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    It's the very first episode of our brand new podcast, Open Up and Say HA!: Stories from Underneath the Paper Gown.

    Have you ever had a bizarre encounter with a medical practitioner? An ER visit gone awry? A weird thing you found on your foot that turned out to be a rare species of parasitic insect? Welcome to Open Up and Say Ha! - Stories from Underneath the Paper Gown. Medical mishaps, misunderstandings, weird bodily functions... our guests are sharing it all. So get ready to laugh so hard you snort your coffee out of your nose, and if you happen to singe your nostrils, head to the doctor and tell us what went down. If laughter is your medicine, open up and say HA!

    In this episode, co-hosts Ellie and Julia decide to save the guests' experiences for future episodes and instead, share their own bizarre medical encounters with each other. Even though they have been friends for 30 years, they each manage to tell a story that the other has never heard! If you've ever had inexplicable back pain or eaten mysteriously spicy tuna, this one is for you.

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    Monique Cupid and Dixie Lincoln-Nichols are menopausal women who met up during the pandemic to talk about work for a project. Without fail, at every weekly meeting, the conversation drifted to menopause, the symptoms each of them was experiencing, and the frustrations they felt about the lack of support, resources, equity, and community. Together, they formed Life in the Pause, with the mission of transforming the menopause journey into an empowered and celebrated experience through accessible education, resources, and community support. We talk about everything from toxicants in beauty products to doctors leaving 30-something women in the dark to the importance of dance breaks. You know how it is when we get together with two brilliant and fascinating humans... nothing is off limits. We won't apologize for talking about our farts and our pubes. We simply won't.

    Topics and timestamps
    10:50 - How Life in the Pause was born
    16:45 - What is a Self-Care Sabbatical?
    21:48 - Increasing 30-somethings' awareness of perimenopause
    28:15 - The importance of clean ingredients in beauty products
    40:40 - Menopause. Needs. More. Attention.

    Handles and sites
    Life in the Pause
    Life in the Pause Insta
    Brown Skin Green Beauty Insta
    Dixie Lincoln-Nichols
    Dixie Lincoln Nichols Insta
    The Pause Pod
    The Midlife Glowchaser
    Dance Break Song: Ready Fi Di Road

    Follow us on Insta @openupandsayha
    or Facebook
    and YouTube Channel
    Podcast site

    Other Podcasts on the Topic of Peri/Menopause
    The Pause Pod
    Hello Menopause
    A Certain Age Pod
    Black Girl's Guide to Surviving Menopause

    Other Links

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    Lately, as we have gotten older and our preferences have changed, we have been wondering, "What is fun?" Robin Gelfenbien, the self-proclaimed Ambassador of Fun, is the perfect person to answer that question. Right out of college, Robin was chosen out of thousands of people to drive the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile, and her experience provided excellent fodder for her acclaimed solo show "My Salvation Has a First Name: A Wienermobile Journey”. She has had several other fun jobs from creator and producer of the storytelling series and podcast "Yum's the Word" to co-hosting the podcast "Hello Menopause" to producing Isaac Mizrahi's podcast "Hello Isaac". Robin inspires us with her stories of involving strangers in all kinds of fun, but we also talk about things like thinning hair and anxiety, two very common and un-fun symptoms of perimenopause. If you are like us and are re-defining your definition of fun (there is nothing wrong with skipping that party!), this episode is for you.

    Topics and timestamps
    12:35 - Thinning hair is not fun
    23:18 - Anxiety is also not fun
    31:12 - Driving the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile is the most fun
    40:44 - Hosting and producing podcasts is also fun
    42:52 - In midlife, what is the definition of fun?

    Handles and sites
    Robin's website
    Robin's Insta
    Yum's the Word Youtube
    Yum's the Word Podcast
    Robin's Facebook
    Robin's Tik Tok

    List of Resources Mentioned
    Midlife Doesn't Have to Be a Crisis by Jancee Dunn
    Robin telling her airplane story on YouTube
    No, YOU Tell It! "Fly By" featuring Ellie as host and Robin as a writer/storyteller
    An Old Medicine Grows New Hair for Pennies a Day, Doctors Say
    Oscar Meyer Wienermobile and Hot Dogger Community
    Hello Menopause Podcast
    Hello Isaac Podcast

    Other Links
    Erin's Faces Affiliate Link
    Julia G Wellness

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    Katie Fogarty will make you feel like turning 50 is the best thing that could ever happen to you. She is the host of A Certain Age, an age-positive podcast that helps you live your best evolving midlife—loud and proud. She is also the creator of the Age Out Loud movement, a platform which aims to spotlight as many stories of midlife awesomeness as possible. On top of all that, she is the founder and CEO of The Reboot Group, helping professionals build great careers, which includes encouraging reinvention in midlife. We talked about the stupidity of lying about your age, the importance of finding doctors who get it, and Julia's definition of "trash panda rage". We also talk about how Ellie may not be able to hit the high notes anymore, but she can still do the high jumps in ballet class. If you need a boost of inspiration, look no further than this episode.

    Topics and timestamps
    9:40 - Not realizing you are in perimenopause until you are on the other side
    13:00 - Launching A Certain Age podcast right before turning 51
    21:10 - The art of career reinvention
    26:11 Working as a board member of Let's Talk Menopause
    29:45 - Children's awareness of menopause
    33:35 - The Age Out Loud movement

    Handles and sites
    A Certain Age Podcast
    A Certain Age Insta
    A Certain Age facebook
    Age Out Loud Insta
    The Reboot Group

    List of Resources Mentioned
    School Spirits
    Why Ballet Might be the Best Exercise for Midlife
    Let's Talk Menopause
    Support the Menopause Research and Equity Act of 2023
    Dr. Helen Fisher

    Other Links
    Erin's Faces Affiliate Link
    Julia G Wellness

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    How does a child of deaf adults who grew up in a tin shed with no running water or electricity witness her father commit a violent crime and then grow up to be the joyful owner of a comedy venue? Kambri Crews will tell you how! Author of the acclaimed New York Times best selling book Burn Down the Ground and sole owner and operator of Q.E.D. which was voted #1 comedy club in NYC by Time Out NY, Kambri is a damn delight. Her message, "Life's Tough. Laugh More." is evident as she chuckles about light things such as restaurant staff seeing her use sign language and then ignorantly handing her a menu in Braille, and heavy things such as her father attempting murder not once but twice. As Julia says, "If at first you don't succeed...". We also discuss gross habits like picking at your skin and chewing the inside of your own mouth, having to read the instructions for how to boil rice at least fifteen times, and how ice skating in midlife can result in the ass of your dreams. Thanks to all our listeners for your generous donations - we're thrilled to be back and we can't wait to tell you what's next.

    Topics and timestamps
    12:29 - Menopause and then breast cancer
    14:35 - Kambri's autobiographical book, Burn Down the Ground, in which a child of impoverished deaf parents witnesses her father trying to kill her mother
    23:48 - Processing trauma without traditional therapy
    26:00 - How to laugh yourself back from rock bottom
    30:20 - How an imaginitive child grows up to run her own events space
    36:15 - Ice skating in midlife to optimize joy (and a tight butt)

    Handles and sites
    Q.E.D. Astoria
    Buy books through Q.E.D. instead of other places
    Kambri's website
    Kambri's Insta
    QED Insta
    QED Facebook
    Kambri facebook

    List of Resources Mentioned
    Cheek biting: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment
    Something Was Wrong podcast
    Flaco the Owl’s Year of Freedom From the Central Park Zoo

    Other Links
    Erin's Faces Affiliate Link
    Julia G Wellness

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    We chose this episode with Dr. Rachel Rubin as our final encore of the year because she is the person who has given us the most practical, valuable, and easily shareable information to help women with their genitourinary functions as they age. Dr. Rubin is a board-certified urologist and sexual medicine specialist who dropped so much knowledge and helpful information into one conversation that our puny little brain-sponges got super-soaked. Listen to learn about the two little-known FDA-approved drugs that actually help women's libidos with no negative side effects, why you should be using local vaginal estrogen twice a week for the rest of your life, and how even a doctor can agree with us that the field of medicine is a disgusting dumpster fire of brokenness. As if that weren't enough, we also talk about the Grow Your Clit Movement, Covid Hemorrhoids, and what the hosts never thought they'd do in their 20's that they have done now. Admit it: you're intrigued.

    Dr. Rubin's Website
    Dr. Rubin's twitter
    Dr. Rubin's facebook
    Dr. Rubin's Insta
    Dr. Rubin's LinkedIn

    The Magic of Hormones
    International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health - ISSWSH
    The Grow Your Clit Movement

    Erin's Faces Affiliate Link
    Purely Elizabeth Affiliate Link
    Julia's Wellness Coaching Website

    Circling the Drain Podcast Website

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    For our first encore episode, we chose the inspiring pair of Michelle and Joan MacDonald. Not only are they glorious examples of what a healthy body can achieve after midlife, they seem to have an enviable mother-daughter bond that is beautiful to witness. These women broke the internet after Michelle, a body builder and transformation coach, guided her then 70-year-old mother through a process that resulted in life-changing weight loss and the subsequent elimination of a slew of health problems. Joan's before and after photos can be found at Train with Joan, and you should take a peek before listening to understand the full impact of what these women achieved together. This was our only chat with a mother-daughter duo, and we couldn't have found more mind-blowing specimens.

    Michelle MacDonald - Your Healthy Hedonista
    Michelle's Insta
    Michelle's Facebook
    Michelle's e-Book The Best of the Basics
    Joan MacDonald - Train with Joan
    Joan's Insta
    Joan's Facebook
    The Wonder Women
    My Macros
    Science, Bitch!

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    Meghann Koppele Duffy is a cofounder of the Neuro Studio, a premier education and movement company helping people living with neurological conditions move better, and teaching movement professionals the best cutting edge techniques to work with people living with Neurological Conditions. Meghann is a fast-talking, zero BS practitioner who has been called the Larry David of Pilates because she is skilled at "observing weird things". She claims to not be everyone's cup of tea, but who is? It's clear to us that Meghann is passionate about her work and is making an epic difference in the lives of people who want access to movement and freedom from pain. We talk about changes in proprioception throughout our life cycle, adapting to movement as we age, and using humor and honesty in work that can be emotionally difficult. We also teach you what a "cloner" is. Bonus points if you email us your best guess BEFORE listening to the episode!

    Topics and timestamps
    15:40 Meghann's origin story and how she co-founded The Neuro Studio
    23:40 Using humor and honesty to diffuse heaviness with clients
    30:20 How women's bodies change proprioceptively throughout their life cycle
    39:40 How to keep it together when physical work gets emotional
    45:35 Meghann's Idea of the Zone of Genius
    49:33 Adapting to movement as we age

    Handles and sites
    The Neuro Studio Website
    The Nuero Studio Insta
    Meghann's Insta
    Sessions or movement classes with Meghann

    List of Resources Mentioned
    What is MS (Multiple Sclerosis)?

    Please donate to our Patreon!
    A contribution as low as $10 will allow us to continue this work for another year.

    Other Links
    Erin's Faces Affiliate Link
    Julia G Wellness

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    Germany-based comedian Abigail Paul says that co-host Ellie is her oldest friend. Not her most elderly friend, but the friend she has known the longest. She met co-host Julia a few years later, making all three of them VERY ELDERLY/OLD FRIENDS. That should entice you to listen to this episode, because richness of history makes for juicy conversation. Abigail moved to Germany as a young adult because she was "on the lam", trying to escape her abusive and narcissist mother, whose life and death inspired Abigail's award-winning solo show Involuntary Momslaughter. There are many wonderful stories in this episode, including the one about Abigail ignoring her fibroid tumors until she collapsed in a pharmacy and ended up in emergency surgery, the one where her gynecologist proclaimed her vagina her weakest organ, and the one where 18-year-old Abigail and Ellie sat together to take a pregnancy test after a condom broke. Also, all three people in this episode had birthdays in the last week, so listen and laugh and feel seen and celebrate with us!

    Topics and timestamps
    11:45 The story of 18-year-old Abigail and Ellie and a pregnancy test
    13:30 The story of Abigail's gynecological adventures in Germany
    22:20 The story of Dr. Dr. Mueller
    31:05 The story of how health insurance is better in Europe
    36:00 The story of Abigail's horrible relationship with her mother
    39:30 The story of how a mother with Narcissistic Personality Disorder is great fodder for a solo show

    Handles and sites
    Abigail's website
    Abigail's Insta
    Abigail's facebook

    List of Resources Mentioned
    Rosacea and Menopause
    Exposed Podcast
    Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
    Dr. Ramani Durvasula

    Other Links
    Erin's Faces Affiliate Link
    Julia G Wellness

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    Blaire Postman is a comedian who was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and then embraced it as a super-power. She created a solo show called Lady ADHD: Hilariously Mind Blowing Observations from a Hyper-Insightful Brain. Due to a current medication shortage, we got to interview Blaire ten days into "going commando", and we talked about emotional dysregulation, song-stimming, and how a performance piece about a topic like ADHD can make audiences feel seen and not alone. We can relate to that for sure. We hope that you will relate to Ellie cursing at her son in a fit of perimenopausal aggression, and Julia's incredulousness at the fact that they only just invented a crash test dummy that mimics the female form.

    Topics and timestamps
    12:50 Being diagnosed with ADHD as a 30-year-old female
    16:30 The ADHD medicine shortage
    18:23 Emotional dysregulation related to Adult ADHD
    22:35 A job interview and mismatched shoes
    29:00 Audience members' reactions to Lady ADHD

    Handles and sites
    Blaire's website
    Blaire's Insta
    Blaire's YouTube

    List of Resources Mentioned
    This is the first crash test dummy modelled on the female body. Will it make cars safer for women?
    Adult ADHD
    Clip of Blaire and a guest "song-stimming"

    Other Links
    Erin's Faces Affiliate Link
    Julia G Wellness

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    Dr. Kimberly Mangla is a reproductive psychiatrist who works collaboratively with the obstetrics department at Mt. Sinai Hospital in NYC. She is involved in the teaching and supervision of psychotherapy and medication management during pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause. She also happens treat Julia's Adult ADHD, and in honor of ADHD Awareness Month, we asked her ALL of the questions. What is ADHD, and why do many women not discover this diagnosis until adulthood? How can someone have ADHD and be high-functioning and laser-focused all at once? What is the intersection between ADHD and perimenopause? When is it time to take medication to help treat it? Does Ellie have ADHD or is she merely addicted to the apps on her phone? We also talk about crunchy knees, forgetting to shower and brush teeth, and pharmacies that carry an expensive array of vibrators.

    Topics and timestamps
    14:00 Combining an OB/GYN education with psychiatry
    17:25 Explaining the need for and lack of reproductive endocrinologists
    20:40 Defining ADHD and what it looks like in children vs. adults
    25:35 How can you have ADHD and be laser-focused at the same time?
    32:04 What is "executive function"?
    41:00 When to explore pharmaceutical intervention for ADHD
    43:49 How perimenopause intersects with adult ADHD

    Handles and sites
    Dr. Mangla's Practice
    Dr. Mangla's Insta
    Dr. Mangla's Handbag Insta

    List of Resources Mentioned
    Knee Noise: Crepitus and Popping Explained
    Adult ADHD

    Other Links
    Erin's Faces Affiliate Link
    Julia G Wellness

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    Dr. Maria Uloko is fired up, and we are right there with her. As the first ever Black female Urology student at her university, she has been trailblazing for the entirety of her career. Dr. Uloko specializes in comprehensive sexual health which includes the medical and surgical management of ALL genders. She is considered a world leader in chronic pelvic pain and vulvar conditions, she believes in empowering her patients to take ownership of their sexual health by providing a shame-free space to ask questions and share their stories, and she seeks to close gaps in disparities of care and implement systems that promote diversity and inclusivity. She is also an international award winning researcher with a focus in vulvar health, most notably her research in defining how many nerves are in the human clitoris. (Can you believe that this number was not known until recently, when she and her colleagues embarked on a study?) She told us that the anatomy of the vulva is not taught in medical school, even to gynecologists, and that this lack of knowledge and adequate care is equivalent to malpractice against those with female anatomy. She wants to start a revolution to correct all of this nonsense, and we have pledged to be her soldiers. We will march to the beat of Beyonce, and we will eat a cake in the shape of Queen Bey while we do so.

    Topics and timestamps
    13:25 - Becoming a female urologist after being told she couldn't do it
    18:35 - Providing gender-affirming care to people with every type of genitalia
    20:58 - Taking charge of your own sexual health
    26:17 - Pain is not acceptable. Women do not have to live with pain.
    36:45 - Libido and orgasm: the two most complex portions of the sexual response cycle
    42:54 - Discovering the number of nerves in the clitoris

    Handles and sites
    Dr. Uloko's Website
    Dr. Uloko's Insta
    Meet the Trailblazing Urologists on a Mission to Help Women Have Better Sex

    List of Resources Mentioned
    Is Menopause Changing My Hair?
    Prevalence of female pattern hair loss in postmenopausal women: a cross-sectional study
    How many nerve fibers innervate the human glans clitoris: a histomorphometric evaluation of the dorsal nerve of the clitoris

    Other Links
    Erin's Faces Affiliate Link
    Julia G Wellness

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    Rachel E. Gross is an award-winning science journalist who wrote an incredible book called Vagina Obscura which was a finalist for the 2023 Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Nonfiction. Go ahead and be impressed, but do not be intimidated. Rachel will enthrall you with stories of outlandish treatments for ailments that plague people with female reproductive systems, including a personal tale involving rat poison and her own vagina. She takes us back through history to when the fallopian tubes were named after an Italian Catholic priest and when Freud decided that all "women's issues" were psychological. She discusses how medical terminology can be harmful, placing blame on the woman or the body part itself. If that's not enough to draw you in, listen as we realize that both Ellie and Julia know a ton about bacterial vaginosis, and in a delightful epiphany, Ellie gives the perfect name to the wall of vagina-inspired art in Rachel's home. Bonus points if you count the number of times "vagina" is said in this episode.

    Topics and timestamps
    10:40 - How Rachel got into writing about science, specifically the science of vaginas
    18:02 - The Vagina Poison Story
    24:37 - The microbiome of the vagina
    30:57 - How medical language puts the blame on the body part (#incompetentcervix)
    38:50 - Ancient ideas that have been carried through to modern medicine
    43:46 - Thoughts on implanting bits of ovarian tissue to stave off menopause

    Handles and sites
    Rachel's website
    Rachel's writing
    Rachel's Insta
    Buy Vagina Obscura

    List of Resources Mentioned
    Pooping only every 3 or more days linked with cognitive decline, research finds
    Rachel telling her vagina rat poison story on Story Collider
    Doing Harm by Maya Dusenbery

    Other Links
    Erin's Faces Affiliate Link
    Julia G Wellness
    Leave us a review!

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    Leoh Blooms is a queer, fluid, and nonbinary-trans trauma-informed mentor and Pro Dom. Everything they do in their practice focuses on intimacy, mental health, gender, sex, and practical self-care. They help clients aged 21 and up to create lives they don't need to hide from by offering various levels of support in a power dynamic format, using kink for fun and as a healing modality. Listen to Leoh talk about coming out at the age of 45, jumping through medical hoops when a gender fluid person needs medical care, and explain what a Pro Dom actually IS and DOES. In response, Ellie talks about working in an office located upstairs from an old-school dominatrix, and Julia explores the idea of using a rope-tying technique for self-soothing. This was not our usual rodeo, and we liked it. We think you will, too.

    Topics and timestamps
    11:30 - Instant menopause after a radical hysterectomy
    13:57 - Justifying the medical need for Testosterone as a non-transitioning person
    19:25 - Coming out at the age of 45 to a family that includes a husband and five children
    27:47 - What it means to work as a Pro-Dom
    40:27 - Steps the medical community should take to help gender fluid people
    43:33 - Celebrating a non-monogamous marriage commitment

    Handles and sites
    Leoh's website
    Leoh's Insta

    List of Resources Mentioned
    FDA Approves First Nonprescription Daily Oral Contraceptive - Opill
    Discovering Gender Fluidity: A Late Bloomer’s Journey to Self-Acceptance
    Chrononormativity by Leoh Blooms

    Other Links
    For 10% off Erin's Faces in the month of August, enter CTD at checkout
    Schedule a FREE Zoom with Julia at Julia G Wellness

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    Dr. Wendy Suzuki is a professor of Neural Science and Psychology and author of two incredible books, Good Anxiety and Healthy Brain, Happy Life. Her TED talk, The Brain-Changing Benefits of Exercise, has more than 60 million views, making it the 2nd most viewed TED talk of 2018. In spite of our awe, we managed to pick her fancy brain about many things, like how hormonal changes can lead to increased anxiety, tips for building resilience and staying motivated to exercise, and what to do about "choking" (AKA brain farts or derping). She told us all about her concept of "micro flow", causing us to envision a tiny Flo from the Progressive commercials sitting on our shoulders. This is why she is the Dean of the College of Arts and Science at NYU and we are not! We also talk about Ellie going braless for the summer and Julia rubbing emu oil on her skin. If you think the latter is problematic, remember Julia's words: "The emu is already dead at this point."

    Topics and timestamps
    14:00 - The transformative effects that exercise has on the brain
    21:56 - How hormonal changes can lead to increased anxiety
    27:46 - Building resilience
    34:26 - Tips for staying motivated to exercise
    40:10 - What to do about "choking" AKA brain farts
    49:09 - Flow vs. Microflow

    Handles and sites
    Dr. Suzuki's Website
    Good Anxiety by Dr. Suzuki
    Healthy Brain, Happy Life by Dr. Suzuki
    Dr. Suzuki's Insta
    Dr. Suzuki's facebook

    List of Resources Mentioned
    Three Vaccines for Fall: What You Need to Know
    Dr. Suzuki's TED Talk: The brain-changing benefits of exercise
    Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's TED Talk: Flow, the secret to happiness
    The Other 50% Podcast
    For 10% off Erin's Faces in the month of August, enter CTD at checkout

    Other Links
    Julia G Wellness - book a free Zoom with Julia today!

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    Dr. Aiesha Turman does so many things and she does them with JOY. She is the kind of teacher that students keep in touch with for the rest of their lives, which is a rare and special thing. We totally get the appeal, because we had the best time talking to her about Reiki, Afrofuturism, literature, her work on the incredible award-winning documentary Crip Camp, and the differences AND similarities between the hormonal transitions of her mother, her daughter, and herself. You'll also get to hear about Ellie graduating from her therapist, the time Julia sharted the bed, and how strangers need to mind their own business and not offer random opinions to people they know nothing about. So much good stuff, PLUS a discount code for listeners who want to try Reiki with Dr. Turman. (You want to try it. Trust us.)

    Topics and timestamps
    16:35 - What is Reiki and how can it help?
    23:00 - How Dr. Turman hazed her mom during HER menopause
    28:20 - The importance of intergenerational conversation about menopause
    36:19 - What is Afrofuturism? Dr. Turman explains.
    44:35 - Discussing with puberty with her mother and her daughter
    52:44 - Dr. Turman's work on the documentary Crip Camp

    Handles and sites
    Dr. Turman's Website
    For 15% off Reiki with Dr. Turman, enter code CIRCLING at checkout
    Electric Relaxation Substack
    Dr. Turman's Insta
    Dr. Turman's facebook

    List of Resources Mentioned
    Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler
    My Awesome Black Queer Mom by Aiesha Turman
    Crip Camp
    The Crip Camp Educational Curriculum
    The Other 50% Podcast
    For 10% off Erin's Faces in the month of August, enter CTD at checkout

    Other Links
    Erin's Faces Affiliate Link
    Julia G Wellness
    We were ranked in the "60 Best Menopause Podcasts"!

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    Singlehood is not a broken state that requires fixing. This is the core message of our guest, Shani Silver, who deleted her dating apps in 2019 and has been infinitely happier ever since. Shani reminds us that dating apps are a for-profit industry that stand to benefit from keeping you single rather than helping you find love, and they often deplete your self worth and mental health. Author of the fantastic book A Single Revolution: Don't Look for a Match. Light One. and host of A Single Serving Podcast, Shani firmly believes that you can enjoy your life as a single human while still hoping for a partnership. But this episode is not just for the singles out there! Shani helps people in couples reframe how they view their single friends and family members, and as a result of reading her book, we have personally stopped asking questions like "How's dating life?" or "Can I please fix you up with someone?" Shani offers zero apologies for living her life exactly as she wants to, and we offer zero apologies for Ellie's graphic colonoscopy story and Julia's description of her nuclear meltdown. Love us as we are or don't love us at all, but do listen to the episode and share it with your people.

    Topics and timestamps
    15:05 - Shani tells us the wildest thing a doctor ever said to her
    15:05 - Shani tells us the wildest thing a doctor ever said to her.
    17:49 - Dating apps are a for-profit industry. Here's why you should delete them.
    22:30 - How to maintain your self-worth and dignity in a society that shames singles.
    28:44 - How to reframe your mindset about the hell-scape that is dating.
    34:00 - Dispelling the notion that your life isn't real until you have a partner.
    47:45 - A person can embrace their single-hood while hoping for a partner.

    Handles and sites
    Shani's website
    Shani's show: A Single Serving Podcast
    Buy Shani's book: A Single Revolution: Don't look for a match. Light one.
    Shani's Insta
    Shani's TikTok

    List of Resources Mentioned
    Tubal Ligation No Better Than IUD at Preventing Pregnancy
    The Mob Should Run Planned Parenthood
    Why Many Single Women Without Children Are So Happy
    The Other 50% Podcast

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    Have you ever heard of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) also known as "Tapping"? Sarah Louise Lilley became an EFT Practitioner after her husband's stroke, and she is here to tell us more about that life-changing day, to explain EFT, and dispel any misconceptions you might have about it. If you're looking for a simple tool that can help reframe negative mindsets, help you calm yourself in a moment of distress, and help you cope with frustration over your newfound peri-menopausal symptoms, this episode is for you. We also touch on the unusual theatrical experience where Sarah and Ellie met, Sarah and Julia's love of horses, and a beloved British condiment that you may not have heard of, but which would make a great name for a stallion.

    Topics and timestamps
    11:36 - Sarah tells the story of the life-altering day when her husband had a stroke on Christmas
    19:55 - What exactly IS EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or "Tapping"?
    25:00 - How EFT can help release mental blocks
    31:51 - How to combat frustration using EFT
    43:32 - EFT is not a "woowoo" trend and here's why

    Handles and sites
    Sarah's website
    Sarah's Insta

    List of Resources Mentioned
    The Other 50% Podcast
    EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
    Dawson Church
    Dr. Peta Stapleton
    Forbes article on EFT

    Other Links
    Erin's Faces Affiliate Link
    Julia G Wellness

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    Jamie Phillips is a mensch. A seasoned nonprofit professional, she is grateful to have had the opportunity to provide services to uplift immigrants, refugees, isolated older adults, returning citizens, people who are unhoused, those experiencing mental health challenges, and those recovering from addiction. She was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer five months into the pandemic, and has since become passionate about amplifying the experiences of queer and gender expansive folks who experience breast/chest cancer and sudden menopause. We had such a good conversation with her, covering everything from the lack of ritual around the menopause transition, to the sometimes bizarre rituals when a child gets their first menstrual period, to what menopause care might look like by the time Gen Z is going through it, to the lack of a menopause section in the sex shop to - perhaps most importantly - the lack of inclusivity in menopause conversations, care, and even marketing. We also cover an unfortunate event involving a zipper and Ellie's belly, and we learn about how both hosts' moms responded when they got their first periods. Good times.

    Topics and timestamps
    8:48 - New FDA-approved drug for the treatment of hot flashes
    13:44 - Going through sudden menopause as a result of estrogen-psitive cancer treatment
    24:40 - What steps should be taken to include queer and gender-expansive folx in menopause care?
    31:38 - Menopause in the workplace
    38:22 - Finding cancer support as a member of the queer community

    List of Resources Mentioned
    FDA Approves Veozah
    Veozah brand website
    What Fresh Hell is This? by Heather Corinna

    Other Links
    Erin's Faces Affiliate Link
    Julia G Wellness

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    When we met Dr. Stacia Alexander at a menopause symposium, we were instantly drawn to her energy, magnetism, and hot-pink-suit-wearing confidence. A seasoned psychotherapist, she has worked with professional women helping them understand that the journey to success does not make them immune to emotional and cognitive changes. Her most recent work focuses on the importance of accessing mental health care early, and she has even written a book that we wish we had read almost 30 (!!!) years ago: 10 + Things I Wish I Knew About Mental Health in College. We loved talking to Dr. Alexander about her use of testosterone as part of her menopause hormone therapy, her decision to become "sugar sober", and when it's time to press the Emergency Stop Button and take stock of your life. Get ready for lots of inspirational phrases that won't make you roll your eyes, but WILL make you want to get up and go dancing. What's the opposite of an energy vampire? Dr. Stacia Alexander, that's what.

    Topics and timestamps
    12:08 - Responsible use of testosterone as part of a hormone therapy regimen
    20:06 - The benefits of becoming "sugar sober"
    30:20 - The Emotionality of Success
    33:25 - Pushing the "emergency stop button" and assessing what your really want for your life
    40:13 - Tips for access to mental health care
    46:25 - The importance of goal-setting

    Handles and sites
    Dr. Alexander's website
    Dr. Alexander's Insta
    Dr. Alexander's facebook
    Dr. Alexander's book 10+ Things I Wish I Knew About Mental Health in College

    List of Resources Mentioned
    Why Annual Pap Smears Are History – But Routine Ob-Gyn Visits Are Not
    First testosterone patch for menopausal women to begin clinical trials this year

    Your To Do List of FUN
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    Other Links
    Erin's Faces Affiliate Link
    Julia G Wellness

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