Court Wing is the founder of REMAP Therapeutics and a co-founder of the Psychedelics and Pain Association.
After spending decades helping people with chronic pain and athletic performance, Court found himself suffering from treatment-resistant depression (TRD) as well as chronic pain. Desperate for help, he enrolled in the Usona study on Psilocybin for TRD. He depression went into full remission... but the treatment also cured his chronic pain overnight!
Here's his story.
Court's Links:
REMAP's online courses, symposiums, and retreats can all be accessed here.
The Psychedelic and Pain Association's online resources, newsletter, network, and community portal can be accessed here.
Chronic Pain Rewired Links:
My website
Support me on Patreon
My Linktree
I need to be clear that this podcast is intended for educational purposes only though I do hope you find it entertaining, or at least interesting as well! Nothing about my story or the information contained in any and all episodes hereafter should be misconstrued as individual medical advice. Your health, any choices you make surrounding it, along with any potential consequences arising from those choices always have been and always will be your individual responsibility. I’ll even go one step further and say that if you really need to hear that disclaimer, it just might be for the best that you stop listening right now!
But if you are wanting to explore with an open mind a topic that might seem ridiculous on the surface, I invite you to join me as we go down the proverbial rabbit hole and explore what I strongly believe will be the next revolutionary paradigm shift in the treatment of chronic pain disorders: combining psychedelics with existing proven modalities to increase overall efficacy.
Saknas det avsnitt?
Webinar on 8/26/23
Today’s episode of chronic pain rewired is one for the books! I had a great conversation with Bob Wold, the founder of an organization called Clusterbusters, an advocacy group for people suffering from cluster headaches. If you’ve never heard of cluster headaches before, stay tuned because it’s the first thing we talk about, and you’re going to want to hear about this bafflingly devastating condition commonly referred to as “suicide headaches.”
Bob is 70 years old and he was diagnosed with Cluster Headaches approximately 45 years ago, which eventually led to his founding Clusterbusters in 2002. Clusterbusters was founded upon the principles of the need for psychedelic research proving its benefits as a safe and effective treatment for cluster headaches, one of the most devastatingly painful conditions known to mankind.
Bob's Links:
Clusterbusters Website
Psychedelics & Pain Association Website
Chronic Pain Rewired Links:
Webinar on 8/26/23
My Linktree
Support me on Patreon
I need to be clear that this podcast is intended for educational purposes only though I do hope you find it entertaining, or at least interesting as well! Nothing about my story or the information contained in any and all episodes hereafter should be misconstrued as individual medical advice. Your health, any choices you make surrounding it, along with any potential consequences arising from those choices always have been and always will be your individual responsibility. I’ll even go one step further and say that if you really need to hear that disclaimer, it just might be for the best that you stop listening right now!
But if you are wanting to explore with an open mind a topic that might seem ridiculous on the surface, I invite you to join me as we go down the proverbial rabbit hole and explore what I strongly believe will be the next revolutionary paradigm shift in the treatment of chronic pain disorders: combining psychedelics with existing proven modalities to increase overall efficacy.
As you probably know by now, the techniques I use for tackling chronic pain with psychedelics revolve mostly around combining this experience with posture therapy. And while I see great results with my techniques, they are by no means the only way to target pain using psychedelics. There are most certainly other ways to go about it, and in this episode I had the pleasure of talking with someone who does just that. When it comes to pain that is firmly rooted in emotional trauma, the techniques we discuss here might be even better suited for the task than what I do!
Payam is a Psychedelic Somatic Internal Family Systems Practitioner and Medicine Carrier who interfaces with various traditional and non-traditional psychedelic compounds in the treatment of trauma and chronic pain.
Payam's Links:
Visit Payam's website for more info and resources
Chronic Pain Rewired Links:
My Linktree
My Website: www.ChronicPainRewired.com
My Patreon
I need to be clear that this podcast is intended for educational purposes only though I do hope you find it entertaining, or at least interesting as well! Nothing about my story or the information contained in any and all episodes hereafter should be misconstrued as individual medical advice. Your health, any choices you make surrounding it, along with any potential consequences arising from those choices always have been and always will be your individual responsibility. I’ll even go one step further and say that if you really need to hear that disclaimer, it just might be for the best that you stop listening right now!
But if you are wanting to explore with an open mind a topic that might seem ridiculous on the surface, I invite you to join me as we go down the proverbial rabbit hole and explore what I strongly believe will be the next revolutionary paradigm shift in the treatment of chronic pain disorders: combining psychedelics with existing proven modalities to increase overall efficacy.
Meet a Mushroom Maestro
Many people seeking healing find that spirituality and mysticism are a fundamental aspect of the psychedelic experience with psilocybin mushrooms. Indigenous peoples across the world have since time immemorial considered these mushrooms to be a sacrament that allows for direct communion with the divine aspects of reality. Those traditions are being reinvigorated and reinvented in the United States in modern form as a result of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which allows spiritual communities to operate using psilocybin mushrooms responsibly as a sacrament, and with considerable legal protection.
Today's guest on Chronic Pain Rewired can speak to this better than anyone I know. He is one of the most highly experienced psilocybin facilitators in the entire world, having legally administered over 3,000 doses of psilocybin. I’m talking of course about Eric Osborne. For more than 20 years Eric has been an outspoken advocate for the healing potential of psilocybin mushrooms.
Eric's Links:
Psanctuary: The Sacred Mushroom Church
The Psilocybin Says Podcast
Psilocybin Says Episode on BPD
Hear Jon on Psilocybin Says
Find Eric on Instagram
Learn about More Than Integration
Chronic Pain Rewired Links:
My Linktree
My Website: www.ChronicPainRewired.com
My Patreon
I need to be clear that this podcast is intended for educational purposes only though I do hope you find it entertaining, or at least interesting as well! Nothing about my story or the information contained in any and all episodes hereafter should be misconstrued as individual medical advice. Your health, any choices you make surrounding it, along with any potential consequences arising from those choices always have been and always will be your individual responsibility. I’ll even go one step further and say that if you really need to hear that disclaimer, it just might be for the best that you stop listening right now!
But if you are wanting to explore with an open mind a topic that might seem ridiculous on the surface, I invite you to join me as we go down the proverbial rabbit hole and explore what I strongly believe will be the next revolutionary paradigm shift in the treatment of chronic pain disorders: combining psychedelics with existing proven modalities to increase overall efficacy.
What kind of damage can unhealed pain bring to our relationships? How can people suffering from pain learn to stop that damage from destroying their relationships with the people they love?
That’s just some of the topics we’ll explore further with today’s guest, Nicolas Canon.
Nico is a best-selling author & relationship expert.
His work threads together a decade of experience working with men and women around the world in helping them transform their relationships leveraging ancient indigenous wisdom, eastern mysticism, and modern coaching & therapy modalities.
His book “Grace: a practical, no bullshit journey from pain to purpose” is one of my favorite books. So it is with great pleasure and honor that I share with you this episode of Chronic Pain Rewired!
Nico’s Links
Grab a copy of Nico’s book here Nico’s upcoming course on navigating conflict in relationships Nico’s Instagram Nico's story about his motherChronic Pain Rewired Links
My Linktree My Website: www.ChronicPainRewired.com My PatreonDisclaimer
I need to be clear that this podcast is intended for educational purposes only though I do hope you find it entertaining, or at least interesting as well! Nothing about my story or the information contained in any and all episodes hereafter should be misconstrued as individual medical advice. Your health, any choices you make surrounding it, along with any potential consequences arising from those choices always have been and always will be your individual responsibility. I’ll even go one step further and say that if you really need to hear that disclaimer, it just might be for the best that you stop listening right now!
But if you are wanting to explore with an open mind a topic that might seem ridiculous on the surface, I invite you to join me as we go down the proverbial rabbit hole and explore what I strongly believe will be the next revolutionary paradigm shift in the treatment of chronic pain disorders: combining psychedelics with existing proven modalities to increase overall efficacy.
How do our brains process pain? We tend to think that something happens in the body, like stubbing a toe, the nervous system sends signals to the brain, and we feel the pain. But as it turns out, this is an extremely overly simplistic model. When we get into the areas of anticipated pain, chronic pain, and phantom limb pain things get flat out WEIRD!
Today we’re talking about the fact that our conscious experiences of reality and the way that our brains construct those experiences are two WILDLY different things. Specifically, we’re going to apply these concepts to the ways that our brains process pain.
We’ll also discuss some other studies that tie into this topic. All studies mentioned are cited and/or linked below. This will all lead up to something I call the Posturedelic Hypothesis, as well as a model for how this hypothesis could be tested. But there’s LOTS to discuss before we get there.
Introduction 00:08
Is Pain "All in Your Head?" Yes... and No 3:22
Case in Point: Phantom Limb Pain 07:17
What is this Model of Reality Anyways? 10:34
You've Never Actually Seen, Smelled, Touched, Heard, or Tasted ANYTHING! 13:32
What Happens When Chronic Pain Becomes an Integral Part of Your Model of Reality? 19:46
The Intersection of Psychedelics & Chronic Pain 22:54
The Posturedelic Hypothesis 27:03
How Can We Test this Hypothesis? 31?57
Let's Talk Harm Reduction 34:32
Where Does this Leave Us? 37:46
Links & Citations
My Linktree My Website: www.ChronicPainRewired.com My Patreon Psanctuary Reality Switch Technologies by Andrew Gallimore Richard J. Davidson Buddhist Monk pain study Finn SB, Perry BN, Clasing JE, et al A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Mirror Therapy for Upper Extremity Phantom Limb Pain in Male Amputees. Front Neurol. 2017 Jul 7;8:267. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2017.00267. PMID: 28736545; PMCID: PMC5500638. Kuromaru S, Okada S, Hanada M, Kasahara Y, Sakamoto K. The effect of LSD on the phantom limb phenomenon. J Lancet. 1967 Jan;87(1):22-7. PMID: 6043203. Hollow Face Illusion Rikard SM, Strahan AE, Schmit KM, Guy GP Jr.. Chronic Pain Among Adults — United States, 2019–2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023;72:379–385. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm7215a1. Daneshjou K, Jafarieh H, Raaeskarami SR. Congenital Insensitivity to Pain and Anhydrosis (CIPA) Syndrome; A Report of 4 Cases. Iran J Pediatr. 2012 Sep;22(3):412-6. PMID: 23400697; PMCID: PMC3564101. Chronic Pain and PTSD Carhart-Harris Robin, Leech Robert, et al The entropic brain: a theory of conscious states informed by neuroimaging research with psychedelic drugs, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2014 https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2014.00020 ISSN 1662-5161 Ko Kwonmok, Knight Gemma, Rucker James J., Cleare Anthony J. Psychedelics, Mystical Experience, and Therapeutic Efficacy: A Systematic Review Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022 https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2022.917199 ISSN 1664-0640Disclaimer
I need to be clear that this podcast is intended for educational purposes only though I do hope you find it entertaining, or at least interesting as well! Nothing about my story or the information contained in any and all episodes hereafter should be misconstrued as individual medical advice. Your health, any choices you make surrounding it, along with any potential consequences arising from those choices always have been and always will be your individual responsibility. I’ll even go one step further and say that if you really need to hear that disclaimer, it just might be for the best that you stop listening right now!
But if you are wanting to explore with an open mind a topic that might seem ridiculous on the surface, I invite you to join me as we go down the proverbial rabbit hole and explore what I strongly believe will be the next revolutionary paradigm shift in the treatment of chronic pain disorders: combining psychedelics with existing proven modalities to increase overall efficacy.
Welcome and thank you for joining me for the first episode of Chronic Pain Rewired! This podcast aims to broaden the conversation about how psychedelics may be helpful for people suffering from chronic pain. Timestamps and links discussed in the episode listed below.
Intro/Why Chronic Pain Rewired? 00:08
Disclaimer: 02:04
My Story Begins Here... 03:09
The Dark Years: 07:51
Initial Recovery: 11:26
Enter the Mushrooms: 17:29
The Final Breakthrough: 22:07
Spiritual Awakening: 28:20
Back to the Science: 33:49
Open Casting Call for Interviews: 35:35
Where to go from here? 36:36
A Final Disclaimer: 37:17
My Linktree: See what's new and contact me through this link.
My YouTube Channel: Check out my posture correction videos on YouTube.
"Pain Free" by Pete Egoscue: A great book for anyone and everyone!
Psanctuary, the Sacred Mushroom Church: A wonderful, nondenominational, spiritual community. No dogma. No BS. Just genuinely kind people.
Psilocybin Says Episode: Learn more about my psychedelic healing.
Visionary by Graham Hancock: The book I recommend to all science-loving folk on a spiritual path.
I need to be clear that this podcast is intended for educational purposes only though I do hope you find it entertaining, or at least interesting as well! Nothing about my story or the information contained in any and all episodes hereafter should be misconstrued as individual medical advice. Your health, any choices you make surrounding it, along with any potential consequences arising from those choices always have been and always will be your individual responsibility. I’ll even go one step further and say that if you really need to hear that disclaimer, it just might be for the best that you stop listening right now!
But if you are wanting to explore with an open mind a topic that might seem ridiculous on the surface, I invite you to join me as we go down the proverbial rabbit hole and explore what I strongly believe will be the next revolutionary paradigm shift in the treatment of chronic pain disorders: combining psychedelics with existing proven modalities to increase overall efficacy.
Join me, Posture Monster Jon, as I start a new discussion about developing a set of psychedelic protocols for sufferers of chronic pain disorders. If you’d like to join the conversation, email me at [email protected]