
  • Fr. John Brancich, FSSP is the pastor of St. Stanislaus Catholic Church in Nashua, New Hampshire. He was ordained into the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter in 2004. In Today's Show Was the sin of Sodom more about homosexuality or generally about the sin of lust? My son has a classmate with two "dads". What should I tell him about what parenthood should be? What advice do you have for parents who are dealing with children who are practicing an unnatural lifestyle? What is the difference between a bishop and an archbishop? When talking to a bishop or archbishop do we use the term "Your Excellency" or Your Grace"? Do you have tips on how to stop dwelling on past hurts? What are the qualities of a good spiritual director? How do I respond to someone who says that Planned Parenthood does good things? Do we know what Mary prayed at the foot of the cross? How should we view the hierarchy of the apostles in scripture? Can you explain a spiritual experience I had when I received the Eucharist? How to respond to the argument that life begins at first breath?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Fr. Francisco Nahoe OFMConv. has served the Church and the Franciscan Order in Catholic education, campus ministry, parochial ministry and catechesis. Today he teaches humanities at the undergraduate level, while focusing his scholarly efforts on Renaissance rhetoric and Polynesian ethnohistory. In Today's Show If I'm currently suffering depression and adjustment disorder, would you advise avoiding confession till symptoms clear? What would be your most imminent change to help fix the Church? Why does the Latin rite separate the sacraments of initiation while the Eastern Rites do not? What are your top three books of the Bible to meditate with? What guidance would you give to better my nightly examination of conscience? I heard that on a non-holy day of obligation that it isn't required to say the creed after the homily, is this true? If I'm in the medical field and was pressured to have my patients do yoga, should I leave? What advice would you give on how to discern when I actually committed a sin or not?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

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  • Fr. Anthony Amato is the Pastor of St. Peter’s Parish in Clifton Springs, New York. He was ordained as a priest in June of 2017 by Bishop Salvatore Matano of the Diocese of Rochester, New York. In Today's Show If someone commits a grave sin accidently does that still open themselves up to demonic possession? How does the Church view infertility treatments if a couple are struggling to conceive? Why do people raise their hands during the Our Father, and should they? Is Natural Family Planning acceptable for Catholics to use? During the Annunciation, did Our Lady have the option to say no? Why does Our Lady only appear to Catholics? Is the Didache good proof of the Early Church being Catholic? Should the Annunciation be considered the "real" Christmas? Is it necessary to believe that St. Joseph was chaste his entire life? Why would God have to be mindful of his Passion like mentioned in the Divine Mercy prayers? During the Eucharistic prayer the priest sometimes says "we may merit to be co-heirs to Eternal life". How can we by ourselves merit heaven? What does it mean to be in communion with the pope? Can I go to my sister's non-Catholic parish to avoid creating strife? What is the view of the Church regarding tattoos?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Canon Stephen Sharpe, ICKSP serves as Parochial Vicar at St. Joseph Shrine in Detroit, Michigan. He was ordained in 2020. In Today's Show How should we internalize mental prayer? Could you clarify the teaching on keeping the ashes of a loved one? If someone committed suicide what does that mean for their judgement? Could you receive communion before you finish acting out your penance? Can saints intercede for you without you asking for it? How are we meant to understand that Jesus was in the tomb for "three days". How long were they? In the apostles creed it says that Jesus descended into hell. Can you explain this? Any advice on working on fixing my anger during Lent? Do you have an opinion on Pokémon?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Fr. William Rock, FSSP serves as Parochial Vicar at St. Stanislaus Catholic Church in Nashua, New Hampshire. He was ordained in October of 2019 and serves as a regular contributor to the FSSP North America Missive Blog. In Today's Show: Are elves in the Santa myth giving it a pagan slant? How can one repair the damages caused by getting a vasectomy? In my missal it mentions what a priest should say in "a black mass" what does it mean by that? How often do Church councils happen? What is the difference between a Council and a Synod? Does "Live by the sword, die by the sword" apply to guns and self-defense? What are your top three book recommendations on the four temperaments? Does my grandma's suffering take time off of her purgatory? What does it mean to join suffering with charity? What is the difference between active and passive offering up? Can souls in purgatory pray for each other? When a sin confessed do you still have to do purgatory time for it? What kind of music is acceptable to listen to? Do you think the Orthodox and Catholic dates of Easter will ever change to be on the same day? Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Fr. Paul Born currently serves as the Parochial Vicar at Mary, Queen of Martyrs Parish in Plymouth, Massachusetts. In Today's Show: How should we read about the resurrection of the body? As an OCIA student how do I confront my parish priest if he wrong about baptism? Since doing drugs is a mortal sin, does that mean that addicts are damned? If you could only listen to three songs for the rest of your life, what would they be? Are you familiar with the Legion of Mary? What is the Church's opinion about the bones of James (the supposed brother of Jesus) Mary's role as Ark of the Covenant. Would it be permissible to stop in at an Orthodox Church to visit the Blessed Sacrament? What is the purpose of the Lazarus parable? Have you heard of the Neocatechumenal Way? What is an exorcism?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Canon Benjamin Norman, ICKSP currently serves as Chaplain of the ICKSP Oakland Apostolate at St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church in Oakland, California. He was ordained in 2018. In Today's Show: What are the different reasons for using incense throughout the mass? If there was an emergency where the priest had to leave as soon as mass ended, is he allowed to keep his vestments on? My mother isn't a practicing Catholic; can I even have her as my confirmation sponsor? Did Christ experience the weight of the sins of the world throughout His entire life? Was the Blessed Virgin Mary free from all the effects of original sin? Would she have aged? Is it ok for the laity to handle the chalice after mass? How should one respond to the 7th day Adventist claim that St. Michael is an allegory for Christ? Do the ICKSP canons have a good relationship with priests of the SSPX? Should I make an appointment for a general confession or just go during the weekday?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Fr. Daniel Alloy, FSSP has served as Parochial Vicar at Regina Caeli Parish in Houston, Texas since July of 2022. He was ordained in June of 2020. In Today's Show I married outside the Church and my husband was only baptized, what must I do to reunite with the Church? Can it ever be advisable to limit contact with your family? What do you do if someone refuses to interact with your when you disagree about Catholic teaching? Would the grief of losing a pet count if it was offered up for an intention? Where did the rules of fasting and abstinence come from? What should someone do if they forgot, and ate meat on a Friday? How do I practice adoration, is it okay to pray? Is it appropriate for Catholics to wish Muslim's a happy Ramadan? If a Catholic is working undercover for the CIA, can they join the Freemasons to keep their cover? Could the person who was married outside the Church receive a spiritual communion? Wouldn't accidently eating meat on Friday still be a venial sin? Are Catholics allowed to seek spiritual direction outside their parish? I dreamt about a black looking thing and there was misfortune after, do you think these thinks are correlated? I was told that we have a guardian angel for our marriage, is this true? Also, can we name our guardian angel? I have been away from the Church for about 13 years, when I go to confession will the sins I don't remember still be forgiven. Should we refrain from going to communion with venial sin on us, even though communion wipes away venial sin.

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Fr. Elias Mary Mills, F.I. served as Rector of the Shrine Church at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Lacrosse, Wisconsin from 2016 to 2021. He was ordained in May of 2000. In Today's Show Happy St. Patrick's Day I heard a story with the CCP in China's governmental Church made a Bible where they said Jesus killed the woman who sinned. The Norbertines took over the Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine, what can you tell me about them? Are sins against the environment actually sins and are they important? Could the Angel of the Lord be Christ pre-incarnate? Can a demon pretend to be a loved one in purgatory? Could you recommend any books on Elijah? What does the "designated godparent" mean in regard to baptism? If a Protestant ask for you to hear their confession, what would you do? Did St. Patrick really drive the snakes out of Ireland Any tips on reading the Bible? At work I was asked to list my pronouns, what should I do?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • We're live now with Fr. Jason Charron, Ukrainian Catholic Priest who currently serves two parishes in the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saint Josaphat in Parma In Today's Show What are the rules for Roman Catholics attending a service at an Eastern Rite church? What is a proto-deacon in the Eastern Rite? Are there different vestments to distinguish a deacon from a proto-deacon? How often are Eastern Catholic priests married? How hard is it for a Roman Catholic to discover the Eastern Rites? How close are the Catholics and the Orthodox to reconciling? Where is Heaven? Why does feminism have a strong grasp today? How do we best deal with it? What are the differences between being out of the state of grace and being excommunicated? How do the Eastern Churches observe Lent and how is it different? If I ate meat on a Friday during Lent, what should I do? Which Protestant baptisms does the Catholic Church consider valid? Can martyrs of other faiths go to Heaven? Does have a Pope the biggest difference between the Orthodox and the Eastern Catholics? How does the Eastern Rites deal with heretics? How do the Orthodox handle heresies? How should prayer while fasting differ from prayer in everyday life?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, and sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows!

  • Canon Stephen Sharpe, ICKSP serves as Parochial Vicar at St. Joseph Shrine in Detroit, Michigan. He was ordained in 2020. In Today's Show With the Feast of St. Joseph approaching, could you share some of your favorite devotions to him? Can you shed some light on the difference of taking care of our health and how some saints died of exhaustion? How do we balance the two? Images of St. Joseph's Shrine and procession. David called the Messiah ‘my Lord’ How can the Messiah be his son? Should lay Catholic help pay for settling the abuse claims against the diocese? How should we feel about Cardinal McElroy becoming bishop of Washington? Does the ICKSP have masses for the anointing of the sick? Does the ICKSP utilize extraordinary ministers? My Protestant Grandparents got divorces and then legally married each other, both previous spouses died. Can we view their new "marriage" as valid? Why are people baptized outside the Church not required to get married in the Church? Should I split my tithe between my parish and a church I'm visiting? Should Catholics belong to more than one parish? Do confessed sins get revealed in the Final Judgement? What is some general advice do you have for people who recently reverted to the Faith? As a Catholic is my marriage in the Episcopal church valid?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Canon Michael Stein, ICKSP serves as Rector at Old St. Patrick Oratory in Kansas City, Missouri. He was ordained in 2010. In Today's Show Update on the Kansas City branch of the ICSKP Is getting zealously angry at those who blaspheme and misrepresent our Faith a sin in itself? Why can't I take home the baptismal water? What is the best way to handle receiving communion while you have a cough? How should I meditate on the rosary? Dear Canon, tell us what real coffee is? #teamespresso With the study that 2/3s of Catholics don't believe in the real Presence, why do they still go to confession and receive communion? How do I focus on the words of the rosary while meditating on the mysteries? At Mass the priest held part of his vestment to cover his face during consecration. Could you comment on this? Can young men not yet ordained a subdeacon perform as subdeacon at a Solemn High Mass? Is there an overlap between Protestant and Catholic hymns? What does it mean to be a "Traditional Catholic"?

    Support the ICKSP in Kansas City!

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  • Fr. Joseph Dalimata, FSSP serves as Parochial Vicar at Immaculate Conception Church in El Paso, Texas. He was ordained in May of 2021.

    In Today's Show How is Father's Lent going?* Can you explain the Catholic teaching on marital debt? If there were three books you could have every Catholic read, what would they be?* If a Catholic isn’t ready for confession yet. Can they receive a blessing during communion? Can you explain temporal sins? Are we wired to seek the ultimate good? What temperament type is most predominantly attracted to join the ranks of the FSSP? A person in our group was very belligerent, does forgiveness mean allowing her to stay in the group? Are you supposed to adjust the mysteries of the Rosary you pray to align with the Church’s seasons/feast days? Is judging a fictional character a sin? The Host fell when she received this past Friday. What should someone do after this? Can God answer a prayer that seems impossible?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!


    Healing Wounds by Bishop Varden: The Odyssey by Homer: Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence: Chastity by Bishop Varden:
  • Fr. Anthony Amato is the Pastor of St. Peter’s Parish in Clifton Springs, New York. He was ordained as a priest in June of 2017 by Bishop Salvatore Matano of the Diocese of Rochester, New York. In Today's Show What is a Melkite priest? My sister says she finds it hard to forgive, should I leave it in God's hands? My sister is getting a PhD in LGBT studies, how should I handle this? Why did Mary appear to the Coptics if they are not in communion with Rome? In the divine mercy prayer why do offer up the Body, Blood Soul and Divinity? What is the difference between wearing the miraculous medal and a charm? When do you stop bringing to people's attention that they are using God's name in vain? While praying Is there less grace for each particular intention if you have more than one? Was there a time where the laity did not receive Communion on Good Friday? Why isn't baptism administered to embryos? Should Catholics refrain from going to parties during Lent? If I was a journalist and see a public figure in a drunken state, would it be detraction to publicize it? What is the best prayer for the Church Suffering? Which novena to St. Joseph does Father suggest? Is it ok for lay people to pray the Divine Office? At what point does fighting with your spouse become a mortal sin?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Canon Ross Bourgeois, ICKSP serves as Parochial Vicar at Most Precious Blood of Jesus Parish in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Canon Bourgeois was ordained in 2019. In Today's Show: How do we know that we committed gluttony? How do we explain the beginning and current state of the Holy Trinity? Can I use beef protein powder on Friday? Why did God make the path to Heaven so narrow? What do other "Christian" churches teach to make themselves different to Catholicism? Is a forced marriage valid? What should parents do with young children at mass? How do you explain to someone who doesn't believe that Christ is real? Why aren't we encouraged to follow the old ways of Lent? When Christ returns, will the Earth and the universe be made part of Heaven?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Fr. John Brancich, FSSP is the pastor of St. Stanislaus Catholic Church in Nashua, New Hampshire. He was ordained into the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter in 2004. In Today's Show When we fast or abstain on Friday. Can we have meat or stop fasting at sundown or does it have to be midnight? What are some of the important books of the Bible to read during Lent? Should the Bible be a daily read? Should I ask my spiritual director about abstaining from Holy Communion for Lent? Does "Confess your mortal sins once a year" mean that I have list all my past mortal sins even though they were already confessed/forgiven? Why are prayers said in Latin said faster than English prayers? My parish won't let me kneel to receive the Eucharist, should I abstain or receive standing? Is it okay to have a Life Teen mass for a funeral mass? If I think of the physical benefits of mortification it doesn't feel like as much of a sacrifice, how do I resist such temptations? If an unbeliever lays down their life for another, do they attain Heaven? How was Mary sinless if she was born of two humans? How can we be sure of perfect contrition? Do priests ever carry any ID's with them to officially prove they are priests?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Canon Benjamin Norman, ICKSP currently serves as Chaplain of the ICKSP Oakland Apostolate at St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church in Oakland, California. He was ordained in 2018. In Today's Show: Is it a sin to read a fortune cookie? Is reliance to medication a barrier to join the ICKSP? What would bar some people from becoming a priest in the ICKSP? Would ADHD be a barrier? Are images of men without shirts considered immoral or immodest? Does Limbo contradict God's mercy and justice? How do I grasp the concept of transubstantiation? Can we use the duality of Jesus' humanity and divinity to understand the presence of Him in the Eucharist? Do other denominations observe Ash Wednesday or Lent? As a Baptist is it wrong to consider the Baptist and Catholic Churches fairly identical?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Fr. Daniel Alloy, FSSP has served as Parochial Vicar at Regina Caeli Parish in Houston, Texas since July of 2022. He was ordained in June of 2020. In Today's Show As a Catholic can I attend a funeral at the American Legion Club? What is the significance of the pom pom on a FSSP priest’s biretta? Does the FSSP do private funeral masses? Is it okay to use the aspergillum or other mass objects for historical reenactment purposes? What is the proper way to receive ashes on Ash Wednesday? What precautions should one take in praying for someone who is openly wearing symbols of the occult? Is it ok to believe that St. Joseph was without personal sin? If God is everywhere, is He present in Hell? Can women with gender dysphoria wear more masculine clothing with good intentions? Should we share what we are sacrificing for Lent or humbly keep it private? How do we balance between right behavior and right awareness? Is it a mortal sin to eat meat on Ash Wednesday or a Friday in Lent if they forgot? Isn't praying to Saints wrong? Would a coffee or some other drink count as one of the small meals for Ash Wednesday or Good Friday? If someone or a priest bless the food we are about to eat, is it a sin to throw away or not finish eating such food? Our current priest is publicly supporting women priests and contraception, what should I do?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Canon Stephen Sharpe, ICKSP serves as Parochial Vicar at St. Joseph Shrine in Detroit, Michigan. He was ordained in 2020. In Today's Show What is your favorite type of Pączki? What does Canon give up for Lent? Now that the index of forbidden books doesn't exist anymore how do we know what media to avoid? Any advice for Lenten practices for pregnant and nursing mothers? Are fertilized chicken eggs considered meat? How is time measured in purgatory? Why does praying for souls in purgatory release them sooner? I recently heard that Catholics should avoid silliness and foolishness should be avoided, how far should we take this? Do lawyer souls get corrupted? Where do the palms come from for Palm Sunday? What name should then next pope take? Why does the priest walk down the aisles of the church sometimes with incense, holy water, etc. Does adding prayers to the rosary remove its special indulgences? What does "the west" mean in the US vs Canada? Also are there any famous Catholic Cowboys? How does fasting help people spiritually and does it really make evil flee? Is not doing something enjoyable count as penance or abstinence?

    Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Fr. William Rock, FSSP serves as Parochial Vicar at St. Stanislaus Catholic Church in Nashua, New Hampshire. He was ordained in October of 2019 and serves as a regular contributor to the FSSP North America Missive Blog. In Today's Show: Is it okay to have food with 0 calories during the Eucharistic Fast? Can you say the Mass for the Holy Face on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday? If a Catholic couple have an outdoor wedding, do they excommunicate themselves? What precisely is an excommunication? What is the funeral policy for private requiem masses at FSSP parishes? Why do you think single men the least likely to attend church compared to other groups? What advice do you have for those in the role of greeters? The TLM doesn’t have much in common with the Novus Ordo. Why are they considered inside the same Rite? I went to a Lutheran mass, and it reminds me of the new mass. Why? Why is Saturday vigil allowed for a Sunday obligation? Are we allowed to use chicken or beef stock on Fridays? Historical dispensations to the Friday fast. How to not get discouraged if you fail your Lenten observances? Visit the show page at thestationofthecross.com/askapriest to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!