Grief Support for Christian Women to Breathe, Laugh and Live again. Loss, Grief and Healing * Coping with Grief * Beginning of Grief * Life after Loss * Stages of Grief * Purpose After Loss * Faith * Surviving Loss * Grief Resources * Holidays and Grief
I help Christian women navigate grief through understanding grief, growing faith and processing daily life to find hope.
• Do you feel lost, confused, or overwhelmed by grief?
• Is the pain so great, you lose your breath and feel it will never get better?
• Have you cried so much there can’t be any tears left?
• Are you angry with God? Or question your own faith?
• Do you need faith-based help through the toughest season of your life?
In this podcast, you will find faith-based grief support to navigate the overwhelming and confusing journey of grief, to continue seeking God and most importantly, to breathe, laugh, and live again.
My mission is to walk with you through the healing, experience the milestones and the minefields to arrive on the other side with a gratitude and peace you never thought possible.
If you’re ready to take a brave step toward healing, understand your grief and find hope, this is the place to be.
Hey, I’m Stef. Southern by choice, turtle triathlete, wife and Jesus follower. I’ve experienced life-changing grief and struggled for years with the physical changes, the emotional roller-coaster and the spiritual questioning. I asked ‘why’ more times than I can count, went ‘boldly’ (and disrespectfully) to the throne, and was confused by a pain I had never felt before. I believed I would never be happy again and had all but given up on fulfilling my purpose.
But God!
Through my trials, I discovered a path to true healing, deeper relationship with God and gratitude that continues to fill my heart. This is a story of faith, FRamily support and redemption that only God can author. And, I want to share this with you.
If you are heart sick, tired of being stuck and ready for real change with Christ at the center …. Practical steps to make your hard days less hard…Understanding of what to expect physically, emotionally and spiritually…Solutions to those ‘gut-punch’ moments…And, Results that build your faith and allow you to enjoy your own ‘great day’ this is the place to be.
It is possible, I promise! Join me today – take that first step of faith right now!!
website: -
Do you wish you could find hope and healing through something you enjoy? In these podcasts Jen will walk you though creative exercises designed to do just that. Engage your sense of play and wonder in order to deepen your insight and bring about new layers of awareness and healing. Attend to your heart, soul, and relationships, grow as an individual, deepen your connection and understanding of God, and have fun in the process! Jen will introduce you to a variety of ways to harness the healing power of art for yourself and those you work with. She'll introduce activities, walk through reflection questions and discuss how to customize every piece of this process to best suit your needs. Plus, special guests will join us regularly to help us gain perspective and learn to see more clearly :)
If you want to learn more, see my art, work with me, or be a future guest check out these links:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Spiritual Leader offers a practical, personal, guide to developing your spiritual leadership. This podcast is for everyone. We can grow in spiritual leadership in our personal walk with God, our marriages, our parenting, and also our ministry. With regular guests and a wide variety of topics you are sure to raise your spiritual IQ in all areas of life.
Welcome to Divine Table Talk, where real conversations about faith, life, and spiritual growth take place. Hosted by Jamie Klusacek and Jane Williams, this podcast invites listeners into heartfelt discussions on topics that matter most to women of faith—whether it's navigating life's challenges, diving deep into Scripture, or encouraging one another to live out God’s truth with confidence. With thought-provoking insights, inspiring interviews, and practical tips, Divine Table Talk is your space to be encouraged, empowered, and equipped for your faith journey. Join us around the table for every episode as we seek to grow deeper in our relationship with God and one another.
Destiny Praha is an evangelical, Christian church situated in the heart of Prague, Czech Republic. We believe that Jesus loves the Czech nation, as well as all the nations who have made this country their home. Our passion is to communicate this love practically through relationship, discipleship and community.
We have a vision to see people empowered by the love of Jesus and activated by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are fully convinced that you have a very unique and God-given purpose and destiny in life. Your destiny emerges when you begin to discover your gifts and God-given abilities. -
Vitajte na Podcaste Projektu Ezechiel.
Našou víziou je podnecovať novú mentalitu, ktorá pomáha cirkvi evanjelizovanej, stať sa cirkvou, ktorá evanjelizuje; prechod od “vysvetľovania” o Ježišovi k jeho predstaveniu ako živej Osoby, ktorá koná skrze Ducha Svätého.
V tejto mentalite hlásame evanjelium, aby “ožili suché kosti” a jeho ľud bol naplnený jeho Duchom.
Povedal mi: “Prorokuj o týchto kostiach a povedz im: Suché kosti, počujte slovo Pánovo:
Toto hovorí Pán, Boh, týmto kostiam: Hľa, ja vložím do vás ducha, že ožijete!” Ez 37, 4-5
Viac informácii nájdete na našej stránke -
Každý z nás potřebuje správné hodnoty. Kde jinde je můžeme hledat, než v Bibli? Pro váš užitek zveřejňujeme výběr z nahrávek biblických kázání Apoštolské církve ve Vyškově. Kompletní archiv je k dispozici na našem webu v sekci pro registrované uživatele. Nahrávky zveřejňujeme jednou týdně, obvykle v pondělí nebo úterý.
K založení společenství Na Cestě nás vedla touha OSLAVIT BOHA.
Majíce v srdci i v mysli modlitbu Pána Ježíše Krista za církev (J 17) chceme tak činit následováním, při kterém je patrná: RADOST ze spasení,
SVATOST jako pokorné usilování o čistý a bezúhonný život navenek i v soukromí,
PRAVDA Písma Svatého osvětlující cestu,
MISIE svědectvím vlastního života, zvěstováním evangelia a službou potřebným,
JEDNOTA respektující rozdíly osobní, odlišnou míru víry a poznání i různá obdarování a pověření,
LÁSKA k Bohu a lidem vyjadřovaná slovy i praktickými činy. -
A spiritual road trip with your two coolest, most insightful friends. Larry and Inelia dive into deep, no-nonsense conversations about leveling up your life, understanding the mysteries of the universe, and navigating those WTF moments we all face. They tackle metaphysics, consciousness, and practical wisdom with a side of humor and personal stories. It's the perfect mix of mind-blowing insights and laughs to keep you entertained and enlightened on your commute or workout. Buckle up, bro – it’s a ride you won’t want to miss!