Joernalis Julian Jansen praat openhartig oor die lewe ná 60 – ‘n ander werksritme, ‘n nuwe benadering teenoor toksiese mense en Cecelia Jacobs, die “nommerpas vrou.” Hy gesels oor sy 3 grootste persoonlike traumas, hoe om ‘n konstruk van lewensuitdagings in groei en persoonlike geluk te omskep, en die wens om jou kinders in jou hande te hou. www.mariettesnyman.co.za · Hierdie episode se potgooi-notas en foto's · www.facebook.com · www.instagram.com · www.linkedin.com
Is being stuck a hellhole of despair or a friend enabling our growth? Psychotherapist and coach Dr Julia Kukard explains why stuckness indicates a disconnect between our inner and outer world, 3 losses we suffer and can recover, and the 5 stages of the stuckness cycle. Citing memorable case studies, she invites us to get stuck often - and develop the skills to recover quickly. Sponsored content. www.mariettesnyman.co.za · www.jkukard.com · aephoriagroup.com · This episode's podcast notes and photograph · www.facebook.com · www.instagram.com · www.linkedin.com
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Discovering Egypt in unforeseen ways, angel medium Belinda Bras-Nel experienced deep connections, spiritual encounters, the energy of Grandmother Gaia, and fun - despite health challenges. She describes the allure of the Nile, the profound beauty of the desert, and how her perceptions of her own femininity and animals’ well-being were transformed. www.mariettesnyman.co.za · www.belindabrasnel.co.za · This episode's podcast notes and photographs · www.facebook.com · www.instagram.com · www.linkedin.com
Struggling with hearing loss, painful distortion, cognitive decline and other challenges after two ear strokes, international cognitive behavioural therapist and speaker Cherona Dannhauser had a successful middle ear implant. She shares her journey, including what if felt like to hear her own voice – and that of her young adult son’s – for the first time in 4 years. www.mariettesnyman.co.za · www.cheronad.com · This episode's podcast notes and photograph · www.facebook.com · www.instagram.com · www.linkedin.com
Waar vind jy hoop wanneer die golwe van die lewe jou wil verswelg? Pastoor, skrywer, omroeper, spelterapeut en berader Sonja Goldberg vertel hoe struikelblokke soos ernstige gesondheidsuitdagings, die dood van geliefdes, armoede, eensaamheid en ‘n egskeiding eindelik tóg haar geloof gevoed het - en hoe haar droom om pastoor te word ná 49 jaar bewaarheid is. Inhoud geborg. www.mariettesnyman.co.za · sonjagoldberg.co.za · Hierdie episode se potgooi-notas en foto's · www.facebook.com · www.instagram.com · www.linkedin.com
In a quest to provide medication-free pain relief, Dr Njideka Olatunde created Reflexology-Touchology: a system which involves listening as a form of touch, identifying the pain-stress connection, offering pain relief and finding suitable integrative healing modalities. She discusses examples of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual pain and each person's innate ability to use the healing power of touch. www.mariettesnyman.co.za · focusonhealing.com · This episode's podcast notes and photograph · www.facebook.com · www.instagram.com · www.linkedin.com
Is your pet’s well-being close to your heart? Veterinarian Dr Marlene Siegel explains what integrative, holistic health care entails and why finding the root cause of any challenge is crucial in order to ensure long-term health. She discusses deficiency, toxicity, mitochondrial dysfunction and trapped emotions as causes of dis-ease, and offers advice on testing and other practical matters. www.mariettesnyman.co.za · drmarlenesiegel.com · This episode's podcast notes and photographs · www.facebook.com · www.instagram.com · www.linkedin.com
Thyroid dysfunction, especially hypothyroidism, is often misdiagnosed and can lead to weight gain, fatigue, anxiety, hair loss or gut problems. Naturopathic doctor Faryal Luhar discusses possible causes, testing the correct markers, and treatment. She sheds light on Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder, and how it can be dealt with. Sponsored content. www.mariettesnyman.co.za · drluharnaturo.com · This episode's podcast notes and photograph · www.facebook.com · www.instagram.com · www.linkedin.com
Living with a chronic condition – invisible to others - often means managing unrelenting pain, impaired daily function, diverse fears, and isolation. Having lived with chronic illness and pain for 15+ years, wellness coach Marina Wildt shares her spine-chilling journey and what it took to get her back on her feet. Offering practical advice, she now helps others become “empowered patients.” www.mariettesnyman.co.za · www.healwithmarina.com · This episode's podcast notes and photograph · www.facebook.com · www.instagram.com · www.linkedin.com
Are you – or do you desire to be - a podcaster? Podcast profit strategist Donna Kunde offers clarity on making friends with fear, calming your inner voice, cultivating the mindset of success, and crafting a unique message that resonates with your audience. Practical advice for anyone finding themselves in front of a microphone and wishing to show up authentically. www.mariettesnyman.co.za · www.donnakunde.com · This episode's podcast notes and photograph · www.facebook.com · www.instagram.com · www.linkedin.com
Did you know that, in menopause, hormone production moves from the ovaries to the adrenals? Functional medicine health coach Anita Hamilton-Williams explains how to support the body as it moves from being ovarian-centric to adrenal-centric. We can ensure optimal cortisol levels by stabilising blood sugar, calming inflammation, eliminating circadian disruption and addressing mental-emotional stress. www.mariettesnyman.co.za · This episode's podcast notes and photograph · www.facebook.com · www.instagram.com · www.linkedin.com
Individuals who have an unhealthy relationship with food don’t necessarily realise that this is the case. Movement and energy specialist Tami Folkenflik shares her own story of food trauma, which caused intense emotional distress. She explains how she supports clients in their healing journeys and advises family members on how to approach their loved one experiencing a debilitating relationship with food. www.mariettesnyman.co.za · tamifolkenflik.com · Tami's episode on unexplained, chronic pain · This episode's podcast notes and photograph · www.facebook.com · www.instagram.com · www.linkedin.com
Hanteer jy verandering goed? Wat van onvoorspelbaarheid, ontnugtering en ouer word? Skrywer, spreker en spirituele begeleier Philip Liebenberg praat oor verskillende soorte verandering, denkskuiwe wat dit vergemaklik, diere en dekor, soepelheid, vrede en aanvaarding. www.mariettesnyman.co.za · Hierdie episode se potgooi-notas en foto · www.facebook.com · www.instagram.com · www.linkedin.com
Neuroscience shows that Mom’s brain changes as she expects, births and nurtures her baby. How about Dad’s brain, or that of a foster mom or caretaker? Cozette Laubser discusses how certain areas in the brain shrink or grow, how close contact with a baby “rewards” parents with feel-good hormones, and how being nurtured helps children develop a regulated nervous system. She reassures parents that parenting means growing a skill set and offers advice on exhaustion and moms returning to work. www.mariettesnyman.co.za · babygym.co.za · Podcast on the first 6 hours after birth · This episode's podcast notes and photographs · www.facebook.com · www.instagram.com · www.linkedin.com
Are introverts better networkers than extroverts? Helen Nicholson considers “superpowers” introverts possess, why many introverts feel invisible in the workplace, and how the brains of introverts, extroverts and ambiverts differ. She discusses connectors and mavens, storytelling and developing a powerful personal brand, and a valuable small-talk technique. www.mariettesnyman.co.za · thenetworkingco.com · helen-nicholson.com · This episode's podcast notes and photographs · www.facebook.com · www.instagram.com · www.linkedin.com
How does CBT differ from other therapies? Clinical psychologist Dr Colinda Linde explains that it’s fast, practical, evidence-based, and characterised by teamwork between client and practitioner. CBT effectively addresses conditions including anxiety, depression, stress management, and sleeping and eating disorders; equips clients with skills; and can be used in group settings. www.mariettesnyman.co.za · thoughtsfirst.com · colindalinde.com · This episode's podcast notes and photograph · www.facebook.com · www.instagram.com · www.linkedin.com
How about a safe, total-body exercise that burns more calories than walking but requires less exertion - and impacts your joints less? Nordic Walker and trainer Lohra de Waal discusses this fast-growing sport, suitable to all ages and many chronic, medical or geriatric conditions. . She discusses research findings, the advantages of Nordic Walking, suitable poles and how trail and ultra runners as well as individuals walking for enjoyment can benefit. www.mariettesnyman.co.za · southpole.co.za · healthydays.co.za · This episode's podcast notes and photograph · www.facebook.com · www.instagram.com · www.linkedin.com
Through your voice, you can express all your emotions – and your needs. Do you find this easy or difficult? Arts therapist Karen de Kock explains that every emotion has a sound, why we may feel silenced, strangled or blocked, and mentions processes and techniques that can bring relief. You can use your voice to activate or calm your nervous system – even save your life! www.mariettesnyman.co.za · This episode's podcast notes and photograph · www.facebook.com · www.instagram.com · www.linkedin.com
Nuusman Johan Allers gesels oor jeugdige naïwiteit, die Groot Storie waaraan hy soveel lewensenergie gewy het, sy werk in 54 lande en die ervaring van “inmekaarstort, uitbrand en byna selfvernietig.” Hy praat oor die skok van ouer word en die fragiliteit van menswees - en wat dit beteken om saggies te loop. www.mariettesnyman.co.za · www.youtube.com · Hierdie episode se potgooi-notas en foto · www.facebook.com · www.instagram.com · www.linkedin.com
Why do some traumatic experiences remain unprocessed? Post-traumatic growth specialist Sinta Ebersohn discusses the two components of trauma, the top 5 stressors, resilience as a set of skills and a growth process that can help us deal with whatever life throws at us. www.mariettesnyman.co.za · getupandgrow.co.za · fairdivorce.co.za · sintaebersohn.co.za · This episode's podcast notes and photograph · www.facebook.com · www.instagram.com · www.linkedin.com
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