
  • Did you know that having an unhealed father wound deeply affects your ability to let love in?


    In this episode, I share how having an unhealed father wound as a woman interferes with our ability to trust and feel safe with men as adults, essentially blocking our ability to receive the love we crave from the masculine and divine father. I reflect on how distant or emotionally unavailable fathers can leave lasting scars that make it hard to feel worthy of the love we deserve. 

    I share my healing journey through therapy, trauma work, and the spiritual teachers who helped me dig even deeper into my wounds and reveal the deepest, darknest shadow work I’ve ever faced:  confronting the negative animus.  This is an unconscious masculine energy that sabotages our relationships and projects our wounds onto all of our partners. Putting this energy in its rightful place is essential if we want to call in a high-level soul mate. 

    Together, let’s explore how facing these wounds opens us up to more love and connection.  I hope to offer you some insights and encouragement on your healing path. 

    Key Topics:

    - Understanding the father wound and its impact on relationships

    - How distant fathers affect our sense of self-worth

    - My healing journey through therapy and trauma work

    - The role of negative animus in blocking love and connection

    - How facing old wounds makes room for divine love

    - Healing the inner masculine allows trust from the outer masculine

    Connect with Alicia:

    Take the “Worthiness Wound Eval” to uncover your wounds and download my guide: “FREE Yourself: How to Dismantle the 3 Most Common Unhelpful Beliefs” on my website:


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aliciakaycoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aliciakaycoaching

    Website: https://www.aliciakaycoaching.com 

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@aliciakaycoaching

    Trailer Music Credit

    Alis Reflective Soul, song “Howl” https://open.spotify.com/track/6FkSVtVl1FZwPRmTKAXLjp?si=401711feb98644d9



  • Are you sick and tired of shaming and judging yourself constantly? 

    This Alive & Awake podcast episode dives deep into my recent experience where I confronted the shame and self-judgment I unconsciously carried from my past.  Being the alchemist that I am, knowing we cannot reject any parts of ourselves if we want to feel whole, I dove into the healing work.  

    During this solo cast, I share a powerful dream where I was faced with an energy that wounded my inner child from my father's bloodline.  I revealed the process of working with this part of me who never felt loved, accepted, or wanted as a little girl.  Essentially shaming any part of me that was messy, wild, and imperfect. Something most women can relate to. 

    If you’re on a path of self-discovery or trying to overcome feelings of unworthiness, this episode is for you. I hope my story helps you look at your own inner child and embrace the parts of yourself that you may have pushed away. Tune in as I share insights and personal breakthroughs that I believe will resonate with anyone looking to connect more deeply with themselves and are ready to get off the shame train. 

    Key Topics:

    - How to overcome shame and self-judgment

    - Why healing past wounds is important for personal growth

    - How embracing all parts of yourself leads to true self-fulfillment

    - Why integrating your inner child can transform your life

    - How to let go of unworthiness and guilt for a happier life

    - Why living authentically helps you break free from negative patterns

    - How reclaiming your power can change your relationships

    Connect with Alicia:

    Download my free guide: 

    “FREE Yourself: How to dismantle the 3 most common unhelpful beliefs”


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aliciakaycoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aliciakaycoaching

    Website: https://www.aliciakaycoaching.com 

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@aliciakaycoaching

    Trailer Music Credit

    Alis Reflective Soul, song “Howl” https://open.spotify.com/track/6FkSVtVl1FZwPRmTKAXLjp?si=401711feb98644d9



  • What if you could access a spiritual library that holds the entire history of your soul?

    In this episode, I explore the world of the Akashic Records with my spiritual teacher Candice Rasa. Together, we break down what the records are, how they reveal the deeper meaning behind our earthly experiences, and how they can help us understand ourselves.

    Candice shares how tapping into the Akashic Records provides insight into healing trauma, overcoming karma, and knowing your soul's journey. She explains how this spiritual wisdom can guide you to reconnect with your higher self and find peace in the midst of life’s challenges. It’s a powerful tool for those seeking clarity, growth, and truth.

    Join us as we uncover how the Mysterious Akashic Records offer healing and a path toward spiritual enlightenment. This episode is packed with insights that could shift how you view yourself, your purpose, and your soul's journey. 

    Key Discussions:

    - Understanding the soul’s journey through the Akashic Records

    - How the Akashic Records help with clarifying trauma

    - Deeper insight into the dark night of the soul and ego deaths

    - Connecting with your higher self for a deeper meaning to life

    - Using the Akashic Records to figure out your purpose

    - Understanding karma and intergenerational trauma

    - How to overcome fear during times of uncertainty here on earth

    Connect with Alicia:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aliciakaycoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aliciakaycoaching

    Website: https://www.aliciakaycoaching.com 

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@aliciakaycoaching

    Connect with Candice Rasa:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rasahealing/

    Website: https://www.rasahealingservices.com/

    Join the research: https://www.rasahealingservices.com/app-landing-page

    Free Monthly Live Predictions: https://www.rasahealingservices.com/connect  

    Trailer Music Credit

    Alis Reflective Soul, song “Howl” https://open.spotify.com/track/6FkSVtVl1FZwPRmTKAXLjp?si=401711feb98644d9



  • Have you ever felt torn between your faith and trusting the voice inside of you?

    In this episode, Singer, Song Writer Amanda Hughey opens up about her profound journey, grappling with intense confusion, questioning God, and difficult self-discovery. We explore the challenges of balancing personal truth with religious expectations, touching on the emotional impact of conversion therapy and the search for self-acceptance.

    We also discuss the role of music in healing and expression, as Amanda Hughey shares insights on how creative outlets can provide comfort during times of inner conflict. Finally, we reflect on the power of vulnerability, trust in something greater than you, and embracing one’s true identity amidst societal pressures.

    Her story is one of resilience, surrender, and the constant search for personal truth, offering insight for anyone struggling with similar challenges.

    Key Discussions:

    - Navigating personal truth over religious control

    - The emotional impact of conversion therapy on one's psyche 

    - Balancing personal desires with biblical structures 

    - Finding and trusting intuition over a dominated belief system 

    - The power of vulnerability to work through toxic shame

    - Embracing love from community over systemic rules 

    Connect with Alicia:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aliciakaycoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aliciakaycoaching

    Website: https://www.aliciakaycoaching.com 

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@aliciakaycoaching

    Connect with Amanda Hughey:

    Instagram (personal): https://www.instagram.com/amandahugh/ 

    Instagram (band): https://www.instagram.com/flatsusanofficial/ 

    Linktree: https://linktr.ee/amandahugh 

    Trailer Music Credit

    Alis Reflective Soul, song “Howl” https://open.spotify.com/track/6FkSVtVl1FZwPRmTKAXLjp?si=401711feb98644d9



  • Have you ever wondered why so many people are starting to use plant medicine to transform their lives?  

    In this episode, I sit down with Shannon Morehead, a registered nurse and licensed massage therapist turned Ayahuasca birth doula, who shares her profound journey of healing and self-discovery through this medicinal plant. We delve into the intricacies of how Ayahuasca found her and led her to embrace her true calling as a medicine woman, plant whisperer, and spiritual alchemist who is healing the collective, one heart at a time. 

    We explore the powerful ways in which Ayahuasca can not only transform the limited thinking of the mind but completely heal the body on a cellular level. Putting into question what we’ve been told about our innate capability and challenging traditional views of Western Medicine. Shannon shares personal stories of how this sacred plant has helped her overcome physical ailments and emotional blocks, emphasizing the deep connection between our physical and energetic bodies.

    This conversation is a must-listen for anyone curious about the transformative potential of Ayahuasca. Shannon’s experiences offer insightful perspectives on how embracing the guidance of this ancient medicine can lead to profound personal growth and alignment with real, universal wisdom. Tune in to discover the hidden truths that come from trusting in the medicine and allowing it to reveal your highest path for healing in this life. 

    Key Discussions:

    - How Ayahuasca Heals the Mind and Body

    - The Journey from Nurse to Ayahuasca Doula

    - Personal Growth Through Plant Medicine

    - Overcoming Emotional Blocks with Ayahuasca

    - Discovering True Purpose with Ayahuasca

    - Connecting to Your True Self with Plant Medicine

    - The Power of Ayahuasca in Healing and Transformation

    Connect with Alicia:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aliciakaycoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aliciakaycoaching

    Website: https://www.aliciakaycoaching.com 

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@aliciakaycoaching

    Connect with Shannon Morehead:

    “Anonymous Awakenings with Ayahuasca: Stories of Transformation” by Shannon Morehead https://greatspiritfarm.org/anonymous-awakenings/

    Ayadose Microtincture: https://greatspiritfarm.org/store/

    Website: www.greatspiritfarm.org 

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shannonhernandez/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/greatspiritfarm/


    Trailer Music Credit

    Alis Reflective Soul, song “Howl” https://open.spotify.com/track/6FkSVtVl1FZwPRmTKAXLjp?si=401711feb98644d9


  • Have you ever felt like you’re carrying the weight of everyone else’s expectations while losing sight of your own desires?

    In this episode, I sit down with Dr. Tamara McMillian to explore the journey of reclaiming our sovereignty and supporting one another as women. We dive into the significance of breaking free from oppressive expectation to rise above the competition mindset and step into open-hearted connection and collaboration- setting a standard for this next level of feminine consciousness.

    Dr. McMillian shares her insights on building a community where women can boldly express their true selves without fear of judgment. We discuss the concept of “being bold together” and how it empowers women to embrace their authentic selves while navigating life’s challenges. Her approach is both practical and transformative, offering real tools to help women move from self-doubt to self-assurance.

    Join us as we explore the power of connection, the value of investing in oneself, and the freedom that comes from living authentically. This episode is a call to action for every woman to assess her life, shed what no longer serves her, and step boldly into her brilliance.

    Key Discussions:

    - Reclaiming Personal Power in Everyday Life

    - Breaking Free from Societal Norms for Women

    - Building a Strong Community of Supportive Women

    - Embracing Your Authentic Self with Confidence

    - Practical Tools for Women to Overcome Self-Doubt

    - The Importance of Investing in Yourself

    - How to Live Boldly and Authentically

    Connect with Alicia:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aliciakaycoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aliciakaycoaching

    Website: https://www.aliciakaycoaching.com 

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@aliciakaycoaching

    Connect with Dr. Tamara McMillian:

    Website: https://www.empowermee.com/ : 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/libherated_women/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmpowerMEETribe/ 

    Trailer Music Credit

    Alis Reflective Soul, song “Howl” https://open.spotify.com/track/6FkSVtVl1FZwPRmTKAXLjp?si=401711feb98644d9



  • Have you ever found yourself reacting intensely to a situation, only to look back and say “what the hell was I thinking?” 

    In this episode, I dive deep into the idea that our triggers are our greatest teachers. I share personal stories about how I navigate emotional reactions, especially around the “perceived” pressure of time and how our external world is a mirror for our inner work.  

    Through candid reflections, I explore how these triggers are not just random occurrences but are often connected to unresolved issues from our past. By becoming aware of these patterns, we can start to heal and respond differently, moving towards a state of peace, compassion and empowerment. This journey isn't about perfection and getting it right all the time, it is about how we evolve along the way. 

    Join me as I discuss practical steps to recognize when you're triggered and how to shift your state of mind in the moment. By facing these challenges head-on, we can transform our emotional reactions into opportunities for personal growth and deeper self-awareness. If you want to be enlightened, you must know thyself! 

    Key Topics:

    - Understanding triggers and their deeper meaning

    - How to recognize and manage intense emotional reactions

    - The connection between past experiences and current upsets

    - Steps to shift your mindset when feeling emotionally charged

    - The importance of self-compassion in personal growth

    - Practical ways to heal and move towards inner peace

    - Using relationships as a tool for personal awareness and growth

    Connect with Alicia:

    Subscribe to my monthly newsletter and download my free guide: 

    “FREE Yourself: How to dismantle the 3 most common unhelpful beliefs”


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aliciakaycoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aliciakaycoaching

    Website: https://www.aliciakaycoaching.com 

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@aliciakaycoaching

    Trailer Music Credit

    Alis Reflective Soul, song “Howl” https://open.spotify.com/track/6FkSVtVl1FZwPRmTKAXLjp?si=401711feb98644d9



  • What happens when your soul’s true calling collides with the expectations of others? 

    In this episode, I sit down with Angela Wetzel, a trauma-informed relationship coach, as we dive into the complex journey of self-discovery. We explore how childhood experiences shape our attachment styles and the sometimes tumultuous path to finding our true purpose.

    Angela shares her story of navigating family dynamics, career choices, and personal challenges, all while striving to stay true to her dreams. We discuss the impact of trauma on relationships, the importance of self-awareness, and the courage it takes to step into your authentic self despite the noise around you.

    This conversation is a deep exploration of the inner work required to heal and grow. Angela’s insights remind us that our journey is uniquely ours and that embracing our past is key to unlocking our future. Join us as we uncover the layers of what it means to live a life aligned with your soul’s purpose.

    Key Discussions:

    - How to Find Your True Purpose in Life

    - Understanding the Impact of Childhood on Relationships

    - Overcoming Family Expectations to Achieve Your Dreams

    - Exploring Attachment Styles and Trauma in Relationships

    - Healing from Past Wounds for Personal Growth

    - The Journey of Self-Discovery and Self-Awareness

    - Embracing Your Authentic Self for a Fulfilling Life

    Connect with Alicia:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aliciakaycoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aliciakaycoaching

    Website: https://www.aliciakaycoaching.com 

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@aliciakaycoaching

    Connect with Angela Wetzel:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/angela-wetzel-86667234/

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/epicinitiator/ 

    Website: www.epicinitiator.com 

    Trailer Music Credit

    Alis Reflective Soul, song “Howl” https://open.spotify.com/track/6FkSVtVl1FZwPRmTKAXLjp?si=401711feb98644d9



  • How do we raise children to believe in themselves in a world that constantly shapes who they are?

    In this episode, I sit down with Aysen Fehime Dogan, a pioneer in children's education. Aysen shares her journey of founding Intella Kids, a program that starts education at home and is tailored to each child's unique learning style and interests. She emphasizes the importance of creating a supportive and safe environment where children can thrive and learn through play.

    We delve into the challenges and joys of parenting, discussing how parents can connect with their children on a deeper level. Aysen explains the significance of understanding and addressing children's behaviors as expressions of their emotions. She also highlights the role of parents as life coaches, guiding children through their early years with love and respect.

    Finally, we explore the concept of conscious parenting and the impact of parents' self-work on their children. Aysen shares insights on how parents can model emotional regulation and vulnerability, helping children develop trust and resilience. This episode is a treasure trove of wisdom for anyone looking to foster a nurturing and empowering environment for their children.

    Key Discussions:

    - Raising Confident Kids in Today's World

    - Starting Education at Home with Intella Kids

    - Tailoring Learning to Each Child's Style

    - Creating a Safe and Supportive Home for Learning

    - Understanding Children's Emotions and Behaviors

    - The Role of Parents as Life Coaches

    - Benefits of Conscious Parenting and Self-Work

    Connect with Alicia:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aliciakaycoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aliciakaycoaching

    Website: https://www.aliciakaycoaching.com 

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@aliciakaycoaching

    Connect with Aysen Fehime Dogan:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aysen-dogan/

    Intella Kids: https://www.intellakids.com/documents/1/intellakids-modern-luxury-houston-magazine.pdf


    Trailer Music Credit

    Alis Reflective Soul, song “Howl” https://open.spotify.com/track/6FkSVtVl1FZwPRmTKAXLjp?si=401711feb98644d9



  • Ever wondered what it truly means to embrace your inner feminine essence?

    In this episode, I sit down with my soul sister, Melanie Joy, to dive deep into the journey of feminine transformation. Melanie, who is a psychosomatic and spiritual guide shares her incredible insights and experiences that brought her into alignment with her true divine feminine nature. We explore the concept of the heroine's journey, focusing on the inner call to adventure and the profound personal changes that come with embracing our authentic selves.

    Melanie and I discuss the heroine's journey as a path to conscious femininity, contrasting it with the traditional hero's journey. We talk about the importance of looking inward to find our true selves and how this journey helps us balance the masculine and feminine energies within. Melanie's powerful stories highlight the significance of the mother archetype and how it influences our lives.

    We also share experiences from river rafting retreats, illustrating how surrender and trust can lead to profound transformation. Melanie opens up about her recent personal struggles and growth, showing the resilience and power of the feminine spirit. Join us to discover how you can navigate your journey of transformation and fully embrace who you are.

    Key Discussions:

    - Embracing Your Inner Heroine

    - Journey of Feminine Transformation

    - Understanding the Heroine's Journey

    - Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies

    - Significance of the Mother Archetype

    - Power of Surrender and Trust

    - Personal Growth and Resilience in Women

    Connect with Alicia:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aliciakaycoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aliciakaycoaching

    Website: https://www.aliciakaycoaching.com 

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@aliciakaycoaching

    Connect with Melanie Joy:

    Website: https://www.themelaniejoyspeaks.com/retreatspage 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melanie___joy/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melaniejoyspeaks 

    Book: https://www.themelaniejoyspeaks.com/order-book 

    Trailer Music Credit

    Alis Reflective Soul, song “Howl” https://open.spotify.com/track/6FkSVtVl1FZwPRmTKAXLjp?si=401711feb98644d9



  • Have you ever wondered about the phases your soul goes through on its spiritual journey?

    In this episode, I dive into the three phases of spiritual growth: spiritual amnesia, spiritual activation, and spiritual awakening. I share my personal experiences and how these phases shaped my life and helped me evolve into the soul-filled, open-hearted, fearless woman I am today. From feeling completely lost and unloved to completely connected and whole, each phase brings unique challenges and insights.

    We explore the importance of understanding the journey of life in order to have compassion for the Self and all the trials and tribulations the Soul chooses to take on in order to grow. I talk about overcoming patterns of self-sabotage and learning to trust the inner guidance to eventually love, and trust oneself deeply. 

    Tune in to learn how to embrace your spiritual journey and transform your life by understanding the phases your soul undergoes in this lifetime. Don't miss out on these valuable insights that can help you thrive and feel more connected to the divine.

    Key Topics:

    - Phases of Spiritual Expansion

    - Understanding Spiritual Amnesia

    - The Purpose of Spiritual Activation

    - The Trails of Spiritual Awakening

    - Overcoming Self-Sabotage Patterns

    - Trusting and Loving Yourself

    - Embodying Your Soul's Purpose

    Connect with Alicia:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aliciakaycoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aliciakaycoaching

    Website: https://www.aliciakaycoaching.com 

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@aliciakaycoaching

    Trailer Music Credit

    Alis Reflective Soul, song “Howl” https://open.spotify.com/track/6FkSVtVl1FZwPRmTKAXLjp?si=401711feb98644d9



  • Do you ever feel like your relationship with money is more about survival than growth?

    In this episode, I talk with Christine Mathieu, my personal wealth coach, who has a unique approach to analyzing our beliefs about our finances. Christine shares how our relationship with money often stems from deep-seated beliefs and patterns formed in childhood. By addressing these underlying patterns, we can transform our financial habits and take charge of changing our lives.

    Christine highlights the importance of recognizing and understanding the 4 survival archetypes: child, victim, saboteur, and prostitute, to identify the root cause of our financial decisions.  By bringing light to what is underneath our money mindset we can move from scarcity, lack, and fear, into abundance, discernment, and trust. 

    Christine also emphasizes the role of self-awareness and mindfulness in financial decision-making. By staying present and calm, we can make better choices and avoid impulsive behaviors driven by old unhelpful patterns.

    This conversation provides practical insights and strategies for anyone looking to improve their financial well-being and develop a more empowered relationship with money.

    Key Discussions:

    - Transforming Money Habits from Childhood Imprints

    - Understanding Money Archetypes for Better Financial Decisions

    - Viewing Money as a Neutral Tool for Growth

    - Shifting Mindset for a Healthier Relationship with Money

    - The Role of Self-Awareness in Money Management

    - Making Calm and Conscious Financial Choices

    - Practical Tips for Improving Financial Well-Being

    Connect with Alicia:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aliciakaycoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aliciakaycoaching

    Website: https://www.aliciakaycoaching.com 

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@aliciakaycoaching

    Connect with Christine Mathieu:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christineamathieu/

    Website: https://www.noteadvisor.com/wealth-coaching/

    Email: [email protected]

    Wealth Coaching page: https://www.noteadvisor.com/wealth-coaching/

    Money Types Quiz: https://www.noteadvisor.com/the-money-types-quiz/

    Trailer Music Credit

    Alis Reflective Soul, song “Howl” https://open.spotify.com/track/6FkSVtVl1FZwPRmTKAXLjp?si=401711feb98644d9



  • Have you ever felt like you're living a double life, torn between knowing who you are and what you portray to the world? 

    In this episode, I dive deep into my journey of discovering and embracing my real essence. I share personal experiences and insights on the spiritual concept of the "true self" versus the "false self," and how societal pressures can cause us to hide our real, authentic selves. 

    From a young age, many of us begin to conform and adopt false identities to survive and be accepted. I discuss the impact of trauma and how it accelerates the feeling of separation, forming our ego and false persona. Through my story, I highlight the importance of disputing the lies we tell ourselves and the challenges we face in doing so.

    In the final segment, I offer practical tips for navigating the brain and body and how to overcome the unhelpful thoughts we took on as a child. I emphasize the significance of forgiving ourselves to align with a higher perspective and unique spiritual paths we all take on as soul's on our planet.  This episode is a heartfelt guide to overcoming inner conflicts and embodying who you really are, unapologetically. 

    Key Topics:

    - Discovering and embracing core soul frequency 

    - Understanding the true self versus the false self

    - How societal pressures create false identities/masks

    - Impact of trauma on self-perception

    - Reconnecting with your true essence

    - Practical tips for living authentically

    - Importance of self-forgiveness for personal growth

    Connect with Alicia:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aliciakaycoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aliciakaycoaching

    Website: https://www.aliciakaycoaching.com 

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@aliciakaycoaching

    Trailer Music Credit

    Alis Reflective Soul, song “Howl” https://open.spotify.com/track/6FkSVtVl1FZwPRmTKAXLjp?si=401711feb98644d9



  • Have you ever felt like you're grinding through life but not truly fulfilled?

    In this episode, I sit down with my friend and soul brother, Sam Kabert, to explore his profound journey of self-discovery and inner work. Sam shares his experience of transitioning from a high-achieving entrepreneur to a more spiritually aligned individual. We discuss his book "Soul Life Balance," which emphasizes the importance of balancing one's inner world with external achievements.

    Sam delves into the concept of spiritual awakenings, how they often make us feel disconnected, and the steps he took to overcome these feelings. He highlights the importance of breathwork, shadow work, and integrating both masculine and feminine energies. Sam's insights are a valuable guide for anyone feeling overwhelmed by life's demands and seeking a deeper connection to their true self.

    We also touch on Sam's upcoming book "Overcome Overwhelm," which offers practical tools for busy professionals to manage stress and find inner peace. By sharing his personal struggles and triumphs, Sam provides us with a relatable and inspiring roadmap to achieving a balanced and fulfilling life. 

    Tune in to learn how to navigate your own spiritual journey and find harmony between your inner and outer worlds.

    Key Discussions:

    - Sam Kabert's spiritual journey to inner peace

    - How to balance the inner world with external stress

    - Understanding and navigating spiritual awakenings

    - Benefits of breathwork and shadow work for self-discovery

    - Integrating masculine and feminine energies for internal equilibrium

    - Effective stress management techniques for busy professionals

    - Practical tools to overcome overwhelm and find inner peace


    "Soul Life Balance" by Sam Kabert: https://www.amazon.com/SOUL-Life-Balance-Integrating-Awakenings/dp/B09T8Q876W 

    "Break the Habit of Being Yourself" by Dr. Joe Dispenza: https://www.amazon.com/Breaking-Habit-Being-Yourself-Create/dp/1401938094

    "Programmed to Fail" by Brandon Epstein: https://www.amazon.com/Programmed-Fail-Through-Achieve-Greatness/dp/B0CK45BHBX

    "Secret Window" (psychological thriller with Johnny Depp)

    “Overcome the Overwhelm: 6-step breath process for inner peace” by Sam Kabert: https://www.amazon.com/Overcome-Overwhelm-B-R-T-H-Process/dp/B0D37NF3CY 

    Connect with Alicia:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aliciakaycoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aliciakaycoaching

    Website: https://www.aliciakaycoaching.com 

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@aliciakaycoaching

    Connect with Sam Kabert:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samkabert/

    Website & Programs:

  • Did you know you have an inner guidance system teaching you how to navigate life? In this episode, I reveal four common blocks that prevent us from hearing and trusting our intuition. I emphasize the importance of understanding how our unhealed emotional pain disconnects us from the divine intelligence within - sharing my personal journey of overcoming co-dependence, materialism, and self-doubt while illustrating the transformative power of the creator consciousness. 

    I encourage you to explore your unhealed mother and father wounds, examine the impact of religious dogma, and recognize the toxic effects of shame. It's essential to highlight the significance of self-love and spiritual connection in finding true fulfillment. By addressing these deep-rooted issues, you can open yourself to the love and wisdom within, creating a life where you feel fully alive and free.

    Tune in to learn practical steps and finish with deep-dive questions that will aid you on the path of self-discovery and soul-filled expansion. My insights offer a profound yet straightforward approach to transforming your life. Don't miss this enlightening episode—hit subscribe and start your journey to inner peace and fulfillment today.

    Key Topics:

    - Discover Your Inner Guidance System and Intuition

    - How to Heal Unhealed Wounds for a Better Life

    - Overcoming Co-Dependence and Materialism for True Fulfillment

    - The Importance of Self-Love in Personal Growth

    - Understanding the Impact of Religious Beliefs on Your Life

    - Recognizing and Dealing with Shame to Improve Well-Being

    - Practical Steps for Self-Discovery and Healing Journey

    Connect with Alicia:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aliciakaycoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aliciakaycoaching

    Website: https://www.aliciakaycoaching.com 

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@aliciakaycoaching

    Trailer Music Credit

    Alis Reflective Soul, song “Howl” https://open.spotify.com/track/6FkSVtVl1FZwPRmTKAXLjp?si=401711feb98644d9



  • Are you ready to face your fears and change your life?

    In this episode, I sit down with an incredible analytical thinker, Jungian psychology interpreter, and my soul-seeking mentor, Eric Godsey. Eric and I share how anxiety can be a powerful compass for building resiliency through facing our fears.  Imagine if we all looked at anxiety as a call to move toward what we are most afraid of - how that could radically change our lives. 

    Eric and I explore how the monumental shifts in human communication impact our consciousness and connection, going from speaking and writing to the internet era.  We delve into the potential harm and growth occurring in this age of technology so we can prepare ourselves and future generations for what is to come. 

    We deep dive into how we’ve become addicted to distractions and how artificial intelligence affects our daily lives.  Eric and I examine how certain algorithms shape our behaviors and how important it is to bring conscious awareness to our choices regarding technology. Join us as we uncover how to reclaim our sovereignty and live out our Dharma in a world full of endless distractions.

    Key Discussions:

    - Using anxiety as a compass for action

    - Impact of communication shifts on consciousness

    - Dual nature of technology: harm and growth

    - Addiction to distractions and technology

    - Role of artificial intelligence in shaping behavior

    - Importance of conscious awareness in technology use

    - Reclaiming focus and living your Dharma


    Bhagavad Gita: https://www.amazon.com/Bhagavad-Gita/s?k=Bhagavad+Gita

    The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness: https://www.amazon.com/Anxious-Generation-Rewiring-Childhood-Epidemic/dp/0593655036

    The Stand by Stephen King: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Stand-Stephen-King/dp/0517219018

    Connect with Alicia:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aliciakaycoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aliciakaycoaching

    Website: https://www.aliciakaycoaching.com 

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@aliciakaycoaching

    Connect with Erick Godsey:

    Fit for Service Mentally Fit Course: https://fitforservice.com/pages/mentally-fit-course

    YouTube Episode:  Your Shadow is the Gateway to Your Soul - https://youtu.be/Ul1ePOf_ot8?si=0qGLW_1BhUX0MfXX

    The Make Your Myth and The Dharma Journaling Courses:


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/erickgodsey/ 

    Trailer Music Credit

    Alis Reflective Soul, song “Howl”

  • What does it mean to fully embrace your true feminine power? 

    In this episode, I sit down with my soul sister, Sammi, also known as the Profane Priestess on Instagram. We met at an incredible goddess retreat, and she’s inspired me ever since. Sammi embodies the divine feminine in all facets—light, dark, wild, radiant, and free. Her journey is a testament to what happens when we embrace every part of ourselves. 

    Sammi and I dive deep into the importance of storytelling and how it helps women reclaim their narratives. We discuss her coaching program, Bad Girls Club, where she creates a safe, intimate space for women to explore and alchemize their stories. Sammi shares her insights on how society often pushes us to conform and hide our true selves. She emphasizes the need for groundedness and authenticity, especially in the spiritual community, where buzzwords can sometimes overshadow genuine human connection.

    Join us as we explore the transformative power of living fully authentic and not giving a bleep about what other people think! Sammi’s journey reminds us that true freedom comes from embracing all light and dark aspects of ourselves. This episode is a heartfelt conversation about breaking free from societal norms, expressing our true selves, and finding joy in the journey. Don't miss this inspiring discussion that challenges the conventional understanding of spirituality and real feminine power.

    Key Discussions:

    - Embracing full feminine power

    - Meeting Sammi at a goddess retreat

    - Importance of storytelling for women

    - Sammy's Bad Girls Club coaching program

    - Society's pressure to conform

    - Need for groundedness and authenticity

    - Owning both the light and dark sides of ourselves


    The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge: https://www.amazon.com/Teachings-Don-Juan-Yaqui-Knowledge/dp/0671600419

    Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype: https://www.amazon.com/Women-Who-Run-Wolves-Archetype/dp/0345409876

    SoulCraft by Bill Plotkin: https://www.amazon.com/Soulcraft-Crossing-Mysteries-Nature-Psyche/dp/1577314220

    Untamed by Glennon Doyle: https://www.amazon.com/Untamed-Glennon-Doyle-Melton/dp/1984801252

    Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch: https://www.amazon.com/Conversations-God-Uncommon-Dialogue-Bk/dp/0340693258

    The Manuscript with Mary Magdalene: https://www.amazon.com/Magdalen-Manuscript-Alchemies-Horus-Magic/dp/193103205X

    Connect with Alicia:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aliciakaycoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aliciakaycoaching

    Website: https://www.aliciakaycoaching.com 


  • Are you ready to dive into the transformative journey of Kyle Kingsbury? 

    In this episode, I chat with Kyle about his path from a tumultuous childhood and athletic career to spiritual awakening and holistic health advocacy. Kyle shares how he went from being a UFC fighter to a mentor, family man, and spiritual teacher, exploring the three significant stages that shaped his life. We discuss how he overcame personal demons and addictions, to discover the power of inner work, emphasizing the importance of balancing discipline with self-love.

    Kyle delves into his experiences with plant medicines and ancient practices that have profoundly shaped his life. From participating in sweat lodges to embracing the teachings of his mentors, these experiences have been pivotal in his journey. He talks about the challenges he faced and the realizations that came from them, such as the impact of his upbringing and the struggles of his athletic career. These stories illustrate the importance of not giving up and knowing that life is a journey of self-discovery and awakening to your path. 

    In our conversation, Kyle shares his current focus on holistic health and wellness. He explains how integrating physical, mental, and spiritual practices can lead to a fulfilling life. We cover practical steps you can take to optimize your body and mind, and Kyle offers insights on how to create a supportive community and environment. This episode is filled with actionable advice and inspiring stories to help you feel fully alive and free. Tune in and join us on this enlightening journey.

    Key Discussions:

    - Kyle's journey from childhood to UFC fighter

    - Discovering the power of inner work

    - Overcoming personal demons

    - The role of plant medicines and ancient practices

    - Balancing discipline with self-love

    - Holistic health and wellness focus

    - Creating a supportive community


    "Flatten Your Abs Forever" by Paul Chek: https://www.amazon.com/-/es/Paul-Chek/dp/1583870040

    “How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy” by Paul Chek:


    King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine: https://www.amazon.com/King-Warrior-Magician-Lover-Rediscovering/dp/0062506064/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8

    Ziva Meditation:


    Connect with Alicia:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aliciakaycoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aliciakaycoaching

    Website: https://www.aliciakaycoaching.com 

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@aliciakaycoaching

    Connect with Kyle Kingsbury:

    Fit For Service Physically Fit Course: https://fitforservice.com/pages/physically-fit-course


  • Welcome to the first episode of The Alive & Awake Podcast, where I deep dive into my journey of healing and personal alchemy. In this episode, I vulnerably share my story, illustrating my transformative journey from a troubled childhood that included all kinds of abuse, addiction, abandonment, and poverty. I discuss what it took to overcome it all and find my worth in a world built for us to suffer and separate from Source.  With grit and hard-won resiliency, I was determined to heal myself and spend the rest of my life teaching others how to do the same.  

    The conversation further explores my professional life, starting from my early career in trauma and addiction to embracing holistic health practices to free the suffering soul. This has shaped my approach to healing and deepened my understanding of how capable we are to heal ourselves. Throughout the episode, I emphasize the importance of self-exploration, trusting the guidance within, and the journey towards embodying one’s divine purpose. This story invites listeners to reflect on their past and embrace the process of self-discovery while turning personal trials into triumphs.

    Key Topics:

    - Personal story and childhood challenges

    - The importance of self-acceptance and finding purpose

    - Professional growth through mental health struggles

    - Benefits of holistic healing methods like EMDR and parts work

    - How personal healing opens the door to divine destiny

    Connect with Alicia:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aliciakaycoaching/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aliciakaycoaching

    Website: https://www.aliciakaycoaching.com 

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@aliciakaycoaching

    Trailer Music Credit

    Alis Reflective Soul, song “Howl” https://open.spotify.com/track/6FkSVtVl1FZwPRmTKAXLjp?si=401711feb98644d9



  • The Alive and Awake podcast is hosted by Alicia Kay, who is described as a self-motivating hero, holistic ambassador, and expert in the field of trauma.

    The podcast aims to help listeners question their beliefs about themselves, the world, and what is possible by working through their wounds, reclaiming their worth, and awakening to the truth of their divinity.

    Each week the podcast takes listeners on a journey to understanding oneself by diving deep into the practical, spiritual, and mystical ways to save oneself from the misconceptions of this modern world, in a deep, expansive, soul-fulfilling way. Her motto: You were born worthy enough to receive all of your heart’s desires, now let’s remove what’s in the way of you believing it.