Is building a relationship with your readers a good idea? The answer is yes, but not in the way that you might think. In this episode of Author Platform Rocket your host Jonny Andrews talks about how to segment your followers and focus on the ones who will explode your sales.
You do not need to build intimate relationships with your readers, but it makes sense to define what the relationship means. What the Kardashian Effect is and why it matters to you. The core pillars to focus on in your business. People buy from those they know, like, and trust. Create that bond by showing up consistently. Answer the question - what must I demonstrate to be true in order for people to buy my books? Show up as the most awake, authentic, and real version of yourself. How to systematically differentiate between your core followers and the fringe people. You have to show up for the people who are really hungry for your content. Download PDF Podcast Transcription
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A relationship is just a bond between the reader and you, but there can also just be a relationship between the reader and the book. Building relationships does not have to happen in the conventional sense. You need to differentiate between your core audience and your fringe followers.Tweetable Quotes:
“You don’t have to build a first-name basis relationship with your readers, it’s a business-level relationship.” -Jonny “You don’t have to be anyone other than who you are to promote your book.” -Jonny “In order to help yourself become more profitable, you have to learn to grow a white-hot circle in the center.”Resources Mentioned:
Learn more about Author Platform Rocket. https://www.facebook.com/AuthorPlatformRocket/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/authormarketingassociation/ Reach out to Jonny at show@authorplatformrocket.com Become more profitable at profitableauthorcall.com -
What you need to do consistently to get results and 10x your business and why fear will only keep you from growing. Download PDF Podcast Transcription
10X is a fancy way of saying “how to grow real big.” What one of Jonny’s clients did to increase her revenue dramatically. On day ONE she hit 130 presales when she’s only expected between 20 - 30. She got many messages from her fans who were happy that she showed up. How to get a baseline for your sales without letting them drop to zero. Showing up allows you to get rid of the rocks and keep the gold. Fear keeps people from showing up consistently and having big outcomes. Join Jonny on Facebook for LIVE training every day. Download PDF Podcast Transcription3 Key Points:
You do not need to let your sales drop to zero to get a solid baseline. You have to show up consistently. People will unsubscribe when you show up, but some of them are supposed to.Tweetable Quotes:
“One of the main reasons why big name authors see a drop in sales is due to fear around marketing.” -Jonny “Here’s how to 10x your business - show up more frequently!.” -Jonny “Give yourself a good 12 months of training your fans to expect you.” -Jonny “I feel like this last launch was different than any other launch I’ve ever done. It was so short and so thrown together but I’ve gotten so many personal responses. I don’t think I've ever gotten that many social responses and emails from readers who were that engaged before. It was really cool” - Agency Client. -
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How to sell a bunch of children’s books in a way that bucks conventional wisdom with your host Jonny Andrews. Download PDF Podcast Transcription
Why you should market to parents when selling children’s books. Decide what your theme is going to be. Screen time before bed is terrible for kids, and that’s why books are a great idea. Why giveaways are a great idea when promoting your children’s book. After connecting, you need to stand out in everyone’s minds. Promote your video content on a page, not a group. Make it about your audience, but build your ecosystem. People buy more from those they know, like, and trust. Audience and the connection you have with them, are everything. Consistency is key. Download PDF Podcast Transcription3 Key Points:
Have a common theme and running concept through your book series. Build an audience using other people in your market who connect with your books theme. The days of organic traffic are gone, learn to target with paid ads.Tweetable Quotes:
“What is the theme of your children’s books, and how are you going to promote it to parents?” -Jonny “You can’t just sell the books, you have to get an audience of people who want to buy the books.” “Capture, connect, and convert.”Resources Mentioned:
Done For You Author Marketing Author Platform Rocket. Reach out to Jonny at show@authorplatformrocket.com Live video training to go with https://business.facebook.com/AuthorPlatformRocket/videos/526140817862295/ Author Marketing Association: https://www.facebook.com/groups/authormarketingassociation/V -
How to sell erotic romance literature without hitting roadblocks in social media advertising with your host Jonny Andrews.
Click here to watch the Live Video training in FaceBook Social media ads for erotic novels tend to get shot down if they try to run like everyone else. Facebook looks at what’s in your ad and what’s on the page you’re linking your audience to. Keep that in mind before running an ad If you have "objectionable content" in your books or on your book page it'll be a good idea to create a "bridge page" between your ad and your "dirty stuff". You have to get creative about how you talk about erotica just like they did back in the 1950's & 1960's. It’s normal to get your ad rejected, you often have to appeal for no reason at all. Create a follow-up sequence with your audience to stay front of mind. Download PDF Podcast Transcription
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Erotic romance is often difficult to do an ad for, but there are ways around it. Creating a “bridge page” can allow you to create an ad. Expect to get your ads rejected, plan to appeal.Tweetable Quotes:
“Just because you can’t send someone directly to the offer, doesn’t mean you can’t make money.” “If you’re having trouble selling erotica, you need to capture, connect, convert.” “A lot of authors get gun-shy about the automatic rejection of ads, but it’s normal.”Resources Mentioned:
Live video training to go with this Done For You Author Marketing Author Platform Rocket. Reach out to Jonny at show@authorplatformrocket.com -
Jonny Andrews discusses the role of money in the process of publishing and spreading your book´s impact. Money is an important resource in the publishing process. We need to rethink the role of money and start to use it as a tool rather than the destination. Download PDF Podcast Transcription
A key resource you need to create a book is money Money moves the earth The LOVE of money is the root of all evil Money is neither good nor bad it is a tool Knowing your reason why you are doing this is an important tool Do what you do because you love it or are trying to make a positive impact Money is not evil but the use of the money could be If you want this to work, you have to rethink how you think about money Download PDF Podcast Transcription3 Key Points:
A key resource you need to put out books is money. Money is not evil it is a tool. Know your why of your project and let money be your tool that enables impact. Rethink about money´s role in your life and start to leverage it as a tool to spread your impact.Tweetable Quotes:
- “Money moves the earth.” –Jonny.
- “Money is neither good nor bad it is a tool.¨ –Jonny.
- “Use money as a fuel and you business model as the vehicle¨ –Jonny.
Resources Mentioned:
The Author Rocket Platform -
During this 50th episode of Author Platform Rocket, host Jonny Andrews and anonymous guest, ¨Mr. X, discuss the evolution of book marketing strategies from how it ¨used to be¨ to what it is today. The two discuss the power of conversational conversion and what it means to connect authentically with the audience. With all the different means of connecting with fans, Jonny and Mr. X outline the modes they have had the most success using. Download PDF Podcast Transcription
Introduction of guest X, famous, successful author protected by anonymity. X has a love for books and ended up without a job. 5 Years ago Mr. X published the first book. The evolution of book sales has transformed from word of mouth to more technological path The key to selling books is conecting to people, capturing them, and eventually converting. People have to know you to be able to sell books. You have to be able to stand-out when you write a book. Today, to keep up with the market, you have to publish the book, advertise, connect with the public, AND stand-out. Conversational conversion is the art of selling without selling. Being who you are is the best way to sell. A new strategy that allows writers and readers to connect--aka taco tuesday. Connecting with authneticity is the new way to convert and sell. Your social media followers don´t matter if you aren´t interacting with them and they aren´t interacting with you. Engage your subscriber base in an interesting way Sales increased by 300% because Mr. X found a new, authentic way to connect with people--the power of taco tuesday. Ask and you shall receive: ask your fans what they want. The ways that Mr. X leverages facebook live. Going out and meeting someone is the best business builder. The way you can build different audiences in facebook. The connection and capture phases of the business can be merged. Connection is not a one and done process. Download PDF Podcast Transcription3 Key Points:
The market shift in book publishing has now grown to incorporate social media aspects. Connecting authentically with your audience can bring huge gains for you and your business. Creatively connecting to different audiences helps to engage, connect, capture, and convert. Conversational conversion is sometimes the most successful way to grow a business.Tweetable Quotes:
“You have to relate to people; they have to relate to you.. especially when you are telling a story” – Mr. X. “Be who you are” – Mr. X. “You are who you are. Let them [the readers] see you” – Mr. X. “One of the core pillars of communication is that people buy from someone they know, like, and trust.” – Jonny Andrews.Resources Mentioned:
The Author Rocket Platform -
During this 49th episode of Author Platform Rocket, host Jonny Andrews discusses the reasons why social media is a dead source for authors to get book sales. Before you get too concerned about how harsh that may sound, listen to the ways in which he recommends that you apply his capture, connect, and convert techniques to broaden and engage your readership. Download PDF Podcast Transcription
Everything began when Jonny received a brilliant advertorial from a marketing guru It isn’t effective to hop on social media to keep saying “buy my book.” Too many authors post but then don't interact with their audience. Organic traffic on most social media channels will continue to disappear. Search Engine Optimization is basically a pay-to-play option at this point. Social media is now “social advertising” by engaging people with interesting content. Twitter is an enclosed platform where it isn’t a place for a lot of click-through ads. Twitter is best used for engaging one-on-one with influencers. Facebook is amazing for building an email mailing list using paid ads Capture emails by giving away a free book but don't forget to connect with them. Skipping the "Connect & Convert" elements to the 3 step process makes the end sale much harder To increase your sales do what other authors are not. Download PDF Podcast Transcription3 Key Points:
Make sure to reengage with the folks that comment on your posts to create conversations. Social media users want to engage with real people, not slick, professional pictures That look like they came from a business. Capture emails with free stuff, connect with these folks and convert into a sale with video.Tweetable Quotes:
“Social media is dead (for authors).” – Jonny Andrews.
“A lot of people are just posting out there, but then they aren’t reengaging with the folks that are doing the comments.” – Jonny Andrews.
“If you want to sell books engaged your audience.” – Jonny Andrews.
Resources Mentioned:
Author Platform Rocket – Done For You Author Marketing Webinar – Jonny’s webinar for how to sell more books consistently Facebook – Author Platform Rocket’s Facebook page -
During this 48th episode of Author Platform Rocket, host Jonny Andrews discusses the three C’s of increasing your readership of your books: Capture, Connect, and Convert. In this discussion, the focus is on the importance of the connection factor of this process, with reasons of why it matters and ways to implement it. Download PDF Podcast Transcription
The Three C’s of gaining more readers: capture, connect, and convert. The publishing industry in general has so many authors and books being poured into the market. It is difficult to make a connection if you have no way to follow up with interested people. Getting distracted by disaster are those little moments and topics of our daily life that have the ability to suck us all in. Authors need to stay front of mind with readers. Set up your auto-responder sequence to check in with readers. Read a chapter of your book for a video and put it on Facebook. It is a choice to suck at sales. People generally buy from who they know, like, and trust. Have access to your assets by building your personal platform. Between capture and connecting is prospecting—and losing people is part of the process. Download PDF Podcast Transcription3 Key Points:
The connection end of gaining readers is most important because it leads their interest closer to a sale. There are over 1 million self-published titles made available every year. A good book is only its own best marketing if people know about it.Tweetable Quotes:
“The single most important piece (gaining readers) is the “connection” piece.” – Jonny Andrews. “A capture moment is simply that they’ve raised their hand and said, I am interested in knowing more.” – Jonny Andrews. “Readers are probably not going to discover you. What that means is, you need to go and discover readers.” – Jonny Andrews.Resources Mentioned:
Author Platform Rocket – Jonny Andrews website Webinar – Jonny’s webinar for how to sell more books consistently Facebook – Author Platform Rocket’s Facebook page Video 1: The One Secret To Becoming A Successful Author
https://business.facebook.com/AuthorPlatformRocket/videos/2094207953987685/ Video 2: 3 "Magic" Steps To Getting More Fans Who Buy Your Books
https://business.facebook.com/AuthorPlatformRocket/videos/2096143493794131/ Video 3: Nobody Ever Told You What To Do AFTER You Get Your List!
https://business.facebook.com/AuthorPlatformRocket/videos/2097988300276317/ Video 4: The 2 Places To Focus If You Want To Stand Out In A Crowded Market
https://business.facebook.com/AuthorPlatformRocket/videos/2102107829864364/ Video 5: 3 Ways To Build Your Reader Base
https://business.facebook.com/AuthorPlatformRocket/videos/2108559585885855/ -
In this 47th episode of Author Platform Rocket, host Jonny Andrews interviews author of the “Being Me” series—Tricia Copeland. The main topic of discussion revolves around coping with internal and external pressure. Hear Tricia’s story of struggle and triumph over high-pressure situations. Download PDF Podcast Transcription
Tricia Copeland grew up in Georgia and attending a rigorous engineering school. Her drive to succeed prompted her to pursue perfection in every area of her life, including looking as great as possible. Her weight became an obsession and she developed anorexia, eventually losing over 30 Her health deteriorated and at a weight of 72, she nearly died of heart failure. Tricia entered a treatment program where she realized her disease was an addiction to cope with anxiety over succeeding. Three meals a day and therapy helped her out of anorexia. She suffered from an “I need to be perfect” attitude. In her thirties she began to write her story through the eyes of a fictional character named. She published her first book, Is This Me?, in 2015. One of her happiest moments as an author was when a fan dealing with mental health issues really connected with her books and contacted Tricia about how much she appreciated her writing. Download PDF Podcast Transcription3 Key Points:
After taking a year off for treatment and therapy, Tricia graduated Sum Cum Laude from
college. Tricia now enjoys a healthy lifestyle running, and hiking with her husband and three children. Writing has been truly cathartic for Tricia Copeland.Tweetable Quotes:
“I developed anorexia and got to a point where lost over 30 pounds and my low weight when I finally decided to get some help…I weighed 72 and almost died.“– Tricia Copeland.
“(Due to Anorexia) I literally almost died.“ – Tricia Copeland.
“We are not what we do all of the time.“ – Jonny Andrews.Resources Mentioned:
Author Platform Rocket – Jonny Andrews website Webinar – Jonny’s webinar for how to sell more books consistently TriciaCopeland.com – Website for Tricia Copeland Facebook – Tricia Copeland’s Facebook Instagram – Tricia Copeland’s Instagram -
In this 46th episode of Author Platform Rocket, host Jonny Andrews interviews Michelle Bellon, author of eight published books, including “Breathe In.” She shares the heart-breaking story of real life abuse that she has lived through and has been the inspiration for her writing. Download PDF Podcast Transcription
Expressing art can be cathartic. “Breathe In” is a book that came from Michelle’s rage. Michelle is a mother of four and a director of nursing. She was in an emotionally abusive marriage for 16 years after a night of violence. The main character in “Breathe In” survives a traumatic kidnapping. Michelle faced horrible manipulation in her marriage and had low self-esteem. Her child have faced their own trauma but have turned it around. She developed gratitude and became conscience of her own “inner warrior.” Download PDF Podcast Transcription3 Key Points:
Expressing art can be healing. Abuse can take over your identity and replace it with the negativity you are being told. Sometimes the things you are doing now don’t pay off until much later.Tweetable Quotes:
“We use our art form, our medium, as a means to get out certain thoughts, feeling, emotions—and it can be quite healing.“ – Michelle Bellon. “I wrote “Breathe In” because I had a lot of rage to be very honest.“ – Michelle Bellon. (Referring to Abusive Manipulation) “Your internal dialogue becomes what they’ve been telling you.“– Michelle Bellon.Resources Mentioned:
Author Platform Rocket – Jonny Andrews website Webinar – Jonny’s webinar for how to sell more books consistently www.michellebellon.com - Website for Michelle Bellon @MichelleBellon – Twitter for Michelle Bellon Amazon – Michele Bellon’s Amazon -
During this episode of Author Platform Rocket, Jonny Andrews continues his interview series with seven-time #1 bestselling fitness and development author Derek Doepker. Their discusses covers the areas of his process of selling over 50,000 books, the importance of increasing your influence, and the growing audio book industry. Download PDF Podcast Transcription
Derek moved to Los Angeles to become a rock star and had to live with a hoarding roommate. He published his first book on Kindle and it sold three copies. Second book of Derek’s sold more copies to strangers. Learning about influence and relation-building was an important point of growth. “50 Fitness Tips You Wish You Knew” sold almost $6,000 in 11 days. Derek has been most excited about how to get more consistent sales. Audio books have increased in sales by 30% over the last year. Whispersync syncs up the Kindle with an audio book. Audio books weed out the authors that won’t take that extra step. Understand how to get distribution for the audio book and how to create the audio book created. ACX is available in the United States, Canada, UK, and Ireland. Authorsrepublic.com helps authors get distribution from anywhere in the world. You can hire a narrator and pay them flat out or do a royalty split. Proof-read your book out loud while recording your audio book. Download PDF Podcast Transcription3 Key Points:
Derek wanted to do what he loved for a living, which is helping others through fitness and development, and get paid for it. “50 Fitness Tips You Wish You Knew” was Derek’s first book to become a #1 bestseller in Weight Loss, gaining almost $6,000 in 11 days. Consistent books sales for Derek have benefited from Amazon Marketing Service Ads and audio books.Tweetable Quotes:
- “I published my first book on Kindle, and right out of the gate, first book I published, sold about three copies.” – Derek Doepker.
- “Do things that others aren’t willing to do.” – Jonny Andrews.
- “Quick tip, using your audio book as a bonus is a really cool thing that you can do.” – Derek Doepker.
Resources Mentioned:
Author Platform Rocket – Book marketing service Author Platform Rocket Podcast – Website for Author Platform Rocket Podcast Facebook – Author Platform Rocket’s Facebook Page DerekDoepker.com – Website for Derek Doepker Amazon – Derek Doepker’s Amazon page Twitter – Derek Doepker’s Twitter page BestSellerSecrets.com – Website for bestseller Secrets Audio Books Webinar– Derek Doepker’s Webinar Author’s Republic – Website for Author’s Republic -
In this 44th episode of Author Platform Rocket, host Jonny Andrews interviews New York Times and USA Today best-selling author Lorhainne Eckhart. She shares her strategies that helped her emerge from being a humble writer facing rejections, to rising up to release almost 80 books. Download PDF Podcast Transcription
Lorhainne lives on Salt Spring Island in the Gulf Islands of British Columbia. She never dreamed of being an author. Lorhainne is a mother of three children, one with autism. As an author you was initially turned down by agents and publishers. Look after your body and your mind to have the energy to meet your goals. Exercise, even for 20 minutes in the morning, helps diminish stress. Give gratitude for what you have before you start work. Imagine your funeral, what would people say about you? Plan a 12-week year: tasks expand to fill the time we allot to them. Instead of being constantly reactive—and be strategic with your day. What are you doing to help your community? Download PDF Podcast Transcription3 Key Points:
The publishing requires a strong will to overcome bad reviews and rejections. Lorhainne Eckhart has released close to 80 books. Plan your day to accomplish five big things.Tweetable Quotes:
“I pursued through those years of every agent, every publisher saying ‘no.’ Until one magic day, until I got the email, yeah I want this.“ – Lorhainne Eckhart. “My third book that I ever wrote, I don’t know what happened, but it took off on Amazon. And it was the book I guess that touched every reader.“ – Lorhainne Eckhart. “Focus on your big main goal that you are trying to accomplish.“ – Lorhainne Eckhart.Resources Mentioned:
Author Platform Rocket – Jonny Andrews website Webinar – Jonny’s webinar for how to sell more books consistently LorhainneEckhart.com – Website Lorhainne Eckhart Amazon – Lorhainne Eckhart’s Amazon page Facebook – Facebook for Lorhainne Eckhart -
In this 43th episode of Author Platform Rocket, host Jonny Andrews interviews author Matthew Thrush, who writes novels full-time, who has went from being $85,000 in debt in 2015, to becoming an independent writer, and building his business up into a six-figure career. Download PDF Podcast Transcription
In 2015, Matthew had $85,000 of debt and n job in eight months for typically be overqualified. He got a job as a technical writer in Houston. Matthew sought mentors, researched, and began write 2,500-5,000 words per day. Matthew’s 2017 goal was to make writing books his full-time job, and made this happen in four months and earned six figures. Ghostwriting was extremely lucrative for Matthew, which he was inspired to do by watching the movie “The Ghostwriter.” Matthew set a goal to each $10,000 a month. His ghostwriting rate started at 4-5 cents a word, and has moved up to 15 cents a word for fiction and 25 cents a word for nonfiction. Ghostwriters can sometimes be credited as co-authors. Upwork has been a great resource for getting writing jobs. Focus on your proposal on how you can help them achieve their goal. Helping others leads to an abundance mindset into of a scarcity mindset. Download PDF Podcast Transcription3 Key Points:
Treat writing like a full-time job. Set clear and achievable goals. Make writing your full-time job.Tweetable Quotes:
“You have to surround yourself with like-minded people who are either on their way to where you want to be, or are already there.“ – Matthew Thrush. “Ghostwriting…at the very basic level, someone pays you.to write a book and they have all the rights. However, “– Matthew Thrush. “Visualize clients like people, because that’s who they are.“– Matthew Thrush.Resources Mentioned:
Author Platform Rocket – Jonny Andrews website Webinar – Jonny’s webinar for how to sell more books consistently Twitter – Matthew Thrush’s Twitter Facebook – Matthew Thrush’s Facebook Website – Matthew Thrush’s website -
During this episode of Author Platform Rocket, Jonny Andrews discusses coping with impostor syndrome and the panic of the writer’s life with author Patricia D. Eddy, who currently has released 15 well-received books. She shares her journey to learning herself better to become a better storyteller. Download PDF Podcast Transcription
Patricia began writing on a typewriter when she was a child, and became a technical writer for Microsoft products. Lindsay Buroker was the first indie author Patricia ever read. Examining past relationships has helped Patricia deepening her characters. Build a better career umbrella to protect yourself from industry changes. Work the problem to find a solution instead of panicking with fear. If you are operating from panic, you are not working as your best self. Step away from an author group if the current temperature is negative, complaining, and fear-mongering. Most of the stuff posted on the internet are people’s versions or reactions to other things. Download PDF Podcast Transcription3 Key Points:
Finding your purpose is key to telling your own stories. The better you know yourself is the better you will know other people. Most of the characters Patricia has written have her in them.Tweetable Quotes:
- “The reason I didn’t finish a book for so many years was that I needed to understand what inside me was driving me to create these stories.” – Patricia D. Eddy.
- “If I was going to write the story of my life, what would I want the arc to be?” – Patricia D. Eddy.
- “If you don’t know yourself, it is very hard to know other people.” – Patricia D. Eddy.
Resources Mentioned:
Author Platform Rocket – Book marketing service Patricia D. Eddy – Website for Patricia D. Eddy Twitter –Twitter for Patricia D. Eddy -
In this 41th episode of Author Platform Rocket, host Jonny Andrews interviews author Victoria Danann, who is also the co-host of the Romance Between the Pages Podcast. They discuss how she became an author, and the tactics that she has used to market and promote her books. Download PDF Podcast Transcription
Three years ago Victoria went to an author event in Austin Texas and met who would become her podcast partner. After her rock band split, Victoria wrote and self-published her first book May 2012. About 2/3 of Victoria’s time is spent on marketing. You need to have a catalog of books to sell. The three places to go to effectively advertise your books: AMS ads (understand how they work), Facebook ads (focus on platform building), Your in-house email list and similar genre authors that are willing to help you promote. Jonny’s Bug Spray Approach: target your audience based on behavior and not interest with your auto-responder implementation. Author Platform Rocket has worked with over 500 authors. It is ok for marketing experiments to have initial value and taper off after they are executed. You need to be where the industry is going and not where it was. Download PDF Podcast Transcription3 Key Points:
Victoria spends about 35% of her time actually writing and about 65% of her time on marketing. You need to establish a collection of books to sell and spend money on advertising. Three Ways for Advertising Your Books: AMS ads (understand how they work), Facebook ads (focus on platform building), Your in-house email list and similar genre authors that are willing to help you promote.Tweetable Quotes:
“I spend (time) 35% writing, 65% on marketing.“ – Victoria Danann. “You really aren’t going to get too far without a catalog. So, you need to begin with a good book, and then when finish that good book, start another one as soon as you can.” – Victoria Danann. “You have to qualify your audiences, and know where you’re going and who you’re going“–Jonny Andrews.Resources Mentioned:
Author Platform Rocket – Jonny Andrews website Webinar – Jonny’s webinar for how to sell more books consistently Victoria Danann – Website for Victoria Danann The Romance Between the Pages Podcast – Website for Victoria’s podcast Facebook– Victoria Danann’s Facebook -
Inside this 40th episode of Author Platform Rocket, marketing veteran Jonny Andrews talks with writer Megan Haskell, the award-winning author of the The Sanyare Chronicles dark fantasy book series, and the co-author of Aspiring to Author: A Guide for Your Publishing Career. The focus of this interview is essentially, how to balance your life as an author. Download PDF Podcast Transcription
Megan Haskell is also a stay-at-home mom with a three year old and a six year old, and a co-director of her local writing community OC Writers Network. She left a 6-figure job to raise her kids and write professionally. Studies have shown that Europeans that work less time than Americans get more done. She chooses one or two things to get done at a time, and focuses on them. A writer’s conference helped Megan find her tribe and cheerleaders. Seeing things work for others and applying them to yourself helps you level. The history of Olympic achievements have expanded is an example of how the bar can be raised for creatives and business people. Go out and meet people and network to get out of the house to reenergize, even if you are an introvert. Download PDF Podcast Transcription3 Key Points:
Megan is a stay-at-home mom and co-director of her Orange County California writing group called OC Writers Network with over 1,000 members. Prioritizing your limited time for writing and keeping to a schedule are key for productivity. Making your daily minimums for writing and marketing, along with making sacrifices are integral.Tweetable Quotes:
- “Deciding what your goals are, that is really your starting point.” – Megan Haskell.
- “Begin with the end in mind, what is it that you want to accomplish, and sort of reverse engineer that.” – Jonny Andrews.
- “When you see somebody else doing something, you realize you can do it too.” – Megan Haskell.
Resources Mentioned:
Author Platform Rocket – Book marketing service Author Platform Rocket Podcast – Website for Author Platform Rocket Podcast Facebook – Author Platform Rocket’s Facebook Page Megan Haskell – Website for Megan Haskell Twitter – Megan Haskell’s Twitter page OC Writers– Website for OC Writers -
Inside this 39th episode of Author Platform Rocket, marketing veteran Jonny Andrews talks about the power of being productive and producing prolific amounts of work with author Tracy Cooper-Posey. Enjoy this interview, because Tracy is the definition of productivity, currently having over 100 titles to her name. Download PDF Podcast Transcription
3 Key Points:
Tracy Cooper Posey is releasing full-length novels every four weeks, writing them every three weeks, to get her production time to six months from first-draft to release. Your speed needs to be high enough that the internal editor in you turns off. Amazon favors you when you publish more than every 30 days and the readers love you for it.Tweetable Quotes:
- “The official list level (her books) if you add in all of the boxsets, which take just as much production as everything else, and the short stories…I’m at about 105.” – Tracy Cooper Posey.
- “I spend a lot of time in the chair writing. That’s how I get them written fast. I’m writing from 6:30 in the morning until mid-day, and I’m getting between 6,000-7,000 words down a day—six days a week.” – Tracy Cooper Posey.
- “As soon as you slow down and let the internal editor in, you are focusing on the words themselves.” – Tracy Cooper Posey.
Resources Mentioned:
Author Platform Rocket – Book marketing service Author Platform Rocket Podcast – Website for Author Platform Rocket Podcast Facebook – Author Platform Rocket’s Facebook Page Tracy Cooper Posey – Website for Tracy Cooper-Posey Productive Indie Fiction Writer – Website for Productive Indie Fiction Writer @TracyCP – Twitter for Tracy Cooper-Posey -
During this 38th episode of Author Platform Rocket, marketing veteran Jonny Andrews discussions how you can intensify the success of you book business by incorporating mentors into your journey. For this special installment, Jonny has a guest known as Golden Angel who is a fairly prolific indie romance author with 37 novels. Golden Angel expresses how transformative having a mentor has been to her own indie author career. Download PDF Podcast Transcription
3 Key Points:
Golden Angel’s newsletter was expanded thanks to newsletter swaps and Instafreebie. “Imposter syndrome” can be remedies with the help of mentors and engagement in an author community. Golden Angel’s books are available at: iBooks, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Smash Words, and Amazon.Tweetable Quotes:
- “I started writing for a free website called Literotica.com, which is erotica and romance.” – Golden Angel.
- “There are a lot of us (authors) that are huge readers, and we all kind of fan girl over each other and there is a lot of mutual love going around.” – Golden Angel.
- “My newsletter has exploded. I had like 200 people in December (2017) on my newsletter. It’s now getting close to 9,000.” – Golden Angel.
Resources Mentioned:
Author Platform Rocket – Book marketing service Author Platform Rocket Podcast – Website for Author Platform Rocket Podcast Facebook – Author Platform Rocket’s Facebook Page Golden Angel Facebook – Facebook page for Golden Angel @GoldenAngel – Twitter page for Golden Angel Twitter Amazon – Golden Angel’s Amazon Page -
During this 37th episode of Author Platform Rocket, Jonny Andrews discussions the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and how regulations effect how entrepreneurs should pivot and shift in their practices. Learn about Truth in Lending and the importance of private policies. Download PDF Podcast Transcription
Around 2009-2010 there was a shake up by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) put laws in affect that included, if you are going to endorse an affiliate product then you need to let customers know that is what is happening. GDPR was not really created for small business owners, more for big data companies like Google but everyone has been caught up in it. There are lots of companies out there that sell tons of products and take those customer lists then sell them to third parties—this pre-dates the internet. Running Facebook ads, no matter where you are globally if you do not have…track-and-pixel on the disclosure on your website, that’s going to be kind of a problem for you. There are WordPress plugins that have the ability to sense where your customers are coming from based on geography. There are free privacy policies you can use on your website. Truth in Lending is not new. What should you have on your webpage, regardless of where you are located: 1.) Cookie disclosure. 2.) Privacy policy + what you do with customer data. The Checkbox is not necessary as long as you clearly explain what people are getting from your site. It is the people that are able to shift to accommodate new regulations and incorporate it into their marketing who are going to be around the longest. Download PDF Podcast Transcription3 Key Points:
Running Facebook ads, no matter where you are globally, you need track-and-pixel on the disclosure on your website. If you are going to do advertising, you need to have a privacy policy on your website, there are free ones available. Your website needs: cookie disclosure and privacy policy that includes what you do with customer data.Tweetable Quotes:
- “You need to disclose what you are doing with people’s data, and what they are signing up for when they sign up.” – Jonny Andrews.
- “If you are running Facebook ads, no matter where you are globally, if you do not have…track-and-pixel on the disclosure on your website, that’s going to be kind of a problem for you.” – Jonny Andrews.
Resources Mentioned:
Author Platform Rocket – Book marketing service Free Privacy Policy Generator WordPress Plugin Cookie Notice By dFactory Copy/Paste Code For Cookie Consent -
In this 36th episode of Author Platform Rocket, host Jonny Andrews offers strategies to shift the more interested and engaged subscribers to your newsletter off of that list and onto a higher engagement list, and get rid of those that have zero interest. Learn how to increase sales and turn subscribers into potential buyers. Download PDF Podcast Transcription
Your subscriber base is the most important part of any author or businesses’ platform, and it is also the most neglected. The reason why a lot of authors are frustrated with the performance of their newsletters is because of how they have been grown—dwelling on the cost-per-lead. Subscribers are seeking freebies until you convert them into readers and buyers. Multi-author giveaways don’t have the focus on you the author. You are looking for people who click on the links to your paid books—an indication of buying intent. Send about six automated ads in over the course of three weeks to your subscribers before you eliminate those that are doing nothing. Take the interested folks off this prospect list and onto a more valuable higher engagement list. Sell ad space in your newsletter to authors in your genre. Go to Authorplatformrocket.com/register and go through the webinar. Download PDF Podcast Transcription3 Key Points:
Mailing list, newsletter, and subscribers are the most important parts of your platform. You are looking for people who click on the links to your paid books—an indication of buying intent. Authorplatformrocket.com/register is where you go for the webinar.Tweetable Quotes:
“Mailing list. Newsletter. Subscribers. All of these things are literally the same thing, and
that is your platform.“ – Jonny Andrews.
“Everybody who subscribes to what you are doing is a freebie seeker until you turn them into a reader and a buyer “ – Jonny Andrews.
“In the author community, a sales funnel is going to be something where you are going
to have these new subscribers go through a sequence of events that warms them up,
and then gets them to buy stuff. “ – Jonny Andrews.
Resources Mentioned:
Author Platform Rocket – Jonny Andrews website Webinar – Jonny’s webinar for how to sell more books consistently - Visa fler