We talked about how to tap into a place of self-love, being in a state of doing towards your purpose, trusting life, and eliminating shame as a way to come back to love ourselves.About MadelynAloha and Namaste my name is Madelyn and I am traveling yoga teacher.I am from Colorado and currently calling Māui home until the next adventure! (Australia here I come!) I have been teaching and spreading yoga for the last 7 years as far and wide as I can. Thailand, India, Central and South America and beyond My goal is to reach as many people as possible with this healing magic and to spread self-love in doing so. The biggest lesson I’ve learned in this wild journey of the human experience is TRUST. To trust in yourself and the Universe (God, Spirit, whatever you want to call it) and know you are one and the same. So long as I am trusting my intuition I know I will be divinely guided forward with love and maybe a few challenges a long the way~ waiting to become more strengths . If you want to flow, sing, talk to the Angels or just connect please reach out! Love and Light Always and in All Ways, Madelyn.Get in touchMadelyn: Instagram @manifestingmoksha and @madnesss Website https://www.manifestingmoksha.com/Yonatan:https://linktr.ee/shineonhealing
Louis is a phenomenal artist with a very unique way of understanding higher realms of consciousness and expressing them through her art. *HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO SEE HER ART BEFORE LISTENING TO THE EPISODE! www.legendoflou.comHow to express and integrate your spiritual experiences into art. She shared about her vision and her creation process, how art was the only thing in her life that actually made sense and was worth doing. The challenges she faced and how a positive mindset can help you go through those challenging times. About Louis: Hello all, my name is Louis (she/her) born in Ōtepoti Dunedin but have spent my time living around Aotearoa Im a creatrix of sorts, making (art mostly), questioning, imagining, taking inspiration and guidance from spirit. Y’all can find my art and bits of my life at @legendoflou on Insta and www.legendoflou.com Feel free to reach out, It’s always lovely to hear from people who resonate with my work or create from a similar placeGet in touch:Louis:Instagram @legendoflouWebsite www.legendoflou.comYonatan:https://linktr.ee/shineonhealing
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How yoga and holistic healing methods and lifestyle helped Catia heal(!) diseases in her body, even though her doctors told her she will need to deal with them for the rest of her life. We also talked about the relationship between man and woman, Catia shared openly about the traumas and abuses she experienced from men and how she and all of us as a society can create a healing space between both sides.About Catia:Catia is a psychotherapist, Yoga paradigm teacher, mystic and healer. She spent a substantial part of her life learning Eastern and indigenous philosophies and spiritualities, as well as Western psychologies and sciences. Catia is passionate about empowering people to awaken their consciousness, discover who they are, access unconditional love and step into their holistic potential. She draws on teachings from various paths, such as Buddhism, Shamanism, Sufism, Gnosticism, indigenous cultures, and other esoteric traditions, to serve those seeking a more peaceful, loving, compassionate, joyful and fulfilling life. Catia is a citizen of New Zealand and Portugal.Get in Touch:Catia: E: catiabatalha@gmail.comFB/IS: catiasofiabatalhaM: 02102615347W: https://www.talkingworks.co.nz/listing/catia-batalha/Yonatan:https://linktr.ee/shineonhealing
Lucy was raised in a poor neighborhood, by a young single mother in the 1980's. The lack of resources available in childhood resulted in a shrinking of her outer world to what she thought of - years later - as a kind of welfare-child ashram. There was little exposure to the outside world and few distractions or ability to go anywhere else. She endured significant trauma and sustained violence in childhood – all compelling her to go within to find nourishment, solace, strength and what she thought of as “the deep stillness and light inside.” This connection with spirit – with all that she is – burnt into being out of necessity, deepened significantly throughout her life and when she was 19, 36 and 38 she went through significant awakenings that rearranged everything within, and so too, without. Her career as a television journalist, and then a humanitarian aid worker for 15 years, partner of 16 years, and her home – all fell away, as a deeper emergence took root. Lucy now lives in Waiheke Island and works as a Spiritual path mentor and guide, holistic therapist and poet. She is trained in Hakomi therapy and parts work, and works with groups and individuals to help them deepen on their path. She sees all of existence as “spiritual” and works across the energy body, physical body, psyche and spirt to help people connect with their deepest truth – which has always been theirs alone - so that they may live it in the world. Lucy has clients around the world – mostly in the USA, Europe, Canada and Australia. There is currently a waitlist for her private sessions. She is a mystic and poet and has a poetry book coming out in June. She writes poems about the intersection of spirit and matter – where the mystical meets the mundane – the sacred mess of our humanity as always divine. And she loves the ability of poetry to cut through the noise of the mind and penetrate the being, the place that has never forgotten who we are. Get in touchLucy:Facebook at Lucy Grace Or at her website: lucy-grace.comYonatanhttps://linktr.ee/shineonhealing
How to transform pain and hardship times in your life to wisdom, beauty and pleasure through her unique perspective of life and a big spiritual awakening happening in the middle of a big emotional crisis in life.About Susana:I'm Susana from Spain. I envision a world where people can live in peace with nature and all kingdoms. I'm committed to reclaim and provide a space where love, softness and compasion is possible. Where are those light warriors who will make it possible? Here we are! Awaken and unstoppable!Get in touch:Susana: https://instagram.com/susanasupernova?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==Yonatan:https://linktr.ee/shineonhealing
Blessings to you allIn this episode I shared about my relationship with Commitment to myself and others, how sometimes to give for someone else can be easier and more natural but when it comes to ourselves it might be more challenging at times.contact https://linktr.ee/shineonhealing?fbclid=IwAR0F6EA007HtB2aZVs2OV7EYdbN-fhHSG4aDh21ru4UfC6enACvTdGlbHJg
This episode I interviewed a very inspiring man and a dear friend of mine Rā.we talked about the journey of life, the importance of understanding our true nature, the journey of making our dreams come true and living our full potential as human beings on this planet!about RāI am Rā. Born on the east coast of nz. Travelling around living in my van I am Well into my journey of self recovery. I have chosen many paths in my past and been on an active journey of following intuitive guidance . Truly grateful for this opportunity of lifeKeep in touchRā https://www.facebook.com/harlemrYonatan https://linktr.ee/shineonhealing
What will be more appropriate, intimate and vulnerable than sharing my own story!What have I experienced that pushed me to create a completely different life, from a soldier in the israeli military to a Tantra & Yoga teacher.Let me know your thoughts and keep in touch athttps://linktr.ee/shineonhealing
Introducing the podcast!Answering why did I choose to create this podcast, Why did I call it Angels Changing TyresWhat are we going to talk about in each episodeBlessing to you all Yonatanhttps://linktr.ee/shineonhealing