The Insiders Show features conversations with respected veteran voices in Hollywood and deep focused discussions on filmmaking, the box office, media and entertainment strategies, awards season, and empowering storytellers and theaters with emerging technology. The podcast is a response by The Advanced Imaging Society and Barco to the ongoing need for information by entertainment stakeholders in content and technology. Shows are hosted by AIS President Jim Chabin.
In Ik Weet Je Wachtwoord onderzoekt techjournalist Daniël Verlaan ongelooflijke verhalen die online spelen. Elke aflevering duikt Daniël in een nieuwe cybercrime-zaak en spreekt hij met digitale criminelen. In seizoen 3 hoor je onder andere hoe stalkers hun slachtoffers volgen met gps-trackers, hoe je via voor honderden euro's wordt opgelicht en welke duistere kanten er zitten aan Artificial Intelligence. Beluister ook seizoen 1 en 2, vol spannende verhalen!
Deze podcast wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door partner KPN. -
Fascination & Frustration's Ruth and Michelle talk about each Episode of 2008's BBC Merlin. The episodes are spoiler free for future Merlin content, so if it's your first ever watch through, listen along safely! This podcast aims to have critical and positive conversations about this beloved TV show. Keep the magic secret, but come and join the conversation on out website or social media using #DestinyAndChicken
16 Minutes on the News is a short news podcast where we cover the top headlines of the week, the a16z podcast way -- why are these topics in the news; what's real, what's hype from our vantage point; and what are our experts' quick takes on these trends?
About the a16z Podcast: Discusses tech and culture trends, news, and the future -- especially as ‘software eats the world’. It features industry experts, business leaders, and other interesting thinkers and voices from around the world. This podcast is produced by Andreessen Horowitz (aka “a16z”), a Silicon Valley-based venture capital firm. Multiple episodes -- and now shows -- are released every week; visit for more details and to sign up for our newsletters and other content as well! -
L’Art du NFT présenté par Lucie-Eleonore Riveron CEO de FauveParis, maison de ventes aux enchères à Paris et Benjamin Spark artiste, podcasteur et formateur NFT.
Ce podcast met en lumière des artistes, des galeries et des musées emboitant le pas de cette révolution afin de comprendre la façon dont les NFT vont radicalement changer le monde de l'art et de la culture en général. Il est enregistré en live sur Clubhouse et se termine par un débat ouvert qui permet aux auditeurs et auditrices d’intervenir, cela nous éclaire sur la façon très contrastée dont cette technologie est perçue par le public.
Les hôtes :
Benjamin Spark artiste, podcasteur et formateur NFT
Lucie-Eleonore Riveron co-fondatrice et CEO de FauveParis, maison de ventes aux enchères
Florent Thurin expert-entrepreneur Blockchain, Fondateur de WALLKANDA
Les producteurs :
Benjamin Spark artiste, podcasteur et formateur NFT
Florent Thurin expert-entrepreneur Blockchain, Fondateur de WALLKANDA
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
AMIES, c'est reparti! Anaïs et Marie partent à la (re)découverte de leurs univers cinématographiques ou sériels préférés.
AMIES est un podcast d'Anaïs Bordages et Marie Telling produit par Slate Podcasts.
Production éditoriale, montage et réalisation: Aurélie Rodrigues
Illustration: Anaïs Lefebvre
Hébergé par Audion. Visitez pour plus d’informations. -
סטארטאפ פור סטארטאפ הוא הפודקאסט שבו אנחנו חולקים מהניסיון, מהידע, והתובנות שלנו כאן במאנדיי.קום וגם מחברות אחרות, ומיועד לכל מי שסטארטאפ מדבר אליו, לא משנה באיזה כיסא הוא יושב ברגעים אלו.
מוזמנים להיכנס לאתר שלנו לתכנים נוספים -
רק מתחילים? חפשו ׳Startup for Startup - צעדים ראשונים׳If you’d like to listen to our podcast in English, search for “Startup for Startup - Global״
The Future of Living podcast explores how people connect to the places they live with technology. In this series, we dive into the latest Internet of Things (IoT), smart living & PropTech technologies, evaluate trends affecting the spaces and places that make up our cities, and look at new ways for managing life as more of the things around us connect.
Web development discussions and interviews from Peter Fisher. Covering JavaScript, Linux, Docker, PHP, Python, MYSQL, HTML and more
Peter Fisher is a freelance web and mobile developer in Gloucestershire UK and the Host of the How To Code Well YouTube channel.
If you have any feedback or wish to do a collaboration then please get in touch. -
Dans " Futur Simple ", Hélène Maquet braque son regard vers le futur.
Technologies, algorithmes, changements climatiques, ou exploration spatiale.
Quels sont les enjeux du présent qu’il faut comprendre, pour pouvoir peser sur notre avenir ?
Chaque semaine, un podcast de 7 minutes, avec un invité : scientifiques, journalistes, chercheur.euses, … -
De podcast van Eddy Willems waar een beeld wordt geschetst van de cyberdelicten en incidenten binnen onze samenleving. In deze serie gaan we in gesprek met Eddy Willems, Security Evangelist, wereldwijd erkend Cyber Security Expert en internationaal keynote spreker. Eddy gaat soms zelf ook in gesprek met andere experten. De laatste security trends worden uitgelicht en tesamen bekijken we de preventieve maatregelen om dit soort problemen te voorkomen. Deze podcast geeft de echte waarheid weer over de vele cybergevaren die dagelijks op ons afkomen. Malware, spam, phishing, hacking, APT's, privacy, IoT en de gevaren er rond worden op een luchtige en duidelijke manier uitgelegd die door iedereen te verstaan is. My Precious Data is jouw security podcast voor de komende jaren.
My Precious Data keeps your data alive and safe!
Powered by G DATA tot en met 2024. -
Welcome to IoTalks - your hub for REAL talks with REAL builders in the blockchain & IoT industry!
As a blockchain platform, IoTeX is lucky to interact with IoT companies, protocols, and DApps from around the world. IoTalks is our way of inviting you into these conversations and bringing you closer to the action - no whitepapers, no hype, just REAL talks with REAL innovators!
Hosted by: Larry Pang, IoTeX Head of Business Development -
We used to read and discuss Philip Pullman's phenomenal His Dark Materials series but now that we've completed that adventure, we're diving into genre entertainment and nerd cultural touchstones.
Look for us on YouTube and pretty much anywhere else podcasts are available. Our first episode should drop soon! Please join us and listen!! -
Deep Learning (DL) has attracted much interest in a wide range of applications such as image recognition, speech recognition and artificial intelligence, both from academia and industry. This lecture introduces the core elements of neural networks and deep learning, it comprises:
(multilayer) perceptron, backpropagation, fully connected neural networks
loss functions and optimization strategies
convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
activation functions
regularization strategies
common practices for training and evaluating neural networks
visualization of networks and results
common architectures, such as LeNet, Alexnet, VGG, GoogleNet
recurrent neural networks (RNN, TBPTT, LSTM, GRU)
deep reinforcement learning
unsupervised learning (autoencoder, RBM, DBM, VAE)
generative adversarial networks (GANs)
weakly supervised learning
applications of deep learning (segmentation, object detection, speech recognition, ...)