In the season finale, Rohan and Lee face off in the highest court in the land (of this podcast).
Rohan and Judge Erica reflect on Season One and the process of creating this debate podcast. One more fierce debate still to come after this!
Randy returns with some 70s Bowie, and first timer Matt Morrison brings some thrash metal to the court.
Randy talks Vikings and Rock Gods, while Matt returns with Blink-182’s live concert crowd pleaser. Judge Erica witnesses an unexpected turn of events in her courtroom!
Matt takes Bon Jovi at his word, and Lauren brings musical theatre back to the courtroom. Are they fake love songs or real ones? And what tricks will they try to convince Judge Erica?
Our first appeal! Lee argues that a format change several episodes into the season gives him grounds for a retrial.
Lee argues that a catchy 2005 dance remix from isn’t a love song. James discusses a children’s nursery rhyme... or is is a poem? A Broadway musical? Someone is being set up for a big fall.
Surprising degrees of analysis and background on some of our most familiar children’s songs. Budgie brings a boredom-killing bus-based tune, and Jaime Dee tears a hole in The Alphabet.
Sophie is back to fight about a rebellion anthem from the musical School of Rock. Mark takes us on a dreadlock holiday—but will Judge Erica like it?
Lee and Sophie attempt to prove Rohan wrong with ‘Killing in the Name Of’ and the ‘#*@# you God’ song from The Book of Mormon (the musical, not the book). CONTENT WARNING for second half of this ep: very coarse language and references to disturbing subject matter.
Budgie returns to argue that the Baha Men’s hit isn’t a love song. Sophie Lamont enjoys the misery of others with a song from Avenue Q. Are all songs love songs? Let’s see if Rohan can convince you—and Judge Erica—that they are.
Ro and Lee argue over whether ‘Caught Out There’ by Kelis is a love song. Jake Budge returns with a new song challenge: ‘Where Is My Mind’ by Pixies.
In this pilot episode, host Rohan debates Jake Budge on whether Darth Vader’s theme music qualifies as a love song.