
  • The mindless, murderous fury that was buried with Jason has been reborn. And suddenly, terror has become child's play!

    Well, here we are again, folks. Another Friday the 13th, another obligatory Friday the 13th episode. After so many installments, how can the filmmakers possibly top all that has come before? Are we going to get more gruesome kills? Are they going to have an even more disgusting looking version of Jason? – No. What we get this time are hillbillies, random greasers, and a fake Jason that can barely swing a machete. As the film’s esteemed hillbilly Ethel would say, “eat your fuckin’ slop!”.

    I’m your host, Dave, and joining me as we watch the Friday the 13th franchise reach new depths of sleaze are fellow cinephiles and crazed ambulance drivers Mike, Jackie, and Ryan.

    Topics of discussion in this episode include the infamous Roy (aka: Fake Jason), and how we should have had a scene where he’s granted Jason powers via dark magic (because why the hell not?); we look behind the scenes at the (alleged) hardcore drug use reported on the set and how the film’s director was (allegedly) a huge creep; and finally, we ask exactly what the hell was wrong with the kids in this halfway home? Because all we are shown is that a handful suffer from excessive horniness, one a stutter, and another a chocolate addiction.

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. You can also Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook, or shoot us an email at [email protected]. What are your thoughts on A New Beginning? Is Roy the worst Jason or the best Jason? Let us know!

    That’ll do it for this obligatory Friday the 13th episode. We’ll be hanging with our old pal Jason again in December when we look at the second “Final” Friday with Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday. See you then folks. And remember, never eat enchiladas unless you’re within ten to twenty feet of an outhouse.

  • The dark side of nature.

    Apocalypse Video is back and we’ve got a brand new theme song, baby! That is…we have two brand new theme songs. It seems we have a little controversy on our hands. Mike claims that Ryan has stolen his new theme song, while Ryan - in a surprising and out of nowhere southern accent - claims he merely took an “unrealized” theme song and improved upon it. Thankfully, the answer to this debacle may lie in today’s episode, the 1996 box office hit Twister, in which two groups of storm chasers battle for tornado research dominance, with a stolen concept at the route of their hatred for each other. Will we be able to answer who’s theme song is better by the end of the episode?

    Who cares?! We’ve got cows!!!

    I’m your host, Dave, and joining me as we blast some Van Halen and avoid getting impaled in the face with flying debris are fellow cinephiles and storm chasers Mike and Ryan.

    Topics of discussion in this episode include how Twister perfectly masks the sound of the audience munching on popcorn; we break down the completely unfair and shitty treatment of Jami Gertz’s “Dr. Melissa Reeves” by nearly every character in the film; and finally, we compare the climax’s F-5 tornado to Michael Myers as it mercilessly stalks and kills its victims.

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. You can also Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook, or shoot us an email at [email protected]. What was your favorite blockbuster of 1996? Was it Twister or was it Independence Day? Drop us a line and let us know.

    That’ll do it for us, folks. We’ll see you this Friday for the obligatory Friday the 13th episode. Until then, keep watching the skies and be sure to keep your tornado senses sharpened.

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  • Apocalypse Video Bond-Cast Mission Dossier:

    The Target:
    1974’s The Man with the Golden Gun

    Your Contacts:
    Apocalypse Video (M)anager - Dave
    Agents - Mike and Jackie

    Mission Objectives:Investigate Nick Nack’s possible background with the Disney Imagineering department.Leave a glowing Yelp review for Bottoms Up.Find a way to ditch Sheriff J.W. Pepper before he emits any further racial slurs.

    Additional Objectives:
    Rate, review and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. You can also Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook, or shoot us an email at [email protected]. What’s your take on that slide whistle? Does it ruin what could have been the best stunt in the series or does it only make it better? Let us know!

    The Apocalypse Video Bond Cast will return with…The Spy Who Loved Me.

  • There are those who believe that podcasts here began out there, far across the universe, with tribes ofneckbeard film fans who may have been the forefathers of the movie review podcast. Some believe that there may yet be brothers of man who even now podcast to survive, somewhere beyond Apocalypse Video…

    I’m your host, Dave, and joining me as we try our best to hide some contraband booze from security is my faithful companion and trusted advisor, “Nick” Immortan Hoof.

    Topics of discussion in this episode include the noticeable downshift in quality as the show loses its TV movie prestige and enters its “just TV” phase; Commander Adama makes some creepy passes at his soon to be daughter in law; and finally, we laugh at Baltar’s false sense of superiority and his insatiable desire to splay while in his high chair.

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. You can also Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook, or shoot us an email at [email protected]. What’s your favorite Battlestar episode? Hit us up and let us know!

    The Apocalypse Video Battlestar Galactica Original Series podcast (aka: APV-BSG-OG-POD) will return with The Lost Warrior.

  • Get some action!

    Ahhh, another summer film promotion in the books, and I gotta say...as owner of Apocalypse Video and Executive Producer of Hot Dave’s Summer Film Fest, I think we really knocked it out of the park this year (my so called friends waterboarding and ridiculing me for my love of Flashdance notwithstanding). However, it seems there are some out there in the Wasteland who weren’t overly fond of our focus on dance films this year. So, as an attempt to win back our action craving audience, this week we bring you none other than the maximalist action film from acclaimed(?) filmmaker McG: Charlie’s Angels. It’s got guns, explosions, and more early 2000’s bullet-time ripoffs than you can shake a butt at!

    I’m your host, Dave, and joining me on this mission are fellow cinephiles and my own Angels, Mike, Jackie, Ryan, and Nick “Immortan Hoof”.

    Topics of discussion in this episode include a film that distills every trope and gimmick from the year 2000 into one insane 95 minute runtime; we wonder if Cameron Diaz was stricken with the Joker’s laughing gas during filming, as she can’t seem to stop herself from grinning like a maniac during every scene; and finally, Ryan attempts to answer the question that has plagued mankind since the late 90s: who or what is a McG?

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. You can also Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook, or shoot us an email at [email protected]. What movies have we given good reviews for that you absolutely can’t stand? Let us know.

    That’ll do it for now, Angels. I’ll leave you all to shake your butt in your room alone for the benefit of absolutely no one but a horny teenage audience (see film above for reference).

  • All rise! The Court of Horny Affairs is now in session. The Honorable Judge Janna presiding. The defendant, one David Snider, has been accused of excessive horniness while discussing the film Flashdance on the podcast known as “Apocalypse Video”. The defendant has been made aware of his rights and will face Flashdance-style water dropping if found guilty.

    The prosecutors in this case are Kara and Jackie and have informed the court that they have more than enough evidence to send Dave away to Horny Jail for a very long time.

    The defendant has been sworn in. Let the trial begin…

    Pieces of evidence in this taped court session include Boner-Goggles, and how they can obscure one’s perspective on an otherwise terrible film; the character of Nick is shown to be a creepy stalker and has no business dating his employees; and finally, Mawby's Bar, as depicted in the film Flashdance, should by all accounts not exist, as it’s divey interior and skeezy clientele would have no interest in the performance art-style dance numbers taking place on stage.

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. You can also Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook, or shoot us an email at [email protected]. What movies have we given good reviews for that you absolutely can’t stand? Let us know.

    And thus ends the case of the People v. Dave/Flashdance. Court is adjourned.

  • When he said I do, he never said what he did.

    Hot Dave’s Summer Film Fest Vol. 4: Not THAT’S What I Call Dance Movies! is back for one last spin, and boy, have we got a banger for you…

    I’m your host, Dave, and joining me as we put our significant others through intense interrogation tactics are fellow dancers and Omega Sector recruits Mike, Jackie, Cody, and Nick “Immortan Hoof”.

    Topics of discussion in this episode include the sick and pathetic world of Simon the Used Car Salesman; we ponder the practicality of a villain employing a full time ski patrol as guards; and finally, we demand an oversight committee take a long overdue look at the misuse of government funds from Omega Sector as Harry Tasker wastes all of our tax dollars on stalking his wife.

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. You can also Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook, or shoot us an email at [email protected]. What are your favorite dance films? Drop us a line and let us know.

    And just like that, another Summer Film Fest is in the books. I’d like to thank everyone who came out to dance like a maniac on the floor, and to all of the performers who made their dreams come true with the power of dance and/or the power of stripping. We’ll see you next summer, folks! Until then…take your passion – and make it happen!

  • May the best moves win.

    Hot Dave’s Summer Film Fest Vol. 4: Not THAT’S What I Call Dance Movies! is back, and now that we’ve got all of that ballet out of our system, it’s time to hit the football field and cheer on the losing team as we bust out our pom-pom’s with 2000’s Bring It On!

    I’m your host, Dave, and joining me as we collectively cringe at the early 2000’s f-bomb’s are fellow cheerleaders Mike, Ryan, Jackie, Nick, and special guest, Madolyn.

    Topics of discussion in this episode include the shocking early 2000’s societal norms, such as everyone being cool with the occasional surprise thumb up a butt; we relive the glory days of the DVD boom; and finally, we write our own prequel which details the insane lengths that Big Red will go to in order to achieve the best cheer routine.

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. You can also Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook, or shoot us an email at [email protected]. What are your favorite dance films? Drop us a line and let us know.

    That’ll do it for this week’s cheer drill. When we come back, we’ll be playing the last track on Hot Dave’s Summer Film Fest Vol. 4: Now THAT’S What I Call Dance Movies! as we take our clothes off once again and prepare for the tango with James Cameron’s action classic, True Lies. Be there! (...or we’ll call Omega Sector on your ass.)

  • Every second chance begins with a first step.

    Hot Dave’s Summer Film Fest Vol. 4: Not THAT’S What I Call Dance Movies! is back, and this time we’re ditching our ballet shoes and throwing on our oversized t-shirts and sideways baseball hats as we prepare to Step Up!

    I’m your host, Dave, and joining me as we try our best to carjack that elusive Escalade are fellow cinephiles and dancers Mike, Jackie, and special guests Kara and Madolyn.

    Topics of discussion in this episode include how this whole movie is basically a Disney Channel Original Movie version of The Wire; Jenna Dewan is faced with the horrible ultimatum of having to succeed in dance or be forced to go to the dreaded Cornell University; and finally, we pour one out for our homie, Skinny, and his ultra nerdy name belt.

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. You can also Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook, or shoot us an email at [email protected]. What are your favorite dance films? Drop us a line and let us know.

    That’ll do it for this week’s track. Join us next week as we leave democracy behind and join the cheerocracy of Rancho Carne High with Bring It On.

  • Inside every one of us is a special talent waiting to come out. The trick is finding it.

    Hot Dave’s Summer Film Fest Vol. 4: Not THAT’S What I Call Dance Movies! keeps playing the hits, and this time we’ve got a tearjerker for ya. That’s right, we’re going back in time to the radical 80s as we watch a young boy stick it to his father by enrolling in ballet class with Billy Elliot.

    I’m your host, Dave, and joining me as we bang a gong and get it on are fellow cinephiles and Royal Ballet Academy dropouts Mike and Ryan.

    Topics of discussion in this episode include the last forty minutes of this movie turning me into a broken down, sobbing mess; Billy Elliot shows off his skills by dance-fighting his Dad; and finally, we wonder what the deal is with the lone little girl that hangs out on Billy’s street…and whether or not she’s an apparition from beyond the grave…

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. You can also Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook, or shoot us an email at [email protected]. What are your favorite dance films? Drop us a line and let us know.

    That’ll do it for this week’s class everybody. Remember to leave your fifty quid at the door and don’t forget to show up next week as Channing Tatum returns to show us how to properly Step Up. You won’t want to miss it!

  • Work all day. Work it all night.

    Hot Dave’s Summer Film Fest Vol. 4: Not THAT’S What I Call Dance Movies! is hitting the stage once again as we strip down to our thongs and start dancing for singles as we watch the 2012 box office smash Magic Mike.

    I’m your host, Dave, and joining me as we try not to drink too much of whatever that mystery juice was that Gabriel Inglesias was offering are fellow dancers and former cock rockers of Tampa, Ryan, Nick “Immortan Hoof”, and special guests Kara and Janna.

    Topics of discussion in this episode include the alluring world of stripping and the weird oddities that can come with it (including drugs and pigs); we’ll also talk about Matthew McConaughey’s sleaze factor going off the charts; and finally, we’ll rate the dancing as depicted in the film, and how it compares to the dancing in this Summer’s reigning dance movie champ, Flashdance.

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. You can also Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook, or shoot us an email at [email protected]. What are your favorite dance films? Drop us a line and let us know.

    Alright, alright, alright - that does it for this week’s episode, ladies. When Hot Dave’s Summer Film Fest Vol. 4: Not THAT’S What I Call Dance Movies! returns, we’ll be going overseas and back in time to the radical 80s as we put on our ballet shoes and throw shade at the Iron Lady with the early aught’s classic, Billy Elliot. See ya then.

  • Have the time of your life…all over again.

    The hits keep coming as Hot Dave’s Summer Film Fest Vol. 4: Not THAT’S What I Call Dance Movies! is back with the sequel that everyone in 2004 was clamoring for: Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights.

    I’m your host, Dave, and joining me as we ditch this boring party and head over to La Rosa Negra for some hot, sweaty dancing are fellow cinephiles and dirty dancers Ryan, Janna, and Kara.

    Listen as we discuss Miramax’s botched attempt at cashing in on the dance movie craze of the early 2000’s; the character of Phelps gives Patrick Bateman a run for his money in the nicely groomed psycho department; and finally, the movie’s end credits confirm that Patrick Swayze’s character is definitely not Johnny Castle (except, he basically is).

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. You can also Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook, or shoot us an email at [email protected]. What are your favorite dance films? Drop us a line and let us know.

    That’ll do it for this episode, folks. The sun is setting in Cuba and we really need to get back stateside, because things are heating up in Tampa. When Hot Dave’s Summer Film Fest Vol. 4: Not THAT’S What I Call Dance Movies! returns, we’ll be back on the stage stripping down to our G-strings with Steven Soderbergh’s Magic Mike. Be there!

  • For Tony Manero, freedom comes once a week. It comes on Saturday night... it's called Saturday Night Fever.

    Summer rolls on, and so do the hits with Hot Dave’s Summer Film Fest Vol. 4: Now THAT’S What I Call Dance Movies. This week, we’re dancing under the disco ball as we watch the 1977 box office sensation, Saturday Night Fever.

    I’m your host, Dave, and joining me as we collectively pool our resources to buy that bitchin’ outfit on layaway are fellow dancers Ryan, Mike, Jackie, and Nick “Immortan Hoof”.

    Listen as we discuss how this is a truly great movie…that you probably won’t want to re-watch anytime soon; we learn of Gene Siskel’s love of the film, including his costly memorabilia purchase; and finally, we’ll talk about the Mandela effect with the film and its infamous PG rating change.

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. You can also Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook, or shoot us an email at [email protected]. What are your favorite dance films? Drop us a line and let us know.

    Speaking of dropping, I think someone just fell off the bridge, so it’s probably about time to wrap up this episode synopsis. But don’t go anywhere, because when Hot Dave’s Summer Film Fest Vol. 4: Now THAT'S What I Call Dance Movies! returns, we’ll be down in Cuba, sweating and grinding away with Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights. Until then, keep on struttin’!

  • Every day, she works in a man's world. Every night, she dances through the universe that is her dream.

    It’s summer, and that can only mean one thing…Hot Dave’s Summer Film Fest is back! And this time we’re pumping up the volume with our fourth installment: Now THAT’S What I Call Dance Movies! We’ve got everything from strippers to ballet dancers…and that’s just Flashdance.

    I’m your host and secret welder by day, Dave, and joining me as we embark on a summer long journey through the hottest and sexiest dance films ever made are fellow cinephiles and Mawby’s Bar regulars, Ryan and Nick “Immortan Hoof”.

    Listen as we discuss Flashdance, the first Jerry Bruckheimer / Don Simpson joint; I turn into a cartoon character as Jennifer Beals causes my eyes to pop out of my head and my pores to profusely sweat; and finally, we salute the owner of Mawby’s Bar and his hands off approach to the dance numbers, as his dancers single handedly perform MTV-level music videos on stage.

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. You can also Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook, or shoot us an email at [email protected]. What are your favorite dance films? Drop us a line and let us know.

    That’ll do it for this track. But the hits keep coming, because when Hot Dave’s Summer Film Fest Vol. 4: Now That’s What I Call Dance Movies! continues, we’ll be strutting through New York while eating a double slice of pizza with Saturday Night Fever. You won’t wanna miss it!

  • “Oh, Freddie, boy. Damn, you good. The shit you come up with off the top of your head, boy…why don’t you just pat yourself on the back.”

    Boot up your PC. Login to America Online. And watch out for spikey tripod legs…because the Dangertainment is about to begin. It’s Halloween: Resurrection!

    I’m your host, Dave, and joining me again as we bear witness to the worst retcon in cinema history is fellow cinephile and Dangertainment! fan, Nick “Immortan Hoof”.

    Topics of discussion in this episode include the Danny Ocean-esque planning that Michael Myers does in his downtime; Laurie Strode constructs a trap that would make Kevin McCallister jealous; and finally, for the first time we find ourselves fully supporting Michael’s brutal killings as he is merely protecting his home from invaders.

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. You can also Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook, or shoot us an email at [email protected] Would you join Freddie’s quest to give America a good show by spending the night in the house of notorious serial killer Michael Myers? Let us know. We’re curious how many Dangertainment fans there are out there.

    The Apocalypse Video Halloween Retrospective will return with a new Michael, a new director, and a new reboot with Rob Zombie’s Halloween.

  • Apocalypse Video Bond-Cast Mission Dossier:

    The Target:
    1973’s Live and Let Die

    Your Contacts:
    Apocalypse Video (M)anager - Dave
    Agents - Mike and Jackie

    Mission Objectives:Trick Jane Seymour into sleeping with you via a stacked tarot card deck.Prove which is better: The Paul McCartney Original or the Guns N’ Roses Cover.Get Mrs. Bell safely through her flying lesson.Additional Objectives:
    Rate, review and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. You can also Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook, or shoot us an email at [email protected]. What’s your take on Roger Moore? Is his take on Bond simply misunderstood? Or does he come off like a Grandpa getting caught up in various adventures? Let us know!

    The Apocalypse Video Bond Cast will return with…The Man with the Golden Gun.

  • After taking a break for Mother’s Day, we’re back with more cartoon misadventures with everyone’s favorite stoned mystery seekers, the Mystery Machine, as they team up with their greatest allies, the Harlem Globetrotters, in Ghostly Creep From the Deep.

    I’m your host and ghost pirate skeptic, Dave, and joining me as always as we play some basketball inside an old, creepy Inn is cartoon fanatic and Scooby-Doo scholar, Nick “Immortan Hoof”.

    Topics of discussion in this episode include the shocking conspiracy theory that involves the Scooby Gang being stuck in a Truman Show-esque scenario; we wonder if Scooby Doo is responsible for the longevity of the Harlem Globetrotters; and finally, we plan the ultimate ex-treeeme crossover of Scooby Doo and the Street Sharks.

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. You can also Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook, or shoot us an email at [email protected] Got a favorite cartoon that we haven’t covered? Let us know and we’ll cover it on a future episode.

    And thus concludes this mystery, folks. Saturday Morning Apocalypse will return with more cartoon shenanigans just as soon as we figure out whether that’s a swamp monster behind us or merely a car’s headlights.

  • Ahh, Mother’s Day…the one day that connects us all. A day where you run down to the local CVS to grab that last minute gift for mom to let her know you care. Or, you know, if you don’t have time for that, a day where you call your mom and listen to how the neighbors across the street are throwing too many loud parties every weekend.

    It’s also the day that you lift a rom-com holiday curse that’s been following you around for the last two years because somebody wanted us to watch a rom-com for Valentine’s Day….

    I’m your host, Dave, and joining me again are fellow cinephiles and people who also have mothers Mike, Jackie, Ryan, and special guest: Kara.

    Topics of discussion in this episode include the odd obsession that half of the characters in this film have with working out; we breakdown the unfortunate wig that Julia Roberts is forced to wear; and finally, we raise an eyebrow at one of the more bewildering messages that Mother’s Day leaves us with: apparently it’s ok to be a little racist.

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. You can also Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook, or shoot us an email at [email protected]. Got a movie you'd like us to watch? Hit us up and we'll talk about it on the show!

    And thus concludes the final entry in our cursed rom-com holiday trilogy. Happy Mother’s Day, everybody. Call your Mom.

  • At long last, after more than a year away in the dangerous streets of Old Detroit, Saturday Morning Apocalypse is BACK! But after viewing today’s spooky episode of Scooby-Doo, Where are You?, we may end up wishing we had stayed behind with Robo and the gang.

    I’m your host and driver of the Movie Machine, Dave, and joining me as always as we attempt to solve this week’s mystery is cartoon fanatic and Scooby-Doo scholar, Nick “Immortan Hoof”.

    Topics of discussion in this episode include “The Philosophy of Scooby-Doo”, as told by Professor Immortan Hoof; I suffer a near-psychological break from the incessant laugh track accompaniment; and finally, we uncover the macabre reason behind Scooby-Doo’s amazing longevity - is Scooby-Doo merely a facade…for something more sinister…?

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. You can also Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook, or shoot us an email at [email protected] Got a favorite cartoon that we haven’t covered? Let us know and we’ll cover it on a future episode.

    And thus concludes this mystery, folks. Saturday Morning Apocalypse and the Scooby gang will return next time with The Ghostly Creep From the Deep.

  • Between the time when the bombs fell…and the rise of the sons of Pteranodon, there was an age undreamed of. And unto this, Co-Dee, destined to wear the jeweled crown of Apocalypse Video upon a troubled brow. It is I, his chronicler, who alone can tell thee of his saga. Let me tell you of the days of high podcasting!

    I am your host and Chronicler, Dave, and joining me as we watch the film that made Arnold Schwarzenegger a household name in the world of Cinema are fellow Cimmerians and thieves Ryan, Mike, and special guest of honor: Co-Dee.

    Topics of discussion in this episode include the newest exercise routine sweeping the wasteland: the Wheel of Pain workout; John Milius provides the perfect level of machismo needed to direct a film such as Conan the Barbarian; and finally, Ryan inadvertently creates a running gag that threatens the death of yours truly by Co-Dee’s hand.

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. You can also Follow Us on Twitter, Like Us on Facebook, or shoot us an email at [email protected]. Got a movie you'd like us to watch? Hit us up and we'll talk about it on the show!

    So, did Co-Dee review another film for the Apocalypse Video podcast. And, having no further concern, he and his companions watched many more movies and talked about them endlessly. These stories shall also be told…