Lo que haces cuenta, un podcast producido por National Geographic que nos conduce por un camino de aprendizaje y conciencia donde expertos, activistas, aventureros y emprendedores nos explican qué está pasando con la crisis climática y ecológica, qué podemos hacer para combatirla y a la vez enfocarnos en un futuro más sustentable.
A lo largo de siete episodios nos adentraremos en la Selva Amazónica para entender el avance y las consecuencias de la deforestación, veremos la importancia de los océanos en la salud del planeta, nos informaremos y destacaremos el rol de las mujeres en la lucha por el cambio climático, aprenderemos sobre energías verdes y las esperanza que nos traen, indagaremos en temas como el turismo y la moda para preguntarnos cómo nuestras acciones pueden ayudar al planeta, y escucharemos el mensaje de las comunidades nativas que nos invitan a redefinir nuestra relación con la naturaleza.
Host: Magali Tajes. -
Has the endlessly gloomy climate news got you hiding under your covers with a case of overwhelm?
Join Christine and Rose for soul-based conversations about climate change that explore the idea that climate change is happening for us as much as it is happening to us.
If you are ready to shift your focus and secure the future for our kids and grandkids this is the podcast for you. -
An ABA podcast where Dr. Zachary Bird and Caleb Davis set aside time to have engaging conversation with experts in the field of behavior analysis to explore topics like ethics of functional analysis, punishment, social media, and others.
BCBAs can earn CEs for each episode. To purchase, visit
To deliver social praise or aversive stimulation, you can email us at -
Geology is the scientific study of the Earth, its origin, structure, processes and composition. This album features The Open University's Glynda Easterbrook and fellow geologist Tony Lee as they visit Northern Ireland to look at some amazing rock forms and some fascinating successions of different depositional environments. This material forms part of The Open University course S260 Geology.
This series of tracks looks at evidence of geological change in the field. Using examples in the UK and the USA they examine how geologists can map past activity from geological evidence.
Material is taken from The Open University course S369 The geological record of environmental change. -
Understanding mountain building involves unraveling how and why rocks deform. Geologists Nigel Harris and John Whalley tour the Scottish segment of the Caledonian orogenic Belt to untangle the kinematics and the chronology of deformation. This material forms part of The Open University course S339, Understanding the continents.
Geology is the scientific study of the Earth, its origin, structure, processes and composition. This album is concerned mainly with the interpretation of geological maps and the relationship between the landscape and underlying rocks. It reveals how the geological history of any area can be interpreted from a geological map. Dr Andrew Bell visits Morecambe Bay and the 'special' Siccar Point to investigate the rocks and stones in the area. This material is taken from The Open University course S260 Geology.
Geology is the scientific study of the Earth, its origin, structure, processes and composition. This album is mainly concerned with the interpretation of geological maps and the relationship between the landscape and underlying rocks. The Open University's Dr Iain Gilmour talks us through the geological landforms of Dorset and the Isle of Skye, using geological maps and actual footage of the locations to illustrate his points. This material forms part of The Open University course S260 Geology.
The big issue of the 21st century is the impact burning fossil fuels is having on the global environment. This album considers what will happen when fossil fuels run out. What oil and gas resources have we got left and how can we sustain them? The two video tracks explore the connection between fossil fuels and climate change, determining that renewable energy is the only way to secure a sustainable future. This material forms part of the course S278 Earth's physical resources: origin, use and environmental impact.
Ob Lamazucht in den Anden, ökologischer Landbau in Ostafrika, Wasserkraft in Nepal oder Meilensteine in der Internationalisierung von Bildung in Europa. Welt im Ohr führt seine Hörer/innen in die Weiten entwicklungspolitischer Fragestellungen, hin zu Forschung und Bildung in den armen und ärmsten Regionen der Welt genauso wie in Österreich. Bei uns im Studio kommen engagierte Menschen zu Wort, die arbeiten und forschen, um gemeinsam die Welt ein wenig besser zu machen – partnerschaftlich in Bildung, Forschung und Entwicklung.
Die Radiosendungen und Podcasts von "Welt im Ohr" vermitteln transkulturelle Erfahrungen aus Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung. Sie sind ein offenes Forum für grenzüberschreitende Diskurse und Reflexionen. -
Ingenio y Calidad es un show que está dirigido a personas que están relacionadas con el mundo de la ingenieria, enfocados en la ciencia de los materiales y el manejo de la calidad.
Rene Parra, ingeniero en materiales e inspector de calidad, lleva a sus invitados a compartir sus vivencias dentro del campo laboral, compartir información técnica y consejos para mejorar nuestras carreras profesionales. Importantes artículos de investigación y noticias son discutidas dentro de este podcast.
Instagram: @ingenioycalidad -
Dr. Steve Green is a professor of soil and water conservation and a promoter of agricultural management that improves soil health. On the Resilient Farming Podcast, he discusses farming practices that improve soil health and enhance resiliency in the farming enterprise. This podcast is for farmers, agriculture support personnel, and anyone interested in how food and fiber can be grown more sustainably. The episodes include interviews with farmers and agriculture industry support personnel and agricultural scientists.
Our COR2ED podcast brings together world-renowned medical experts to discuss and provide clear guidance on the latest scientific and clinical insights in various therapeutic areas, including oncology, cardiology, hemostasis, rare diseases, hemato-oncology, and endocrinology.
At COR2ED, we are committed to providing balanced and evidence-based independent medical education to support healthcare professionals in enhancing patient care. Many of our podcast episodes are created in collaboration with medical societies and patient advocacy groups. -
Artificial intelligence is already controlling washing machines and translation assistants and helping doctors reach a diagnosis. It is changing our working lives and our leisure time. AI is making our lives easier and, ideally, even better! AI raises expectations, fears and hopes. And it involves risks. It’s all about personal autonomy and freedom, about security as well as sustainability and even global equity.
AI between a promising future and a brave new world. Leading AI experts talk about their research field: What can AI already do? How does it learn? And will it outstrip us one day? Everything you need to know about artificial intelligence in a 10-part podcast by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.