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With a daily meditation practice we create more space through the mind and the breath; to be fully present and come back into in alignment with our true essence and authenticity.
We begin to flow in harmony and balance with life and at the same time, we come into a higher state of gratitude, self-awareness, emotional balance and self-regulation which helps us better manage and cope with stress and challenges more gracefully without reacting to them.
Remember, know that you are loved always. :-)! Dr. K
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Please email me at info@designandwellness.com with any questions you have!
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I hope this meditation finds you in good spirits and taking care💝
Our emotions are an inseparable part of your healing process and it is often the ego/inner critic that seeks to protect us. Today, I wanted to offer you this meditation with hopes you are aware of your infinite potential.
As you begin releasing limiting beliefs, you will begin integrating new waves of vibrating energy. As this energy expands, your awareness and your inner radiance expands.
Love, Dr. K
Visit me at designandwellness.com and subscribe to my channel. Thank you for being you.
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Please email me at info@designandwellness.com with any questions you have!
Saknas det avsnitt?
Watch this mediation on YouTube at https://youtu.be/_ur0oRJaloo
Loving energy is all around you. Within you is the power to shift how you feel about yourself, including feelings of love, happiness, worthiness, pain, sorrow and even self-worth. I hope this meditation inspires you in a little way that brings peace to your day and for you to know that you are loved beyond measure and a greater access to self-love is ready for you to embrace.
Visit me at designandwellness.com and subscribe to my channel. Thank you for being you.
Love, Dr. K
Follow me on:
Sign up for my online Reiki 1, 2 and 3 Master/Teacher training course at https://designandwellnessacademy.thinkific.com/courses/reikitrainingonline
Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/dr.k_designandwellness
Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-melissa-knight-phd-rn-msn-cne-dr-k-425189ba/
YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG-80Qt1SOB9ahxWO7oMfKg
Visit Website-designandwellness.com to learn more about my services
Please email me at info@designandwellness.com with any questions you have!
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In this 20-minute inner wisdom guided meditation, I will invite you to open up to the infinite wisdom within to help guide you with the answers you seek. Reflect upon your thoughts, your emotions and perhaps where you’re holding onto worry or a lack of clarity.
Allow your body to soften, your mind to be clear and your heart to open today in today’s meditation. Allow intimate space to reflect and allow your intuition and inner guidance to naturally flow. Release any resistance to feeling. After this meditation reflect on the questions that arise in your consciousness and write them down in a journal. What you are asking will soon reveal the answers and clarity you are seeking. What you are searching for is already within and the answers you seek are closer than you think!
Sending you lots of love and positive energy. We are all connected love!
Subscribe to this channel and tune in every Wednesday for guided meditations for peace, harmony and balance for your mind, body, and soul.
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Anchor podcast at https://anchor.fm/breathe-elevate-heal
Visit Website-designandwellness.com to learn more about my private gentle Yoga services and upcoming Reiki practitioner training and certification
Visit my online academy for self-paced courses and self-paced Reiki 1, 2 and 3 training!
Please email me at info@designandwellness.com with any questions you have!
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We are all born with the ability to move out negative emotions, traumas, thoughts and beliefs and replace them with healing light and more positive energy for emotional, physical, mental and spiritual balance.
The quality and quantity of your inner-peace is important to live fully within your true essence and Divine purpose.
Spend a little time connecting to your breath and inner peace today. Devote time for self-healing and cultivating a deeper awareness of what you need for yourself from moment to moment.
I hope this meditation helps frame your day in positive energy and healing peace from my heart to yours.
Love, Dr. K
Visit designandwellness.com for holistic and energy healing modalities to calm the mind and body and support you along your wellness and spiritual journey!
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Today I invite you to ground and center yourself in the present moment and be a witness to your own thoughts, emotions and your own healing unfolding. Life can be challenging, however when we allow ourselves to slow down and just be present , we begin to see clearly the depths of our inner-peace.
I know you’ve been craving transformation and healing and perhaps mindfulness meditation is one tool that may be helpful to keep your moment going along your healing journey through daily practice and persistence.
Mindfulness is a way of paying attention, on purpose and without judgement, to what goes on in the present moment in your body, mind and your outside environment. It involves intentionally stepping out of ‘automatic pilot mode’ to be present, aware and responsive.
In this present moment meditation for beginners, I invite to discover "presence"; in your being-ness just as you are. Simply sit without judgement and with a level of patience and compassion for yourself. I hope it brings just a little more peace in your day.
Mindfulness meditation is a discipline that can lead to profound self-awareness, inner healing and personal growth. You can access steps to heal yourself or others and this can be life changing. Are you ready to take action and start your healing journey today?
To learn more visit designandwellness.com
Much love, Dr. K
Watch this guided meditation on YouTube
What intentions are you ready to bring in your life in 2023 and beyond?✨💥
What do you desire or want in your life; keeping in mind your highest good will always come to fruition in its own perfect timing.
Creative visualization in meditation entails picturing in your mind something you want such as a mental image of an intention or a goal you desire to achieve.
Feel your intention in your body and your body sensations as the feeling mode increases the power of visualization and manifestation.
Every time we do a visualization, we are planting a seed. Visualization is a powerful tool to shape your present and future goals.
Truly ask for what you desire or want in your life!
Peace & Blessings Have a happy and safe New Year 2023!
Love, Dr. K visit designandwellness.com for holistic services including private Yoga-energy healing therapy and meditation info@designandwellness.com
Watch this episode presentation with slides on YouTube
The level of chronic stress and busy lifestyles that we lead today can easily cause imbalances in the 5 elements of earth and our body. My purpose today is to briefly explain these elements and how to balance them with physical, emotional and spiritual self care practices .
Ancient traditions such as Ayurveda teaches us to live in harmony with nature, having a lifestyle that is aligned with our 5 elements, providing us with many tools to have a happier existence through self-care practices including prayer, meditation, Yoga etc...
Ayurveda is the sister science to yoga based on ancient text of observing the body and human behaviors and how minds and energy respond to different methods such as energetic, spiritual and physical methods.
In Sanskrit, “Ayur” means life and “Veda” means science or knowledge and is commonly translated as “science of life.”
A more subtle and beautiful definition is “knowledge of longevity.” Ayurveda is Indian classical medicine, dating back more than 6,000 years.
For more information on Holistic wellness, Ayurveda, Yoga, Energy Healing and Reiki Practitioner Training visit designandwellness.com
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Most people underestimate the power of the subconscious mind and you may have been led to believe that it is a negative aspect of the mind… .or a hidden mystery of the shadow self……but yet it has so much positive effect over the way our mind functions –how we can eliminate our negative thinking habits, to achieve our goals, to be more creative…..to bring back a state of awareness and higher consciousness!
We are in a time in human consciousness where we are really embracing what it is to be a spiritual being having a human experience. The vibration of many people are shifting into higher states of energy…we are establishing new ways to interpret the great mysteries of life and the great mysteries of the great past of our ancestors. To understand where we came from and who we really are…and deeply rooted in our subconscious mind are hidden treasures of a return back to who we are and our true power.
For Yoga, Meditation or Reiki 1 training for Self-Healing visit https://www.designandwellness.com/
Watch this episode on YouTube https://youtu.be/6rxRjRse2Rs
Music/audio permission from Royalty Free Music -Healing Light Relaxing Meditation by jjessep
In this meditation, you are invited to reflect on the loss of a loved one. Bringing awareness to our body sensations and breath can be healing. It is hard to accept death/change, however our loved one's live on inside of us in every cell of our body. Check in with yourself and your hurting heart. Meditation is a powerful way to reconnect with your beloved through your breath, heart and loving spirit.
For more information on relaxing and healing therapies including meditation, yoga or Reiki visit https://www.designandwellness.com for a free consultation.
Watch this episode on YouTube and subscribe~ !https://youtu.be/CN6BACnvncQ
There is still time to register for my Self-Healing Reiki Level 1 Training Course.
Sign-up and mark your calendar for December 11, 2022. The training session will begin at 10:00am EST!
Click the link below to register: https://www.designandwellness.com/reiki1training
In this 5-hour webinar, I will personally lead you on how to take your health in your own hands through the power of Reiki! You will also receive a Reiki Level 1 – Certification after successful completion of the training and the attunement process.
In Reiki level 1, you will be introduced to the basics and history of Reiki and will be attuned to the universal life force energy for self-healing purposes.
As you learn this transformative skill you can begin practicing Reiki on yourself, thereby working through whatever obstacles you are experiencing in your life. You will also be prepared to share this powerful energy with your loved ones, pets, plants etc.
Limited time offer--receive $100 off the original price of $249. Today's investment is only $149!!
Visit website at https://www.designandwellness.com
Watch this episode on YouTube https://youtu.be/WlfR7WyncKc
There is an opportunity for awareness and upshifting our thinking to overcome stress, anxiety, depression and even chronic disease symptoms.
In this video, I discuss some of the hidden stressors of the mind and how one can begin upshifting there thinking through challenging one's underlying beliefs, values and conditioned perceptions through cognitive restructuring.
After viewing this video, I challenge you to ink back throughout your life’s history and recall moments where you had a set-back and or even success in your relationships, your career, your health your finances, or you experienced a significant change or transition in your life.
-How did you act, react or respond?
-What inactions did you take?
-What were your beliefs surrounding it?
-How did you feel about yourself during these moments…how did you feel in your body?
-What were the sensations you felt in your body as a result of this set-back or success?
As you go through this activity, choose 3 beliefs and 3 actions/or inactions that conflict with your true essence or that conflict with your intentions and goals for your well-being in every area of your life and begin to substitute a more accurate view of these events to come to a healthier state of mind.
Through this activity you are beginning the steps of cognitively restructuring your brain. And by challenging those assumptions surrounding stress you can view situations more accurately .
For more information on how to apply these types practice to rewire your mind to enhance your wellbeing visit designandwellness.com
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{Rights to use this music through audio--"Healing Light Relaxing Meditation" by jjessep):
Today, I challenge you to spend time doing a form of mindful movement or exercise. (Always consult with a physician before beginning any new exercise activity).
Mindful movement can have a major influence and a cascade effect on every area of your life including your relationships, your career, your sense of health and wellbeing, your ability to cope with stress and uncertainty in your life. It can help you train your brain to be more responsive to experiences and not reactive to what’s happening internally and externally.
Example of mindful movements:
Tai Chi
Qi Gong
Bike Riding
Aerobic Exercises
Lifting Weights
Whatever activity you choose today, move and breathe in a way that shifts you into being fully present in the now.
Remember as you go through these activities just notice what sensations and emotions arise without judging the experience.
Follow these steps:
Step 1- Take a few slow deep breaths
Step 2.-- Begin to simply notice what sensations you feel in your body as you begin to move mindfully…(for example simply say to yourself I notice tingling, vibration and warmth in my calf and thighs as I begin to stretch or wall)
Step 3- Stay mindful and focused on your breathing pattern as you move. Noticing the change in the rhythm of your breath as you move
Step 4- Bring your awareness back to the sensations of each part of your body moving from your feet to your crown as you learned in the body scan. Just be with the experience of mindfully moving and not judging the experience as good or bad. Notice if you have a sense of gratitude as you move.
Step 5- Notice how movement makes you feel emotionally. What thoughts and emotions arise as you move? Let the thoughts come and go like clouds floating in the sky.
Step 6- If your mind wonders, bring your attention to your breath and your body sensations as you move
Step 7- As you finish your mindful movement, simply notice how you feel after. (What sensations do you feel in your body now? Notice the level of your mood).
Overall, notice how your mindful movement made you feel overall in your entire body in general, in your mind and in your spirit. Notice if the mindful movement helped you become more aware of self in the moment.
Did it help you flow easier through your day?
Were you able to cultivate mindful breathing with a sense of calm, more energy and vitality, and a greater sense of peace?
Remember to journal about your experience today! Remember to take your mindful moment with you throughout each day!
Visit designandwellness.com to learn more about yoga and meditation. -
Watch this episode on YouTube https://youtu.be/Pg1EA_Wzq64
When we experience anxiety, discomfort, excessive stress, pain, illness or injury, grief or a life transition, there can be a disruption in the vital flow of human energy that is normally a continuous whole state. When the biofield is altered this can impact our personal well-being, our personal health status, energy level and one's quality of life.
Watch this episode on YouTube https://youtu.be/qHQUm-uVQtA
At the heart of the immune system/lymphatic system is the balance of energies that flow through the body and mind; innately designed to keep you healthy. When the immune systems (microbiome and the lymphatic system) are in balance, the body naturally rids itself of toxins and protects the body from dis-ease where a state of health can be achieved. When the immune system is plagued with unhealed trauma, emotional baggage and toxic-chronic oxidative stress and psychological stress it begins attacking itself.
Knowing a little about how these systems work in concert can help you bring your own body and emotions back to healing. Also knowing a little bit about Ayurveda and your unique body constitution/doshas can help you gain a deeper understanding of what your unique body needs (as we are all unique and what works well for one may not for another). The body is complex and eating nutritious foods, getting adequate movement and rest can also help lower your stress for optimal health of your microbiome and immune system.
For more information about holistic health, energy healing, CBT, mindfulness, meditation and Yoga visit designandwellness.com
Watch this episode on YouTube at https://youtu.be/V--Nc1H8eRw
Most of the energy we get to spend is delivered by minuscule living structures inside our cells called the mitochondria. How resilient to stress, how active we are and ultimately how healthy and happy we are depends depends a great deal on the health of our mitochondria.
Visit designandwellness.com to learn more about mindfulness, meditation, CBT, Yoga and energy healing.
Watch this episode on YouTube https://youtu.be/Zr_8TXcNo-A
What are you desiring to heal from? What are you hoping to embrace more of in your life?
The human body was innately designed to self-heal. External approaches are often a band aid solution. When you begin tapping into your own power within, you can reawaken your natural healer within. Healing is an inside job and all that it requires is setting an intention daily to create a nurturing space for yourself to go within and tap into your Divine energy flow.
In this episode, I talk about why we don't engage in self-healing practices and I offer a few ways to begin channeling your own energy.
Visit designandwellness.com
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Today, in this bonus episode, we are going to practice a mindful body scan. (Do this practice while not driving). This activity will help you bring your awareness inward. Usually, our attention jumps around between the mind and the external world, so we want to start to bring it inward. The body scan is also one of the simplest and most effective techniques to prepare the mind and body for meditation. While many people find the body scan relaxing, relaxation is not the primary goal. The goal is to train the mind to be more open and aware of sensory experiences—and ultimately, more accepting. With time and practice, the body scan will build your ability to focus and be fully present in your life.
To practice a body scan, we are simply observing the sensations and feelings of the body. We focus our attention at the different parts of the body and the sensations associated with that part of the body. As a result, we allow the body to relax as we focus. We often develop adverse relationships with our bodies and mindfulness can be used to bring back appreciation and gratitude for the body.
The Benefits of the Body Scan Practice:
•Enhances your ability to bring your full attention to real-time experiences happening in the present moment—helpful when emotions or thoughts are heightened.
•Trains to explore and be with pleasant and unpleasant sensations, learning to notice what happens when we stick with the practice and feel what’s going on in the body without trying to fix or change anything.
Steps of Body Scan
Step 1: Sit or lie down with a straight spine and take a couple of deep breaths to relax. You can also lie down if you need to but its best to keep the spine erect so you don’t fall asleep. Step 2: Bring your attention to the feet. Notice any sensations you can feel there. Here are some things you might feel: pressure, tingling, hot, cold, vibrating, touching (ground etc.). Notice what you feel without judging. Just witness. Step 3: Consciously relax the feet, then move up to the next body part (ankles) Step 4: Repeat moving up to each different body part (ankles, shins, knees, thighs, hips, stomach etc. all the way up to the crown of the head) Step 5: Feel the whole body as an energy field and enjoy the feeling of being in your relaxed body.Are you suffering from a chronic illness, pain, stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, or fatigue? Design & Wellness is your safe-space for healing through evidence-based Yoga, Meditation & Reiki Therapy. We'll help you improve your energy, accelerate healing, reduce pain and inflammation, and achieve a higher state of peace and serenity. For more information visit designandwellness.com
Watch this episode on YouTube! https://youtu.be/BER8nAbtpLQ
Today I am talking about intuition and the intuitive self healer. According to research, intuition is a powerful and scientifically backed skill that helps us make better decisions and gives us more confidence in our inner knowing and how it can best guide us in healing the mind, body and spirit.
Visit designandwellness.com to learn more about meditation, energy healing, holistic wellness and Yoga therapy.
When we learn to use our own voice and creative expression , we’ve created a healthy outlet. We become empowered to use our voice freely, we become effective communicators in that there is no fear in expressing our feelings, our thoughts and experiences. The best way to empower yourself is to harness the power and light within you, so you can outwardly express your gifts to the world.
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