
  • Venus (Relational One) in Libra opposes Chiron (Wounded Healer) in Aries supporting you to balance the needs of self and others in relationships. The Full Moon Eclipse is conjunct Neptune (Dreamer) in Pisces activating high emotional tides of sensitivity and dreaming. Stay grounded in compassion for self and others. Mercury (Communicator) in Virgo opposes Saturn (Responsible One) in Pisces helping you to own and effectively express your vulnerable feelings. The Sun (Conscious Self) in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces inviting you to recognize and ground your intuitive insights. Mercury in Virgo squares Jupiter (Mentor-Teacher) in Gemini challenging you to discern how to effectively express the abundance of ideas and possibilities dancing in your head. The Sun enters Libra marking Autumn Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. Pause and honor the ancient turning of the seasons and attune to more sustainable balance in your life. Venus in Libra squares Pluto (Transformer) in Capricorn catalyzing you to get real with deeper currents in relationships. Release limiting “People Pleaser” patterns.

    Podcast poem: "For Equilibrium-A Blessing" by John O'Donohue

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  • Mercury (Communicator) re-enters Virgo after its recent retrograde cycle in Leo inviting you to get more precision and clarity in your communication with creative ideas and projects. The Sun (Conscious Self) in Virgo squares Jupiter (Expanded One) in Gemini challenging you to balance the bigger picture of possibilities with the necessity to know the details on how to make them happen. Venus (Relational One) in Libra trines Jupiter in Gemini supporting expanded romance with the world (human relationships, art, nature and ideas). Let your love shine forth!

    Podcast poem: Camas Lilies by Lynn Ungar

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  • The New Moon in Virgo supports you to clarify what works and doesn't and what serves and doesn't. Mars (Action-Taker) in Gemini squares Neptune (Dreamer) in Pisces supports you to track and shift unconscious patterns that drain your energy and capacity to move forward. Venus (Relational One) is conjunct the South Node in Libra challenging you to release old relational patterns of over-accommodation and making nice. Mars enters Cancer for 6 weeks of practicing shifting emotional resentment into actively asking for what you need. Mercury (Messenger) in Leo squares Uranus (Maverick) in Taurus inviting you to open to outrageous new ideas and explore how to practically implement them. The Sun (Conscious Self) in Virgo opposes Saturn (Responsible One) in Pisces catalyzing you to recognize why you're working too hard and to ask for help.

    Podcast poem: "Flowering" by Linda Buckmaster

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  • Here's a week of attuning to the changing currents in your life. Venus (Relational One) connects to the three transpersonal planets this week supporting deeper changes with relationships and values. Venus in Virgo trines Uranus (Maverick) in Taurus supporting you to explore more freedom in your relationships. Mercury (Communicator) turns direct in Leo after 3 weeks of retrograde motion. Express creative ideas and shine your ideas. Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune (Dreamer) in Pisces challenging you to break some spells of denial and enmeshment in relationships. Venus enters Libra and trines Pluto (Transformer) in Aquarius activating your desire for depths and transformation with your values, resources and connections with others. Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus for a 5-month journey of exploring the security of authentic inner belonging to yourself. Pluto re-enters Capricorn until mid-November catalyzing personal and collective lessons in transmuting the poisons of fear-based and dominating authority and life structures that we've all been with since 2008.

    Podcast poem: "We Are of a Tribe" by Alberto Rios

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  • The Full Moon in Aquarius invites you to balance the Sun (Conscious Self) in Leo, the sign of individual creativity and visibility, with the Moon (Instinctive Nurturer) in Aquarius, the sign of radical authenticity and alignment with necessary changes. Plus the Full Moon squares Uranus (Maverick) in Taurus challenging you to integrate unexpected changes to your established patterns and identities. Jupiter (Expanded One) in Gemini squares Saturn (Responsible One) in Pisces marking a 10-month journey of deep reassessment of what is truly important to you and to understand any gaps between your ideals and your current life situations. Begin to explore how to manifest your ideals realistically. Changes you and society make now guides the larger direction of the big archetypal changes coming in 2025. Venus (Relational One) in Virgo squares Mars (Action-Taker) in Gemini inviting you to first recognize what needs healing and grounding in relationships and your life before you enthusiastically chase new ideas and opportunities.

    Podcast poem: "Being a Person" by William Stafford

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  • There are very big currents of astrological change in the next two weeks. Jupiter (Expanded One) in Gemini squares Saturn (Responsible One) in Pisces marking a 10-month journey of deep reassessment of what is truly important to you and to understand any gaps between your ideals and your current life situations. Begin to explore how to manifest your ideals realistically. Mars (Action-Taker) in Gemini is both conjunct Jupiter and square Saturn supporting you to notice if your actions align with your aspirations. If you feel frustrated at feeling thwarted in going forward with your goals, recognize the limitations are there to help you manifest your goals more successfully. Mercury (Communicator) in Leo in its retrograde journey is square Uranus (Maverick) in Taurus challenging you to open your creative mind to alternative ways to express yourself. The Sun (Conscious Self) in Leo conjoins Mercury supporting you to start a 4-month journey of following a creative idea or project to fruition. Notice any nudges from your Muse and take the first steps to explore them. Venus (Relational One) in Virgo squares Jupiter catalyzing you to balance your enthusiasm for new ideas and projects with your desire for steadfastness and grounded wholeness.

    Podcast poem: "In the Other Kind of Time" by Mark Nepo

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  • Mercury (Communicator) turns retrograde in Virgo for a 3-week journey of decluttering your mind with narratives and thoughts that are not aligned with your wholeness. Slow down and honor the beauty and sacred presence of your everyday life. Mercury conjoins Venus (Relational One) in Virgo inviting you to weave your mind and heart in healing ways. Continue to release the old ideas and busy thoughts that get in the way of actualizing your deepest values and desires. Plus a preview of coming attractions with the upcoming Jupiter square Saturn cycle mid August that supports you to review how to practically manifest your aspirations and ideals.

    Podcast poem: "Stone" by Danusha Laméris

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  • In the Northern Hemisphere seasonal changes, this week we enter the first harvest time of Lammas. Venus (Relational One) in Leo squares Uranus (Maverick) in Taurus waking you up to make necessary changes in your relationships (with self and others). Come out more visibly in your uniqueness and release patterns of seeking approval from others to feel worthy. The New Moon in Leo invites you to shine your gifts, radiate your creative love and warmth from your Inner Sovereign. Mercury (Communicator) turns retrograde (seemingly backtracking in the heavens) to begin a 3-week journey of reviewing ideas, mental patterns and expression. Chani says: "This particular backtrack begins in meticulous Virgo and then rewinds into showboating Leo. This transit reminds us that when we refine the ways that we share our creative gifts with the world, we attract our ideal audiences."

    Podcast poem: "Blessing of the Reaper" by Joanna Powell Colbert

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  • The Sun (Conscious Self) in Leo opposes Pluto (Transformer) in Aquarius challenging you to free yourself from survival patterns of seeking recognition from others. Courageously recognize and honor your unique creativity and presence in the world and offer them to our world in support of collective deep transformation. Chiron (Wounded Healer) turns retrograde in Aries for a 5-month inner journey of healing the wounds of isolation and resentment due to feeling not accepted as your true self. Activate the "medicine" of self-acceptance and courage to be you for yourself, your ancestors and the world.

    Podcast poem: "The Burial" by Judith Adams

    Special discount on Sheila's Chiron course and Pluto workshop. Go to www.ontheedgesofchange.com/astrology and use this coupon code at checkout: ASTRO20. Coupon good until midnight Pacific on Sunday, July 28.

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  • The Sun (Conscious Self) in Cancer squares Chiron (Wounded Healer) in Aries illuminating the call to be tender and nurturing toward the parts of you who feel isolated and react with a closed heart. Mars (Advocate-Warrioress) conjoins Uranus (Maverick) in Taurus with a possible volatile combination of restlessness and reactivity around issues of safety and personal territory. Before unconsciously reacting to perceived threats, pause and ground with the Earth and your body. Know you are held and loved and act accordingly. Mars enters Gemini for a 6-week journey of courageously choosing new experimental ideas and paths that open you to alternative ways of thinking. The second Full Moon in Capricorn activates the need to balance emotional vulnerability and your longing to belong with the ability to, as Chani says, "own your own inner and outer authority." Mercury (Communicator) in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus awakening unexpected insights from yourself and others.

    Podcast poem: "There is This Moment" by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

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