There's been a lot of women experiencing weight loss as the result of taking meds such as Ozempic and Wegovy (both versions of semaglutide--initially developed with the intent to help control Type II Diabetes) and some of those women also have been noticing texture and condition changes of their hair as well as some reporting noticeable hair loss. Could this be a side effect of the meds, too?
In this episode, I am going to give you my take on this based on what I have seen firsthand both as a nurse and now having eight years of experience with hair loss clients in person, and what questions they have asked me and the opinions they have given.
I also address a reminder that ANY body changes, trauma, dramatic weight loss, changes in nutrition, medical conditions such as hypothyroid, COVID and auto-immune disorders ALSO affect your hair's condition, growth and texture.
Think of your hair as a "report card" for your health on the inside. Anything that affects your physical and mental health has the potential to have an effect on your hair.
Remember, taking care of yourself involves both your physical and mental health, and most of all....your spirit! Put yourself just as high on your priority list as you do the others that you love!
And remember, I am not a physician and nothing I say should replace medical care with the professionals that know you and your specifics!
Peace, Love, Alternative Hair
Debra Heim
@debra_heim on Instagram and Debra Heim on Facebook
@verybestlittlehairhouse on Instagram and Facebook
Almost everyone knows that there are such a thing as petite sizes, but what can you do when you have measurements that are larger than most brand's averages? This week I will give you some helpful tips to try.
Fit and comfort in your alternative hair unit should be just as important as how something looks. Sometimes women aren't aware that they could use a roomier size or that one even exists. With most average heads of women estimated at 21.5 to 22.5 inches. there are many women that measure 22.5 to 24.5. Not only that I have had some women have an average circumference measurement yet the fit isn't great.
Thanks for listening to the podcast! Until next time: Peace, Love and Alternative Hair!!
Saknas det avsnitt?
Toppers are usually the first options women consider with alternative hair. There's so many choices out there and videos and ads make it look so easy. The latest online statistics on topper returns quoted by Jon Renau in an email this week stated the return rate of toppers purchased online is a whopping 50%! I would bet that 50% is an underestimate simply because I have clients that come into my shop for help making a topper purchased elsewhere look natural when it was not the best topper for their situation. This week I will break it down for you as simply as I can on the three main things to consider when shopping for a topper.
Also, attention fellow true crime fans! At the end of this episode, I am going to make a recommendation for my latest binge listen in a case that is ongoing right now!
Until next time, thank you for listening!
Peace, Love, and Alternative Hair,
As you probably already know, styles and colors get discontinued from time to time. Sometimes, without a lot of notice. But not to worry, I am going to give you my best advice as to how to navigate the changes with confidence. Then when the compliments start rolling in about your new style or color, you'll be right at home in the new look.
Until next time,
Peace, Love, and Alternative Hair
Find me at www.debraheim.com
or at: www.verybestlittlehairhouse.com
Find Nikki on Facebook at Nouveau Hair and Wigs page and www.nouveau.hair
Hey everyone! Happy June to you!
This week I am back with an episode that was inspired by the client who came to the shop today, and who left with gorgeous results that she did not expect (as I always say time and time again), We discussed alternative hair journeys and what she experienced at other wig shops as well as what she's tried along the way to my shop. There are many many things I could discuss that you'd want to look out for, but today I discuss three biggies.
Keep watching for the next series of episodes here, I plan to do an audio version of my book "Too Much Hair" one chapter a week.
Thanks for listening this week and thank you for every single episode you've listened to along the way! Drop me a line on socials and let me know if you have any thoughts. Till next time...;.
Peace, Love and Alternative Hair,
Long story short, I was pleasantly surprised by quality of the haul of wigs I purchased each for 12 USD or less! I think the least expensive one was 6 USD. I tried many colors, shoulder length or longer, hats with hair attached and one with detachable hair! I will post a few of the pictures in the Wise Wig Advice and Support group on Facebook. This is not a sponsored review.
Other than size variations and a few construction differences in them they were much better looking than I expected. So if you've been on the fence, I say at that price you should give it a go!As always.....Peace, Love and Alternative Hair
Debra Heim
Hey there! Part Two I start to explain a little more about the pricing structure and how they are suggested from the manufacturer of the alternative hair for retail and internet suggested pricing plus what to reasonably expect from an authorized dealer.
Thanks for listening!Peace, Love and Alternative Hair,
Debra Heim
Hey there! This is the first in a multi part series where I am going to talk about alternative hair shopping in a boutique or salon versus internet. There is a price difference but there is also a RESULTS difference from going to a qualified alternative hair consultant or a hairdresser educated and up to date in alternative hair versus doing it yourself.
This episode, I tell you about my qualifications and certifications so that you can see for yourself the education and service I personally provide to a client. The results you'll get from coming to my shop or any shop like mine just by the guidance, trying caps, styles and colors on in person, can save you money, not to mention trial and error. I explain some of the behind the scenes factors that go into making a wig purchased in a retail setting vs internet site initially more expensive.
I try and keep these episodes less than 15 minutes, so this is going to be a series explaining everything I feel you should know so that you can understand what I wish someone would have told me early in my alt hair journey!
Thank you from the 💖 for listening, as always...
Peace, love and alternative hair!Debra H.
There's so many places to get a good deal on alternative hair that someone else purchased that didn't work for them.....if you know what to check for! First and foremost you want to trust the seller, do your due diligence on that. But here are a few questions you might want to ask because things like care products or perfumes used by the person selling can scent the hair. These questions are just a start as to what to ask the seller. When you find a group where trusted sellers buy, sell, and trade you will learn so much more.
Upcoming episode: I'm going to give you my review of some super inexpensive wigs and hat/hair type wigs from different sites. Also, how to handle vulnerable moments when you are an alternative hair wearer. If you have any other episode suggestions, just send them on it!
Peace, Love and Alternative Hair,
Debra Heim
Back in 2017, practically nobody was using the term "alternative hair' for wigs and toppers. I deliberately chose that term to help change the perception of "wig" to become more acceptable. Words have power, and it worked to an extent! But, I got tired of explaining the term as I meant it: alternative hair is just that....an ALTERNATIVE to hair you grew yourself. Wigs have long been the source of jokes and just the word 'wig' can cause fear in some, but not so much anymore. We have come a long way towards acceptance of self and acceptance of "helper hair" but there are two things that need to stop pronto! And those are: making jokes or telling stories about wigs looking bad or flying off, and wearing wigs that are obviously not right for the person. But don't get me wrong everyone has to start somewhere with alternative hair, you get better at it and learn more about what works for YOU along the journey. But lets face it, there are some wigs that are so obvious they cause someone to feel fearful about how they will be percieved.
Remember, wearing alternative hair doesn't mean anything about you! It's not superficial to want to look great, nor is it dishonest or inauthentic to wear alternative hair. It's about confidence!
Much love to all my alt hair family that listen to this podcast and thank you!
Peace, Love, and Alternative Hair,
There's a lot of different variables in your choices of wigs and toppers out there to consider when choosing your next wig or topper. You want a certain style, but maybe it parts on the opposite side. You want a certain color, but there isn't your favorite color choice in that style. It usually happens like this: you have this picture in your head of how you want your hair to look and when you get your new choice in, when it doesn't match the picture you had in your head, disappointment can happen. So, prioritizing what is most important to you is a big key in choosing hair that works best for you. The main three things in a wig that you may have to choose between is color, style, and fit. This week I discuss how to approach choosing and if something unexpected comes up and you feel disappointed, four things to keep in mind and consider.
Peace love and alternative hair,
Find me at www.debraheim.com
Wise Wig Advice and Support Group on Facebook
One of the most common questions I get is "how long does a wig (topper) last?". That's such an individual thing to answer😊 To me, there are four factors to consider that will help you understand how to estimate how long you will get from any wig. Also, the fifth factor to consider when estimating the life span of your alternative hair is experience wearing and caring for it. The more you wear it, the more you become aware of the wear and tear as you go and know what will and won't work for you.
As always, enjoy your alternative hair!
Peace, love and alternative hair,
Debra Heim
It's true, there is a grief associated with lots of things, and hair loss is one of those. In coming to terms with hair loss or an alopecia diagnosis ( or ANY diagnosis for that matter), you can expect to go through phases of anger, denial, bargaining, depression and acceptance in no particular order. So the healthy thing to do is to acknowledge your feelings and surround yourself with supportive people. And the good news is, how long you stay in the grieving process is up to you entirely. Listen and find out the three mindset shifts you need to make to start on the road to self acceptance.
As always....
Peace, Love and Alternative Hair ✌💘🌟
Debra Heim
The Alternative Hair Alchemist
One of the things I see often is someone having a difficult time making a decision between two favorites. Find out why second guessing happens and why you ultimately can't make a wrong decision. First of all, you learn from each time you try. Second, no choice is permanent, there will always be another style for you.
Remember, it's a journey to finding what works for you. It's a process that includes trial and error and be kind to yourself. My best tip when deciding between two colors and styles? Get both!Peace, Love, and Alternative Hair ✌
Debra Heim
Change is not easy for everyone. Ideally we all want everyone to absolutely love our new look and the truth is, someone may say something that hurts your feelings. Sometimes boyfriends, family, friends and the people closest to you will need some time as well to get used to the change and might say "I don't know' or "it looks different" and take it from me, that doesn't mean you are choosing the wrong style or color. This week I give you some behind the scenes situations where someone says something about it and what to say back.
Remember, the most important person that should like your new look is YOU. No alternative hair is a permanent decision and you are so much more than just your hair. If your hair makes YOU feel great, that's all that matters!
Peace, Love, and Alternative Hair
Debra Heim
This week's episode is based on fear a loved one may have with taking action on their own hair loss situation.
Every year around holiday time like it is here in the USA, I will get a flurry of calls from daughters of moms and moms of daughters that have hair loss wanting to make an appointment for them. I explain the fears running the show behind the situation and how I suggest dealing with them. Even when someone is complaining about their hair loss, sometimes the wig or topper isn't the solution THE PERSON with the hair loss really wants themselves. Sometimes, someone who is not truly ready will find a reason to dislike the most perfect wig or topper in the world.
Survival fear is hardwired into our brains. Your brain will act the same way with fight or flight reaction when faced with a good change like a great new 'do, too. Fear is a sneaky thing sometimes. I talk about how sometimes it's more comfortable to stay in a familiar pattern such as complaining and not doing something about it, as crazy as it sounds.
Peace, Love and Alternative Hair
One thing I wanted to discuss this week was that you can have two of the same wig in the same color and although overall the same, there will be individual differences piece to piece. Also, did you know about clip on bangs? Milano, Jon Renau and HairDo all make versions. You can try bangs without the committment!
Peace, Love, and Alternative Hair,
Debra Heim
It's a sad, sad day anytime your new wig or topper starts to show wear. But, just like shoes, alternative hair will wear out with use. I have come up with some pretty clever hair styles just based on trying to hide something on a wig that didn't look 100% fresh and here are some hacks for hiding the wear.
Thanks for listening....
Peace, Love and Alternative Hair,
It's a sad, sad day anytime your new wig or topper starts to show wear. But, just like shoes, alternative hair will wear out with use. I have come up with some pretty clever hair styles just based on trying to hide something on a wig that didn't look 100% fresh and here are some hacks for hiding the wear.
Thanks for listening....
Peace, Love and Alternative Hair,
- Visa fler