
  • October's astrology focuses on the fine line between standing your ground and recognizing when it’s time to negotiate. This month invites us to reflect on what we are willing to hold on to, even in the face of adversity, and when it might be wiser to compromise for the sake of balance and harmony. The pros and cons of standing firm — clarity and conviction versus stubbornness and isolation — will be at the forefront of our experiences throughout the month. Will you defend your hill to the end, or can you let go when the cost becomes too great?

    Themes and transits discussed in this episode include:

    Why are we on a hill this month?Libra's crucial role as the sign between Virgo and ScorpioNew Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra (Oct. 2)Full Moon in Aries (Oct. 17)Mercury enters Scorpio (Oct. 13)Venus enters Sagittarius (Oct. 17)Sun enters Scorpio (Sept. 22)Mars Pre-Retrograde Shadow Begins (Oct. 4)Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini Begins (Oct. 9)Pluto Retrograde Ends in Capricorn (Oct. 11)Mercury follows the story of The Labyrinth this monthVenus follows the story of Cinderella this monthExtra Days of Caution (Oct. 13, 14, and 22)Extra Days of Opportunity (Oct. 12, 24, and 28)




    Podcast & Host Links:

    Clairannoyance InstagramClairannoyance TikTokClairannoyance WebsiteMegan's InstagramMegan's TikTokMegan's WebsiteRyan's InstagramRyan's TikTokRyan's Website
  • So... what do 5G microwaves, a clothing line made of tin foil, and a bunch of confiscated dildos have in common? Is this even a spiritual podcast anymore? Wtf am I listening to?

    We're back on our bullshit. In this Serendipity Session, we dive headfirst into the absurd, the spiritual, and the conspiratorial. Eyebrows will be raised, but we don't give a fuck. We cover everything from M.I.A.'s new anti-5G fashion line (because, apparently, 5G protection is high fashion now), to P. Diddy's arrest and the authorities' peculiar discovery of his, um, adult extracurricular props. But wait, there's more! Along the way, we talk about the dangers of TikTok baby witches casting spells like it's a high school chemistry experiment, and we go off on white girls who jump into spirituality with no shame about colonizing closed spiritual practices from other cultures.

    We discuss the philosophical Ship of Theseus (because, duh, you need to learn something esoteric in every episode). And we also explore the weird dynamics that arise when spiritual readers try to read for other spiritual readers (spoiler alert: it doesn't always go well).

    If you're in the mood for some Clairannoyance chaos mixed with on-the-spot spiritual insights, you've landed on the right episode. If you're looking for something else... then go listen to our 60 other episodes.

    Also, go rate us 5 stars. THANK YOU LOVE YOU!


    Episode Resources

    Book a mediumship reading with Katie O! Join the ranks of her esteemed clients like Chelsea Handler!Learn about the Ship of Theseus


    About The Serendipity Sessions:
    We began The Serendipity Sessions as a series in the Clairannoyance podcast so we could have real-time unscripted conversations. Unlike our subject-specific deep dives and guest interview episodes, The Serendipity Sessions is a raw reflection of the genuine bond we share. We have no rules and no episode notes in advance, just a free-flowing exchange of thoughts and emotions. It's an exploration of the outer banks of consciousness where untamed treasures are hidden away. We believe one sudden insight can hold immense value, far beyond most meticulously planned discussions. Each session is a unique encounter with chance as we defy routine and enjoy a spontaneous dance with spirituality. We aim to keep these episodes as evergreen as possible, so you can find your way here whenever you need to. And hopefully, you'll encounter pieces of yourself every time you join us.


    Podcast & Host Resources:

    Clairannoyance InstagramClairannoyance TikTokClairannoyance WebsiteMegan's InstagramMegan's TikTokMegan's WebsiteRyan's InstagramRyan's TikTokRyan's Website
  • Saknas det avsnitt?

    Klicka här för att uppdatera flödet manuellt.

  • TRIGGER WARNING: This episode touches on topics related to suicide. If you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts or feeling overwhelmed, support is available. Call or text 988 — it’s a free, confidential help line available 24/7. Seeking help is a sign of strength, and we want you to be here. You matter.

    By nature, humans are drawn to the edge of existence. We hear that unsettling whisper, beckoning us toward danger, and we feel tempted to tip-toe toward it. "The Call of the Void" is a strange and primal phenomenon — thoughts of self-destruction that pop in our minds seemingly out of nowhere — from the urge to jump off a great height or the sudden desire to swerve into oncoming traffic. It's ominous. But it's not as scary as you might think.

    Here’s the paradox: The Call of the Void is not about wanting to die; it's about appreciating what it means to feel alive. These thoughts are a reminder of the pulse of life. It's a way we feel our mortality and sharpen our existence.

    In this episode, we walk the fine line between intuition and impulse to discover how risk-taking behaviors can be a gateway to spiritual transformation. Risky endeavors can lead us to a "flow state" where we deepen our connection to the universe, leading to peak experiences and even mystical revelations. Are we wired to crave risk as part of our spiritual journey? And what happens when we ignore that inner voice — when we let fear and self-doubt stagnate our potential? We learn from these moments on the edge, when chaos gives way to creation.

    You are here for a reason, and sometimes, following that gut instinct — even if it feels a little risky — is exactly how you’ll feel closer to your purpose. The universe has a collective field of ideas, and if you don’t act on that pull toward something extraordinary, someone else will. When the Call of the Void rings, will you take time to listen a little deeper? Or will you be left wondering what could have been?


    Questions / Journal Prompts / Meditations:

    What’s your flow state?When do you find yourself feeling captivated by other people who are in their own flow state or engaging in behaviors you might think are risky? How does watching them make you feel? Why do you think you’re captivated by them? What do you want the most in life, and what risks might you need to take to achieve those goals? If you don’t know you want, ask yourself what you’re afraid of and explore those fears. Chances are, if you get honest about what scares you, you’ll be led to revelations about what you want the most.


    Episode Resources:

    Movie: ThelmaSong: "Heat Death (The End of Everything)" by Sophia JamesBook: "The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking)" by Katie MackBook: "Sensation Seeking: Beyond the Optimal Level of Arousal" by Marvin ZuckermanBook: "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience" by Mihaly CsilkszentmihalyiBook: "The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious" by Carl JungBook: "Religions, Values, and Peak-Experiences" by Abraham MaslowBook: "Adventure Therapy: Theory, Research and Practice" by Gass, Gillis & RussellBook: "Chaos: Making A New Science" by James GleickArticle: "Do You Have The Adventure Gene?"Article: "The Confidence/Competence Loop"Study: "An Urge to Jump Affirms the Urge to Live"


    Podcast & Host Resources:

    Clairannoyance InstagramClairannoyance TikTokClairannoyance WebsiteMegan's InstagramMegan's TikTokMegan's WebsiteRyan's InstagramRyan's TikTokRyan's Website
  • We're the architects of a future we'll never inhabit. In the face of today's global challenges, we must consider how our actions set the stage for those who will inherit the Earth after us. Are we obligated to act now for people we’ll never meet? Do future generations even have rights?

    In today's episode, we discuss the spiritual implications of "now vs. later" — how short-term desires clash with long-term responsibilities. From environmental conservation to preserving cultural and moral values, we explore what it really means to leave behind a legacy. Does spirituality demand that we leave footprints in the sand, or seeds in the soil for a forest we’ll never see?

    Throughout history, certain societies have embraced long-term thinking, while others have been crumbled by short-term gains. From Indigenous practices of sustainability to modern roles like the Future Generations Commissioner of Wales, long-term stewardship has always been a guiding principle. But it’s becoming rarer in today’s fast-paced world — just look at the instant gratification of consumerism or political leaders who make decisions solely based on election cycles. What is the price of constantly living for the present, and how does it stunt our collective growth? Can we design systems and cultures that help us rise above short-term thinking, even in the face of an immediate crisis?

    Even beliefs like reincarnation, which promise a second chance, can lead us to focus on personal ‘good karma’ rather than the welfare of future generations. What does it truly mean to be a "good ancestor" when we’re preoccupied with our own spiritual returns? We also cover some common spiritual practices, like meditation and manifestation, explaining which ones foster a mindset of sustainability and which may unintentionally encourage short-term thinking.

    Stewarding the future carries a heavy weight, both spiritually and emotionally. But the truth is that you are both an echo of the past and a whisper for the future. What kind of sound will your life make?


    "Like the earth, let us help and share the burden of all. Like the water, let us flow untethered and quench the deepest thirst. Like fire, let us eliminate the unnecessary and unimportant. Like air, let us silently become a lifeline for all.”
    — Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee (from the book "Spiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Earth")


    Episode Resources:

    Book: "The Long View: Why We Need To Transform How the World Sees Time" by Richard FisherBook: "The Clock of the Long Now: Time and Responsibility" by Stewart BrandBook: "Longpath: Becoming the Great Ancestors Our Future Needs" by Ari WallachBook: "Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fall or Succeed" by Jared DiamondBook: “Spiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Earth” by Llewellyn Vaughan-LeeBook: “The Ascent of Man” by Jacob BronowskiBook: “The Ethics of the Climate Crisis” by Robin AttfieldBook: “A Theory of Justice” by John RawlsBook: "The Discoverers: A History of Man's Search to Know His World and Himself" by Daniel J. BoorstinJournal Article: "Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision Under Risk" by Daniel Kahneman and Amos TverskyJournal Article: "A discounting framework for choice with delayed and probabilistic rewards" by George Ainslie


    Podcast & Host Resources:

    Clairannoyance InstagramClairannoyance TikTokClairannoyance WebsiteMegan's InstagramMegan's TikTokMegan's WebsiteRyan's InstagramRyan's TikTokRyan's Website
  • As we journey through Virgo season and prepare to enter Libra season this September, we find ourselves in a space of discernment and refinement. The universe invites us to listen for the calls that echo through our lives this month, so we can learn to respond with clarity, purpose, and virtue. Before diving into the month's major astrology transits, we begin with a deep dive of the Virgo zodiac sign and archetype. We discover why Virgo wants us to master the art of separation and purification. Drawing inspiration from the myth of Echo and Narcissus, we examine what happens when calls go unanswered or are met with misunderstanding, highlighting the importance of self-awareness and self-refinement before engaging with the world. Through this lens, we explore Virgo’s role as the cosmic mediator between the self-focused energy of Leo and the relational focus of Libra. Understanding Virgo is a crucial step in our personal and spiritual evolution.

    Each celestial event this months presents a unique "calling" — a cosmic invitation we're meant to "respond" to with discernment, adaptability, and insight. Important questions, or callings, are being asked of you: What can you purify in your life? How can you prepare yourself to respond to the calls that matter most? And how do you know the difference between the noise of the world and the true calling of your soul?

    Themes and transits discussed in this episode include:

    The symbolism of "call and response" as an overall theme for the monthVirgo's crucial role as the sign between Leo and LibraVirgo as the Maiden and the BirdThe myth of Echo & NarcissusThe New Moon in Virgo (Sept. 2)The Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (Sept. 17)Mars enters Cancer (Sept. 4)Mercury enters Virgo (Sept. 8)Sun enters Libra - Fall Equinox (Sept. 22)Venus enters Scorpio (Sept. 22)Mercury enters Libra (Sept. 26)Uranus turns Retrograde and Pluto Retrograde re-enters Capricorn (Sept. 1)Mercury follows the Sun's footsteps all month longMercury Cazimi in Libra (Sept. 30)Extra Days of Caution (Sept. 15 and 22)Extra Days of Opportunity (Sept. 3, 11, 14, and 29)


    Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

    Article: The Myth of Echo & Narcissus Article: Speech Acts


    Podcast & Host Links:

    Clairannoyance InstagramClairannoyance TikTokClairannoyance WebsiteMegan's InstagramMegan's TikTokMegan's WebsiteRyan's InstagramRyan's TikTokRyan's Website
  • We're doing a quickie Serendipity Sessions type of episode today! Join us as we talk about Megan's recent Akashic Records and DMT experiences, discuss some racial tension arising in the Israeli/Palestinian war, explain why the universe wants you to help yourself before helping anyone else, and.... aliens? Sure, why not.

    We didn't have a ton of time to record this episode, but tag along for the conversation as we chat about a bunch of things including:

    Hear about Megan's recent Akashic Records readingWho the hell are our spirit guides??Megan accidentally did DMT whoopsies!Why are people draining lakes??Very demure, very mindfulRacism seeping into the Israeli/Palestinian war discourseThe BIG and SMALL reasons why the universe really does prefer that you fill your own cup firstWhy it's called humanKINDALIENS ARE COMING????


    Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

    TikTok Videos: Recap video of Tori/Maya drama regarding anti-black rhetoric in pro-Palestinian movement (there are so many other videos on this topic though: see more examples here and here and here and here)Book: The Leaving by Camille Yameen


    Podcast & Host Resources:

    Clairannoyance InstagramClairannoyance TikTokClairannoyance WebsiteMegan's InstagramMegan's TikTokMegan's WebsiteRyan's InstagramRyan's TikTokRyan's Website
  • Grab your cosmic passport and join us as we finally travel the galaxy in search of the truth about Starseeds. TRIGGER WARNING: This may be a provocative or controversial episode if you identify as a Starseed (in which case, this episode is probably even more important for you to listen to).

    Starseeds are a subculture within the new age spirituality community. They believe they are extraterrestrial souls incarnated on Earth to elevate humanity to a higher state of consciousness. They come from various galaxies and star systems far, far away. It sounds like science fiction. And actually... it kind of is. You'll see what we mean.

    It's also fueled by more sobering ideologies like white supremacy, eugenics, and capitalism. Researching these darker parallels, it becomes clear that starseeds are (most likely) not from some distant galaxy. Instead, they're found at the intersection of cosmic elitism and earthly prejudices.

    Despite our skepticism, we eventually stretch our understanding to consider the possibilities that starseed narratives offer. We reflect on why such beliefs resonate deeply with those who feel disenfranchised by the conventional world. We acknowledge the psychological comfort these narratives provide, and the sense of control and purpose they offer in our often chaotic human existence.

    Whether you’re a skeptic, a believer, or simply curious, there's something here for you. And we're not done. In a future Part 2 episode, we'll dive even further into this subject -- and we invite anyone who identifies as a starseed to speak with us for that episode! If that's you, please reach out. We'd love to chat and promise to keep an open mind and a comfortable atmosphere for you to share your perspective with us.


    Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

    Article: The Dark Historical Roots of StarseedsArticle: Psychologists on StarseedsArticle: Common Types of StarseedsWebsite: Barbara MarciniakVideo: Matias De Stefano Summoning Aliens (Allegedly)


    Podcast & Host Resources:

    Clairannoyance InstagramClairannoyance TikTokClairannoyance WebsiteMegan's InstagramMegan's TikTokMegan's WebsiteRyan's InstagramRyan's TikTokRyan's Website
  • Astrologers are ringing the alarms for August, but we're here to give you a more grounded look at the cosmic landscape. We're learning this month that your ability to love and commit to anything - a person, a hobby, a job, a pet, anything! - is worth the pain and imperfections. The joy you derive from the things you love and commit to, despite their flaws, is essential for your growth and resilience.

    This is an important month to seek clarity in the actions and intentions of others. If you practice empathy, you can better understand why others act the way they do, which can help you find healthy ways of loving them through both "better" and "worse" scenarios. Even if something you love must come to an "end" this month, that doesn't mean you failed to love it "for better or for worse." What matters is having the experience of loving something that much at all. Once you do, it becomes an unchangeable part of your reality. It transcends all timelines. It will have always existed, and will always exist.

    Preview of Topics in this Episode:

    Brief discussion about last month’s astrology forecastDeep dive into the theme for August: “For Better, For Worse”A beautiful New Moon in LeoA tense Full Moon in AquariusYour every-August reminder that “8/8 Lionsgate” is new age spirituality BS5 planetary sign changesA deep dive into the asteroid Juno moving through LibraMercury retrograde in Virgo and LeoThe Mid-Month Mess! (Aug. 14 - 19 especially)Why August 19 is the worst day of the monthJupiter in Gemini is battling with Saturn Retrograde in Pisces (the biggest transit of the month!)Dates correlating to relationship struggles and relationship breakthroughsDates for positive personal development

    Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

    Movie: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless MindArticle: Mirror NeuronsComic Strip: For Better or For Worse


    P.S. Please rate us 5 stars and leave us a review if you enjoy listening! It helps so much!


    Podcast & Host Links:

    Clairannoyance InstagramClairannoyance TikTokClairannoyance WebsiteMegan's InstagramMegan's TikTokMegan's WebsiteRyan's InstagramRyan's TikTokRyan's Website
  • ***TRIGGER WARNING: Politics Ahead!

    This is not a typical “spiritual” episode — but actually, it is!

    Part of a healthy spiritual practice is paying attention to what’s happening in the world and allowing yourself to feel however you might feel about what you witness. If you’re not paying attention, you’re not participating in life. And if you’re not participating, you’re disassociating. And that just makes no sense, because you’re here for a reason. It’s not always easy, but your participation in this grand human experiment matters. We’re conscious beings on a giant rock flying 67,000 miles per hour through the vacuum of space. If you don’t participate and give that some meaning, then the “powers that be” will make it mean something for you… and you may not enjoy what “they” turn your human experience into.

    ALSO! Someone decided to leave us an anonymous negative review and attempted to belittle Ryan (on Apple Podcasts). We rant about this for a bit, but it also sparked a conversation about the importance of learning how to have discourse with people who think differently than us. It’s a fact: not everyone will share your point of view. But how you interact with people from “the other side” reflects and defines your character, not theirs.

    That said… we have 2 small favors:

    Send a positive thought to the person who chose to leave us a crappy review. They woke up that day and decided it was a productive use of their time to harden someone else’s heart. We hope the universe shows them the compassion and open-mindedness they were unable to offer on their own.Please consider leaving us a 5-star review (on Apple Podcasts or Spotify especially). Your support and positivity means the world to us!

    ***EPISODE NOTE: We recorded this episode in the wake of Donald Trump’s assassination attempt and just days before Joe Biden withdrew from the presidential race. Our discussion is based on information available at that time, so please excuse anything that may not be factual at the time you’re listening to this. Nonetheless, this episode is a fascinating snapshot of a major moment in American history. The news cycle changes rapidly these days, so to a lot has changed between the time we recorded this and published it, but we’re so glad we were able to document this conversation and capture how we felt during this pivotal time.

    Love you all!


    Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

    Website: WanderOnwards.coTV Show: The Righteous Gemstones


    Podcast & Host Resources:

    Clairannoyance InstagramClairannoyance TikTokClairannoyance WebsiteMegan's InstagramMegan's TikTokMegan's WebsiteRyan's InstagramRyan's TikTokRyan's Website
  • We're back! And this episode feels very prescient. We recorded this in June, but life has been crazy and we haven't had a chance to edit and post it until now. We apologize for the delay, but the episode definitely has some interesting information foreshadowing some of the current events we've experienced in July. As everyone now knows, an assassination attempt was made on former President Trump on July 13. While we didn't go too deep into politics in this episode, we discussed it a bit and you'll likely hear the related themes. Outside of current events, this month has a deeply personal feeling and everyone will experience July in a wholly unique way. Which island of the archipelago are you on?

    For the first 39 minutes, we discuss the overarching feeling of the month. Then we cover all the notable astrology transits - and there are quite a lot!

    Preview of what we cover in this episode:

    July is an archipelago of self-discovery, a fractal, and an alephThe journey from Cancer to LeoNew Moon in Cancer and Full Moon in Capricorn5 dates where planets change signs4 retrogrades to know aboutA LOT of (primarily good!) transits on July 2 and July 21Three tense Pluto oppositions on July 3, July 12, and July 225 dates where the Nodes of Fate are activatedA whole slew of honorable mention dates with various transits and energies to expect

    Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

    Article: Ecological Systems TheoryVideo: FractalShort Story: The Aleph by Jorge Luis BorgesArticle: What is Irrealism?

    Podcast & Host Resources:

    Clairannoyance InstagramClairannoyance TikTokClairannoyance WebsiteMegan's InstagramMegan's TikTokMegan's WebsiteRyan's InstagramRyan's TikTokRyan's Website
  • Serendipity Sessions returns again...for the second time in a row! To be honest, our last episode wasn't a true Serendipity Session because it involved one primary topic and Ryan was pretty prepared to discuss it. So Ryan ruined it. Blame Ryan. But the good news is that this episode is a true Serendipity Session!

    Serendipity Sessions was designed to be a stream-of-consciousness series so we can stumble upon moments of divine inspiration and clarity without planning anything in advance. In that spirit, we invite you to simply hit play and explore these topics in real-time alongside us. But if you'd like a teaser of what we cover in this episode, here are some hints (with links to resources we referenced in this episode):

    Starting a new life is hard when you're not ready to let go of the old oneAnxiety and excitement are similarEmbracing miracles (Book: E-Squared by Pam Grout)Being gullible is actually a serious problem (Article Link)Will there be an earthquake on June 6, 2024? (TikTok Video)Can you get to Africa from the Grand Canyon? (TikTok Video)Why are companies posting new jobs but not actually hiring anyone for them? (TikTok Video)Is Terrance Howard a super-conscious enlightened being, or just experiencing spiritual psychosis? (TikTok Video)Megan believes in mermaids (Ask Megan directly for a source to this) Pranking people with galvanized steel (TikTok Video) and wide-eyed filters (TikTok Video)How to bring yourself back to center when you're rabbit holing off the deep endGround News is a truly excellent way to get your news (Ground News)

    About Serendipity Sessions:
    We began Serendipity Sessions as a series in the Clairannoyance podcast so we could have real-time unscripted conversations. Unlike our subject-specific deep dives and guest interview episodes, Serendipity Sessions is a raw reflection of the genuine bond we share. We have no rules and no episode notes in advance, just a free-flowing exchange of thoughts and emotions. It's an exploration of the outer banks of consciousness where untamed treasures are hidden away. We believe one sudden insight can hold immense value, far beyond most meticulously planned discussions. Each session is a unique encounter with chance as we defy routine and enjoy a spontaneous dance with spirituality. We aim to keep these episodes as evergreen as possible, so you can find your way here whenever you need to. And hopefully, you'll encounter pieces of yourself every time you join us.


    P.S. Rate us 5 stars please and leave us a review! It helps so much!


    Podcast & Host Resources:

    Clairannoyance InstagramClairannoyance TikTokClairannoyance WebsiteMegan's InstagramMegan's TikTokMegan's WebsiteRyan's InstagramRyan's TikTokRyan's Website
  • Jupiter begins its year-long transit through Gemini on May 25, 2024, so we turned it into a Serendipity Session! We riff on a specific yet understated theme that Jupiter in Gemini is likely to expose: the need to transcend opposing forces. The world is seen through a binary lens in many ways. Gemini will highlight the contradictions, juxtapositions, dichotomies, contrast, and duality that's present in so many aspects of our lives. But Jupiter has an ability to create a mystical union when faced with opposites.

    Resources mentioned in this episode include:

    Doppelgänger by Naomi KleinThe Book of Disquiet by Fernando PessoaDialectical Materialism

    Quotes mentioned in this episode include:

    "We were not, and never were, self-made. We are made, and unmade, by one another." - Naomi Klein, Doppelgänger"What does it mean for young people to grow up knowing that every casual photo, video, and observation posted online could, when they are years older, be the thing that keeps them from getting a job, or getting into a school, or getting approved for an apartment? And, conversely, what does it mean when those same posts—trying on a cute outfit, dancing alone in their rooms—could also be the ticket to influencer fame and riches?" - Naomi Klein, Doppelgänger"It would help if more conversations could hold greater complexity—the ability to acknowledge that the Israelis who came to Palestine in the 1940s were survivors of genocide, desperate refugees, many of whom had no other options, and that they were settler colonists who participated in the ethnic cleansing of another people. That they were victims of white supremacy in Europe being passed the mantle of whiteness in Palestine." - Naomi Klein, Doppelgänger“It’s too ridiculous to take seriously and too serious to be ridiculous." - Philip Roth, Operation Shylock"There is of course a difference between a system doing what it was designed to do—no matter the human costs—and secret cabals of nefarious individuals interfering with an otherwise fair and just democracy. That, I have always believed, is one of the core reasons for the left to exist—to provide a structural analysis of wealth and power that brings order and rigor to the prevailing and correct sense that society is rigged against the majority and that important truths are being hidden behind patent political rhetoric. Because, we cannot change what we do not understand." - Naomi Klein, Doppelgänger"There is no happiness without knowledge. But the knowledge of happiness brings unhappiness, because to know one is happy is to know that one is passing through happiness and is, therefore, soon obliged to leave it behind. In happiness as in everything, knowledge kills. Not to know, however, is not to exist." - Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet


    About The Serendipity Sessions:
    We began The Serendipity Sessions as a series in the Clairannoyance podcast so we could have real-time unscripted conversations. Unlike our subject-specific deep dives and guest interview episodes, The Serendipity Sessions is a raw reflection of the genuine bond we share. We have no rules and no episode notes in advance, just a free-flowing exchange of thoughts and emotions. It's an exploration of the outer banks of consciousness where untamed treasures are hidden away. We believe one sudden insight can hold immense value, far beyond most meticulously planned discussions. Each session is a unique encounter with chance as we defy routine and enjoy a spontaneous dance with spirituality. We aim to keep these episodes as evergreen as possible, so you can find your way here whenever you need to. And hopefully, you'll encounter pieces of yourself every time you join us.


    Podcast & Host Resources:

    Clairannoyance InstagramClairannoyance TikTokClairannoyance WebsiteMegan's InstagramMegan's TikTokMegan's WebsiteRyan's InstagramRyan's TikTokRyan's Website
  • In this week's episode, we're introducing you to Karina Alonso - a multidisciplinary student of life and spiritual practitioner. Karina is an open book, sharing her spiritual journey in real-time online. We love Karina because her approach to spiritual discourse is unique and authentic. She doesn't wield her knowledge as a weapon or gate-keep the information she learns. She's an advocate for the democratization of spiritual wisdom and she knows how to ethically engage with this community.

    We talk with Karina about her experiences across a wide range of fascinating topics: conscious solo travel, spiritual materialism, authenticity, life as a Leo, what's worth sharing publicly and what's worth keeping private, the limitations of spiritual language and buzzwords, how she integrates multiple spiritual disciplines into her life, and beyond. You're going to love her bold personality, hot takes, and unfiltered conversation! Enjoy!

    About Karina Alonso
    Before a tarot card reader, Karina is a spiritual advisor and healer based out of Los Angeles, CA. She believes in Gods, ancestors, spirit guides, angels, and guidance from the universe. In her eyes, all people have the power to improve their lives, all they need to do is harness the proper energy. Karina has devoted her time to learning more about various topics within the scope of psychology and spirituality such as: tarot, numerology, astrology, the benefits of meditation/pranayama, ancestor worship, rituals, spell work and so much more. She considers herself an open book with the life experiences that have helped propel her forward to reach her highest potential and she is honored that her soul chose this path of being of service to humanity.

    Connect with Karina

    Instagram: @karina_healer1111TikTok: @karina_healer1111Book a reading with Karina hereBrowse Karina's shop: Whisper of the Soul


    P.S. Rate us 5 stars please and leave us a review! It helps so much!

    P.P.S. Get Ryan's new business astrology calendar & join the membership: BizmosCEO.com


    Podcast & Host Resources:

    Clairannoyance InstagramClairannoyance TikTokClairannoyance WebsiteMegan's InstagramMegan's TikTokMegan's WebsiteRyan's InstagramRyan's TikTokRyan's Website
  • Hesitation is such a common yet fleeting feeling, often occurring mere moments before an ultimate decision. This instinctive pause is intertwined with moral choices, offering us a moment to confirm where we stand on the spectrum of good and bad, right and wrong. Hesitation can be the difference between cautious wisdom and paralyzing fear, as it taps into your primitive flight/fight/freeze response, often exacerbated by anxiety.

    Søren Kierkegaard described anxiety as “the dizziness of freedom,” capturing how existential freedom and responsibility can lead to hesitation or paralysis in making significant life decisions. Meanwhile, Martin Heidegger’s notion of resoluteness — the act of being true to oneself by overcoming hesitation to act authentically — serves as an antidote to the paralysis hesitation can induce.

    If you listened to our April and May astrology forecasts, you know that old patterns are coming to a head right now while we adjust to the wave of new energies coming in. Under the influence of new possibilities and life directions on the horizon, hesitation is a natural part of the process, giving us the space to align our intentions with our actions as we navigate moral and existential choices.

    What's making you hesitate right now? Do you feel like a dork for hesitating? (We apologize in advance for the amount of times we say dork in this episode.)

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode

    Book: "The Concept of Anxiety" by Søren KierkegaardBook: "Being and Time" by Martin HeideggerBook: "Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking" by Malcom Gladwell


    P.S. Rate us 5 stars please and leave us a review! It helps so much!

    P.P.S. Get Ryan's new astrology calendar BizmosCEO which includes tons of additional membership perks!


    Additional Resources:

    Clairannoyance InstagramClairannoyance TikTokClairannoyance WebsiteMegan's InstagramMegan's TikTokMegan's WebsiteRyan's InstagramRyan's TikTokRyan's Website
  • May 2024 brings a joyful and refreshing shift of astrological energy! Our theme is Swiss Army Knife, because there are a lot of diverse themes swirling around this month and you want to be prepared with your most useful tools and resources to quickly adjust as life brings changes your way!

    The majority of planetary movements are super positive, and the second half of the month in particular starts to build momentum toward a whole new chapter of life. We breeze through this month's astrology because, frankly, we want you to ENJOY it as much as possible rather than get too concerned about how you'll take advantage of everything and plan your life around it all. Move where the wind takes you and trust you'll be able to stay nimble if you have some handy skills and tools in your back pocket that can help you adapt.

    Astrology topics we cover in this episode include:

    New Moon in TaurusFull Moon in SagittariusPluto RetrogradeMercury entering Taurus, which will oversee the three planets that move into GeminiSaturn, Uranus, Neptune and Chiron are all getting stimulatedJUPITER IN GEMINI! A new and exciting year-long energy we haven't had in 12 years!Lots of momentous energy taking place at 29-degreesMajor, positive momentum building starting May 18And a smattering of other transits and discussions

    Click here to learn about the Nine Multiple Intelligences we mentioned toward the end of the episode!

    P.S. Rate us 5 stars please and leave us a review! It helps so much!

    P.P.S. Get Ryan's new astrology calendar BizmosCEO which includes tons of additional membership perks!


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  • Happy Anniversary to us!!! And to YOU! Our lovely listeners! We couldn't be happier to celebrate this special occasion with each other — and with you!

    In this milestone episode, we discuss the spiritual and symbolic meaning of anniversaries. We reminisce about our favorite moments from the past year and chat about our hopes for the upcoming year. We talk about the astrology of our podcast (yes, Clairannoyance has a birth chart!) and we also listen to some hilarious Clairannoyance theme songs we generated using artificial intelligence, because why not?!


    Podcast & Host Resources:

    Clairannoyance InstagramClairannoyance TikTokClairannoyance WebsiteMegan's InstagramMegan's TikTokMegan's WebsiteRyan's InstagramRyan's TikTokRyan's Website
  • We're talking about drugs today, kids!

    Specifically, we're speaking with a doctor — A real doctor! Dr. Dan! — who uses ketamine to treat patients struggling with everything from depression to bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder to alcoholism, and much more. The conversation about using psychedelics for therapeutic purposes in clinical settings has been a hot topic for many years now, but ketamine has emerged as a remarkable frontrunner in the race to find alternative healing methods.

    Dr. Dan Ripley discusses his fascinating story, from military veteran to board certified physician to getting involved with ketamine therapy. He explains the extraordinary success rate of patients who undergo treatment and the many ways ketamine can profoundly heal a myriad of ailments. We dive into a captivating discussion about drugs that have long been stigmatized and their transformative abilities to bring a level of healing that traditional pharmaceuticals often fail to achieve.

    About Dr. Dan Ripley
    Dr. Dan Ripley is a board certified physician offering concierge services to professionals, executives, models, TV stars and movie actors. He operates Coastal Ketamine + Aesthetics in Charleston, South Carolina. His mission is to provide the very best healthcare available in a caring and empathetic manner. Dr. Ripley believes that there is an art to medicine as well as a science and that warmth, sympathy and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug. Listening to patients is one of Dr. Ripley's strongest attributes and an invaluable diagnostic tool. Dr. Ripley is also a strong proponent of the prevention of disease through healthy lifestyle choices so that my patients may live happier more active lives!

    Connect with Dr. Dan

    Website: https://charlestonketamine.com/Instagram: @dr_dan_ripley


    P.S. Rate us 5 stars please and leave us a review! It helps so much!

    P.P.S. Get Ryan's new business astrology calendar & join the membership: BizmosCEO.com


    Podcast & Host Resources:

    Clairannoyance InstagramClairannoyance TikTokClairannoyance WebsiteMegan's InstagramMegan's TikTokMegan's WebsiteRyan's InstagramRyan's TikTokRyan's Website
  • The Serendipity Sessions returns again!

    ***SPOILER ALERT: If you are reading/watching "Three Body Problem" and don't want any spoilers, do not listen to these 5 minutes of the podcast: 5:00 — 10:00.

    The Serendipity Sessions was designed to be a stream-of-consciousness series so we can stumble upon moments of divine inspiration and clarity without planning anything in advance. In that spirit, we invite you to simply hit play and explore these topics in real-time alongside us. But if you'd like a teaser of what we cover in this episode, here are some hints:

    Statistically, aliens should exist somewhere out there. So...where are they?The world's top minds are having meetings to inform "regular people" about the reality of extraterrestrial life.Why humans (or any living beings) might be hostile by nature."Woke" people are more likely to be unhappy. Normalize changing your mind!Biden vs. Trump blah blah blah. Politics matter. But, dear god, it's exhausting.Megan wants to be an uncle.Will euthanasia become a more accessible option?Is QAnon still a thing?Candace Owens is going through a rebrand - and people are falling for it.How to get a gay Trump supporter to take their shirt off. "When knowledge exceeds understanding it becomes imagination." - Mami Onami

    Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

    Three Body Problem (book link and Netflix show link)Fermi Paradox (wikipedia link)Dark Forest Theory (wikipedia link)Elroy Spacely, alien/UFO expert (website link)The Sol Foundation (website link)Study: Woke people are more likely to be unhappy (article link)Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and The Lark (book link)

    About The Serendipity Sessions:
    We began The Serendipity Sessions as a series in the Clairannoyance podcast so we could have real-time unscripted conversations. Unlike our subject-specific deep dives and guest interview episodes, The Serendipity Sessions is a raw reflection of the genuine bond we share. We have no rules and no episode notes in advance, just a free-flowing exchange of thoughts and emotions. It's an exploration of the outer banks of consciousness where untamed treasures are hidden away. We believe one sudden insight can hold immense value, far beyond most meticulously planned discussions. Each session is a unique encounter with chance as we defy routine and enjoy a spontaneous dance with spirituality. We aim to keep these episodes as evergreen as possible, so you can find your way here whenever you need to. And hopefully, you'll encounter pieces of yourself every time you join us.


    P.S. Rate us 5 stars please and leave us a review! It helps so much!

    P.P.S. Get Ryan's new business astrology calendar & join the membership: BizmosCEO.com


    Podcast & Host Resources:

    Clairannoyance InstagramClairannoyance TikTokClairannoyance WebsiteMegan's InstagramMegan's TikTokMegan's WebsiteRyan's InstagramRyan's TikTokRyan's Website
  • April is a GIANT month — the biggest of the year…astrologically speaking, of course!

    Not only is April action packed from start to finish, but some of the year’s most potent transits are stuffed into these 30 days. We’re giving you all the updates you need to know about, so get ready to take some notes because we have a lot to cover.

    Major astrology topics we cover in this episode include:

    Total Eclipse in AriesFull Moon in ScorpioFour planets changing signsMercury Retrograde in AriesJupiter/Uranus Conjunction in Taurus (the biggest transit of the year!)Mars conjunct Saturn in PiscesVenus and Mars conjunct Neptune in PiscesSun and Venus conjunct Chiron and the North Node in AriesAnd a smorgasbord of other wild transits...

    Eclipse Resources:

    Here is a TikTok video that shows when all U.S. states will see the eclipse on April 8Here is a Well + Good article Ryan was interviewed for explaining more details about the eclipse

    P.S. Rate us 5 stars please and leave us a review! It helps so much!

    P.P.S. Get Ryan's new astrology calendar BizmosCEO which includes tons of additional membership perks!


    Additional Resources:

    Clairannoyance InstagramClairannoyance TikTokClairannoyance WebsiteMegan's InstagramMegan's TikTokMegan's WebsiteRyan's InstagramRyan's TikTokRyan's Website
  • Longtime listeners may remember today's guest, Michelle Brock, our past life expert! Michelle is back to discuss her brand new book — "Who Do You Think You Are?" — now available via publisher Penguin Random House.

    One of the most brilliant parts of this book, and our discussion about it, is that past life exploration isn't just about who you used to be in another life; it's about better understanding who you are in your current life. Michelle has a transcendent ability to help you feel more rooted and grounded in who you are right now. Her book is designed to help you explore your past lives, which ultimately helps you learn to accept yourself as you are — your looks, your psychology, your sexual orientation, your relationships, and beyond. Tune into this episode to challenge your sense of identity, learn about cultural appropriation vs. appreciation in past life work, discuss the nature of soulmates, explore how your past lives influence your current beliefs and ideas about the world, understand how to free yourself from the stories you tell yourself, and better understand how your past life storylines bleed into your current life.

    Purchase Michelle Brock's book on all major book retailers. Our recommendation is to purchase it from Allstora here!

    About Michelle Brock
    Michelle Brock is one of the world's leading authorities on past life regression as well as an intuitive counselor, psychic medium, and master hypnotist. Her studies in spirituality, shamanism, meditation, divination, astrology and energy medicine techniques from many different world traditions make her one of the most holistic past life professionals of our lifetime. Based in New York City, Michelle works with clients worldwide and has helped thousands of people discover the stories of their previous lives. Her work has been featured on Inside Amy Schumer and publications including Well+Good, MindBodyGreen, Bustle, Elephant Journal and YourTango. Her debut book — "Who Do You Think You Are" — was officially been released by Penguin Random House in 2024.

    Connect with Michelle Brock

    Website, bookings and classes: michelle-brock.comPurchase Michelle's book, "Who Do You Think You Are?"Instagram: @pastlifemichelleTikTok: @pastlifemichelleFacebook: @pastlifemichelleYouTube: @michellebrock

    Additional Resources

    Clairannoyance WebsiteClairannoyance InstagramClairannoyance TikTokMegan's InstagramMegan's TikTokMegan's WebsiteRyan's InstagramRyan's TikTokRyan's Website