Hoje vamos falar sobre vinho, uma bebida muito importante para os portugueses.
Today we're going to talk about wine, a very important drink for the Portuguese.📝 Download the FREE transcript (in Portuguese & English): https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/podcast/beginner-portuguese
🎁 Support the podcast with a donation:
🔗 All my links (website, ebooks, courses): https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/links
🎵 Music: Aires Silva -
O tema do episódio de hoje é música portuguesa. Vamos falar um pouco sobre a história do fado, mas vamos falar também sobre outros estilos mais modernos.
The theme of today's episode is Portuguese music. We'll talk a bit about the history of fado, but we'll also talk about other more modern styles.
📝 Download the FREE transcript (in Portuguese & English): https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/podcast/beginner-portuguese
🎁 Support the podcast with a donation:
🔗 All my links (website, ebooks, courses): https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/links
🎵 Music: Aires Silva -
Saknas det avsnitt?
Estamos no final de dezembro, que é a altura em que, em Portugal, se celebra o Natal. No episódio de hoje vou falar sobre as origens do Natal e sobre a forma como o festejamos em Portugal.
It's the end of December, which is the time when Christmas is celebrated in Portugal. In today's episode I'm going to talk about the origins of Christmas and how we celebrate it in Portugal.📝 Download the FREE transcript (in Portuguese & English): https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/podcast/beginner-portuguese
🎁 Support the podcast with a donation:
🔗 All my links (website, ebooks, courses): https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/links
🎵 Music: Aires Silva -
Hoje quero contar-te a história daquele que é considerado o primeiro herói português, um homem que viveu mais de 1000 anos antes do nascimento de Portugal: Viriato, o líder dos lusitanos.
Today I want to tell you the story of what is considered the first Portuguese hero, a man who lived more than 1000 years before the birth of Portugal: Viriato, the leader of the Lusitanians.📝 Download the FREE transcript (in Portuguese & English): https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/podcast/beginner-portuguese
🎁 Support the podcast with a donation:
🔗 All my links (website, ebooks, courses): https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/links
🎵 Music: Aires Silva -
No episódio de hoje vamos falar sobre a história de amor proibido mais famosa de Portugal: a história de Pedro e Inês.
In today's episode we're going to talk about Portugal's most famous forbidden love story: the story of Pedro and Inês.🚨 Inscreve-te no curso de nível B1 e aproveita o desconto de lançamento: https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/pt/course/b1-portuguese-course
📝 Download the FREE transcript (in Portuguese & English): https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/podcast/beginner-portuguese
🎁 Support the podcast with a donation:
🔗 All my links (website, ebooks, courses): https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/links
🎵 Music: Aires Silva -
Hoje vou contar-te a história de um dos símbolos mais conhecidos de Portugal: o Galo de Barcelos.
Today I'm going to tell you the story of one of Portugal's best-known symbols: the Barcelos Rooster.🚨 Inscreve-te no curso de nível B1 e aproveita o desconto de lançamento: https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/pt/course/b1-portuguese-course
📝 Download the FREE transcript (in Portuguese & English): https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/podcast/beginner-portuguese
🎁 Support the podcast with a donation:
🔗 All my links (website, ebooks, courses): https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/links
🎵 Music: Aires Silva -
Hoje vamos falar sobre José Saramago, o outro único português que ganhou um prémio Nobel, desta vez, o Prémio Nobel da Literatura.
Today we're going to talk about José Saramago, the only other Portuguese to have won a Nobel Prize, this time the Nobel Prize for Literature.
▶️ Vídeo de YouTube sobre escritores portugueses: https://youtu.be/Engo3l2jr9o🚨 Inscreve-te no curso de nível B1 e aproveita o desconto de lançamento: https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/pt/course/b1-portuguese-course
📝 Download the FREE transcript (in Portuguese & English): https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/podcast/beginner-portuguese
🎁 Support the podcast with a donation:
🔗 All my links (website, ebooks, courses): https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/links
🎵 Music: Aires Silva -
Hoje vou falar-te sobre o primeiro português a ganhar um prémio Nobel: o Professor António Egas Moniz, que ganhou o Prémio Nobel da Medicina em 1949.
Today I'm going to tell you about the first Portuguese to win a Nobel Prize: Professor António Egas Moniz, who won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1949.🚨 Inscreve-te no curso de nível B1 e aproveita o desconto de lançamento: https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/pt/course/b1-portuguese-course
📝 Download the FREE transcript (in Portuguese & English): https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/podcast/beginner-portuguese
🎁 Support the podcast with a donation:
🔗 All my links (website, ebooks, courses): https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/links
🎵 Music: Aires Silva -
Hoje vou contar-te a história do soldado português mais condecorado da Primeira Guerra Mundial. O seu nome era Aníbal Milhais, mas ele era mais conhecido como Soldado Milhões.
Today I'm going to tell you the story of the most decorated Portuguese soldier of the First World War. His name was Aníbal Milhais, but he was better known as Soldado Milhões.🚨 Inscreve-te no curso de nível B1 e aproveita o desconto de lançamento: https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/pt/course/b1-portuguese-course
📝 Download the FREE transcript (in Portuguese & English): https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/podcast/beginner-portuguese
🎁 Support the podcast with a donation:
🔗 All my links (website, ebooks, courses): https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/links
🎵 Music: Aires Silva -
🚨 Inscreve-te no curso de nível B1 e aproveita o desconto de lançamento: https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/pt/course/b1-portuguese-course
📝 Download the FREE transcript (in Portuguese & English): https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/podcast/beginner-portuguese
🎁 Support the podcast with a donation:
🔗 All my links (website, ebooks, courses): https://www.portuguesewithleo.com/links
🎵 Music: Aires Silva