What does the story of a young child participating in swim meets have to do with fear of failure… or fear of regain? Listen in and gain a different perspective on fear of failure. I’ll talk about how fear of regain can lead you right to that place you most want to avoid! And, of course, I’ll give you some tips on how to lead yourself away from fear of failure and fear of regain while empowering yourself to create the healthy life you said you wanted at the beginning of your weight loss journey! We have a lot to cover so let’s get started!
BariAfterare: www.bariaftercare.com
Connie Stapleton PhD website: www.conniestapletonphd.com
BariAftercare website: https://www.conniestapletonphd.com/bariaftercare
BariAftercare Facebook page (for members only): https://www.facebook.com/groups/BariAftercare
Kevin Stephens: Your Bariatric Buddy https://www.facebook.com/groups/yourbariatricbuddy/people
Instagram: @cale101 (Caleshia Haynes)
Instagram: @therealbariboss (Tabitha Johnson)
Instagram @drsusanmitchell (Dr. Susan Mitchell)
Instagram: @lauraleepreston (Laura Preston)
ProCare Vitamins (10% off with code ConnieStapleton)
Dr. Susan Mitchell:
Please subscribe to the show and rate it on Apple Podcasts, download free information at www.conniestapletonphd.com, and follow me on Twitter (@cstapletonphd), Instagram (@cstapletonphd), YouTube, LinkedIn, and on Facebook.
Today I have three guests, all members of the BariAftercare program, joining me to talk about their fears of success following significant weight loss. Each of my guests is at a different place in their post-op journey and each is experiencing unique concerns related to their weight loss success. It’s likely that each person who experiences significant weight loss has some worries about the changes they will experience in life as they reach and maintain the lifestyle goals associated with weight loss. See if some of the concerns expressed by today’s participants are things you have thought about and let us know if you have experienced other fears about life as you successfully maintain your weight loss. Let’s get started.
BariAfterare: www.bariaftercare.com
Connie Stapleton PhD website: www.conniestapletonphd.com
BariAftercare website: https://www.conniestapletonphd.com/bariaftercare
BariAftercare Facebook page (for members only): https://www.facebook.com/groups/BariAftercare
Kevin Stephens: Your Bariatric Buddy https://www.facebook.com/groups/yourbariatricbuddy/people
Instagram: @cale101 (Caleshia Haynes)
Instagram: @therealbariboss (Tabitha Johnson)
Instagram @drsusanmitchell (Dr. Susan Mitchell)
Instagram: @lauraleepreston (Laura Preston)
ProCare Vitamins (10% off with code ConnieStapleton)
Dr. Susan Mitchell:
Wiest, Brianna. The Mountain Is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery. Kindle Edition.
Why Do You Say You Want to Lose Weight But Then Don’t Do It by Sherry Pagoto, PhD
Why Do I Fear Success by Carrie Barron M.D.
Please subscribe to the show and rate it on Apple Podcasts, download free information at www.conniestapletonphd.com, and follow me on Twitter (@cstapletonphd), Instagram (@cstapletonphd), YouTube, LinkedIn, and on Facebook.
Saknas det avsnitt?
I’m introducing a funky new word to your bariatric journey tonight when I ask you to keep your DRISHTI in mind as you move through your years of creating your healthy lifestyle. You need consistent effort, ongoing preparation and a lot of patience to prevent falling back into the dreaded DIET mentality, which can suck you far, far away from your life of growth and healthy living! Let’s get started and learn -or maybe relearn some things critical to remember on this journey!
BariAfterare: www.bariaftercare.com
Connie Stapleton PhD website: www.conniestapletonphd.com
BariAftercare website: https://www.conniestapletonphd.com/bariaftercare
BariAftercare Facebook page (for members only): https://www.facebook.com/groups/BariAftercare
Kevin Stephens: Your Bariatric Buddy https://www.facebook.com/groups/yourbariatricbuddy/people
Instagram: @cale101 (Caleshia Haynes)
Instagram: @therealbariboss (Tabitha Johnson)
Instagram @drsusanmitchell (Dr. Susan Mitchell)
Instagram: @lauraleepreston (Laura Preston)
ProCare Vitamins (10% off with code ConnieStapleton)
Dr. Susan Mitchell:
Please subscribe to the show and rate it on Apple Podcasts, download free information at www.conniestapletonphd.com, and follow me on Twitter (@cstapletonphd), Instagram (@cstapletonphd), YouTube, LinkedIn, and on Facebook. -
Boundaries can be physical… like fences, or gates at the top or bottom of stairs to keep toddlers and pets from going up or down. Boundaries can also be emotional and are established by using communication skills. Physical and emotional boundaries are often used to keep us safe. Emotional boundaries are essential in healthy relationships. Yet many people are reluctant to set boundaries with others. It’s difficult, it can be scary and it puts one in a vulnerable position. However, learning to set boundaries is a must in healthy adult relationships and to improve our sense of personal power. Listen in and learn to set boundaries in life, especially with food pushers!
BariAfterare: www.bariaftercare.com
Connie Stapleton PhD website: www.conniestapletonphd.com
BariAftercare website: https://www.conniestapletonphd.com/bariaftercare
BariAftercare Facebook page (for members only): https://www.facebook.com/groups/BariAftercare
Kevin Stephens: Your Bariatric Buddy https://www.facebook.com/groups/yourbariatricbuddy/people
Instagram: @cale101 (Caleshia Haynes)
Instagram: @therealbariboss (Tabitha Johnson)
Instagram @drsusanmitchell (Dr. Susan Mitchell)
Instagram: @lauraleepreston (Laura Preston)
ProCare Vitamins (10% off with code ConnieStapleton)
Dr. Susan Mitchell:
Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend https://www.drcloud.com/books/boundaries
The Book of Boundaries: Set the Limits That Will Set You Free by Melissa Urban https://www.melissau.com/boundaries-book/
Please subscribe to the show and rate it on Apple Podcasts, download free information at www.conniestapletonphd.com, and follow me on Twitter (@cstapletonphd), Instagram (@cstapletonphd), YouTube, LinkedIn, and on Facebook. -
If you have lost a significant amount of weight and remain preoccupied with the scale, if you allow the scale to determine your mood, if you are overly obsessed with a goal weight, or are struggling to overcome emotional eating… OR if you said you wanted to lose weight to improve your health or to prevent health problems, or because you wanted to be able to enjoy participating in activities with those you love and to live longer doing so AND you have accomplished those things but STILL play the diet mentality games, then we need to talk about your emotional and mental wellness. You might have to find out what exactly that means first, which is one good reason to listen to this episode. You will also learn some skills for improving mental wellness that will help you move away from the pre-weight loss weight obsession and diet mentality so you are free to enjoy all the benefits that come with weight loss! Let’s jump in!
Please subscribe to the show and rate it on Apple Podcasts, download free information at www.conniestapletonphd.com, and follow me on Twitter (@cstapletonphd), Instagram (@cstapletonphd), YouTube, LinkedIn, and on Facebook. -
I get all passionate in this episode and do quite a bit of self-disclosing. Why? Because I believe with everything that I am that improving your relationship with yourself is the ONLY way you will be able to follow through the behavioral changes that are necessary for keeping weight off long-term or for remaining free from any long-term unhealthy behavior a person has engaged in to the point it has caused problems in their life. Our actions, our words, our treatment toward ourselves and others are outward signs that clearly demonstrate to others – and ourselves, if we’re honest enough to go there, how we really feel about ourselves. That may be a painful thing to hear, but more often than not, that is a reality. The great news is that every single person listening to this podcast has the ability to improve their relationship with themselves. In turn, every other relationship you have in life, to include your relationship with food will improve. Not kidding. Listen in to learn how to start – or continue – your adventure of improving your relationship with yourself!
Please subscribe to the show and rate it on Apple Podcasts, download free information at www.conniestapletonphd.com, and follow me on Twitter (@cstapletonphd), Instagram (@cstapletonphd), YouTube, LinkedIn, and on Facebook.
Relationships of all kinds can be complicated. And they change over time! Friendships change over time, your relationship with your spouse or partner may be good for years, and then flail, and then get better again! Your relationship with money or social media can change at different stages of life. Your relationship with food may also change over time – or perhaps you have always had a difficult, or unhealthy relationship with food. Let’s dig in and discover - or maybe RE-Discover where your relationship with food is at now and how you can IMPROVE that relationship… it CAN happen! Listen in.
BariAfterare: www.bariaftercare.com
Connie Stapleton PhD website: www.conniestapletonphd.com
BariAftercare website: https://www.conniestapletonphd.com/bariaftercare
BariAftercare Facebook page (for members only): https://www.facebook.com/groups/BariAftercare
Kevin Stephens: Your Bariatric Buddy https://www.facebook.com/groups/yourbariatricbuddy/people
Instagram: @cale101 (Caleshia Haynes)
Instagram: @therealbariboss (Tabitha Johnson)
Instagram @drsusanmitchell (Dr. Susan Mitchell)
Instagram: @lauraleepreston (Laura Preston)
ProCare Vitamins (10% off with code ConnieStapleton)
Your Relationship to Food Mirrors How You Handle Life David Hanscom MD https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/anxiety-another-name-for-pain/202209/your-relationship-to-food-mirrors-how-you-handle-life
Please subscribe to the show and rate it on Apple Podcasts, download free information at www.conniestapletonphd.com, and follow me on Twitter (@cstapletonphd), Instagram (@cstapletonphd), YouTube, LinkedIn, and on Facebook. -
How did I get here? I’m guessing you didn’t grow up wanting to have the disease of obesity as part of your adult life! And if you have comorbid health issues associated with your obesity, I’m pretty certain you ask yourself the question, how DID I get here? Well, the chronic disease of obesity is a complicated one. Some of the things that lead to obesity you have had no control over… your genetics, what you were fed as a child, if you have illnesses that contribute to weight gain or if you take medications that lead to weight gain. Be compassionate with yourself about those things. And be diligent about taking personal responsibility for the things you can control – your personal health habits. In this episode we talk about the issues contributing to obesity and what you can do to limit the effects of the disease, even if you are genetically predisposed to it or come from a family where you learned really unhealthy eating behaviors! You CAN manage this dreaded disease and work toward the life you dream of living! Let’s get going!
BariAfterare: www.bariaftercare.com
Connie Stapleton PhD website: www.conniestapletonphd.com
BariAftercare website: https://www.conniestapletonphd.com/bariaftercare
BariAftercare Facebook page (for members only): https://www.facebook.com/groups/BariAftercare
Kevin Stephens: Your Bariatric Buddy https://www.facebook.com/groups/yourbariatricbuddy/people
Instagram: @cale101 (Caleshia Haynes)
Instagram: @therealbariboss (Tabitha Johnson)
Instagram @drsusanmitchell (Dr. Susan Mitchell)
Instagram: @lauraleepreston (Laura Preston)
ProCare Vitamins (10% off with code ConnieStapleton)
Obesity and Overweight. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/obesity-and-overweight
Obesity Risk Factors. https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/risk-factors/risk-factors.html
Physical Activity Basics https://www.cdc.gov/physical-activity-basics/guidelines/index.htmlDoes Healthy Eating Cost More? https://extension.usu.edu/nutrition/research/does-healthy-eating-cost-more
Weight Gain Conditions: https://www.webmd.com/obesity/ss/slideshow-weight-gain-conditions
It’s always an honor and a privilege to have Laura Preston on the podcast with me because Laura IS, in many ways, BariAftercare! She is an organizer extraordinaire, has an understanding of the bariatric community that is unmatched, and has a passion for aftercare as deep as my own. In this episode, we talk about the many ways we, along with our other BariAftercare mentors, as well as members of the BariAftercare community, have steered BariAftercare to assist post-ops with accountability, focus, education, encouragement and maybe even a bit of entertainment! We also share some helpful new tools we are adding to the daily schedule that will help you wake up with a good, healthy start to the day, content to help you make wise decisions throughout the day, and a wind-down to help you get a good night’s rest. All day every day, BariAftercare is available to help you live your healthiest life, to include your weight loss adventure. But remember, with BariAftercare, we go beyond bariatrics! We also have a great introductory offer for people ready to join the full online BariAftercare program at www.bariaftercare.com
BariAfterare: www.bariaftercare.com
Connie Stapleton PhD website: www.conniestapletonphd.com
BariAftercare website: https://www.conniestapletonphd.com/bariaftercare
BariAftercare Facebook page (for members only): https://www.facebook.com/groups/BariAftercare
Kevin Stephens: Your Bariatric Buddy https://www.facebook.com/groups/yourbariatricbuddy/people
Instagram: @cale101 (Caleshia Haynes)
Instagram: @therealbariboss (Tabitha Johnson)
Instagram @drsusanmitchell (Dr. Susan Mitchell)
Instagram: @lauraleepreston (Laura Preston)
ProCare Vitamins (10% off with code ConnieStapleton)
Please subscribe to the show and rate it on Apple Podcasts, download free information at www.conniestapletonphd.com, and follow me on Twitter (@cstapletonphd), Instagram (@cstapletonphd), YouTube, LinkedIn, and on Facebook. -
Scott Bagwill, an active member of the full online BariAftercare program, is today’s guest on BariAftercare, the Podcast! Scott had bariatric surgery almost one year ago and has lost an extraordinary amount of weight. He has also been one of this season’s new “Best Friends” on the TLC network show, 1000 Pound Best Friends. Today you’ll get to know more about Scott, his childhood, his weight ups and downs, and how he found himself as part of the 1000 Pound Best Friends cast. Listen in and be ready to get inspired to follow a dream of yours by listening to Scott share his dream of fulfilling a promise he made to his father prior to his father’s death. Also think about how you can, as Scott is doing, share with others your courage, your strength and the joy obtained by working hard to create a life of your choosing!
BariAfterare: www.bariaftercare.com
Connie Stapleton PhD website: www.conniestapletonphd.com
BariAftercare website: https://www.conniestapletonphd.com/bariaftercare
BariAftercare Facebook page (for members only): https://www.facebook.com/groups/BariAftercare
Kevin Stephens: Your Bariatric Buddy https://www.facebook.com/groups/yourbariatricbuddy/people
Instagram: @cale101 (Caleshia Haynes)
Instagram: @therealbariboss (Tabitha Johnson)
Instagram @drsusanmitchell (Dr. Susan Mitchell)
Instagram: @lauraleepreston (Laura Preston)
ProCare Vitamins (10% off with code ConnieStapleton)
Scott Bagwill Instagram: @scott_1kbestfriends
Please subscribe to the show and rate it on Apple Podcasts, download free information at www.conniestapletonphd.com, and follow me on Twitter (@cstapletonphd), Instagram (@cstapletonphd), YouTube, LinkedIn, and on Facebook. -
Alcohol… a substance consumed by most people, to include those who are having or have had a surgical bariatric procedure or may be on GLP-1 medications. In this episode, Dr. Susan Mitchell, a PhD educated bariatric-specific registered dietician joins me in talking about how the consumption of alcohol affects those who have had bariatric surgery. I talk about information specifically related to the use of alcohol for those who are taking GLP-1 medications, as well. It’s critical to understand how having bariatric surgery and/or taking GLP 1-s interacts with alcohol so that you can make wise choices if you opt to drink. Listen in and learn lots from the great information contained in this episode of BariAftercare, the Podcast!
BariAfterare: www.bariaftercare.com
Connie Stapleton PhD website: www.conniestapletonphd.com
BariAftercare website: https://www.conniestapletonphd.com/bariaftercare
BariAftercare Facebook page (for members only): https://www.facebook.com/groups/BariAftercare
Kevin Stephens: Your Bariatric Buddy https://www.facebook.com/groups/yourbariatricbuddy/people
Instagram: @cale101 (Caleshia Haynes)
Instagram: @therealbariboss (Tabitha Johnson)
Instagram @drsusanmitchell (Dr. Susan Mitchell)
Instagram: @lauraleepreston (Laura Preston)
ProCare Vitamins (10% off with code ConnieStapleton)
Please subscribe to the show and rate it on Apple Podcasts, download free information at www.conniestapletonphd.com, and follow me on Twitter (@cstapletonphd), Instagram (@cstapletonphd), YouTube, LinkedIn, and on Facebook. -
Last week I took you for a stroll down the Memory Lane of fad diets over the past century and ended up at what is clearly NOT a fad in the world of weight loss: the GLP-1 medications. In this episode I share most of what Dr. Sanjay Gupta and the people he interviewed about the GLP-1’s said about these medications that are now, and I quote, “the biggest class of drugs in the developed world.” Dr. Gupta recently did an interview with the hosts of a local, and syndicated Altanta-based morning radio show a few days prior to his year-long investigative report on GLP-1’s which aired on CNN. The information in the documentary answers a lot of common questions people have about the medications and the ramifications of taking them. Listen in and get reliable information about the GLP-1 medications from the well-respected Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Let’s get started!
BariAfterare: www.bariaftercare.com
Connie Stapleton PhD website: www.conniestapletonphd.com
BariAftercare website: https://www.conniestapletonphd.com/bariaftercare
BariAftercare Facebook page (for members only): https://www.facebook.com/groups/BariAftercare
Kevin Stephens: Your Bariatric Buddy https://www.facebook.com/groups/yourbariatricbuddy/people
Instagram: @cale101 (Caleshia Haynes)
Instagram: @therealbariboss (Tabitha Johnson)
Instagram @drsusanmitchell (Dr. Susan Mitchell)
Instagram: @lauraleepreston (Laura Preston)
ProCare Vitamins (10% off with code ConnieStapleton)
Sanjay Gupta on The Bert Show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcGtV8STzPM
You can watch Dr. Sanjay Gupta Reports: Is Ozempic Right for You? on CNN.com, CNN connected TV, and mobile apps if you are a pay TV subscriber. It will also be available on demand on these platforms, as well as on Cable Operator Platforms, beginning Monday November 18. You can also stream past editions of Dr. Sanjay Gupta Reports on demand on Max.
Please subscribe to the show and rate it on Apple Podcasts, download free information at www.conniestapletonphd.com, and follow me on Twitter (@cstapletonphd), Instagram (@cstapletonphd), YouTube, LinkedIn, and on Facebook. -
GLP’s have taken the world by storm and are being used for weight loss by people who medically qualify for them and by people who well… found a way to get them, whether they formally “qualify” for them or not. Weight loss methods date back … probably as far as time… In this episode, I highlight some of the more popular ways people have used to lose weight over the past century. THEN I talk about the GLP’s and more importantly, what is common to each and every type of weight loss when it comes to weight maintenance.
BariAfterare: www.bariaftercare.com
Connie Stapleton PhD website: www.conniestapletonphd.com
BariAftercare website: https://www.conniestapletonphd.com/bariaftercare
BariAftercare Facebook page (for members only): https://www.facebook.com/groups/BariAftercare
Kevin Stephens: Your Bariatric Buddy https://www.facebook.com/groups/yourbariatricbuddy/people
Instagram: @cale101 (Caleshia Haynes)
Instagram: @therealbariboss (Tabitha Johnson)
Instagram @drsusanmitchell (Dr. Susan Mitchell)
Instagram: @lauraleepreston (Laura Preston)
ProCare Vitamins (10% off with code ConnieStapleton)
12 fad diets and weight loss trends from the '60s and '70s
Taste's nutritionist rates the worst fad diets from the 70s and 80s
Episode 203: (for 11/13/24) GLP’s for Weight Loss. The Be All and End All?
Please subscribe to the show and rate it on Apple Podcasts, download free information at www.conniestapletonphd.com, and follow me on Twitter (@cstapletonphd), Instagram (@cstapletonphd), YouTube, LinkedIn, and on Facebook. -
It’s definitely not only your body that changes following significant weight loss! In fact, most areas of your life are affected when you lose weight. Think about it… in addition to improvements in physical health, people who lose weight get out and participate in more of what life has to offer. They become more engaged in community activities, travel on trains, planes, and…a lot of cruise ships, attend concerts and go to amusement parks. Their relationships often change as well. This includes friendships, relationships with co-workers, immediate and extended family members, and often… with romantic partners. Reasons for changes in romantic relationships following weight loss are varied and will be discussed in this episode, along with how dating after weight loss is different than dating prior to weight loss. Be sure to listen to the anecdote about a post-op who decided to have a minimum of 50 first dates! Let’s get going!
BariAfterare: www.bariaftercare.com
Connie Stapleton PhD website: www.conniestapletonphd.com
BariAftercare website: https://www.conniestapletonphd.com/bariaftercare
BariAftercare Facebook page (for members only): https://www.facebook.com/groups/BariAftercare
Kevin Stephens: Your Bariatric Buddy https://www.facebook.com/groups/yourbariatricbuddy/people
Instagram: @cale101 (Caleshia Haynes)
Instagram: @therealbariboss (Tabitha Johnson)
Instagram @drsusanmitchell (Dr. Susan Mitchell)
Instagram: @lauraleepreston (Laura Preston)
ProCare Vitamins (10% off with code ConnieStapleton)
Navigating Relationship Changes After Bariatric Surgery https://www.stvincentcharity.com/radiant/posts/navigating-relationship-changes-after-bariatric-surgery
Bariatric Surgery Linked to Doubling Chance of Marriage or Divorce https://www.stvincentcharity.com/radiant/posts/navigating-relationship-changes-after-bariatric-surgery
Dating After Bariatric Surgery: 6 Discoveries
Please subscribe to the show and rate it on Apple Podcasts, download free information at www.conniestapletonphd.com, and follow me on Twitter (@cstapletonphd), Instagram (@cstapletonphd), YouTube, LinkedIn, and on Facebook. -
In today’s episode, I’m talking about we start developing our relationship with food during our first days of life! By the time we’re three years old, our belief in our ability to trust ourselves has already begun. Trusting ourselves with food is an issue many people struggle with in their adult lives … do I really trust myself to make healthy choices most of the time? Do I trust myself to stop eating when I am satisfied? Do I trust myself to stick to my grocery list when I go to the store? Do I trust myself enough to have trigger foods in my house? Each stage of our development is critical in determining how we act as adults, not just with food but in our relationships with others and how we feel about ourselves. Today I’ll explain one prominent theory about social and emotional development and of course, will tie it all back into our relationship with food! Let’s go!
BariAfterare: www.bariaftercare.com
Connie Stapleton PhD website: www.conniestapletonphd.com
BariAftercare website: https://www.conniestapletonphd.com/bariaftercare
BariAftercare Facebook page (for members only): https://www.facebook.com/groups/BariAftercare
Kevin Stephens: Your Bariatric Buddy https://www.facebook.com/groups/yourbariatricbuddy/people
Instagram: @cale101 (Caleshia Haynes)
Instagram: @therealbariboss (Tabitha Johnson)
Instagram @drsusanmitchell (Dr. Susan Mitchell)
Instagram: @lauraleepreston (Laura Preston)
ProCare Vitamins (10% off with code ConnieStapleton)
Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development
Please subscribe to the show and rate it on Apple Podcasts, download free information at www.conniestapletonphd.com, and follow me on Twitter (@cstapletonphd), Instagram (@cstapletonphd), YouTube, LinkedIn, and on Facebook. -
In today’s 200th episode, I pick up where we left off last week and clearly define and describe the remaining 8 principles of Intuitive Eating as outlined in the book Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Anti-Diet Approach, 4th edition, by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. Last week I spent a lot of time on the first two principles in great detail as they lay the foundation for the remaining principles. There is a lot of great information in this book and as I have said, I like the theory of Intuitive Eating and for those who have not had a surgical procedure to treat their obesity and for people who don’t have a complicated mess of a relationship with food … however few in number they may be… intuitive eating is a great way to have a healthy relationship with food! Listen in… take what you like – and leave the rest! Let’s get started!
BariAfterare: www.bariaftercare.com
Connie Stapleton PhD website: www.conniestapletonphd.com
BariAftercare website: https://www.conniestapletonphd.com/bariaftercare
BariAftercare Facebook page (for members only): https://www.facebook.com/groups/BariAftercare
Kevin Stephens: Your Bariatric Buddy https://www.facebook.com/groups/yourbariatricbuddy/people
Instagram: @cale101 (Caleshia Haynes)
Instagram: @therealbariboss (Tabitha Johnson)
Instagram @drsusanmitchell (Dr. Susan Mitchell)
Instagram: @lauraleepreston (Laura Preston)
ProCare Vitamins (10% off with code ConnieStapleton)
Shea Quinn: www.growwithsheaquinn.com
TikTok (@growwithshea)
Intuitive Eating, 4th Edition: A Revolutionary Anti-Diet Approach by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch
Please subscribe to the show and rate it on Apple Podcasts, download free information at www.conniestapletonphd.com, and follow me on Twitter (@cstapletonphd), Instagram (@cstapletonphd), YouTube, LinkedIn, and on Facebook. -
Last week I had a fun discussion with Shea Quinn, the newest peer mentor for the full BariAftercare online program. Shea and I discussed intuitive eating and how this eating theory fits, or may not fit, persons who have had a surgical procedure to treat the disease of obesity. I got questions from listeners after the podcast dropped, asking what, exactly, intuitive eating means. Oops – apparently we forgot to clearly define intuitive eating! Because intuitive eating is a prominent topic for those who have been chronic dieters, I decided it would be a good idea to clearly define and describe the principles of Intuitive Eating as outlined in the book Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Anti-Diet Approach, 4th edition, by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. In this episode I’ll highlight the first two principles of Intuitive Eating described by the authors. This information is relevant to anyone who has hopped on and off the dieting bandwagon for years or maybe even decades! So share it with those you know who fit this description! Let’s get started and next week, I’ll review the remaining principles of intuitive eating.
BariAfterare: www.bariaftercare.com
Connie Stapleton PhD website: www.conniestapletonphd.com
BariAftercare website: https://www.conniestapletonphd.com/bariaftercare
BariAftercare Facebook page (for members only): https://www.facebook.com/groups/BariAftercare
Kevin Stephens: Your Bariatric Buddy https://www.facebook.com/groups/yourbariatricbuddy/people
Instagram: @cale101 (Caleshia Haynes)
Instagram: @therealbariboss (Tabitha Johnson)
Instagram @drsusanmitchell (Dr. Susan Mitchell)
Instagram: @lauraleepreston (Laura Preston)
ProCare Vitamins (10% off with code ConnieStapleton)
Shea Quinn: www.growwithsheaquinn.com
TikTok (@growwithshea)
Intuitive Eating, 4th Edition: A Revolutionary Anti-Diet Approach by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch
Please subscribe to the show and rate it on Apple Podcasts, download free information at www.conniestapletonphd.com, and follow me on Twitter (@cstapletonphd), Instagram (@cstapletonphd), YouTube, LinkedIn, and on Facebook. -
Intuitive Eating… sounds, well… intuitive, instinctive, automatic. And it is! When we’re infants, anyway…. We are built to eat when we’re hungry and to stop eating when we are physically satisfied. By the time we’re adults, intuitive eating has been interfered with in a whole lot of unnatural ways. We don’t just eat when we’re physically hungry… we eat because someone brought treats to the office and the treats are just there… to be eaten, whether we’re hungry or not! We eat – or don’t eat – based on the messages we got at home, which had nothing to do with whether or not we were hungry or physically satisfied … “Eat everything on your plate,” or “Do you really need to have a second helping of that?” And many of us eat in response to unpleasant emotions in an attempt to avoid feeling something we do not want to feel. And emotional eating has nothing to do with physical hunger. Re-learning to eat intuitively is a great goal… and a very lofty one if you’ve struggled with the disease of obesity, have a history of yo-yo dieting, are an emotional eater, have an addiction to food or certain food groups. Listen to the reasons Intuitive Eating is great in theory and very much worth working toward… and listen also to the reasons it may not be your first goal after having bariatric surgery.
BariAfterare: www.bariaftercare.com
Connie Stapleton PhD website: www.conniestapletonphd.com
BariAftercare website: https://www.conniestapletonphd.com/bariaftercare
BariAftercare Facebook page (for members only): https://www.facebook.com/groups/BariAftercare
Kevin Stephens: Your Bariatric Buddy https://www.facebook.com/groups/yourbariatricbuddy/people
Instagram: @cale101 (Caleshia Haynes)
Instagram: @therealbariboss (Tabitha Johnson)
Instagram @drsusanmitchell (Dr. Susan Mitchell)
Instagram: @lauraleepreston (Laura Preston)
ProCare Vitamins (10% off with code ConnieStapleton)
Shea Quinn: www.growwithsheaquinn.com
TikTok (@growwithshea)
Instagram (@growwithshea)
Please subscribe to the show and rate it on Apple Podcasts, download free information at www.conniestapletonphd.com, and follow me on Twitter (@cstapletonphd), Instagram (@cstapletonphd), YouTube, LinkedIn, and on Facebook. -
Did you know that approximately 20% of women suffer with PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome? It affects women of all sizes and shapes and races. For those who also suffer from obesity, having PCOS makes it very difficult to lose weight without intervention. Fertility can also be affected by PCOS and obesity. In this episode, Kate Fuss, an extraordinarily talented PA in the field of bariatrics, interview a renowned Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility physician, Dr. Carter Owen, about the complex and interrelated issues of PCOS, fertility, insulin resistance and myriad of issues associated with these struggles. Listen in and learn about how these medical complications are related to obesity, weight loss and fertility.
BariAfterare: www.bariaftercare.com
Connie Stapleton PhD website: www.conniestapletonphd.com
BariAftercare website: https://www.conniestapletonphd.com/bariaftercare
BariAftercare Facebook page (for members only): https://www.facebook.com/groups/BariAftercare
Kevin Stephens: Your Bariatric Buddy https://www.facebook.com/groups/yourbariatricbuddy/people
Instagram: @cale101 (Caleshia Haynes)
Instagram: @therealbariboss (Tabitha Johnson)
Instagram @drsusanmitchell (Dr. Susan Mitchell)
Instagram: @lauraleepreston (Laura Preston)
ProCare Vitamins (10% off with code ConnieStapleton)
Dr. Carter Owen (TikTok): https://www.tiktok.com/@drcarterowen?_t=8qHKZ6mUftb&_r=1
Dr. Carter Owen (website): https://www.ccrmivf.com/northernvirginia/carter-owen-md/
Kate Fuss: Banana Bariatrics (online bariatric support community): https://bananabariatrics.com/
Instagram: @banana.bariatrics
Facebook: Bariatric Weight Loss Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bariatricweightlosssurgery
Schedule an appointment at Beltline Health: https://beltlinehealth.com/
Phone: (470) 419-4380
Please subscribe to the show and rate it on Apple Podcasts, download free information at www.conniestapletonphd.com, and follow me on Twitter (@cstapletonphd), Instagram (@cstapletonphd), YouTube, LinkedIn, and on Facebook. -
Individu – WHAT? Yeah… it’s a big, fancy psychological word… individuation. But it’s a word worth knowing and a process well worth going through! Why, you ask? Because individuated people know a lot of things: they know who they are, what their purpose is, what they want, how they feel, what they think, and what they are willing to do and what they are not willing to do… WITHOUT WORRYING what others will think of them. And THAT means, if you are willing to work toward being an individuated person, you’ll do things like set healthy boundaries with yourself and other around food, you will follow commitments you make to yourself to exercise, you will decide what people are healthy for you to be with, and you will avoid emotional eating and addictive behavior. AND there’s MORE! Listen in and learn what it means to individuate, how to do so, and how this will help you in your bariatric journey!
BariAfterare: www.bariaftercare.com
Connie Stapleton PhD website: www.conniestapletonphd.com
BariAftercare website: https://www.conniestapletonphd.com/bariaftercare
BariAftercare Facebook page (for members only): https://www.facebook.com/groups/BariAftercare
Kevin Stephens: Your Bariatric Buddy https://www.facebook.com/groups/yourbariatricbuddy/people
Instagram: @cale101 (Caleshia Haynes)
Instagram: @therealbariboss (Tabitha Johnson)
Instagram @drsusanmitchell (Dr. Susan Mitchell)
Instagram: @lauraleepreston (Laura Preston)
ProCare Vitamins (10% off with code ConnieStapleton)
Living the Truth: Transform Your Life Through the Power of Insight and Honesty
The Individuation Process: A Beginner’s Guide to Jungian Psychology by Scott Jeffrey
How to Be Your True Self
Please subscribe to the show and rate it on Apple Podcasts, download free information at www.conniestapletonphd.com, and follow me on Twitter (@cstapletonphd), Instagram (@cstapletonphd), YouTube, LinkedIn, and on Facebook. - Visa fler