Welcome to Shameless Leadership! This show is dedicated to women, gender minorities, and allies who are committed to advancing their leadership and advancing the leadership of those around them. In this space, we believe everyone deserves to feel seen, heard, valued, and supported. Our mission is to help you foster these feelings within your own circles of influence to build trust, psychological safety, and a culture of belonging.
In each episode, we dive into essential topics impacting women in leadership - everything from shutting down your inner critic and imposter syndrome to overcoming perfectionism to using your voice in new ways to advocate for yourself, your ideas, and other folks carrying marginalized identities. You'll hear practical tips, effective strategies, and inspiring stories that will not only enhance your leadership skills but also broaden your perspective to become a more confident, intentional, inclusive, and empathetic leader.
Our stories come from voices that are often underrepresented, underestimated, and excluded. By sharing their experiences, we aim to provide you with invaluable lessons that will transform your leadership journey. We are thrilled to have you join this community of Shameless Leaders who are actively creating a world where women leaders intentionally lead through a more confident, empathetic, and inclusive lens. -
يختلف تعريف النجاح من شخص لآخر. فقد يعتبره البعض ملازمًا لتحصيل المال أو الراتب العالي. بينما يرى الآخرون نجاحهم مقرونًا بالشهادات العلمية. وقد يكون نجاح الأهل مرتبطًا بنجاح أبنائهم في الدراسة.
ولا يختلف الكنديون من أصول عربية في تعريفهم للنجاح عن باقي الجاليات المكوّنة للفسيفساء الثقافية الكندية.
وقد بلغ عدد الكنديين الذين يصرّحون بأنّهم من أصول عربية ما يقرب من 1.000.000 شخص في عام 2016 أي بنسبية لا تتجاوز 3 % من إجمالي عدد السكان، وفقًا لبيانات وكالة الإحصاء الكندية.
وفي سلسلة البودكاست هذه، تحدّث القسم العربي لراديو كندا الدولي مع عيّنة من الكنديين العرب الذين حقّقوا نجاحات في ميادين مختلفة كالسياسة، والإدارة وريادة الأعمال والعلوم والبحوث الجامعية والفنون. -
I'm Matthew Kimberley and here at How To Get A Grip I question your favorite entrepreneurs' sanity. Specifically, I ask: "what keeps you sane?" For some it's morning meditation, for others it's night-time naughtiness. Because one thing's for certain: working for yourself comes at a cost, and How To Get A Grip explores exactly how to manage that cost and preserve your sanity.
This is a place where FinTech compliance, regulations and risks are made simple and fun. Your host, Yana Afanasieva, corporate dropout turned entrepreneur, introduces you to pragmatic risk acceptance and agile compliance that scale, challenges financial industry conventional wisdom, and wholeheartedly believes that dashboards and automation often make much better job than humans.
Better is a podcast series from Great Place to Work, the global authority on workplace culture. Each episode offers tips, strategy, and advice from experts and executives who strive to make their workplace culture a top priority because they know it’s ultimately better for their people, better for business, and better for the world. Learn more at
Welcome to the regular addition of The Burnt Chef Journal hosted by Kris Hall founder of The Burnt Chef Project.
Join us as we explore mental health and wellbeing within the hospitality world and talk openly with our guests about the journey through their careers and experiences with mental health and stress.
Listen whilst prepping, on your break, at the gym or at home as we discuss what a mentally healthy hospitality workplace looks like.
We hope that you enjoy the content and that you find the open conversations refreshingly honest, relatable and potentially provide some tools to use to benefit you or your team. -
Discover the most powerful digital marketing tips and tactics from the best in the WORLD. People like John Lee Dumas, Scott Oldford, & Joel Comm will share their most successful techniques for driving sales online TODAY! As the digital world is always changing - the interviews in this podcast will give you up to date analysis on what's working NOW. 10 Minute Hacks was created for YOU - the Entrepreneur, Small Business Owner, or Marketer who wants concise, ACTIONABLE advice during your daily commute, workout, or routine.
We help entrepreneurs find focus for personal, professional, business, and financial success.
George Krueger and Mary-Lynn Foster are the co-founders of BIGG Success. George is a serial business owner who also teaches Entrepreneurial Finance at the University of Illinois. Mary-Lynn is a veteran radio show host turned entrepreneur.
We believe entrepreneurship isn't just an occupation; it's also a way of thinking which helps you take control, make better decisions, and reach your goals faster, whether or not you own a business.
Subscribe to get fun, informative, and inspirational episodes from "The Professor and Mary-Lynn," that help you have an entrepreneur mindset and focus on the right moves to achieve BIGG success. -
Equipped with more than 30 years of experience in retail, most recently as the Chief Customer Officer for Walmart Asda in the U.K., host Andy Murray is sharing his expertise through his new role as the founder and executive chair of the Customer Centric Leadership Initiative at the University of Arkansas Sam M. Walton College of Business. Now more than ever, retailers and brands are accelerating their quest to be more customer centric, but to be truly customer centric, it requires both a shift in mindset and ways of working, not just in marketing but in all parts of the organization. Through his initiative and this podcast series, Andy will be talking with practitioners, thought leaders, and scholars to hear their thoughts on what it takes to be a leader in today’s customer centric world.
„Keine Angst vorm weißen Blatt“: Der Podcast CODE OF CREATIVITY soll Mut machen, an die eigenen kreativen Fähigkeiten zu glauben – oder diese wieder zu entdecken. Mein Name ist Annett Schaper, Kreativität ist die Grundierung meines Lebens. Ich liebe es, Menschen zu inspirieren und ihnen zu helfen, ihre eigene Kreativität zu entfalten. Beruflich bin ich Creative Entrepreneur Coach für Führungskräfte, bildende Künstlerin, Keynotespeakerin und Autorin. Seit mehr als 30 Jahren sind Design und Kreativität mein Thema.
Kreativität ist nichts für Eingeweihte oder einer speziellen Gruppe Menschen vorbehalten. Wir alle werden mit einem großen kreativen Potential geboren. Bis zum Alter von 12 Jahren ist unsere kreative Entwicklung auf dem Höhepunkt. Je nach Umfeld oder unserer intrinsischen Motivation und Begabung bilden wir den kreativen Muskel aus – oder auch nicht. In diesem Fall verkümmert unser Potential. Immer wieder höre ich von Kunden: „ach ich bin nicht kreativ“ oder: „mich stresst, dass ich an einer Innovation arbeiten muss“. Die Liste ist lang.
Aber Hoffnung naht. Es gibt einen Code of Creativity, einen Schlüssel. Wenn man ihn kennt und anwendet, hat man keine Angst mehr vor dem weißen Blatt. Im Gegenteil: Es wird prickelig und freudig. Durch das Anwenden dieses Codes setzt eine Selbstwirksamkeit ein, die glücklich macht, und Ihr kommt in einen Zustand von Flow.
In diesem Podcast gebe ich Dir sehr viele Insights und Tipps, wie Du Dich selbst kreativ wiederentdecken oder bewusst pushen kannst. Ich führe Gespräche mit interessanten Kreativen, Designern und Lebenskünstlern, um zu erfahren, was IHR persönlicher Code of Creativity ist.
Also: “fasten your seat belts”. Es wird ein heißer, aufregender Ritt!
Kreativität ist Dein Grundrecht und eine Schlüsselfähigkeit für eine persönliche und gesellschaftliche Weiterentwicklung. -
Beyond the bottom line. Creating true success in sales is creating real solutions for your clients. Product knowledge is great but relationships, and understanding your client’s goals will help you stand out from the crowd. You’ll be able to anticipate their future needs and troubleshoot a potential problem. This means listening and focusing on the person you are working with, even if it’s on zoom. Connie Whitman knows sales. Changing The Sales Game will help you tighten the gap between you and your customer. Listen in for tips on how to become a trusted team member with resources, answers and ideas to solve the challenges they face, you'll be happy you did.
Inspired by her own courageous journey, love for connecting with others and having meaningful conversations, Molly believes everyone has a story and she is here to share it. Each week Molly is joined by some of the most compelling and courageous guests. Molly goes deep with each guest to reveal their hardships, celebrations and lessons learned, all leading them to where they are now. On Air with Molly Dare is meant to leave you feeling inspired and encouraged to approach life and business with courage and grit.
Don’t let your assumptions define you. Be driven by choices that provide experience and teach you. When you set out to discover what you really care for by identifying your purpose and living from that space, you have access to Gaurav’s podcast, “The xMonks Drive”. It’s about beginning the journey to be your best self and live what you really care for! Hear Gaurav’s personal selection of his interviews with thought-leaders, social change makers, masterful coaches, spiritual gurus, entrepreneurs as well as business giants, who are doing something meaningful in their life. With this extensive selection of episodes featuring insightful lessons, you can learn a great deal while listening to the podcast when you are in between activities or a daily workout. Get started today by choosing an episode that helps illuminate your path to identify your purpose and live from that space!
Young families receive little to no personal finance help. We all grow up to have jobs and money, yet our education system focuses on Shakespeare and Algebra. Even professional advice can be hard to come by, with the majority of the industry chasing retirees and existing wealth.
Joe Okaly's podcast is aiming to change this, providing personal financial advice geared specifically to professionals with young families. This podcast is dedicated to making life more enjoyable for young families, by hitting on the financial topics that tend to weigh on us, stress us out, and distract our focus from simply enjoying life.
Joseph P Okaly is a CFP Certified Financial Advisor who fits directly in with who this podcast is focused on - a young professional with a family. With over a decade of experience as an advisor, there is passion and knowledge to make a difference.
Securities offered through TFS Securities, Inc., Advisory Services through TFS Advisory Services, a SEC Registered Investment Advisor Member FINRA / SIPC. TFS Securities, Inc. located at 437 Newman Springs Road, Lincroft, NJ 07738 (732) 758-9300. -
As leaders, it’s so easy for us to get caught up in tasks, strategies, & our to-do’s. But all of those things have no value if we don’t know how to take care of the people we oversee. If strategies & tasks cause us to neglect our people, then no matter the results we're getting, they’re worthless.
So how do we lead at a high level, get incredible results, while still taking care of our people?
Well… Welcome to the Good Leader Podcast! -
The Grow Your Law Firm podcast deploys the most innovative legal marketing and management tactics available to get more cases and more free time for yourself. Our law firm growth podcast can help scale your firm by 250% growth with less stress and more free time in the week by exploring the hottest topics and trends in legal marketing and management. This law firm podcast will teach you what the Law Schools don’t. Start your law firm growth NOW.
Question Everything is an invitation to dig deeper, think smarter, and rewrite the rules. In thought-provoking conversations with some of today’s most dynamic voices– from entrepreneurs and authors to politicians and celebrities – journalist Danielle Robay challenges the way we think (and what we thought we knew). Each week, she and her guests hold a mirror up to our culture, asking what works for us and what we can work to change. No topic is off limits – come curious and join Danielle every Thursday as she tackles big ideas with six little words: Can I ask you a question?