not walk to your nearest body work expert once you learn all about the benefits from my interview.

    ESPECIALLY for my breasties who have or will soon explant…this is a MUST to prevent scarring + prepare the lymph for drainage as well as support it post surgery.

    And truly, that goes for ALL surgery. Everyone needs this to reduce common post surgical issues in the surrounding tissues!


    > What is the parasympathetic nervous response and what are negative and positive feedback loops?
    >Why is a hard body a bad body?
    >The truth behind chronic hypertension
    >How the cardiovascular system is directly related to chronic tension and stress
    >Why is fighting our pain a lost cause and well…downright silly?
    >How muscle contraction leads to pathological conditions

    I love to hear from you! Drop your comments and questions in the live chat and I will address them during the show.

    --> DianeKazer.com/VIP

    --> DianeKazer.com/FREEDETOX

    --> DianeKazer.com/CALL


    Connect with Dr Donato: Mention you were introduced through Dr Diane Kazer:
    --> donatoperezgarcia.com

    Connect with Dr Garcia: Mention you were introduced through Dr Diane Kazer:
    --> wellbeingtherapyclinic.com

    Songs to Improve Your Mood an Uplift Your Body, Mind & Spirit: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2LTOdrVTD5iTHEvRUsrMKb?si=gpDvANCPTeO5U--2MzI41Q&pi=u-NJ30n1_1Qyeb&nd=1&dlsi=b22169b6afe04fe4

    In today’s Cleanse Heal Ignite episode with Dr Diane Kazer for Warrior Wednesday we're bringing you an update straight from Mexico with two of the top doctors in Mexico who are successfully treating Can$er with alternative treatments, Dr. Garcia and Dr. Donato.

    We’re talking TURBO CANCERS on the rise, the best treatment options, how US insurance is the biggest scam and how it’s ever-devolving (yes, it’s going to get worse starting September 2024).

    This is exactly why Mexican medical tourism, especially in Tijuana, is booming and why I am so grateful to be part of this amazing team of doctors that offers wellness options.

    So tune in to learn about how our fantastic team of doctors will help you, why Can$er manifests, the myriad of nefarious causes (from Vaxx to 5G, parasites and more) and the best alternative treatments that the Mainstream Medical Scam is keeping from you.


    --> What role we each play in cancer treatments
    --> Which types of cancer and stages do we support?
    --> The 2 types of patients we work with…
    --> How does a treatment plan work? Length of stay, days of treatment and more
    --> The importance of a holistic lifestyle, detox, drainage, cellular energy and support you need to compliment treatments - which is exactly where myself and our CHI Holistic Health Ministry comes in
    --> Causes of Can$er and why it manifests
    --> Ready to regain your health? Book a call with me today: DianeKazer.com/CALL

    I love to hear from you! Drop your comments and questions in the live chat and I will address them during the show.

    --> DianeKazer.com/VIP

    --> DianeKazer.com/FREEDETOX

    --> DianeKazer.com/CALL

    --> DianeKazer.com/BINDERS

    In today’s Cleanse Heal Ignite episode with Dr Diane Kazer for Warrior Wednesdays we're bringing you an information-packed episode from beautiful Mexico, with insider info that I promise you’re not going to get anywhere else.
    I’m back with my special guest, Dr Jack Kunkel, to discuss the TOP 5 ARSONISTS THAT ARE MAKING YOU SICK.

    And, how to free yourself from these blocking factors and finally step into your God-given beauty, energy and vitality.

    Dr. Jack and I are talking ABC - ALWAYS BE CLEANSING.

    If you’re not taking some kind of binder every day you’re screwed. So what's a binder?

    Well, it’s the 4th stool of the ‘Using Food as Medicine’ first, followed by supplements to expedite, deepen and improve your healing journey and get rid of the Arsonists…permanently.

    And just who are these Arsonists? They are a multitude of toxins that create fires of inflammation in the body and must be effectively excreted by the body. We are living in the most toxic time in human history, so if you want to see REAL results, you must be on at least one binder daily. And it’s important to learn about the different binder types, what they bind to and and how they excrete differently.

    That’s why in Module 5 of The Warrior Cleanse, I score these binders on their effectiveness. For example, you. may have heard that Activated Charcoal is the gold standard, or all you need to detox, and simply put, it’s not.

    This is why I highly recommend you work with me and my team to run the best labs to get to the bottom of WHY you’re still suffering with symptoms and sickness.
    Are you finally ready to truly transform and transcend your health roadblocks that no other doctors have been able to pin down? The time is now to book a call.
    Removing the ‘arsonists’ that have been setting fire to your body as long as you’ve had them in...without doing a detox after to clean up the mess they made is like driving your car in it’s wrecked state after an accident.

    These arsonists - breast implants, silver fillings, IUD’s, mesh material, Botox, fillers and more are leaving a trail of toxins that damage your tissues, and need some serious TLC after you remove them.

    So tune in and get the insider scoop that the mainstream and conventional systems do not want you to know.

    Why? Because the system is designed to keep you sick and disempowered.

    And, that’s exactly what we are shifting here at CHI Holistic Health Ministry.

    We’re helping our patients to free themselves and reclaim their divine health, beauty, energy and vitality.

    Are you ready to finally free yourself?


    -->The Complete Rockefeller Playbook keeping everyone in sickness and disi-ease: Western Medicine Poisons, beauty toxins, mammograms, radiation, gadolinium, medical devices, and so much more
    -->The truth about Cholesterol: what it is and healthy levels
    -->The common side effects you may be experiencing due to Medications for Blood Pressure, Cholesterol and Acid Reflux.
    -->Lyme is a BIOWEAPON and its prevalence is skyrocketing
    -->Why is Herpes on the Rise? And how is it really caused?
    -->The #1 Prescribed Drug, CIPRO, and why you MUST avoid it!
    -->MOLD! The nearly invisible, pervasive toxin that’s wreaking havoc on our body
    -->Why everyone’s immune system is overly taxed and screaming for help…and how to resolve this.
    -->Broken Belief Systems: mental constructions, unresolved emotions and stress (Mal)adaptations
    -->Get ready! Dr Jack Kunkle is joining our VIP Group again! Are you a VIP Tribe member? If so, you’ll have access to ask him all your questions! And if you’re not a VIP member yet…what’s stopping you? Join us today for just $1 DianeKazer.com/VIP

    I love to hear from you! Drop your comments and questions in the live chat and I will address them during the show.

  • DianeKazer.com/TRANSFORM


    AirPod EMF Blocker:
    --> DianeKazer.com/WAVEBLOCK



    In today’s Cleanse Heal Ignite episode with Diane Kazer for Warrior Wednesdays we help you become your own best defender! I welcome to our CHI Podcast Athleticism Founder and EMF Expert, Justin Frandson.

    I welcome onto the Warrior Wednesday CHI Podcast, Justin Frandson, the man behind the phenomena, EMF Rocks. This amazing technology is taking us back to nature, in just the way that God intended, to completely protect us from dangerous EMF.

    Creating a healthy home and office environment that mitigates and harmonizes the dangers of EMF is one of my foundational values. It’s so important to me and my team, that we are digging deep to ensure that we find you the best resources, and only those that I myself know to be tried and true solutions.

    Justin will be sharing his unique EMF expertise founded on the principles of nature that have been used widely by holistic enthusiasts and athletes world wide.

    Join us today and get the scoop directly from me and Justin so that you can be on your way to a healthier and happier home for you and your loved ones.

    My friends, share this story widely! In a world that's gone crazier by the day, we must unite in the TRUTH and share SOLUTIONS!


    Man-made, non-native EMFs and how they differ from native EMF
    Our clear connection to nature
    The lies behind electric cars and why they are terrible for our environment and our health
    Electromagnetic shifts: What are they, how do they occur and how do they affect us?
    Brain wave states during sleep, awake and the importance of utilizing these brain waves upon sleeping and waking.
    Creating a healthy home in resonance with nature

    I love to hear from you! Drop your comments and questions in the live chat and I will address them during the show.

  • Start Your Body, Mind & Soul Transformation Today:
    --> DianeKazer.com/TRANSFORM

    Join Our VIP Tribe to Start Your Journey for Only $1:
    -->: DianeKazer.com/VIP

    Find Brian's EMF Shield Products Here:
    --> DianeKazer.com/EMFSHIELD

    AirPod EMF Blocker:
    --> DianeKazer.com/WAVEBLOCK

    In today’s Cleanse Heal Ignite episode with Diane Kazer for Warrior Wednesdays we help you become your own best defender! I welcome to our CHI Podcast, EMF Biohacking Expert, Brian Hoyer.


    AirPods & Wireless Earbuds: Are they really THAT bad?
    Smart Meters: Less than 2% of people Opt out (and why you should be part of that)
    Wearables: Friend or Foe?
    How to Measure the ElectroSmog in your Surroundings
    Electric Cars: ‘Good for the Environment’ but not your Cells?
    EMF 101: Your Start to Finish Guide
    Why light is considered a type of EMF
    How does man-made lighting impact our health?
    The symptoms of poor quality lighting in your environment
    Lighting tests for your home and office environments
    What you can do today to improve the quality of lighting in your home and office
    The best bulbs to use in your home and office, especially when incandescent is difficult to find
    I’m staring at a computer screen all day! What can I do?!
    What is body voltage? And what can we do to decrease it?

    Let’s wipe the slate clean before you join me.

    Forget ALL that you think you know about EMF, what it is, and the solutions.

    Brian and I are launching into a deep dive on this urgent EMF Guide with never-before-heard-or-seen-information that YOU MUST KNOW.

    EMF is highly toxic, downright dangerous and often deadly.

    And, can be very tricky to mitigate as it’s invisible to the eye.

    So tune in tomorrow and let’s get to the bottom of exactly how to bring this hidden toxin into the light.

    Because that my friend, is my mission here on our Warrior Wednesday CHI Podcast, to shine the light onto the truth, no matter how dark, or in this case, invisible, it may be.

    Share this story widely my warriors and let’s help others biohack their home and office completely to keep our family and friends safe.

    I love to hear from you! Drop your comments and questions in the live chat and I will address them during the show.

  • Start Your Total Transformation Today: Body, Mind & Spirit

    Join our VIP Tribe for Only $1
    --> DianeKazer.com/VIP

    Laura's NonToxic Candles & Glass Ware
    --> DianeKazer.com/NonToxicCandles

    In today’s Cleanse Heal Ignite episode with Diane Kazer for Warrior Wednesdays we help you become your own best defender!

    Prepare to be INpowere’ed and INspired as I welcome Yellowstone series screenplay writer, Laura Eller.

    Laura is stepping out of the shadows and onto the stage to share the traumatic stories of horror from her father’s life and from her own childhood, as an Indigenous person.

    We’ll discuss Laura’s latest collaboration with Taylor Sheridan, writer of the wildly successful, Yellowstone, where she is writing a screenplay about her father’s life for the now popular series 1883, the Yellowstone prequel.

    Laura is laying it all out on the line, so that we may pull back the curtain on the atrocities committed against Indigenous people in America and the coordinated plays by the Rockefellers to purposely inflict their family and communities with deep generational trauma. The concerted effort to hide the truth of what so many people have experienced for generations will be revealed.

    Why are we revealing this now?

    Because, we are on a mission to shine light onto the truth, no matter how dark that truth may be.

    You see, this is the only way that we shall become free.

    Tune in for our conversation tomorrow around this highly secretive topic that has rendered most in the public completely unaware. It’s going to be a tear jerker, so have your tissues handy.

    Share this story widely warriors.. Let’s unite in TRUTH to set us all FREE.


    Laura’s latest collaboration with Taylor Sheridan, writer of the wildly successful, Yellowstone, where she is writing a screenplay about her father’s life for the popular series 1883, the Yellowstone prequel.

    The influence of the Rockefeller Foundation in Indigenous Communities

    The dark history and true purpose behind residential schools and just how they were used as a tool of the American genocide against Indigenous peoples

    Intergenerational trauma and the deep impact imprinted onto subsequent generations

    Current challenges within Indigenous communities as a result of historical injustices, and how these challenges manifest in daily life for Americans outside of reservations

    Necessary changes that will address the root cause of these horrors to create lasting impacts of the residential school system

    How you can make an impact

    I love to hear from you! Drop your comments and questions in the live chat and I will address them during the show.

  • Transform Your Life Today

    --> DianeKazer.com/TRANSFORM

    Join Our VIP Tribe for Only $1

    --> DianeKazer.com/VIP

    Get Module #1 of The Warrior Cleanse for FREE

    --> DianeKazer.com/FREEDETOX

    Join Sarah Westall
    --> SarahWestall.com

    In today’s Cleanse Heal Ignite episode with Diane Kazer for Warrior Wednesdays we help you become your own best defender!

    Prepare to be INpowere’ed and INspired as I welcome freedom friend, Sarah Westall. With her former Big Tech expertise, Sarah has the inside scoop on the exact nefarious plans these puppet masters implemented. As relentless truth-seekers, Sarah and I are compelled to come together to share these urgent topics with you, with brand new information that Sarah recently uncovered in her never-ending research down the dark, deep and dangerous rabbit holes.

    I know you might be thinking:
    “MORE DANGEROUS INFO DR DI? I’m tuning out. I don’t want to listen to that!”

    Join us tomorrow for the truth on what you need to know in order to navigate the matrix maze of mind control, who the ‘controllers’ are and which DEFCON Level these masters of chaos have currently planned for the collective.

    So you can OPT-Out of it!

    Because you can’t DO better until and unless you KNOW Better right? 😉

    Warriors, your participation matters!

    Tune into true curiosity and truth - and be sure to share this podcast far and wide!

    Together we must unite to raise the tides and succeed in winning this final battle for our body, mind and soul.
    Expert approaches for innerstanding targeted manipulation, mind control and modern warfare tactics.
    The evolution of warfare and the impact of technological advancements.
    Just how digital infrastructures can be, and currently are, used for surveillance and control
    Strategies to navigate and counter these modern threats. #winning
    The Ocean Data Network: What is it and is it a threat?
    The forces that shape our world and reality.
    How to embody your sovereignty by protecting your God-given freedoms.

    To win the war, we must know the strategies for the art of war! 🤩

    Remember, we are in this together and we will win this together.

    We are the #whitehats we have been waiting for!

    Tune out of the political theater and tune into creating the end of the true story documentary where we rise to conquer in the end!

    THIS SONG (Stand By Me) comes to mind
    --> https://open.spotify.com/track/59ew3BDqan1LlwZOuKA4TJ?si=J71pLS-CSoWIbk7wjhuEkg

    We’ve had thousands tune in live lately which means we’re doing it friends! We’re expanding our reach and elevating our voices!

    I love hearing from you!

    Drop your comments and questions in the live chat and we will address them during the show.

    Thanks for being here my Warrior Tribe!

  • oin our VIP Tribe for Only $1
    --> DianeKazer.com/VIP

    Begin Your Total Body, Mind & Soul Transformation Today
    --> DianeKazer.com/Transform

    Have you taken the jab? You need Binders:
    --> DianeKazer.com/BINDERS

    Join Justin Leslie
    --> Justintegrity.net

    To Support Justin's Mission
    --> givesendgo.com/projectwhistleblower

    In today’s Cleanse Heal Ignite episode with Diane Kazer for Warrior Wednesdays we help you become your own best defender!

    Prepare to be INpowere’ed and INspired as I welcome the very brave and very outspoken, Pfizer scientist turned whistleblower…turned ‘double-agent,’ Justin Leslie.

    Justin’s stories from these past few years are pretty crazy and intense to say the list…isn’t that the truth for most of us!? He quickly dashed from college graduate to Pfizer Scientist to Project Veritas reporter, to O’Keefe Media Group, to now solo investigator - WOW what a timeline!

    Get ready for a behind-the-scenes interview that will either have your blood boiling, your body covered in goosebumps (a sign of the truth!), or both.

    Join us tomorrow for this story of courage that is still unfolding…

    Warriors, be sure to share this podcast far and wide for it is only the TRUTH that will set us FREE.


    Exactly what Justin discovered in his role at Pfizer as a ‘Formulation Analytical Scientist’ in 2021.
    Justin’s insights that ‘The Covid 19 vaccines are a biological weapon and should be removed from the market immediately.’
    The Whistleblowing organization that Justin now believes is controlled op. Why is that?
    The conditions that he observed which define a person that’s ‘controlled op’ and his opinion on those who proclaim they are ‘white hats.’
    Justin’s story on ‘Bohemian Grove Exposed.’

    Share this video far and wide!

  • Join our VIP Tribe for Only $1
    --> DianeKazer.com/VIP

    CELL CORE Supplements
    --> DianeKazer.com/CELLCORE

    Begin Your Total Body, Mind & Soul Transformation Today
    --> DianeKazer.com/Transform

    Connect with Dr Jack Kunkel

    --> jackkunkel.com
    Instagram @dr.jackkunkel
    Facebook Dr. Jack Kunkel’s Alternative Medicine

    In today’s Cleanse Heal Ignite episode with Diane Kazer for Warrior Wednesdays we help you become your own best defender!

    Prepare to be INpowere’ed and INspired as I welcome Dr. Jack Kunkel to chat about
    creating a plan unique to your wellness signature: Foundational Health, Bioenergetic Communication Technology, Muscle Testing, Metabolic Health, Hormone Production & More

    This episode will be much different than the ones you’ve seen me in before.

    You’re in for an absolute treat!

    Meet my dear colleague who I’m visiting in New York, Dr Jack Kunkel. As an Alternative Medicine Extraordinaire, Jack is consistently sought out by peers and patients for his deep Foundational Health knowledge, utilizing a myriad of modalities to create a plan unique to the patients he treats.

    Real talk…I know so many of you are tired, in fact, exhausted, in your search to find the ‘right’ supplements and modalities to restore your health.

    To detox from the jab.
    Rid your body of Can-Cer.
    Digestive Issues.
    Lose Weight.
    Treat symptoms.
    End your suffering.

    You may have given up all hope of ever resolving your dis-ease..

    Perhaps you feel like $hit day in and day out and you don’t know where to turn to revive your energy and magic.

    I know, you may have given up all hope and be ready to throw in the towel…

    But today is your day to learn many of the answers as to what’s causing your frustrations - and how to resolve them.

    Dive in with us for a power-packed podcast that will surely bring back your motivation and jump start you onto your new health and fitness track.


    Foundational Medicine…the Missing link in 99% of people’s journey to wellness…what is it, why it’s important and how to root it down in your health approach.
    Miracle Alert! - Elite Bioenergetic Communication Technology and how Dr Jack uses it to treat dis-ease
    Is Muscle testing Snake Oil or does it really work?
    How supplemental support, and any modality plan, are completely unique to you and your energetic signature (Ending the cycle of taking a slew of supplements with no results
    The variables you must know in order to make significant shifts: Metabolic Health, Hormonal Production, Sleep Hygiene, Genetics and Cellular/Mitochondrial Health
    Avoid Ozempic at all costs! Just what it’s doing to our muscles and natural alternatives.
    The BEST Cardio, Fitness and Resistance training to support muscle building
    Is your Exercise routine making you gain weight and INCREASE fat?

    Dr Jack and I recently wrote an article for the Epoch times highlighting some of these things, and the research we dug up was jaw dropping! We’ll share more on the show ;)

    Want to know EXACTLY what your body is calling for, in the realm of root cause resolve, healing and symptoms?

    How cool would it be for someone to ask YOUR body what it wants and know how to listen to tell you the exact answer (Your body doesn’t want X supplement, but it does want 3 capsules of this 2 times per day)...to the point where you no longer take pills just because someone told you to?

    And what if you could sit back and receive an energy healing without having to do any work yourself?

    With this kind of line up, I hope you’re as excited as me to get straight to the truth on what’s impacting you, rather than sift through the myriad of headline news, confusion and fear based suggestions that are nothing but wastes of time and mental energy!

    Dr Jack is joining our VIP Group Tuesday June 4 as a special guest! If you’re not a VIP member, join today for just $1 DianeKazer.com/VIP