
  • Hello Friend

    Want an extra income -> https://www.claimingsimplicity.co/

    Do you find that every time you go to the grocery store, you spend more than you budget? The food prices continue to rise and I want to give you some simple ideas today to start saving on groceries right now. Depending on where you live in the world, you may be able to start a garden and that is my #1 way to save money on food. You can have healthy food without any pesticides when you grow it yourself and that can sustain you for several months of the year depending on your season and how much you can preserve.

    We try to eat seasonally as much as possible to save money on food, but that wasn’t always the case for me when we didn’t source our own chicken, eggs, pork and milk. Another thing that saves our family alot of money is hunting as we usually get several deer and sometimes bear. In the summer and winter we also catch as much fresh water fish as possible too.

    Enjoy the episode and let me know your favorite ways to save money on food!


    Email me at monica@claimingsimplicity.com

  • Hey Friend

    Simple Passive Income-> https://www.claimingsimplicity.co/

    Take a moment to think about this: What would your life look like if you had complete freedom over your time, resources, and choices? Maybe it’s more time with your family, the ability to give more generously, or the freedom to travel.

    In the Bible Proverbs 29:18 says, Where there is no vision, the people perish. It’s so important that we define our vision before anything else, because without it, we’re just going through the motions.

    Now that you've got a vision, it’s time to create an income stream that supports that vision. I’ve talked before about the power of passive income, and I’ll say it again—having an income stream that doesn’t trade time for money is a game changer. In fact, I believe we all should have multiple income streams. I will do a podcast all about that soon!

    Whether it's an online business, digital marketing, or a system you can work on just 2 hours a day, the point is to build something that gives you both income and freedom. I will link my favorite income stream in the show notes if you want to check it out! No pressure in this business at all, but I’m here if you do have any questions at all!

    Matthew 25:14-30—the parable of the talents—teaches us the value of investing our resources wisely. You’ve been given skills, talents, and opportunities to create wealth not just for yourself, but for God’s Kingdom.

    Your business, when aligned with God’s purpose, will bless not only your family but others around you. To me, it is such a blessing to be able to help others~especially in the economy we are living in now.

    Abundance isn't about more; it’s about better. It’s about focusing on what truly matters. Step three is to simplify your life. Take inventory of how you spend your time, your energy, and your money. What can you cut out that is cluttering your life?

    I love how the Bible has so many good verses about how we are to live.

    God has given us resources to manage, whether it’s our time, money, or relationships. Step four is about stewardship.

    Proverbs 21:5 tells us, The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.

    This means creating a budget, planning how to grow your resources, and making decisions that are thoughtful and prayerful. When you become a good steward of the resources God has given you, you’ll see those resources multiply, and you’ll be in a better position to bless others.

    Finally, step five is where everything comes together—use your abundance to impact others. Abundance isn’t meant to stop with us. God blesses us so that we can bless others.

    2 Corinthians 9:8 says, And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

    Once you’re living in abundance, ask yourself how you can use your resources, time, and energy to serve others. Maybe it's supporting a ministry, mentoring someone, or giving generously to causes that are close to your heart."

    Remember, true abundance comes when we align our lives with God’s purpose, and we take intentional steps toward creating freedom, not just for ourselves but for those around us.

    Have a blessed friend!


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  • Hey Friend!

    Simple Passive Income-> https://www.claimingsimplicity.co/

    Today, we’re diving into the heart of homestead life with three practical tips to help you simplify your daily routine. Whether you're raising animals, growing your own food, or just trying to balance cooking from scratch, homeschooling and homestead tasks with family life, this episode is for you.

    Tip 1: Streamline Chores by Creating a Rotating Schedule

    One of the most common challenges on the homestead is managing the never-ending list of daily chores. The key to simplifying your routine is to stop treating everything as a daily emergency. Instead, break your chores down into manageable chunks by creating a rotating schedule.

    For example, feed the animals and collect eggs daily, but stagger larger tasks like garden maintenance, deep cleaning animal pens, moving fencing or preserving food. This helps you focus on only what needs to be done each day, rather than trying to do everything at once. It’s also a way to involve the whole family, assigning specific days to different tasks.

    Think of it like meal planning—once it’s written out, it’s one less thing to think about."

    Tip 2: Invest in Time-Saving Tools

    "One of the easiest ways to simplify your homesteading life is by investing in the right tools. Not every task should be manual—there are tools and technologies that can save hours of time and energy. A good drip irrigation system, an automatic chicken door, or even something as simple as a wagon for hauling feed can drastically cut down on time spent doing repetitive tasks. I know one thing that will be priority next year is setting up a no maintenance garden because the no till option did not work out so well for me, but at least I tried!

    This may seem like an upfront expense, but remember: time is money, especially when you’re balancing so many responsibilities on the homestead. What tools can you implement today to shave off 10-20 minutes of your daily routine?

    Tip 3: Group Similar Tasks Together

    Another great way to simplify your homestead routine is by grouping similar tasks together. Instead of running back and forth across your property all day, make the most of your time by batching your activities. If you're headed to the garden to harvest vegetables, bring along any tools you might need for weeding or mulching. When you check on your animals in the morning, bring their feed and fresh water with you.

    Grouping tasks can be a huge time saver and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed by the number of tasks that come with homesteading. Plus, it helps you stay focused and more efficient in everything you do and I am the queen of streamlining and simplifying. I’m sure my husband will be happy when our set up here is complete…..I’m not sure it ever will be completely, but if something isn’t running smooth or isn’t efficient -especially in the long winters we have here-I change it up to be more simplified. We will be going into winter with at least 12 piglets-unless we deliver anymore from a pig that got in with the boar 1 day, but so far she isn’t looking pregnant. We also have 5 grown pigs, 13 goats, and about 30or so chickens, so it has to be efficient with this amount of animals.

    Homesteading doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With a few simple strategies, like a rotating schedule, time-saving tools, and grouping tasks, you can lighten your load and enjoy the lifestyle you’ve worked so hard to build. Simplifying isn’t about cutting corners—it’s about working smarter, not harder, so you can spend more time doing the things that matter most.

    Thank you for joining me today. If you found these tips helpful, be sure to share this episode with a fellow homesteader, and stay tuned for more content on simplifying your life while creating a more sustainable future.


  • Hey Friend!

    Simple Passive Income-> https://www.claimingsimplicity.co/

    Today, we dive deep into what it means to truly live for God’s purpose in every area of our lives. We are going to explore a powerful truth: Money means nothing if you don’t know what you’re going to do with it. If our hearts aren’t aligned with God’s Kingdom, even financial success can feel empty. So let’s talk about creating an impact that lasts, not just in this life but in eternity."

    Matthew 6:19-21 (NIV):Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

    We live in a world that tells us success is measured by our bank account or the things we own. But Jesus flips that on its head. He reminds us that true wealth is found in heavenly treasures, not earthly ones. What are those heavenly treasures? It’s the impact we make in the lives of others, the love we give, the way we bring God's Kingdom to earth.

    This may convict you as you look at the amount you give to God’s Kingdom. Money is not evil, but what you do with your money matters. As you give freely, God gives freely. We have seen this over and over again. If we are praying about how much to give in a certain situation and the Holy Spirit gives a large number that seems out of reach to give to something. God always returns it in different ways as we listen and are obedient. Do not be someone that clenches your fist closed, but someone that lives with an open hand of generosity…..that is when you will see money easily flow in and flow out.

    We live frugally so we can give freely. I don’t care if I have new vehicles or material items as trying to impress others isn’t my jam~I would rather be walking the straight, narrow, and obedient path with God because that is really the only way to find real lasting peace and joy.

    Let’s get real for a moment. Money can provide comfort and security, but it’s not the end goal. If we chase wealth without knowing why we want it, we can easily lose sight of what’s truly important. As Christians, we need to ask ourselves: How are we using our resources—whether time, talent, or money—for God’s glory?

    Luke 16:10 (NIV) says, Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.' This teaches us that it’s not about how much you have; it’s about how you use what God has given you.

    Like I said before~Money in itself isn’t evil. It’s a tool. It can be used for good, to bless others, to grow ministries, to support families in need. But if we’re not intentional about making a Kingdom impact, that tool can become a trap. The real question is: What impact are you making? Are we using your resources to spread the gospel, to serve others and to make the world a reflection of God’s love?

    In Proverbs 11:25, it says, A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.' When we focus on pouring into others, God pours back into us.

    So how do we start creating a Kingdom impact with the resources we have? Here are a few

    practical steps:

    Align Your Finances with Your Faith:Make sure you’re giving back—whether it’s to your church, missionaries, or charitable causes. Tithing is more than just a financial transaction; it’s a declaration that God comes first.Invest in People, Not Things:Use your resources to lift others up. This could be by mentoring someone, giving to those in need, or simply being there for people in your community. Your time is just as valuable as your money.Pray for Wisdom:James 1:5 tells us to ask for wisdom, and God will provide it generously. Pray for discernment in how you manage your resources and where God is calling you to invest for His Kingdom."

    There was a time in my life when I was focused on financial goals, thinking that would bring me peace. But no matter how much I earned, there was a hole that nothing could fill. It wasn’t until I started using my resources to help others that I found true joy and fulfillment. The Bible was right all along: It's more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35)

    2 Corinthians 9:8 (NIV):'And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.'

    "God is not only concerned with blessing us financially but also empowering us to use that blessing to create a lasting impact in His Kingdom. When we keep our eyes on Him and His purpose, everything else falls into place."

    So I want to leave you with a challenge this week. Take some time to pray and ask God where He is calling you to make an impact. It could be with your time, your talents, or your finances. Remember, money means nothing if it’s not used for a higher purpose, and that purpose is to glorify God and expand His Kingdom.

    If you are ready to start your online journey to impact His kingdom with other like minded Christians, I will put the link in the show notes.

    The Bible if full of so many verses regarding money!

    Thank you for tuning in today. If this episode blessed you, share it with someone who needs encouragement today. Let’s go out and make an eternal difference!

    Until next time, stay blessed, and keep your eyes on the true prize—making an impact for God’s Kingdom

  • Hello Friend

    Info to change your financial future -> https://www.claimingsimplicity.co/

    I pray this podcast reaches ears all around the world to create a better life for yourself, so I know that you are here for a reason.

    Last week, I listened to a friend tell me she couldn’t stay home with her baby because she had to work, so she will have to put this child in daycare even though she would love to be home raising her own kids. I have been there! I remember when I had 3 kids under 3 in daycare and the mom guilt was so real. I cried when my 3 year old son chased me out of the daycare’s driveway one day and that is when I made significant changes in my family’s life.

    We simplified and I started working from home so I could bring in an income, but also be with my kids. That was a great option then, but I sure wish I would have known about working an online business way back then because I was still trading time for money then. That was over 25 years ago, so that is why I am a simple living expert~it was years of trials! If I would have stayed in that same accounting job throughout the years, I would have had many regrets and missed out on many memories and milestones. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want regrets as I age. I had to go from what is called normal (working a job full time) into creating a path that some others may have thought was a mistake. Now I am enjoying freedom and time with Grandkids during the week that I wouldn’t have been able to if I was still in that dead end job trading time for money. Life is short~make the best of it!

    I wouldn’t change anything in my past as it has made me who I am and we live a pretty extraordinary life, so I have no complaints, but I realized that if you have a mindset to change, you will change your life. If you keep doing what you have been doing, you will keep getting what you have been getting. It takes courage and a positive mindset that can take anything negative and turn it into a positive thought.

    If you are someone that thinks they can’t do something, you will get that outcome! You get what you think about!

    This week, I want you to think of something you don’t think you can do, and think about and start visioning yourself doing that one thing. Put a note in your pocket or something that can remind you to think about that positively throughout the day and continue this every single day until you start making solutions. You can change your life by changing your

    thoughts and I am super excited for what is to come for you friend if you put this into practice.

    Just something I was thinking about today, so wanted to share it here.

    Have a beautiful rest of the week and put this into action!!


  • Hey friend!

    Here is the info to take control of your future ->https://www.claimingsimplicity.co/

    I know if you are here, you are trying to live a simpler life! #1 Tip for more peace on today's episode!

    In a world that seems so out of control right now, you can have peace and live with less stress.We all know God has a plan and He is the one in control, but thre are steps you can do to plan for your own future and that may include you making some changes like starting an online business so you can work from home.

    Being able to be somewhat self reliant on our farm as much as possible might be a necessity in the near future, so being prepared for that is important to our family and might be something you think about as well but it can be stressful just thinking about it.

    Psalm 29:11. The Lord gives strength to his people, the Lord blesses his people with peace.

    Love ya friend!


  • Hey friend

    How to Make Simple Passive Income-> https://www.claimingsimplicity.co/

    If you’re like me, you’ve probably thought long and hard about how to balance making an income and raising your kids. We know the world is full of influences that don’t always align with our faith, and for many of you listening, homeschooling your children is a big priority because it allows you to disciple them in the way you believe God is calling you to. But how do you balance it all?

    What if I told you that you could work only 2 hours a day, create a passive income stream, and spend the rest of your time pouring into your kids? What if you could live out your values, homeschool your children, and still provide for your family without having to trade hours for dollars? In today’s episode, we’re going to explore exactly how that’s possible, and by the end, you’ll understand why this might just be the answer you’ve been praying for.

    Let’s be honest for a moment. I know many of you out there are struggling to find balance. You want to be present for your children, to homeschool them, to teach them about God and life, but the reality of needing an income feels like a weight on your shoulders.

    You’re working long hours, or maybe your spouse is working long hours, and you wonder:'Is this the life we really want?' You might feel like you’re missing out on some of the most important moments in your kids’ lives, or perhaps you’re worried that outside influences will pull them away from the values you’re working so hard to instill.

    Trust me, I get it. The pull between providing financially and being there emotionally and spiritually is real. But what if there was a way to do both? What if you didn’t have to choose between making an income and raising your children in the way you know God is calling you to?”

    Here’s the good news: You don’t have to choose. I’m about to tell you about a way to build a stream of income that allows you to spend more time with your family and live out your faith. And the best part? It only takes 2 hours a day.

    Imagine this: You wake up, you start your day with devotionals with your kids, maybe some homeschooling lessons, and after a couple of hours of work, you’re done for the day. The rest of the day is yours to spend with your family, working on things that matter to you, without the stress of a 9-to-5 job. And yet, your income keeps coming in.

    I want to bless you in what ever way I can. Please reach out with any questions.

    Simple Passive Income-> https://www.claimingsimplicity.co/

    Pinterest -> https://pin.it/4ulAVwr

    You Tube -> https://www.youtube.com/@claimingsimplicity/

    Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com



  • 9-10-24 EP 186 // Freeze Drying Experience and 3 Tips to Prepare for Winter

    Simple Passive Income-> https://www.claimingsimplicity.co/

    Welcome back to Claiming Simplicity where I like to keep everything as simple as I can so you can live a more fruitful life! If we haven’t met, I’m Monica H Baker and I’m just a small town girl, just soaking up every minute on this earth doing God’s Will and helping as many people create an intentional life, homesteading and enjoy all God has created for us!

    We have been busy here harvesting our food that has done quite well over the summer……I am now on my 2 batch of freeze dryer items and so far I am absolutely loving the ease of freeze drying food verses canning. I do love canning though and I have done quite a bit this season as well, but it takes a little more time than freeze drying.

    Some of the items I have used in my freeze dryer so far are sweet corn, carrots, apples, pickle chips, and peppers. I really like that I don’t have to make space in the cupboard for jars, the food has more nutrition that canning or dehydrating, it is simple and it will stay good for several years!!!!!!

    Now that we have it and it is set up, I can say it is very nice and we are going to be running as much as we can in the next month.

    We have such a short growing season here, everything is ready at the same time, so there is such a short window of time to get everything harvested and so I want to give you 3 tips if that is where you are at right now as well.

    One of my best tips is if you have room in your freezer for tomatoes, wash them and cut out the top and freeze them and make all your tomato items in the winter when you have down time. It is so slick when you take them out of the freezer and put in hot water and the skins just slip right off.Next, focus on the item that will spoil the quickest. We like to wait with potatoes and carrots until the last thing as some of the produce like our sweet corn have to be processed right away as it doesn’t stay fresh very long.Do the processing together. If you have friends and family that have food to process, it is not only very productive when you have more hands helping, but it is alot of fun. Enjoy the process and thank God for it all!!!!

    Have a blessed day and make sure to share this podcast with any of your friends that want to simplify life!

  • Hey Friend

    Simple Passive Income-> https://www.claimingsimplicity.co/

    Today on our Freedom Friday episode, we’re diving deep into something that’s on everyone’s mind—financial security and freedom. If you’ve ever felt like your 9-5 paycheck just isn’t enough, or if you’ve been stressed about rising living costs, this episode is for you.

    We’re going to talk about why you need another income stream and, more importantly, how you can build a passive income stream in just 2 hours a day. Imagine waking up to money you made while you were sleeping.

    Now, I’m not here to scare you, but the truth is—relying on just one paycheck is risky in today’s world. Even though we have always based our budget on 1 income, now we want to retire my husband early. Inflation is rising, the cost of living keeps going up, and we all know someone who has lost a job unexpectedly. In fact, if the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that financial stability can disappear overnight.That’s why having multiple streams of income isn’t just a ‘nice-to-have’—it’s a necessity. Think of it as your financial safety net. If something happens to your main income, you have a backup plan. And hey, who doesn’t want a little extra cash flow on top of that regular paycheck? This isn’t about getting rich quick. It’s about securing your future and giving yourself options. Options like working less, spending more time with your family, or just living with less financial stress.

    Here’s the good news—it’s simpler than ever to build an income stream online, and it doesn’t take as much time as you might think. Seriously, 2 hours a day is all you need to get started. I’m talking about setting up systems that will generate income even when you’re not actively working. Think about amazon….it runs 24/7~and if you have an online business set up the right way, you can have passive income like that as well! The best part? You can do this on your own schedule. Maybe you’ve got a full-time job, or you’re a busy parent—2 hours a day is manageable for most people, and you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish in that time. How many hours are you scrolling or watching TV? Just give that up to eventually have the life you have dreamed of!

    God has really blessed us with an amazing opportunity that anyone can do if you have a phone or computer and I feel called to share it to everyone around the world as it is so SIMPLE but can FREE so many of you financially. It is 90% set up for you and gives you step by step instructions with what you need to do, even I was able to figure it out!!!!! It is affordable to anyone no matter what your situation and you can profit within a couple days of setting it up. It is 100% profit which is super exciting because it isn’t a MLM or network marketing which I love and you don’t have to sell to friends and family~in fact, they don’t even have to know what you are doing!!!!!!!! They don’t even know that your “little side hustle” is making you more in a couple hours a day than their 60 hours per week they are working!!!!! And there is the most amazing community of people doing the same thing and they are so supportive and helpful. I don’t know of any downfalls at all~most exciting thing I have ever done to fund my homestead!!!!!

    Okay, now let’s get into the practical steps you can take right now to start building that income stream. If you’re listening and thinking, 'I don’t even know where to begin,' don’t worry. I’ve got you.

    Step 1: Go to the link in the show notes and sign up for the emails I send out to give you more information. No spam ever and you can unsubscribe anytime if it isn’t for you!

    Step 2: Reach out to me if you have any questions! This is 100% your own business, but you have a ton of support from me and others!

    Step 3: Follow the process! It is simple and it works!!!!!! If a simple girl like me can do it, so can you friend!

    Step 4: Automate. The beauty of passive income is that once it’s set up which they show you step by step, you don’t have to constantly manage it. Tools like email marketing platforms or social media schedulers allow you to automate most of the process. This is where the 'making money while you sleep' part comes in. The best business model ever!!!!!

    Now, I know what some of you are thinking. 'But I don’t have the time,' or 'I don’t have the money to start this.' Let me tackle those real quick.

    First, the time issue—if you can find just 2 hours a day, whether it’s early in the morning or after work, lunch hour, you can do this. You could even put in time on the weekend so less to do during the week. Trust me, once you start seeing results, it’ll feel worth every second.

    And lastly, if you’re thinking this sounds too good to be true, let me assure you, it’s not. The truth is, passive income does require work upfront. But once you’ve built your systems, they can run with minimal effort from you. I’m not promising overnight success, but I am telling you that with consistent effort, you can create a reliable source of income.

    So here’s my challenge to you: Spend time praying about this. You will know if a passive income stream is something God is putting on your heart to simplify your life. Sign up to get the emails that explain how it works and please email me if you have any questions. I want you to win and start enjoying your family and doing what you love without any income restrictions. God has big plans for you, friend!

    Remember, it’s not about getting rich quick. It’s about building something sustainable that gives you more freedom and less financial stress. You can do this, and it’s simpler than you think. You just have to start.Thanks for tuning in, and as always, I appreciate you spending time with me today. If you found value in this episode, make sure to share it with someone who needs to hear this message and could use an extra income stream. And don’t forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode.

    I’ll talk to you soon!

  • Hello Friend!

    It sure is feeling like Fall here in MN already!

    Simple Passive Income-> https://www.claimingsimplicity.co/

    Are you feeling overwhelmed with all of the activities and large to-do list at the end of summer and Fall? I want to help you reduce some of those items so you can have a more peaceful and enjoyable season.

    First, I challenge you to delegate some of your workload. For me, I always have thousands of ideas of things I want to do in my head, but if I am doing tasks that someone else could do, I never get around to putting my ideas into practice. For me, I had to hire a teenager to help with produce because our garden this year wasn’t completely set up to be weed free like our ones in the past and so this has created extra unwanted work that I just don’t have time for. I truely enjoy weeding my garden. I put on my favorite podcast or go out with the sunrise and pray for hours and hours.This is so relaxing for me, but I don’t always have hours of time to do that, so I need someone who can help with that. I also have a teenager making sure my house stays clean and the dishes are done daily because I don’t want to waste my time on this when I can be creating or learning!

    We now focus on slow living and intentionally plan our days and weeks. Don’t feel that you have to enroll your kids in everything, they need a break too. Our kids need downtime to reduce stress just as much as adults. There are so many demands put on kids these days that sometimes they don’t just get to be kids. Make sure they are getting plenty of time outdoors.Next, look at your schedule and decide what you can eliminate. And last, making meal planning simple. If you don’t grow your own garden, try to get to a farmers market in your area so you can eat seasonally. Simple healthy cooking doesn’t need to take alot of time and can be made even simpler that you imagine. Making food in bulk and freezer meals can be done on a rainy day or just plan 1 day a month so you don’t have to waste much time in the kitchen cooking. Keep morning meals simple such as eggs, smoothies, or homemade yogurt you have batched in the fridge. Lunch can be as simple as cheese and boiled eggs with some carrots and apples or salad or leftovers. Finger foods are great for lunches and they do not take much time. And your evening can be a dish with protein and vegetables. Don’t overthink cooking from scratch or meal planning~shop local for fresh ingredients and build your meals from there.

    Chat next time!


  • Hey Friend!

    Simple Passive Income-> https://www.claimingsimplicity.co/

    Today, I want to talk about something that's been weighing on my heart—time freedom. In our fast-paced world, it's so easy to get caught up in the hustle and forget what truly matters. But what if I told you there’s a way to reclaim your time, spend more precious moments with your kids, and simplify your life—all by working just 2 hours a day?

    It might sound impossible, but with a simple, done-for-you automated system, it’s not only possible, it’s within reach for anyone, no matter where you are in the world. This system creates passive income, meaning you’re not trading hours for dollars anymore. Instead, you’re building a life where you have the freedom to do what you love, with the people you love creating memories.

    Imagine the joy of waking up without the rush, being fully present for your children every single day, and ending each day with peace in your heart, knowing that you’re providing for your family without sacrificing your time with them. That’s the kind of life we all dream of, isn’t it?

    As a Christian, I believe that our time here is precious and that we’re called to be good stewards of it. By freeing up your time through this system, you can focus on what truly matters—your faith, your family, and your purpose. Whether it’s attending every church service, being more involved in your community, or simply having the time to pray and reflect, this system allows you to live in alignment with your values.

    And the best part? You don’t need any tech skills to get started. This system is designed to be simple and accessible, so anyone can use it to start earning passive income. It’s about creating a life that’s less complicated, more fulfilling, and truly blessed.

    So, if you're ready to take that step toward time freedom, where you can focus on your family, your faith, and what really matters, then click the link in the show notes and let me know if you have any questions! I am so excited for you to start living a life of freedom!

    Remember, you deserve a life where you’re not just surviving, but truly living. Let’s simplify, prioritize, and build something that not only supports your family financially but enriches your life spiritually. With God’s guidance and this proven system, anything is possible."

    Website and Waitlist:


    Simple Passive Income-> https://www.claimingsimplicity.co/

    Pinterest -> https://pin.it/4ulAVwr

    You Tube -> https://www.youtube.com/@claimingsimplicity/

    Love ya!Monica

  • Hey Friend!

    Welcome to a new series called Freedom Fridays to simplify life.

    If you're juggling work, home, and everything in between, and you're exhausted from the daily grind of that 9-to-5, this episode is for you. Today, I want to talk about something that could change your life—making a significant passive income online in just 2 hours a day with a simple, automated system no matter where you live in the world. Imagine getting paid while you sleep

    I want to show you how you can take back control of your time like I did, ease your financial worries, and—most importantly—start dreaming again.

    Love Ya!


    Simple Income Stream Info -> https://www.claimingsimplicity.co/

    Simple Homesteading for Christians->


    Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com

    Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/

    Pinterest -> https://www.pinterest.com/claimingsimplicity/

  • Hey Friend!

    Today I just want to be real about the less appealing part of homesteading because it was a rough week here a few weeks ago.

    There is so much more to homesteading and farming than living a fairytale life . Yes, it sure feels like an incredible life and we enjoy it so much, but there are many ups and downs that people don’t talk about and I just want you to know what you are getting into as you grow your farm or homestead or just thinking about it.

    First, homesteading and farming are 24 hours of every single day, 7 days a week if you have animals.

    We now have 20 pigs with the piglets, 21 goats, 35-40 chickens, and even though we have everything set up streamlined and simple (as much as we can) there are many expected things that happen~it can be a rollercoaster of emotions and we have experienced many of them this last month.

    Next, it can be a bigger investment than you think without an instant income. When you buy animals to breed or for meat, you have to take time for them to grow which takes alot of feed and it is extremely expensive right now and I’m sure it will increase even more with what is happening in our country.

    We only live on 20 acres, so we can’t make enough hay for our animals and we have to buy that as well. Also, you have to think about the cost of infrastructure and fencing so you can rotate them. RIght now, our farm is funded by our other income streams because we don’t sell enough eggs, pork, or milk to even break even at this point, but knowing where our food comes from and being as self-sufficient as we can is important to us as well. We have to buy very little from the store, so our grocery bill is lower than having to buy that from someone else.

    Also, if you are looking for an additional simple online income stream that could help you pay for your homestead in 2 hours a day and is not an MLM and anyone can do if you have a phone, please send me an email or check out the link below~It is our best income stream!!!!! I’m so passionate about helping families get away from the 9-5 and enjoy the choices and freedom that comes with that!

    And lastly, every day isn’t easy - we have had some really hard days. Our kune kune pigs are such a part of our family. They have the most incredible personalities and have brought so much joy to our farm-and grandkids! They are not your average pig, that is for sure!

    Thanks for listening today! Talk to you soon!


    How I make money online ->>> https://www.claimingsimplicity.co/

    Simple Homesteading for Christians->


    Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com

    Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/

    Pinterest -> https://www.pinterest.com/claimingsimplicity/

    y/Pinterest -> https://pin.it/4ulAVwr

  • Hello Friend!

    I'm just popping in today to let you know I am still here, just very busy on our homestead and making memories with kids and grandkids.

    Summer is the perfect time to enjoy a more intentional life. Slow living and saying no to things that are not the most important is possible and attainable!

    Love you!


    Website and Waitlist:


    Simple Homesteading for Christians->


    Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com

    Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/

  • Happy Memorial Day Friend!

    You have never tried using essential oils for your health and home? They are just a part of our every day life that I couldn’t ever imagine having to use anything else! We use them for cleaning, hair and body, laundry, having more energy, any illness we feel coming on, bug bites, preventing spiders or ticks-absolutely everything!!!

    This last week, my husband had planter fasciitis and that helped with that too. Now I am not saying they cure things, but they sure help!!!!!

    Once you realize that your cleaning supplies can be very minimal, you will save money!

    It feels so good to use non toxic ingredients in our home and also on our animals. When they have a rash or anything, oils are our go to choice to help.

    Check out all the amazing benefits for yourself and if you have not already, grab my free DIY cleaning recipes in the link below or on the website. Everything is simple to make and probably everything you have on hand in your home.

    DIY Cleaners ->https://claiming-simplicity.ck.page/best-diy-cleaner

    Have a Blessed Week!


    Website and Waitlist:


    Simple Homesteading for Christians->


    Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com

    Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/

    Pinterest -> https://www.pinterest.com/claimingsimplicity/

  • Hello Friend

    I know you are looking forward to summer and if you want to spend most of your days outside instead of cleaning inside, you are going to want to do these steps now so you have less stress when summer comes! When you simplify your Spring cleaning system, you will feel less overwhelmed and more at peace.

    There was a time when I felt that I was wasting so much time always cleaning, but that was before I simplified my life. It felt like a never ending cycle of cleaning one area and by the time I got to all the areas, I needed to clean the area I started with again and it was exhausting! I am not a type A person, so I’m always random because I always want to fit the most important part of my life first and I don’t want God or my family to just get leftovers.

    As my life gets fuller and fuller with a larger family with more Grandkids, I want to spend time with them and not time cleaning and keeping up on the house and I bet you understand this as well!

    You have to make a plan and what it is that you really want to get done. This is a big deal! When you plan your time and add it to your calendar, you are bound to get alot more done! Even 15 minutes at a time will help you get ahead!

    Next, start decluttering. When you have less items to manage, you have less mental stress and less you have to keep up on, so I want you to start with one room of your house and eliminate anything you do not use. This may take a little bit of time, but I promise you, it will be worth it in the end! What a game changer it is to have to clean less because you have less to organize and manage! Once summer comes, you can be outside without having to waste time in the house cleaning or organizing!

    Next, reduce what you clean with. I only use a few items for cleaning and this reduces overwhelm in having to keep up on what you have on hand so it keeps cleaning simple and also saves money! We have a multipurpose spray that we use for most of the cleaning, some toilet bombs, and vinegar with essential oils which covers almost everything!!!!! If you want the recipes for the DIY cleaners, I will leave the link in the show notes! I also have other simple items on that you might like as well! Enjoy!

    If you don’t have a roomba, I suggest putting it in your budget when you can get it -we don’t have animals in our house, but it is works incredibly well. I have an app and have it scheduled for times it works for our family and it just automatically runs! It doesn’t get everything, but saves me from having to dust or mop the floors more than a few times a year or if it gets soiled!

    I like to go through my clothes, cupboards and bathroom every Spring to just eliminate anything I don’t need. It doesn’t take me very long because after Christmas, I like to purge as much as I can too, so it is just a matter of seeing if there is anything you haven’t used or won’t use for the summer season.

    I spend most of our time outside, with family or at our cabin in the summer if it works, so I don’t do any purging, decluttering or organizing usually until Fall, and that is usually a quick declutter of canning and preserving items and getting the summer clothes swapped out for our winter clothes. With less stuff, there is so much less cleaning and you can spend time doing what you love and being outdoors! So much less stress!



    Website and Waitlist:


    Simple Homesteading for Christians->


    Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com

    Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/

    Pinterest -> https://www.pinterest.com/claimingsimplicity/

  • Hello Friend

    Are you constantly searching recipes for the fad diets that keep you on the roller coaster of diet trends for years that mess with your metabolism? I don’t even know what the newest thing is out there right now since we just switched to nutrient dense food years ago and cooking from scratch.

    From that time, I started learning about what is in the food we eat and how to eat more nutrient rich foods so I don’t ever have to diet. We want our kids to know how important it is to look at what is in the food, the dyes and also if it has more than a couple ingredients, it probably is something I would skip.

    Now, as I have simplified and created a whole system around this, we still will get things on occasion that don’t align with this and that is okay. It isnt all or nothing such as diets. Just so the majority of the time, you are opting for healthy choices.

    Live your best life by treating your body well. You only have 1 body, so feed it good food. When you have an active everyday life, you are naturally able to get exercise into your schedule-habit stack on each thing you do throughout the day!

    Our favorite nutrient dense foods right now are meats such as venison, pork, beef and chicken. Did you know that nutrient dense means less food with the most amount of nutrients. You don’t have to eat large amounts of nutrient dense foods because they are just packed with goodness. We eat seasonally so right now we are eating potatoes and trying to use up all our preserved produce before the new season arrives. Consumption of nutrient dense foods rich in protein, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals are one of the keys to wellness!

    Remember, With God~all things are possible!


    Website and Waitlist:


    Simple Homesteading for Christians->


    Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com

    Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/

    Pinterest -> https://www.pinterest.com/claimingsimplicity/

  • Happy May Friend

    Simplify your home-this will save you many hours of having to manage items and cleaning.This will truely create more time in your life. I didn’t realize how much my life would be simplified by decluttering. I now have less stress trying to manage all the stuff and if you have not done this yet, reach out and I will help you get started~the hardest part is figuring out where to start. When everything has a place, it tends to be super simple to keep up with and when you have a super simple systems, you are able to spend more time doing the things you love with the people you enjoy being with and it feels so much lighter to have less to manage.

    DO NOT overbook your schedule. Keeping your schedule simple can reduce overwhelm as a busy mom. There are times when I want to squeeze something in, but then I remind myself, that never works, so I don’t even try anymore and if it is something that someone asks me to do or help with, I just politely say, “thanks for thinking of me, but at this time in my life, I have to pass. I stopped being a yes girl many years ago.

    Know your energy. Do your creative projects when you have the most energy and are focused. I hope these time management tips help you create more time in your busy schedule so you can get more done in less time! I am all about simple and efficient things!

    Have a great week!


    Website and Waitlist:


    Simple Homesteading for Christians->


    Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com

    Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/

    Pinterest -> https://www.pinterest.com/claimingsimplicity/

  • Hey Friend!

    I still can’t believe how much prices have increased at the grocery store and I am extremely thankful we grow and raise as much food as possible, so we don’t have to spend much at the store, but there are always items you can’t grow in your location, so we do rely on the store a little and azure standard for our bulk items. I might notice it more as I don’t have to buy items very often and am still not used to it! If you are tight on money, start cleaning out your cupboards. No matter what, it is just a good practice to do so you don’t let any food go to waste. If you are like me, we do end up having a few random items expire and I don’t like to waste anything, so make sure to look at dates. This would be your freezer foods and canned foods.

    As we were looking at the amount of hamburger and venison burger we had in the freezer, we realized that we wanted to save that because we are running low and we have 2 freezers full of pork now, so we have been trying different recipes that we typically use hamburger or venison for and replacing that with pork. Since we are now raising our own pork along with our chicken, we have an abundance. I just put a roast with potatoes, carrots and bone broth I took out from the freezer into the crockpot. This is such a simple meal as it sits on low all day and falls apart and tender

    when it is ready to eat in the evening.

    We are really trying to use as much as we can from our canned goods and freezers to use them up before the new gardening season starts to produce, so when you plan your meals every week, you want to look at what you have on hand and what you can make with those items and then your grocery list is usually quite short.

    I took ground pork and added some ketchup, mustard and brown sugar for sloppy joes and my husband enjoyed that as much as beef, so that was good. I made up about 8 pounds and then froze several portions, so he always has a variety each week for his work lunches with different meals.

    We also made taco meat with the ground pork along with tacos bowls. This is such a great way to have something in the fridge at all times for a quick meal. I just keep bowls of rice, corn, black beans that I soaked, and then add cheese, salsa, sour cream or any other items you like on your taco bowls. If you don’t want to have bowls, this can easily be made into burritos as well. This is one of my favorite meals actually-chipotle at home!

    When you are using items you already have at home, you will save alot of money. Don’t let your food go to waste and just buy what you need. As always, remember to keep it simple! You can make several nourishing and nutrient dense meals in a short amount of time.

    Have a blessed week friend


    Website and Waitlist:


    Simple Homesteading for Christians->


    Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com

    Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/

    Pinterest -> https://www.pinterest.com/claimingsimplicity/

  • Happy Holy Week!

    I didn’t grow up gardening and so I don’t even know how to do a normal garden! I started my gardening journey by tilling up an area of our yard-well, my husband tilled it for us and then we just planted seeds and plants. This kinda worked and we got some produce from it, but I could never keep the weeds under control as we have full lives and a cabin we would go to every week and family camp for 10 days over the 4th of July. I had to make some changes or I wouldn’t garden at all. I had to keep it simple or I would be overwhelmed and would quit gardening. Everything I do, I tweak into simple systems and this goes for gardening too~it has to be simple for me because our lives are very full! I don’t like to spend alot of time in the kitchen cooking and I don’t like to spend alot of time in the garden weeding either~I have grandkids to enjoy!!!!!!

    If you live in the city, apartment, or are a suburban homesteader, you can plant your garden in pots or raised beds in a small area and just start out with a few items that you eat often just to learn how to garden. You can always add more and this will keep you from getting stressed out and overwhelmed with gardening.

    If you are having trouble with growing food, one of the first suggestions I would say is to get your soil tested. We had very sandy soil, so we had to add alot to ours for it to grow better. I actually started vermicomposting several years ago as well and that has been so much help for our garden. Vermicomposting is something you can do in a suburban area, city or apartment as it doesn’t take up much space.

    Let me know if you want more information on it, but listen to episode 32 to start with!!!! It is so simple and important for your garden! I’m going to order more worms and expand as I have a much larger garden space at our new home.

    My 2nd tip is if you want to keep critters away, we sprinkle blood meal around our garden and a small amount around our plants and nothing goes near them. I do this also for my flowers that the chickens might attempt to eat. I actually now have my flower beds away from the chickens, but this also keeps the deer and rabbits away which is nice because they used to eat all my hostas and other plants just as they were coming up from the ground! I used to make a natural deer and rabbit spray with eggs and spices, but every time it rained I had to reapply and the animals seems to beat me to the plants, so the blood meal has been nice as I only usually have to spread it a couple times all year and you use such a little amount.

    And lastly, this year I am going to try the no dig garden as it is supposed to be much better for the plants so I don’t know if I am going to need to do this or not, but in the past, we got smart with the weeds and layed out fabric and burnt holes in it to plant seeds or plants and we rarely had to weed. This worked amazingly for us and our garden was very plentiful. I posted a video of our garden in our facebook group if you want to see what it looked like. We would have a few weeds here and there, but most of it was covered so the weeds couldn’t get through. If you want to see these videos and be a part of our community, the link will be below!

    And here is a bonus tip if you are able to do this. Set up an automatic watering system. Our last home was on the river, so we drilled in water lines to the garden and then had hose to each plant and had it on a timer, so I never had to worry about the garden getting watered if

    we were away for an extended period of time and this was a life changer~especially during the summers when we got very little rain. I’m not sure how exactly my husband is planning on setting this up at our new home, but he probably has a plan as we have a hydrant close to one of the large gardens and he will most likely drill another line into the other one to keep everything running smoothly and without alot of hands on work. It does take time to set up simple systems, but once they are set up, it all runs systematically and is much less work!

    I would love to know any simple tips to help keep your garden abundant and stress free!!!!!! Send me an email or join our community at the link below and let me know!

    Website and Waitlist:


    Simple Homesteading for Christians->


    Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com

    Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/

    Pinterest -> https://www.pinterest.com/claimingsimplicity/

    Pinterest -> https://pin.it/4ulAVwr

    You Tube -> https://www.youtube.com/@claimingsimplicity/

    Happy Easter!!!!!
