Just two centuries after European settlement, the human impact on the land, massive species extinction, and climate change, pose serious threats to the continent's fragile ecology. Students will consider Australia's early geological history; Indigenous land use; the competing ideas of land and land use among early settlers; and how various forms of land use shaped, and changed the environment.
Rome: a majestic city with a rich past, spanning over two and a half thousand years. What remains to be seen of ancient Rome? As the heart of the Roman Empire, ancient Rome’s archaeological remains have been studied and admired for centuries, many being well-preserved due to their incorporation into newer structures. This album explores the sites of some of the republican temples in Rome’s Campus Martius, and relates them to the men who built them. The Roman Forum, centre of political and social activities, is examined for its importance in modelling city centres throughout the Roman world. This material forms part of The Open University course A219 Exploring the Classical World.
SP Rupert and Stephen Jondrew host a weekly podcast dedicated for the Hobby Podcaster with tips and tricks on how to get started, sound great, have fun and not break the bank. Each week they talk about a podcasting topic in depth within an arc (like how to start a podcast, podcast gear for the hobby podcaster, and tips on different types of presenting-announcing-hosting) and then run down a current news item of importance to podcasting. They also run down any feedback and offer advice on how to make your hobby podcasting time better, easier and more fun. You can check them out at for more information.
Fit for digital ist der Lern-Podcast zur digitalen Transformation. Die Moderatorin Miriam Lerch nimmt Sie mit auf die Reise zu verschiedenen Themen rund um den Wandel zur Arbeitswelt von morgen.
Sie geht Begriffen und Buzzwörtern auf den Grund, sammelt Erlebnisse, die sie bewegt und beindruckt haben und interviewt Macher und Vorbilder aus Deutschlands Mittelstand, die von ihrem Weg berichten.
Schalten Sie rein, lassen Sie sich inspirieren und erhalten wertvolle Infos und Tipps für Veränderung und Transformation. -
Tired of being gaslit by progressive media?
Wanna fight back against deceptive narratives being pushed across the globe?
At the Lucas Skrobot show we tear down cultural & geopolitical events giving you the context you need to expose the worldviews driving the cultural agendas of our day.
Ultimately connecting back to why it matters to your world, and how to order our lives and society to own the future.
Join Lucas Skrobot and follow the show on your favorite podcasts app today to understand the world, discern the truth, own the future. -
You've been to Office Depot and The Home Depot. Now it’s time to visit The Divorce Depot. This is the podcast where all the divorce info you need is stored. If you are stuck on the tracks or riding a run-away train, here's your chance to pull into the station and get some clarity.
The bad news is you are probably going through a divorce or some other relationship meltdown. Why else would you listen to a podcast called The Divorce Depot? The good news is you are in the right place. Ultimately, the Divorce Depot is going to house a wealth of divorce related information, with experts checking-in from every state, and on every divorce-related topic. -
On l’appelle « l’homme providentiel », ou encore l’homme du 18 juin. Mais avant de devenir le Grand Charles, il fut à peu près… personne. En 5 années, de 1940 à 1945, le mythe De Gaulle s’est forgé à coups d’appels à la radio et d’audacieux coups militaires. Voici comment Charles est devenu le Grand De Gaulle.
Ce programme est soutenu par le Musée de l’Armée, dans le cadre de l’exposition “Comme en 40”, à découvrir du 17 septembre 2020 au 10 janvier 2021, au Musée de l’Armée, aux Invalides, à Paris. Plus d’infos sur www.musée-armé
Source des sons d'archives: Institut national de l'audiovisuel
Musiques: "La Madelon", de Marcelly; "Ah! que la France est belle!" de Marcelle Bordas.
Aurélie Luneau, spécialiste de Radio Londres : docteure en histoire et productrice sur France Culture, Aurélie Luneau a écrit de nombreux ouvrages sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale et la guerre de 14. Dernier ouvrage paru le 3 juin 2020 : L’Appel du 18 juin aux éditions Flammarion.
Vincent Giraudier, responsable de l’Historial Charles de Gaulle à Paris : docteur en histoire militaire et études de défense, ses travaux de recherche portent essentiellement sur le système répressif de l’État français. Dernier ouvrage paru : Les Bastilles de Vichy (Paris, Tallandier, 2009). Il est responsable de l’Historial Charles de Gaulle, situé aux Invalides, à Paris.
Ecriture: Cyrielle Le Moigne-Tolba
Narration: Cyril Azouvi
Réalisation: Lucas Wybo
Hébergé par Audion. Visitez pour plus d’informations. -
Whether you own a business, service, repair, build, design, or market swimming pools, this is the podcast for you. We interview swimming pool industry business owners, entrepreneurs, pool service and repair companies, builders, manufactures, marketing and social media experts, as well as many others that can help progress, inspire and entertain us all.
Készítünk egy műsort azoknak, akikkel együtt dolgozunk. Akiknek a műsorait mindannyian hallgatjuk nap, mint nap, mert azt gondoljuk: jár nekik a figyelem; ők látják leginkább, merre halad a podcast piac; meg tudják mondani, mitől is lesz jó egy műsor. Hallgassátok velünk ti is, ahogy Török Szabolcs (Riporta) átbeszéli a podcaster lét minden örömét és kihívását sikeres podcast host vendégeivel!
Wondering how you’re going to pull off a major virtual event, and turn it into a successful, repeatable strategy for your business? Overwhelmed by all of the details facing you, and all the choices in virtual event platforms and tools? Mike Allton, with years of experience running massive virtual summits, webinars and other events for himself and global SaaS companies, is your host. He's your connector between the brand awareness and lead gen you want, and the virtual event strategy you need today. When you don't have time to sit through countless sales demos and sift through dated books, the Virtual Event Strategist podcast is your salve. For more information, show notes, and contact details for Mike, head over to
Welcome to In The Footsteps of Marie-Antoinette, presented by Catriona Seth, Marshal Foch Professor of French Literature at the University of Oxford. In collaboration with the Wallace Collection in London, Waddesdon Manor in Buckinghamshire, the Conciergerie and Chantal Thomas, author of Les Adeiux a La Reine, in Paris, Catriona Seth explores the life of Marie-Antoinette - her childhood at the Habsburg Court in Vienna, her marriage at the age of 14 to the future Louis XVI, life at the French Court in Versailles, and then her final days at the Conciergerie in Paris during the Revolution before her execution on 16 October 1793, at the age of only 37.
Artefacts don’t talk, but people do.
South Grey Museum’s The [re]CALL Project is meant to gather nuance, paradigm and wisdom from the recollection of people who were born long ago. It is a podcast series of candid, recorded discussions with local Seniors in Grey Highlands. These conversations will be saved as digital artifacts for the Museum’s Collection.
Produced by Fiat Lux Media with support from the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture and the Grey Highlands Cultural Channel.